*** pine/send.c.orig	Tue Feb 25 00:57:38 1997
--- pine/send.c	Sun Jul 20 02:50:31 1997
*** 5352,5364 ****
  		body->subtype = cpystr("octet-stream");
  	     * Apply maximal encoding regardless of previous
  	     * setting.  This segment's either not text, or is 
  	     * unlikely to be readable with > 30% of the
  	     * text encoded anyway, so we might as well save space...
! 	    new_encoding = ENCBINARY;   /*  > 30% 8 bit chars */
--- 5352,5367 ----
  		body->subtype = cpystr("octet-stream");
+ 	    if(body->type == TYPETEXT)
+ 	      new_encoding = ENC8BIT;
+ 	    else
  	     * Apply maximal encoding regardless of previous
  	     * setting.  This segment's either not text, or is 
  	     * unlikely to be readable with > 30% of the
  	     * text encoded anyway, so we might as well save space...
! 	      new_encoding = ENCBINARY;   /*  > 30% 8 bit chars */
*** 6113,6119 ****
  	switch (body->encoding) {	/* all else needs filtering */
  	  case ENC8BIT:			/* encode 8BIT into QUOTED-PRINTABLE */
! 	    gf_link_filter(gf_8bit_qp);
  	  case ENCBINARY:		/* encode binary into BASE64 */
--- 6116,6123 ----
  	switch (body->encoding) {	/* all else needs filtering */
  	  case ENC8BIT:			/* encode 8BIT into QUOTED-PRINTABLE */
! 	    if(F_OFF(F_ENABLE_8BIT, ps_global))
! 		gf_link_filter(gf_8bit_qp);
  	  case ENCBINARY:		/* encode binary into BASE64 */
*** 6172,6178 ****
        sprintf (*dst += strlen (*dst), "Content-Transfer-Encoding: %s\015\012",
  	       body_encodings[(body->encoding == ENCBINARY)
  				? ENCBASE64
! 				: (body->encoding == ENC8BIT)
  				    : (body->encoding <= ENCMAX)
  					? body->encoding : ENCOTHER]);
--- 6176,6182 ----
        sprintf (*dst += strlen (*dst), "Content-Transfer-Encoding: %s\015\012",
  	       body_encodings[(body->encoding == ENCBINARY)
  				? ENCBASE64
! 				: (body->encoding == ENC8BIT && F_OFF(F_ENABLE_8BIT, ps_global))
  				    : (body->encoding <= ENCMAX)
  					? body->encoding : ENCOTHER]);