path: root/lang/gcc44
29'>229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292
/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */
#ifndef _E_TABLE_H_
#define _E_TABLE_H_

#include <libgnomeui/gnome-canvas.h>
#include <gtk/gtktable.h>
#include <gnome-xml/tree.h>
#include <gal/e-table/e-table-model.h>
#include <gal/e-table/e-table-header.h>
#include <gal/e-table/e-table-group.h>
#include <gal/e-table/e-table-sort-info.h>
#include <gal/e-table/e-table-item.h>
#include <gal/e-table/e-table-selection-model.h>
#include <gal/e-table/e-table-extras.h>
#include <gal/e-table/e-table-specification.h>
#include <gal/widgets/e-printable.h>
#include <gal/e-table/e-table-state.h>


#define E_TABLE_TYPE        (e_table_get_type ())
#define E_TABLE(o)          (GTK_CHECK_CAST ((o), E_TABLE_TYPE, ETable))
#define E_TABLE_CLASS(k)    (GTK_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((k), E_TABLE_TYPE, ETableClass))
#define E_IS_TABLE(o)       (GTK_CHECK_TYPE ((o), E_TABLE_TYPE))

typedef struct _ETableDragSourceSite ETableDragSourceSite;

typedef enum {
} ETableCursorLoc;

typedef struct {
    GtkTable parent;

    ETableModel *model;

    ETableHeader *full_header, *header;

    GnomeCanvasItem *canvas_vbox;
    ETableGroup  *group;

    ETableSortInfo *sort_info;
    ETableSorter   *sorter;

    ETableSelectionModel *selection;
    ETableCursorLoc cursor_loc;
    ETableSpecification *spec;

    int table_model_change_id;
    int table_row_change_id;
    int table_cell_change_id;
    int table_rows_inserted_id;
    int table_rows_deleted_id;

    int group_info_change_id;

    int reflow_idle_id;

    GnomeCanvas *header_canvas, *table_canvas;

    GnomeCanvasItem *header_item, *root;

    GnomeCanvasItem *white_item;

    gint length_threshold;

    gint rebuild_idle_id;
    guint need_rebuild:1;

     * Configuration settings
    guint alternating_row_colors : 1;
    guint horizontal_draw_grid : 1;
    guint vertical_draw_grid : 1;
    guint draw_focus : 1;
    guint row_selection_active : 1;

    guint horizontal_scrolling : 1;

    guint is_grouped : 1;
    char *click_to_add_message;
    GnomeCanvasItem *click_to_add;
    gboolean use_click_to_add;

    ECursorMode cursor_mode;

    int drag_get_data_row;
    int drag_get_data_col;

    int drop_row;
    int drop_col;

    int drag_row;
    int drag_col;
    ETableDragSourceSite *site;
    int drag_source_button_press_event_id;
    int drag_source_motion_notify_event_id;
} ETable;

typedef struct {
    GtkTableClass parent_class;

    void        (*cursor_change)      (ETable *et, int row);
    void        (*cursor_activated)   (ETable *et, int row);
    void        (*selection_change)   (ETable *et);
    void        (*double_click)       (ETable *et, int row, int col, GdkEvent *event);
    gint        (*right_click)        (ETable *et, int row, int col, GdkEvent *event);
    gint        (*click)              (ETable *et, int row, int col, GdkEvent *event);
    gint        (*key_press)          (ETable *et, int row, int col, GdkEvent *event);

    void  (*set_scroll_adjustments)   (ETable    *table,
                       GtkAdjustment *hadjustment,
                       GtkAdjustment *vadjustment);

    /* Source side drag signals */
    void (* table_drag_begin)              (ETable         *table,
                            int                 row,
                            int                 col,
                            GdkDragContext     *context);
    void (* table_drag_end)            (ETable         *table,
                        int                 row,
                        int                 col,
                        GdkDragContext     *context);
    void (* table_drag_data_get)             (ETable             *table,
                          int                 row,
                          int                 col,
                          GdkDragContext     *context,
                          GtkSelectionData   *selection_data,
                          guint               info,
                          guint               time);
    void (* table_drag_data_delete)          (ETable           *table,
                          int                 row,
                          int                 col,
                          GdkDragContext     *context);
    /* Target side drag signals */     
    void (* table_drag_leave)              (ETable         *table,
                            int                 row,
                            int                 col,
                            GdkDragContext     *context,
                            guint               time);
    gboolean (* table_drag_motion)           (ETable           *table,
                          int                 row,
                          int                 col,
                          GdkDragContext     *context,
                          gint                x,
                          gint                y,
                          guint               time);
    gboolean (* table_drag_drop)             (ETable           *table,
                          int                 row,
                          int                 col,
                          GdkDragContext     *context,
                          gint                x,
                          gint                y,
                          guint               time);
    void (* table_drag_data_received)        (ETable             *table,
                          int                 row,
                          int                 col,
                          GdkDragContext     *context,
                          gint                x,
                          gint                y,
                          GtkSelectionData   *selection_data,
                          guint               info,
                          guint               time);
} ETableClass;

GtkType         e_table_get_type                  (void);

ETable         *e_table_construct                 (ETable               *e_table,
                           ETableModel          *etm,
                           ETableExtras         *ete,
                           const char           *spec,
                           const char           *state);
GtkWidget      *e_table_new                       (ETableModel          *etm,
                           ETableExtras         *ete,
                           const char           *spec,
                           const char           *state);

/* Create an ETable using files. */
ETable         *e_table_construct_from_spec_file  (ETable               *e_table,
                           ETableModel          *etm,
                           ETableExtras         *ete,
                           const char           *spec_fn,
                           const char           *state_fn);
GtkWidget      *e_table_new_from_spec_file        (ETableModel          *etm,
                           ETableExtras         *ete,
                           const char           *spec_fn,
                           const char           *state_fn);

/* To save the state */
gchar          *e_table_get_state                 (ETable               *e_table);
void            e_table_save_state                (ETable               *e_table,
                           const gchar          *filename);
ETableState    *e_table_get_state_object          (ETable               *e_table);

/* note that it is more efficient to provide the state at creation time */
void            e_table_set_state                 (ETable               *e_table,
                           const gchar          *state);
void            e_table_set_state_object          (ETable               *e_table,
                           ETableState          *state);
void            e_table_load_state                (ETable               *e_table,
                           const gchar          *filename);

void            e_table_set_cursor_row            (ETable               *e_table,
                           int                   row);

/* -1 means we don't have the cursor. */
int             e_table_get_cursor_row            (ETable               *e_table);
void            e_table_selected_row_foreach      (ETable               *e_table,
                           EForeachFunc          callback,
                           gpointer              closure);
gint            e_table_selected_count            (ETable               *e_table);
EPrintable     *e_table_get_printable             (ETable               *e_table);

gint            e_table_get_next_row              (ETable               *e_table,
                           gint                  model_row);
gint            e_table_get_prev_row              (ETable               *e_table,
                           gint                  model_row);

gint            e_table_model_to_view_row         (ETable               *e_table,
                           gint                  model_row);
gint            e_table_view_to_model_row         (ETable               *e_table,
                           gint                  view_row);
void            e_table_get_cell_at               (ETable *table,
                           int x, int y,
                           int *row_return, int *col_return);

void            e_table_get_cell_geometry         (ETable *table,
                           int row, int col,
                           int *x_return, int *y_return,
                           int *width_return, int *height_return);

/* Drag & drop stuff. */
/* Target */
void            e_table_drag_get_data             (ETable               *table,
                           int                   row,
                           int                   col,
                           GdkDragContext       *context,
                           GdkAtom               target,
                           guint32               time);
void            e_table_drag_highlight            (ETable               *table,
                           int                   row,
                           int                   col); /* col == -1 to highlight entire row. */
void            e_table_drag_unhighlight          (ETable               *table);
void            e_table_drag_dest_set             (ETable               *table,
                           GtkDestDefaults       flags,
                           const GtkTargetEntry *targets,
                           gint                  n_targets,
                           GdkDragAction         actions);
void            e_table_drag_dest_set_proxy       (ETable               *table,
                           GdkWindow            *proxy_window,
                           GdkDragProtocol       protocol,
                           gboolean              use_coordinates);

/* There probably should be functions for setting the targets
 * as a GtkTargetList
void            e_table_drag_dest_unset           (GtkWidget            *widget);

/* Source side */
void            e_table_drag_source_set           (ETable               *table,
                           GdkModifierType       start_button_mask,
                           const GtkTargetEntry *targets,
                           gint                  n_targets,
                           GdkDragAction         actions);
void            e_table_drag_source_unset         (ETable               *table);

/* There probably should be functions for setting the targets
 * as a GtkTargetList
GdkDragContext *e_table_drag_begin                (ETable               *table,
                           int                   row,
                           int                   col,
                           GtkTargetList        *targets,
                           GdkDragAction         actions,
                           gint                  button,
                           GdkEvent             *event);

/* selection stuff */
void            e_table_select_all                (ETable               *table);
void            e_table_invert_selection          (ETable               *table);


#endif /* _E_TABLE_H_ */