XKeyWrap is a wrapper of key sequence between keyboard and an application
XKeyWrap can record and play key sequence in real time. And XKeyWrap can send
key sequence to an application on other X server over the network.
If you want to read more details, type
% xkeywrap -readme
% man xkeywrap
If you want to see a demonstration of XKeyWrap, type
% cp /usr/X11R6/share/doc/xkeywrap/demo.dat .
% cp /usr/X11R6/share/doc/xkeywrap/xkeywrap_demo.c .
% xkeywrap -p -s 2 -f demo.dat -x emacs -geometry 80x25 xkeywrap_demo.c
If you want to get the full or newest original destribution package
of XKeyWrap, see
WWW: http://www.seki.ee.kagu.tus.ac.jp/~sakai/myfreesoft/index.html
- Sakai Hiroaki
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