This port provides these Truetype fonts for use with Linux programs:
URW-Avantgarde-book and -demibold
URW-Bookman L-demi bold and -light
URW-Bookman-demibold and -light
URW-Century Schoolbook L-bold and -medium
URW-New Century Schoolbook-bold and -medium
URW-Chancery L-medium
URW-Courier-bold and -medium
URW-Gothic L-book and -demi bold
URW-Helvetica-bold and -medium
URW-New Century Schoolbook-bold and -medium
URW-Nimbus Mono L-bold and -medium
URW-Nimbus Roman No9
URW-Nimbus Sans L-bold and -medium
URW-Palatino-bold and -medium
URW-Palladio L-bold and -medium
URW-Standard Symbols L-medium
URW-Times-bold and -medium
URW-Zapf Chancery-medium
URW-Zapf Dingbats-medium' title='freebsd-ports-gnome Git repository'/>