Tclwebtest is a tool to write automated tests for web applications.
It provides a simple API for issuing http requests, dealing with the
result and assume specific response values, while taking care of the
details such as redirects and cookies. 

It has some basic html parsing functionality, to provide access to 
elements of the result html page that are needed for testing. 

TclWebtest should be suitable for testing larger chains of user
interaction on a web application, for example a full ecommerce 
ordering session. 

Tclwebtest could visit an ecommerce site as 
anonymous user, add some products to its shopping cart, check out
the cart, register itself as user and enter a test address etc. 
The test script could also include the administration part of the 
interaction, by explicitely logging in as site admin, reviewing and
processing the order, nuking the test user etc.