There are currently twentyone color schemes. Eight are modified versions of previous color schemes by me, clearlooks-devel, and Ubuntu, where I've made the widgets a little darker while allowing the scrollbars to remain the normal background color (more or less). These include, and in the future may not be limited to: Clearlooks-4Humans ClearlooksM Clearlooks-DeepSkyM Clearlooks-OliveM Clearlooks-Decaf_Coffee Clearlooks-Gull Clearlooks-Lucidity Others are: Clearlooks-Ana Clearlooks-Bluey (Bluecurve) Clearlooks-Coffee Clearlooks-Etiquette Clearlooks-Glider Clearlooks-Lila Clearlooks-Milk Clearlooks-Nuvola Clearlooks-Phacile_blue Clearlooks-Ubuntu WWW: