# New ports collection makefile for: IRRToolSet # Date created: May 4th 1997 # Whom: James FitzGibbon # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= irrtoolset PORTVERSION= 5.0.0 CATEGORIES= net-mgmt MASTER_SITES= ISC/IRRToolSet/IRRToolSet-${PORTVERSION} MAINTAINER= oberman@es.net COMMENT= A suite of routing policy tools to interact with the IRR PLIST_FILES= bin/rpslcheck bin/peval bin/rtconfig USE_BISON= build USE_GMAKE= yes GNU_CONFIGURE= Yes USE_AUTOTOOLS= libtool MAKE_JOBS_SAFE= yes MAN1= rtconfig.1 peval.1 rpslcheck.1 irrtoolset-errors.1 .include