# ex:ts=8 # Ports collection makefile for: py-ipy # Date created: Jan 30, 2002 # Whom: ijliao # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= ipy PORTVERSION= 0.55 CATEGORIES= net-mgmt python MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_CHEESESHOP} MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= source/I/IPy PKGNAMEPREFIX= ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX} DISTNAME= IPy-${PORTVERSION} MAINTAINER= quakelee@cn.FreeBSD.org COMMENT= A Python module for handling IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses and Networks USE_PYTHON= yes USE_PYDISTUTILS= yes PYDISTUTILS_PKGNAME= IPy test: install ${PYTHON_CMD} ${WRKSRC}/test/test_IPy.py .include gnome' title='freebsd-ports-gnome Git repository'/>