path: root/packages/asset-buyer/src/asset_buyer.ts
diff options
authorBrandon Millman <brandon.millman@gmail.com>2018-09-15 18:59:23 +0800
committerBrandon Millman <brandon.millman@gmail.com>2018-09-15 20:14:48 +0800
commitf1a22e9bd7943bc9cb8d8308daca0c60af6e0039 (patch)
tree91f3e8f54103156500518ad521816e6df409d1d1 /packages/asset-buyer/src/asset_buyer.ts
parent7b46cef83dca0a743bd598a70076004983cbf294 (diff)
Flesh out the AssetBuyer class
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/asset-buyer/src/asset_buyer.ts')
1 files changed, 227 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/asset-buyer/src/asset_buyer.ts b/packages/asset-buyer/src/asset_buyer.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9cbdd8df6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/asset-buyer/src/asset_buyer.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+import { ContractWrappers } from '@0xproject/contract-wrappers';
+import { assetDataUtils, marketUtils } from '@0xproject/order-utils';
+import { SignedOrder } from '@0xproject/types';
+import { BigNumber } from '@0xproject/utils';
+import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0xproject/web3-wrapper';
+import { Provider } from 'ethereum-types';
+import * as _ from 'lodash';
+import { constants } from './constants';
+import {
+ AssetBuyerError,
+ AssetBuyerOrdersAndFillableAmounts,
+ BuyQuote,
+ OrderFetcher,
+ OrderFetcherResponse,
+} from './types';
+import { assert } from './utils/assert';
+import { buyQuoteCalculator } from './utils/buy_quote_calculator';
+import { orderFetcherResponseProcessor } from './utils/order_fetcher_response_processor';
+const SLIPPAGE_PERCENTAGE = 0.2; // 20% slippage protection, possibly move this into request interface
+const DEFAULT_ORDER_REFRESH_INTERVAL_MS = 10000; // 10 seconds
+export class AssetBuyer {
+ public readonly provider: Provider;
+ public readonly assetData: string;
+ public readonly orderFetcher: OrderFetcher;
+ public readonly networkId: number;
+ public readonly orderRefreshIntervalMs: number;
+ private _contractWrappers: ContractWrappers;
+ private _lastRefreshTimeIfExists?: number;
+ private _currentOrdersAndFillableAmountsIfExists?: AssetBuyerOrdersAndFillableAmounts;
+ /**
+ * Instantiates a new AssetBuyer instance
+ * @param provider The Provider instance you would like to use for interacting with the Ethereum network.
+ * @param assetData The assetData of the desired asset to buy (for more info: https://github.com/0xProject/0x-protocol-specification/blob/master/v2/v2-specification.md).
+ * @param orderFetcher An object that conforms to OrderFetcher, see type for definition.
+ * @param networkId The ethereum network id. Defaults to 1 (mainnet).
+ * @param orderRefreshIntervalMs The interval in ms that getBuyQuoteAsync should trigger an refresh of orders and order states.
+ * Defaults to 10000ms (10s).
+ * @return An instance of AssetBuyer
+ */
+ constructor(
+ provider: Provider,
+ assetData: string,
+ orderFetcher: OrderFetcher,
+ networkId: number = constants.MAINNET_NETWORK_ID,
+ orderRefreshIntervalMs: number = DEFAULT_ORDER_REFRESH_INTERVAL_MS,
+ ) {
+ assert.isWeb3Provider('provider', provider);
+ assert.isString('assetData', assetData);
+ assert.isValidOrderFetcher('orderFetcher', orderFetcher);
+ assert.isNumber('networkId', networkId);
+ assert.isNumber('orderRefreshIntervalMs', orderRefreshIntervalMs);
+ this.provider = provider;
+ this.assetData = assetData;
+ this.orderFetcher = orderFetcher;
+ this.networkId = networkId;
+ this.orderRefreshIntervalMs = orderRefreshIntervalMs;
+ this._contractWrappers = new ContractWrappers(this.provider, {
+ networkId,
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get a BuyQuote containing all information relevant to fulfilling a buy.
+ * Pass the BuyQuote to executeBuyQuoteAsync to execute the buy.
+ * @param assetBuyAmount The amount of asset to buy.
+ * @param feePercentage The affiliate fee percentage. Defaults to 0.
+ * @param forceOrderRefresh If set to true, new orders and state will be fetched instead of waiting for
+ * the next orderRefreshIntervalMs. Defaults to false.
+ * @return An object that conforms to BuyQuote that satisfies the request. See type definition for more information.
+ */
+ public async getBuyQuoteAsync(
+ assetBuyAmount: BigNumber,
+ feePercentage: number = DEFAULT_FEE_PERCENTAGE,
+ forceOrderRefresh: boolean = false,
+ ): Promise<BuyQuote> {
+ assert.isBigNumber('assetBuyAmount', assetBuyAmount);
+ assert.isNumber('feePercentage', feePercentage);
+ assert.isBoolean('forceOrderRefresh', forceOrderRefresh);
+ // we should refresh if:
+ // we do not have any orders OR
+ // we are forced to OR
+ // we have some last refresh time AND that time was sufficiently long ago
+ const shouldRefresh =
+ _.isUndefined(this._currentOrdersAndFillableAmountsIfExists) ||
+ forceOrderRefresh ||
+ (!_.isUndefined(this._lastRefreshTimeIfExists) &&
+ this._lastRefreshTimeIfExists + this.orderRefreshIntervalMs < Date.now());
+ let ordersAndFillableAmounts: AssetBuyerOrdersAndFillableAmounts;
+ if (shouldRefresh) {
+ ordersAndFillableAmounts = await this._getLatestOrdersAndFillableAmountsAsync();
+ this._lastRefreshTimeIfExists = Date.now();
+ this._currentOrdersAndFillableAmountsIfExists = ordersAndFillableAmounts;
+ } else {
+ // it is safe to cast to AssetBuyerOrdersAndFillableAmounts because shouldRefresh catches the undefined case above
+ ordersAndFillableAmounts = this
+ ._currentOrdersAndFillableAmountsIfExists as AssetBuyerOrdersAndFillableAmounts;
+ }
+ // TODO: optimization
+ // make the slippage percentage customizable by integrator
+ const buyQuote = buyQuoteCalculator.calculate(
+ ordersAndFillableAmounts,
+ assetBuyAmount,
+ feePercentage,
+ );
+ return buyQuote;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Given a BuyQuote and desired rate, attempt to execute the buy.
+ * @param buyQuote An object that conforms to BuyQuote. See type definition for more information.
+ * @param rate The desired rate to execute the buy at. Affects the amount of ETH sent with the transaction, defaults to buyQuote.maxRate.
+ * @param takerAddress The address to perform the buy. Defaults to the first available address from the provider.
+ * @param feeRecipient The address where affiliate fees are sent. Defaults to null address (0x000...000).
+ * @return A promise of the txHash.
+ */
+ public async executeBuyQuoteAsync(
+ buyQuote: BuyQuote,
+ rate?: BigNumber,
+ takerAddress?: string,
+ feeRecipient: string = constants.NULL_ADDRESS,
+ ): Promise<string> {
+ assert.isValidBuyQuote('buyQuote', buyQuote);
+ if (!_.isUndefined(rate)) {
+ assert.isBigNumber('rate', rate);
+ }
+ if (!_.isUndefined(takerAddress)) {
+ assert.isETHAddressHex('takerAddress', takerAddress);
+ }
+ assert.isETHAddressHex('feeRecipient', feeRecipient);
+ const { orders, feeOrders, feePercentage, assetBuyAmount, maxRate } = buyQuote;
+ // if no takerAddress is provided, try to get one from the provider
+ let finalTakerAddress;
+ if (!_.isUndefined(takerAddress)) {
+ finalTakerAddress = takerAddress;
+ } else {
+ const web3Wrapper = new Web3Wrapper(this.provider);
+ const availableAddresses = await web3Wrapper.getAvailableAddressesAsync();
+ const firstAvailableAddress = _.head(availableAddresses);
+ if (!_.isUndefined(firstAvailableAddress)) {
+ finalTakerAddress = firstAvailableAddress;
+ } else {
+ throw new Error(AssetBuyerError.NoAddressAvailable);
+ }
+ }
+ // if no rate is provided, default to the maxRate from buyQuote
+ const desiredRate = rate || maxRate;
+ // calculate how much eth is required to buy assetBuyAmount at the desired rate
+ const ethAmount = assetBuyAmount.dividedToIntegerBy(desiredRate);
+ // TODO: critical
+ // update the forwarder wrapper to take in feePercentage as a number instead of a BigNumber, verify with Amir that this is being done correctly
+ const feePercentageBigNumber = !_.isUndefined(feePercentage)
+ ? Web3Wrapper.toBaseUnitAmount(new BigNumber(1), ETHER_TOKEN_DECIMALS).mul(feePercentage)
+ : constants.ZERO_AMOUNT;
+ const txHash = await this._contractWrappers.forwarder.marketBuyOrdersWithEthAsync(
+ orders,
+ assetBuyAmount,
+ finalTakerAddress,
+ ethAmount,
+ feeOrders,
+ feePercentageBigNumber,
+ feeRecipient,
+ );
+ return txHash;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Ask the order fetcher for orders and process them.
+ */
+ private async _getLatestOrdersAndFillableAmountsAsync(): Promise<AssetBuyerOrdersAndFillableAmounts> {
+ // find ether token asset data
+ const etherTokenAssetData = this._getEtherTokenAssetData();
+ // find zrx token asset data
+ const zrxTokenAssetData = this._getZrxTokenAssetData();
+ // construct order fetcher requests
+ const targetOrderFetcherRequest = {
+ makerAssetData: this.assetData,
+ takerAssetData: etherTokenAssetData,
+ networkId: this.networkId,
+ };
+ const feeOrderFetcherRequest = {
+ makerAssetData: zrxTokenAssetData,
+ takerAssetData: etherTokenAssetData,
+ networkId: this.networkId,
+ };
+ const requests = [targetOrderFetcherRequest, feeOrderFetcherRequest];
+ // fetch orders and possible fillable amounts
+ const [targetOrderFetcherResponse, feeOrderFetcherResponse] = await Promise.all(
+ _.map(requests, request => this.orderFetcher.fetchOrdersAsync(request)),
+ );
+ // process the responses into one object
+ const ordersAndFillableAmounts = await orderFetcherResponseProcessor.processAsync(
+ targetOrderFetcherResponse,
+ feeOrderFetcherResponse,
+ zrxTokenAssetData,
+ this._contractWrappers.orderValidator,
+ );
+ return ordersAndFillableAmounts;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the assetData that represents the WETH token.
+ * Will throw if WETH does not exist for the current network.
+ */
+ private _getEtherTokenAssetData(): string {
+ const etherTokenAddressIfExists = this._contractWrappers.etherToken.getContractAddressIfExists();
+ if (_.isUndefined(etherTokenAddressIfExists)) {
+ throw new Error(AssetBuyerError.NoEtherTokenContractFound);
+ }
+ const etherTokenAssetData = assetDataUtils.encodeERC20AssetData(etherTokenAddressIfExists);
+ return etherTokenAssetData;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the assetData that represents the ZRX token.
+ * Will throw if ZRX does not exist for the current network.
+ */
+ private _getZrxTokenAssetData(): string {
+ let zrxTokenAssetData: string;
+ try {
+ zrxTokenAssetData = this._contractWrappers.exchange.getZRXAssetData();
+ } catch (err) {
+ throw new Error(AssetBuyerError.NoZrxTokenContractFound);
+ }
+ return zrxTokenAssetData;
+ }