.Dd February 21, 2002 .Dt TOMCATCTL 1 .Os FreeBSD .Sh NAME .Nm %%CONTROL_SCRIPT_NAME%% .Nd %%APP_TITLE%% server control interface .Sh SYNOPSIS .Nm .Op Ar start | Ar restart | Ar stop .Sh DESCRIPTION The .Nm shell script provides an interface to the %%APP_TITLE%% application server. .Pp The script expects exactly one argument, either .Ar start , .Ar restart or .Ar stop . If more than one argument is given, then all arguments but the first are ignored. .Bl -tag -width indent .It Ar start Start %%APP_TITLE%%, if it is not already running. .It Ar restart Restart %%APP_TITLE%%. If it is already running, then it will be stopped and then started right after that. Otherwise it will just be started up. .It Ar stop Stop %%APP_TITLE%%, if it is actually running. .El .Sh ERRORS The following error conditions are detected. They will be checked in the specified order. In each case where an error message is printed, the name of the script .Em ( basename $0 ) will be prepended. .Pp If no argument is passed, or if an argument other than .Ar start , .Ar restart or .Ar stop is passed as the first argument, then a simple help message is printed and the script is exited with error code 64. .Pp Other than that, the following errors conditions are defined: .Bl -tag -width indent .It Em %%APP_TITLE%% home directory cannot be found Prints an error message and exits the script with error code 2. .It Em %%APP_TITLE%% script cannot be found Prints an error message and exits the script with error code 3. .It Em Java VM cannot be found Prints an error message and exits the script with error code 4. .El .Sh FILES .Bl -tag -width -indent .It Pa %%PREFIX%%/etc/rc.d/%%STARTUP_ORDER%%.jakarta-tomcat.sh A script that starts the .Nm script. It start %%APP_TITLE%% at startup time. .El .Sh AUTHORS .An Ernst de Haan Aq znerd@FreeBSD.org