*** ghc/driver/ghc-asm.lprl~	Sat Aug 26 23:25:46 2000
--- ghc/driver/ghc-asm.lprl	Sat Aug 26 23:26:11 2000
*** 954,960 ****
  		print OUTASM $T_HDR_consist, "${consist}${T_POST_LBL}\n";
! 	    } elsif ( $TargetPlatform !~ /^(mips)-/ ) { # we just don't try in those case (ToDo)
  		# on mips: consistency string is just a v
  		# horrible bunch of .bytes,
  		# which I am too lazy to sort out (WDP 95/05)
--- 954,960 ----
  		print OUTASM $T_HDR_consist, "${consist}${T_POST_LBL}\n";
! 	    } elsif ( $TargetPlatform !~ /mips|freebsd/ ) { # we just don't try in those case (ToDo)
  		# on mips: consistency string is just a v
  		# horrible bunch of .bytes,
  		# which I am too lazy to sort out (WDP 95/05)