path: root/deskutils/cairo-dock-plugins/files
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deskutils/cairo-dock-plugins/files')
5 files changed, 115 insertions, 1328 deletions
diff --git a/deskutils/cairo-dock-plugins/files/patch-CMakeLists.txt b/deskutils/cairo-dock-plugins/files/patch-CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..736b8ac4f85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deskutils/cairo-dock-plugins/files/patch-CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+--- CMakeLists.txt.orig 2011-01-07 23:03:06.000000000 +0200
++++ CMakeLists.txt 2011-01-07 23:42:55.000000000 +0200
+@@ -121,19 +121,6 @@
+ configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Clipper/data/Clipper.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Clipper/data/Clipper.conf)
+ add_subdirectory (Clipper)
+-############# CLOCK #################
+-pkg_check_modules ("LIBICAL_PACKAGE" "libical")
+- message (STATUS "Could not find libical; Clock plugin won't be built with iCal support.")
+-set (VERSION_CLOCK "2.1.1")
+-set (PACKAGE_CLOCK "cd-clock")
+-set (clockuserdirname "clock")
+-set (clockdatadir "${pluginsdatadir}/clock")
+-configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/clock/data/clock.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/clock/data/clock.conf)
+-add_subdirectory (clock)
+ ############# COMPIZ_ICON #################
+ set (VERSION_COMPIZ_ICON "1.1.5")
+@@ -299,6 +286,7 @@
+ endif()
+ ############# KEYBOARD_INDICATOR #################
++if (NOT "${enable_keyboard_indicator}" STREQUAL "no")
+ pkg_check_modules (KEYBOARD_INDICATOR_PACKAGE libxklavier)
+ message (STATUS "Could not find libxklavier; Cairo-Dock won't be built with keyboard-indicator applet.")
+@@ -310,6 +298,7 @@
+ configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/keyboard-indicator/data/keyboard-indicator.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/keyboard-indicator/data/keyboard-indicator.conf)
+ add_subdirectory ("keyboard-indicator")
+ endif()
+ ############# LOGOUT #################
+@@ -546,6 +535,7 @@
+ add_subdirectory (systray)
+ ############# TERMINAL #################
++if (NOT "${enable_terminal}" STREQUAL "no")
+ pkg_check_modules (TERMINAL_PACKAGE vte)
+ message (STATUS "Could not find libvte; Cairo-Dock won't be built with terminal applet.")
+@@ -557,6 +547,7 @@
+ configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/terminal/data/terminal.conf.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/terminal/data/terminal.conf)
+ add_subdirectory (terminal)
+ endif()
+ ############# TOMBOY #################
+@@ -585,6 +576,7 @@
+ add_subdirectory (weather)
+ ############# WEBLETS #################
++if (NOT "${enable_weblets}" STREQUAL "no")
+ pkg_check_modules (WEBKIT webkit-1.0)
+ if (NOT "${enable_weblets}" STREQUAL "no")
+@@ -598,6 +590,7 @@
+ add_subdirectory ("weblets")
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ ############# WIFI #################
diff --git a/deskutils/cairo-dock-plugins/files/patch-Makefile.am b/deskutils/cairo-dock-plugins/files/patch-Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644
index 36531ec92e5..00000000000
--- a/deskutils/cairo-dock-plugins/files/patch-Makefile.am
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,618 +0,0 @@
---- Animated-icons/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:44:57.000000000 +0300
-+++ Animated-icons/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 22:47:52.000000000 +0300
-@@ -49,9 +49,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.svg"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_Animated_icons_la_LIBADD = \
---- Cairo-Penguin/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:01.000000000 +0300
-+++ Cairo-Penguin/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 22:48:06.000000000 +0300
-@@ -35,9 +35,7 @@
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_Cairo_Penguin_la_LIBADD = \
---- Clipper/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:04.000000000 +0300
-+++ Clipper/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 22:48:19.000000000 +0300
-@@ -31,9 +31,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.svg"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_Clipper_la_LIBADD = \
---- Dbus/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:07.000000000 +0300
-+++ Dbus/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 22:48:34.000000000 +0300
-@@ -40,9 +40,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.svg"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_Dbus_la_LIBADD = \
---- GMenu/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:11.000000000 +0300
-+++ GMenu/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 22:48:48.000000000 +0300
-@@ -46,9 +46,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.svg"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_GMenu_la_LIBADD = \
---- Network-Monitor/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:14.000000000 +0300
-+++ Network-Monitor/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 22:49:00.000000000 +0300
-@@ -40,9 +40,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_Network_Monitor_la_LIBADD = \
---- RSSreader/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:18.000000000 +0300
-+++ RSSreader/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 22:49:12.000000000 +0300
-@@ -33,9 +33,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.svg"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_RSSreader_la_LIBADD = \
---- Scooby-Do/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:21.000000000 +0300
-+++ Scooby-Do/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 22:49:30.000000000 +0300
-@@ -51,9 +51,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_Scooby_Do_la_LIBADD = \
---- System-Monitor/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:24.000000000 +0300
-+++ System-Monitor/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 22:49:47.000000000 +0300
-@@ -39,9 +39,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_System_Monitor_la_LIBADD = \
---- Toons/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:29.000000000 +0300
-+++ Toons/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 22:49:59.000000000 +0300
-@@ -35,9 +35,7 @@
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_Toons_la_LIBADD = \
---- Xgamma/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:32.000000000 +0300
-+++ Xgamma/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 22:50:14.000000000 +0300
-@@ -32,9 +32,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_Xgamma_la_LIBADD = \
---- alsaMixer/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:35.000000000 +0300
-+++ alsaMixer/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 22:50:26.000000000 +0300
-@@ -34,9 +34,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_AlsaMixer_la_LIBADD = \
---- clock/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:38.000000000 +0300
-+++ clock/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 22:50:41.000000000 +0300
-@@ -37,9 +37,7 @@
- -std=c99\
-- -Wall\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Wall
- libcd_clock_la_LIBADD = \
---- compiz-icon/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:41.000000000 +0300
-+++ compiz-icon/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 22:50:56.000000000 +0300
-@@ -33,9 +33,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_compiz_icon_la_LIBADD = \
---- desklet-rendering/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:44.000000000 +0300
-+++ desklet-rendering/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 22:51:09.000000000 +0300
-@@ -43,10 +43,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.svg"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -Wno-unused-parameter
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_desklet_rendering_la_LIBADD = \
---- dialog-rendering/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:47.000000000 +0300
-+++ dialog-rendering/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 22:51:23.000000000 +0300
-@@ -39,9 +39,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.svg"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_dialog_rendering_la_LIBADD = \
---- dnd2share/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:53.000000000 +0300
-+++ dnd2share/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 22:51:35.000000000 +0300
-@@ -46,9 +46,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_dnd2share_la_LIBADD = \
---- dock-rendering/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:55.000000000 +0300
-+++ dock-rendering/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 22:51:47.000000000 +0300
-@@ -43,10 +43,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.svg"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -Wno-unused-parameter
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_rendering_la_LIBADD = \
---- drop-indicator/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:58.000000000 +0300
-+++ drop-indicator/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 22:52:04.000000000 +0300
-@@ -32,11 +32,9 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DEFAULT_DROP_INDICATOR_NAME=\""default-drop-indicator.svg"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_DEFAULT_HOVER_INDICATOR_NAME=\""default-hover-indicator.svg"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_MASK_INDICATOR_NAME=\""texture-bilinear-gradation.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_drop_indicator_la_LIBADD = \
---- dustbin/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ dustbin/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 22:52:21.000000000 +0300
-@@ -31,9 +31,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
-- -std=c99\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -std=c99
- libcd_dustbin_la_LIBADD = \
---- gnome-integration/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:03.000000000 +0300
-+++ gnome-integration/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 22:52:34.000000000 +0300
-@@ -29,9 +29,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_gnome_integration_la_LIBADD = \
---- gnome-integration-old/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:06.000000000 +0300
-+++ gnome-integration-old/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 22:56:05.000000000 +0300
-@@ -29,9 +29,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.svg"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_gnome_integration_old_la_LIBADD = \
---- icon-effect/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:09.000000000 +0300
-+++ icon-effect/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 22:56:29.000000000 +0300
-@@ -41,11 +41,9 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_icon_effect_la_LIBADD = \
---- illusion/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:12.000000000 +0300
-+++ illusion/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 22:57:15.000000000 +0300
-@@ -42,9 +42,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.svg"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_illusion_la_LIBADD = \
---- kde-integration/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:15.000000000 +0300
-+++ kde-integration/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 23:00:39.000000000 +0300
-@@ -29,9 +29,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_kde_integration_la_LIBADD = \
---- keyboard-indicator/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:18.000000000 +0300
-+++ keyboard-indicator/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 23:01:19.000000000 +0300
-@@ -34,9 +34,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_keyboard_indicator_la_LIBADD = \
---- logout/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:21.000000000 +0300
-+++ logout/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 23:01:32.000000000 +0300
-@@ -28,9 +28,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.svg"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_logout_la_LIBADD = \
---- mail/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:25.000000000 +0300
-+++ mail/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 23:01:53.000000000 +0300
-@@ -36,10 +36,7 @@
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -g -ggdb -W
--# -fgnu89-inline\
--# -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_mail_la_LIBADD = \
---- motion-blur/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:28.000000000 +0300
-+++ motion-blur/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 23:02:08.000000000 +0300
-@@ -29,9 +29,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_motion_blur_la_LIBADD = \
---- musicPlayer/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:31.000000000 +0300
-+++ musicPlayer/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 23:02:23.000000000 +0300
-@@ -65,9 +65,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_musicPlayer_la_LIBADD = \
---- netspeed/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:34.000000000 +0300
-+++ netspeed/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 23:02:41.000000000 +0300
-@@ -32,9 +32,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_netspeed_la_LIBADD = \
---- powermanager/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:38.000000000 +0300
-+++ powermanager/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 23:03:01.000000000 +0300
-@@ -32,9 +32,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_powermanager_la_LIBADD = \
---- quick-browser/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:41.000000000 +0300
-+++ quick-browser/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 23:03:34.000000000 +0300
-@@ -32,9 +32,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.svg"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_quick_browser_la_LIBADD = \
---- shortcuts/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:44.000000000 +0300
-+++ shortcuts/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 23:04:56.000000000 +0300
-@@ -35,9 +35,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_shortcuts_la_LIBADD = \
---- show-mouse/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:47.000000000 +0300
-+++ show-mouse/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 23:05:13.000000000 +0300
-@@ -29,11 +29,9 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_show_mouse_la_LIBADD = \
---- showDesktop/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:49.000000000 +0300
-+++ showDesktop/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 23:05:30.000000000 +0300
-@@ -35,9 +35,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_showDesktop_la_LIBADD = \
---- slider/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:52.000000000 +0300
-+++ slider/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 23:05:47.000000000 +0300
-@@ -41,9 +41,7 @@
- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -std=c99\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -std=c99
- libcd_slider_la_LIBADD = \
---- stack/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:54.000000000 +0300
-+++ stack/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 23:05:59.000000000 +0300
-@@ -36,9 +36,7 @@
- -DCD_STACK_DEFAULT_URL_ICON=\""url-icon.svg"\"\
- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -std=c99\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -std=c99
- libcd_stack_la_LIBADD = \
---- switcher/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:57.000000000 +0300
-+++ switcher/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 23:06:49.000000000 +0300
-@@ -35,9 +35,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""workspaces.svg"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_switcher_la_LIBADD = \
---- systray/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:47:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ systray/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 23:07:44.000000000 +0300
-@@ -31,12 +31,10 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_USER_DATA_DIR=\""systray"\"\
-- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
-+ -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall -W -Werror
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_systray_la_LIBADD = \
---- terminal/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:47:12.000000000 +0300
-+++ terminal/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 23:08:39.000000000 +0300
-@@ -33,9 +33,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall -W -Werror
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_terminal_la_LIBADD = \
---- tomboy/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:47:15.000000000 +0300
-+++ tomboy/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 23:08:52.000000000 +0300
-@@ -32,10 +32,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
-- -std=c99\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -std=c99
- libcd_tomboy_la_LIBADD = \
---- weather/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:47:17.000000000 +0300
-+++ weather/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 23:09:05.000000000 +0300
-@@ -33,9 +33,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_weather_la_LIBADD = \
---- weblets/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:47:22.000000000 +0300
-+++ weblets/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 23:09:27.000000000 +0300
-@@ -29,11 +29,9 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_weblets_la_LIBADD = \
---- wifi/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:47:25.000000000 +0300
-+++ wifi/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 23:09:41.000000000 +0300
-@@ -33,9 +33,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_wifi_la_LIBADD = \
---- xfce-integration/src/Makefile.am.orig 2010-05-05 22:47:28.000000000 +0300
-+++ xfce-integration/src/Makefile.am 2010-05-05 23:09:54.000000000 +0300
-@@ -29,9 +29,7 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- libcd_xfce_integration_la_LIBADD = \
diff --git a/deskutils/cairo-dock-plugins/files/patch-Makefile.in b/deskutils/cairo-dock-plugins/files/patch-Makefile.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a88474755b..00000000000
--- a/deskutils/cairo-dock-plugins/files/patch-Makefile.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,659 +0,0 @@
---- Animated-icons/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:44:57.000000000 +0300
-+++ Animated-icons/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 22:47:58.000000000 +0300
-@@ -507,10 +507,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.svg"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_Animated_icons_la_LIBADD = \
---- Cairo-Penguin/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:01.000000000 +0300
-+++ Cairo-Penguin/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 22:48:12.000000000 +0300
-@@ -485,10 +485,8 @@
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_Cairo_Penguin_la_LIBADD = \
---- Clipper/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:04.000000000 +0300
-+++ Clipper/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 22:48:26.000000000 +0300
-@@ -478,10 +478,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.svg"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_Clipper_la_LIBADD = \
---- Dbus/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:07.000000000 +0300
-+++ Dbus/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 22:48:42.000000000 +0300
-@@ -489,10 +489,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.svg"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_Dbus_la_LIBADD = \
---- GMenu/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:11.000000000 +0300
-+++ GMenu/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 22:48:53.000000000 +0300
-@@ -494,10 +494,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.svg"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_GMenu_la_LIBADD = \
- $(PACKAGE_LIBS) -lm\
---- Network-Monitor/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:14.000000000 +0300
-+++ Network-Monitor/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 22:49:05.000000000 +0300
-@@ -495,10 +495,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_Network_Monitor_la_LIBADD = \
---- RSSreader/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:18.000000000 +0300
-+++ RSSreader/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 22:49:17.000000000 +0300
-@@ -482,10 +482,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.svg"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_RSSreader_la_LIBADD = \
---- Scooby-Do/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:21.000000000 +0300
-+++ Scooby-Do/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 22:49:36.000000000 +0300
-@@ -509,10 +509,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_Scooby_Do_la_LIBADD = \
---- System-Monitor/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:24.000000000 +0300
-+++ System-Monitor/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 22:49:52.000000000 +0300
-@@ -493,10 +493,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_System_Monitor_la_LIBADD = \
---- Toons/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:29.000000000 +0300
-+++ Toons/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 22:50:05.000000000 +0300
-@@ -482,10 +482,8 @@
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_Toons_la_LIBADD = \
---- Xgamma/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:32.000000000 +0300
-+++ Xgamma/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 22:50:19.000000000 +0300
-@@ -480,10 +480,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_Xgamma_la_LIBADD = \
- $(PACKAGE_LIBS) -lm \
---- alsaMixer/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:35.000000000 +0300
-+++ alsaMixer/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 22:50:31.000000000 +0300
-@@ -484,10 +484,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_AlsaMixer_la_LIBADD = \
---- clock/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:38.000000000 +0300
-+++ clock/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 22:50:49.000000000 +0300
-@@ -485,10 +485,8 @@
- -std=c99\
-- -Wall\
-- -O3
-+ -Wall
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_clock_la_LIBADD = \
---- compiz-icon/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:41.000000000 +0300
-+++ compiz-icon/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 22:51:02.000000000 +0300
-@@ -482,10 +482,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_compiz_icon_la_LIBADD = \
---- desklet-rendering/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:44.000000000 +0300
-+++ desklet-rendering/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 22:51:17.000000000 +0300
-@@ -499,11 +499,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.svg"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -Wno-unused-parameter
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_desklet_rendering_la_LIBADD = \
- $(glitz_libs) \
---- dialog-rendering/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:47.000000000 +0300
-+++ dialog-rendering/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 22:51:28.000000000 +0300
-@@ -493,10 +493,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.svg"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_dialog_rendering_la_LIBADD = \
---- dnd2share/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:53.000000000 +0300
-+++ dnd2share/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 22:51:40.000000000 +0300
-@@ -502,10 +502,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_dnd2share_la_LIBADD = \
---- dock-rendering/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:55.000000000 +0300
-+++ dock-rendering/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 22:51:52.000000000 +0300
-@@ -497,11 +497,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.svg"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -Wno-unused-parameter
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_rendering_la_LIBADD = \
- $(glitz_libs) \
---- drop-indicator/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:45:58.000000000 +0300
-+++ drop-indicator/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 22:52:15.000000000 +0300
-@@ -481,12 +481,10 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DEFAULT_DROP_INDICATOR_NAME=\""default-drop-indicator.svg"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_DEFAULT_HOVER_INDICATOR_NAME=\""default-hover-indicator.svg"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_MASK_INDICATOR_NAME=\""texture-bilinear-gradation.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_drop_indicator_la_LIBADD = \
---- dustbin/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ dustbin/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 22:52:26.000000000 +0300
-@@ -479,10 +479,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
-- -std=c99\
-- -O3
-+ -std=c99
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_dustbin_la_LIBADD = \
---- gnome-integration/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:03.000000000 +0300
-+++ gnome-integration/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 22:52:40.000000000 +0300
-@@ -479,10 +479,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_gnome_integration_la_LIBADD = \
---- gnome-integration-old/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:06.000000000 +0300
-+++ gnome-integration-old/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 22:56:16.000000000 +0300
-@@ -479,10 +479,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.svg"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_gnome_integration_old_la_LIBADD = \
---- icon-effect/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:09.000000000 +0300
-+++ icon-effect/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 22:56:42.000000000 +0300
-@@ -494,12 +494,10 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_icon_effect_la_LIBADD = \
---- illusion/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:12.000000000 +0300
-+++ illusion/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 22:57:24.000000000 +0300
-@@ -496,10 +496,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.svg"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_illusion_la_LIBADD = \
---- kde-integration/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:15.000000000 +0300
-+++ kde-integration/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 23:00:45.000000000 +0300
-@@ -479,10 +479,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_kde_integration_la_LIBADD = \
---- keyboard-indicator/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:18.000000000 +0300
-+++ keyboard-indicator/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 23:01:25.000000000 +0300
-@@ -486,10 +486,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_keyboard_indicator_la_LIBADD = \
- $(PACKAGE_LIBS) -lm\
---- logout/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:21.000000000 +0300
-+++ logout/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 23:01:38.000000000 +0300
-@@ -475,10 +475,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.svg"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_logout_la_LIBADD = \
---- mail/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:25.000000000 +0300
-+++ mail/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 23:02:01.000000000 +0300
-@@ -485,11 +485,8 @@
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -g -ggdb -W
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -fgnu89-inline\
--# -O3
- libcd_mail_la_LIBADD = \
- $(PACKAGE_LIBS) -lm \
---- motion-blur/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:28.000000000 +0300
-+++ motion-blur/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 23:02:14.000000000 +0300
-@@ -476,10 +476,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_motion_blur_la_LIBADD = \
---- musicPlayer/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:31.000000000 +0300
-+++ musicPlayer/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 23:02:31.000000000 +0300
-@@ -530,10 +530,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_musicPlayer_la_LIBADD = \
---- netspeed/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:34.000000000 +0300
-+++ netspeed/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 23:02:46.000000000 +0300
-@@ -480,10 +480,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_netspeed_la_LIBADD = \
---- powermanager/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:38.000000000 +0300
-+++ powermanager/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 23:03:06.000000000 +0300
-@@ -483,10 +483,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_powermanager_la_LIBADD = \
---- quick-browser/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:41.000000000 +0300
-+++ quick-browser/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 23:04:49.000000000 +0300
-@@ -481,10 +481,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.svg"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_quick_browser_la_LIBADD = \
---- shortcuts/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:44.000000000 +0300
-+++ shortcuts/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 23:05:02.000000000 +0300
-@@ -486,10 +486,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_shortcuts_la_LIBADD = \
---- show-mouse/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:47.000000000 +0300
-+++ show-mouse/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 23:05:22.000000000 +0300
-@@ -476,12 +476,10 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_show_mouse_la_LIBADD = \
---- showDesktop/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:49.000000000 +0300
-+++ showDesktop/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 23:05:38.000000000 +0300
-@@ -480,10 +480,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_showDesktop_la_LIBADD = \
- $(PACKAGE_LIBS) -lm\
---- slider/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:52.000000000 +0300
-+++ slider/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 23:05:53.000000000 +0300
-@@ -487,10 +487,8 @@
- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -std=c99\
-- -O3
-+ -std=c99
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_slider_la_LIBADD = \
- $(EXIF_LIBS) \
---- stack/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:54.000000000 +0300
-+++ stack/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 23:06:41.000000000 +0300
-@@ -484,10 +484,8 @@
- -DCD_STACK_DEFAULT_URL_ICON=\""url-icon.svg"\"\
- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -std=c99\
-- -O3
-+ -std=c99
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_stack_la_LIBADD = \
---- switcher/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:46:57.000000000 +0300
-+++ switcher/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 23:07:14.000000000 +0300
-@@ -485,10 +485,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""workspaces.svg"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_switcher_la_LIBADD = \
---- systray/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:47:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ systray/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 23:08:05.000000000 +0300
-@@ -481,13 +481,11 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_USER_DATA_DIR=\""systray"\"\
-- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
-+ -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall -W -Werror
- libcd_systray_la_LIBADD = \
---- terminal/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:47:12.000000000 +0300
-+++ terminal/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 23:08:45.000000000 +0300
-@@ -484,10 +484,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall -W -Werror
- libcd_terminal_la_LIBADD = \
- $(PACKAGE_LIBS) -lm \
---- tomboy/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:47:15.000000000 +0300
-+++ tomboy/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 23:08:59.000000000 +0300
-@@ -480,11 +480,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
-- -std=c99\
-- -O3
-+ -std=c99
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_tomboy_la_LIBADD = \
---- weather/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:47:17.000000000 +0300
-+++ weather/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 23:09:11.000000000 +0300
-@@ -482,10 +482,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_weather_la_LIBADD = \
---- weblets/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:47:22.000000000 +0300
-+++ weblets/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 23:09:34.000000000 +0300
-@@ -823,8 +823,7 @@
- #dnl Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
- # Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables.
- # Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.
---- wifi/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:47:25.000000000 +0300
-+++ wifi/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 23:09:47.000000000 +0300
-@@ -480,10 +480,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_wifi_la_LIBADD = \
---- xfce-integration/src/Makefile.in.orig 2010-05-05 22:47:28.000000000 +0300
-+++ xfce-integration/src/Makefile.in 2010-05-05 23:09:59.000000000 +0300
-@@ -479,10 +479,8 @@
- -DMY_APPLET_DOCK_VERSION=\""$(dock_version)"\"\
- -DMY_APPLET_ICON_FILE=\""icon.png"\"\
- -std=c99\
-- -Werror-implicit-function-declaration\
-- -O3
-+ -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
--# -g -ggdb -W -Wall
- libcd_xfce_integration_la_LIBADD = \
diff --git a/deskutils/cairo-dock-plugins/files/patch-shortcuts b/deskutils/cairo-dock-plugins/files/patch-shortcuts
index 5cb08f67ccb..29df920ea1e 100644
--- a/deskutils/cairo-dock-plugins/files/patch-shortcuts
+++ b/deskutils/cairo-dock-plugins/files/patch-shortcuts
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
---- shortcuts/src/applet-disk-usage.c 2009-09-27 19:14:51.000000000 +0300
-+++ shortcuts/src/applet-disk-usage.c 2010-02-03 22:25:09.000000000 +0200
+--- shortcuts/src/applet-disk-usage.c.orig 2010-12-11 02:13:37.000000000 +0200
++++ shortcuts/src/applet-disk-usage.c 2010-12-11 02:21:43.000000000 +0200
@@ -18,10 +18,18 @@
@@ -18,67 +18,61 @@
+#include <mntent.h>
+#include <sys/statfs.h>
+ #include <math.h>
#include <cairo-dock.h>
-@@ -178,18 +186,50 @@
- void cd_shortcuts_get_fs_info (const gchar *cDiskURI, GString *sInfo)
+@@ -160,12 +168,44 @@
+ static void _cd_shortcuts_get_fs_info (const gchar *cDiskURI, GString *sInfo)
const gchar *cMountPath = (strncmp (cDiskURI, "file://", 7) == 0 ? cDiskURI + 7 : cDiskURI);
+- struct mntent *me;
+- FILE *mtab = setmntent ("/etc/mtab", "r");
+#if defined(__FreeBSD__)
-+ struct statfs *me;
-+// FILE *mtab;
++ struct statfs *me;
++// FILE *mtab;
- struct mntent *me;
- FILE *mtab = setmntent ("/etc/mtab", "r");
++ struct mntent *me;
++ FILE *mtab = setmntent ("/etc/mtab", "r");
char *search_path;
int match;
char *slash;
+#if defined(__FreeBSD__)
-+ int i;
-+ int count = getfsstat(me, NULL, MNT_WAIT);
-+// int count = getfsstat(me, NULL, MNT_NOWAIT);
-+ if (count>0)
-+ {
-+ for (i=0; i<count; i++)
-+ {
-+ if (me->f_mntonname && strcmp (me->f_mntonname, cMountPath) == 0)
-+ {
-+ g_string_append_printf (sInfo, "Mount point : %s\nFile system : %s\nDevice : %s\nMount options : %s",
-+ me->f_mntonname,
-+ me->f_mntfromname,
-+ me->f_fstypename,
-+ me->f_charspare);
-+// if (me->mnt_freq != 0)
-+// g_string_append_printf (sInfo, "\nBackup frequency : %d days", me->mnt_freq);
-+ break ;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ else
-+ {
-+ cd_warning ("error getfsstat...");
-+ return ;
-+ }
++ int i;
++ int count = getfsstat(me, NULL, MNT_WAIT);
++// int count = getfsstat(me, NULL, MNT_NOWAIT);
++ if (count>0)
++ {
++ for (i=0; i<count; i++)
++ {
++ if (me->f_mntonname && strcmp (me->f_mntonname, cMountPath) == 0)
++ {
++ g_string_append_printf (sInfo, "Mount point : %s\nFile system : %s\nDevice : %s\nMount options : %s",
++ me->f_mntonname,
++ me->f_mntfromname,
++ me->f_fstypename,
++ me->f_charspare);
++// if (me->mnt_freq != 0)
++// g_string_append_printf (sInfo, "\nBackup frequency : %d days", me->mnt_freq);
++ break ;
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ cd_warning ("error getfsstat...");
++ return ;
++ }
if (mtab == NULL)
cd_warning ("couldn't open /etc/mtab");
- return ;
- }
- gchar *cFsInfo = NULL;
- while ((me = getmntent (mtab)) != NULL)
- {
-@@ -205,6 +245,7 @@
- break ;
- }
+@@ -189,6 +229,7 @@
endmntent (mtab);
+ gchar *cd_shortcuts_get_disk_info (const gchar *cDiskURI, const gchar *cDiskName)
diff --git a/deskutils/cairo-dock-plugins/files/patch-tomboy-dbus b/deskutils/cairo-dock-plugins/files/patch-tomboy-dbus
index ba5623c1841..1892abab36e 100644
--- a/deskutils/cairo-dock-plugins/files/patch-tomboy-dbus
+++ b/deskutils/cairo-dock-plugins/files/patch-tomboy-dbus
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
---- tomboy/src/tomboy-dbus.c 2010-02-13 06:00:04.000000000 -0500
-+++ tomboy/src/tomboy-dbus.c 2010-06-29 12:29:00.000000000 -0400
-@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
+--- tomboy/src/tomboy-dbus.c.orig 2010-12-11 02:12:22.000000000 +0200
++++ tomboy/src/tomboy-dbus.c 2010-12-11 02:12:30.000000000 +0200
+@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
static DBusGProxy *dbus_proxy_tomboy = NULL;
-extern struct tm *localtime_r (time_t *timer, struct tm *tp);
+//extern struct tm *localtime_r (time_t *timer, struct tm *tp);
+ #define g_marshal_value_peek_string(v) (char*) g_value_get_string (v)
+ #define g_marshal_value_peek_object(v) g_value_get_object (v)