path: root/math/fxt/distinfo
blob: 13968b051cf8527d01bbdce4ad2517988cd0b83c (plain) (blame)
SHA256 (fxt-2012.06.18.tgz) = d35cdfb949cb4b5a149c3becbd10e4b57698f92b406364b49c10591f6653efd8
SIZE (fxt-2012.06.18.tgz) = 1401246
-10/+8 * Add NO_STAGE all over the place in preparation for the staging support (cat: ...bapt2013-09-211-0/+1 * - Fix build with perl 5.12 relying on devel/p5-ExtUtils-MakeMakeraz2013-08-252-1/+9 * Update to 1.48mat2013-08-212-6/+3 * - Convert to new perl frameworkmat2013-08-031-6/+3 * - Remove SITE_PERL from *_DEPENDSjadawin2012-06-121-2/+2 * - update png to 1.5.10dinoex2012-06-011-1/+1 * At the moment 1385 ports use BUILD_DEPENDS= ${RUN_DEPENDS} and 450eadler2012-01-221-1/+1 * - Replace ../../authors in MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR with CPAN:CPANID macro.az2011-09-081-1/+1