# ex:ts=8 # Ports collection makefile for: ratfor # Date created: Sat Aug 26, 2000 # Whom: David O'Brien (obrien@NUXI.com) # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= ratfor PORTVERSION= 1985.06 CATEGORIES= lang MASTER_SITES= ftp://sepftp.stanford.edu/pub/sep-distr/ \ ${MASTER_SITE_LOCAL} \ http://sepwww.stanford.edu/sep/prof/ MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= obrien DISTFILES= ratfor.shar.2 local.ratfor77.shar MAINTAINER= obrien@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Ratfor -- the Rational FORTRAN compiler NO_WRKSUBDIR= yes EXTRACT_CMD= ${CAT} EXTRACT_BEFORE_ARGS= EXTRACT_AFTER_ARGS= | ${SH} ALL_TARGET= all tests MAN1= ratfor.1 post-patch: @cd ${WRKSRC} ; ${PATCH} --quiet < testw.patch do-install: ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/ratfor77 ${PREFIX}/bin cd ${PREFIX}/bin ; ${LN} -sf ratfor77 ratfor ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/ratfor.1 ${PREFIX}/man/man1 .include /head>
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Convert USES=gem:autoplist to USES=gem since autoplist is defaultswills2016-04-281-1/+1
* create USES=gem and update rubygem- ports to use itswills2016-04-281-2/+1
* Set NO_ARCH for remaining rubygem-* ports with no arch dependent filespgollucci2015-07-031-0/+2
* - Add LICENSEsunpoet2015-05-242-2/+4