# New ports collection makefile for: PostgreSQL Pgaccess # Date created: December 1st, 2002 # Whom: Palle Girgensohn # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= libpq++ PORTVERSION= 4.0 PORTREVISION= 3 CATEGORIES= databases MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_PGSQL} MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= projects/gborg/libpqpp/stable PKGNAMEPREFIX= postgresql- DIST_SUBDIR= postgresql MAINTAINER= girgen@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= C++ interface for PostgreSQL USE_PGSQL= YES USE_GMAKE= YES INSTALLS_SHLIB= YES post-patch: ${REINPLACE_CMD} "s,/usr/local/pgsql,${PREFIX},; \ s,^CFLAGS.*,CFLAGS=${CFLAGS},; \ s,\...SO_MINOR_VERSION.,,; \ s,\-I,\-fPIC \-I,; \ s,\(\-[IL]\)[^/]*,\\1${LOCALBASE}," ${WRKSRC}/Makefile .include ref='https://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~b01902062/git/freebsd-ports-gnome' title='freebsd-ports-gnome Git repository'/>
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* - Add stage supporttabthorpe2013-11-052-3/+1
* Add NO_STAGE all over the place in preparation for the staging support (cat: ...bapt2013-09-211-0/+1
* - convert to the new perl5 frameworkaz2013-09-081-1/+2
* - Update distfile to match PORTVERSIONtabthorpe2013-02-201-2/+2
* - Update to 0.23tabthorpe2013-02-161-6/+2
* - Update to 0.22tabthorpe2012-09-093-8/+11
* - Remove SITE_PERL from *_DEPENDSaz2012-06-301-1/+1
* At the moment 1385 ports use BUILD_DEPENDS= ${RUN_DEPENDS} and 450eadler2012-01-221-1/+1