path: root/packages/order-watcher/test
diff options
authorkao <zichongkao@gmail.com>2018-11-27 09:12:33 +0800
committerkao <zichongkao@gmail.com>2018-12-13 14:39:07 +0800
commit687749460d026ae8b16e355c85c70e1e79b63252 (patch)
tree654d3a2ae19457eca6b6bd6974693656c8c1379b /packages/order-watcher/test
parenta286228b2005c33cc4ca8e17772a9bd259eeb1ce (diff)
WIP: OrderWatcher WebSocket
Currently incomplete. Main challenge is to figure out how to test a client + server setup in the single-threaded javascript environment.
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/order-watcher/test')
1 files changed, 226 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/order-watcher/test/order_watcher_websocket_test.ts b/packages/order-watcher/test/order_watcher_websocket_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e7b18e44b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/order-watcher/test/order_watcher_websocket_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+import { ContractWrappers } from '@0x/contract-wrappers';
+import { tokenUtils } from '@0x/contract-wrappers/lib/test/utils/token_utils';
+import { BlockchainLifecycle } from '@0x/dev-utils';
+import { FillScenarios } from '@0x/fill-scenarios';
+import { assetDataUtils, orderHashUtils } from '@0x/order-utils';
+import { ExchangeContractErrs, OrderStateInvalid, OrderStateValid, SignedOrder } from '@0x/types';
+import { BigNumber, logUtils } from '@0x/utils';
+import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0x/web3-wrapper';
+import * as chai from 'chai';
+import 'mocha';
+import * as WebSocket from 'websocket';
+import { OrderWatcherWebSocketServer } from '../src/order_watcher/order_watcher_websocket';
+import { chaiSetup } from './utils/chai_setup';
+import { constants } from './utils/constants';
+import { migrateOnceAsync } from './utils/migrate';
+import { provider, web3Wrapper } from './utils/web3_wrapper';
+const expect = chai.expect;
+const blockchainLifecycle = new BlockchainLifecycle(web3Wrapper);
+interface WsMessage {
+ data: string;
+describe.only('OrderWatcherWebSocket', async () => {
+ let contractWrappers: ContractWrappers;
+ let wsServer: OrderWatcherWebSocketServer;
+ let wsClient: WebSocket.w3cwebsocket;
+ let wsClientTwo: WebSocket.w3cwebsocket;
+ let fillScenarios: FillScenarios;
+ let userAddresses: string[];
+ let makerAssetData: string;
+ let takerAssetData: string;
+ let makerTokenAddress: string;
+ let takerTokenAddress: string;
+ let makerAddress: string;
+ let takerAddress: string;
+ let zrxTokenAddress: string;
+ let signedOrder: SignedOrder;
+ let orderHash: string;
+ let addOrderPayload: { action: string; params: { signedOrder: SignedOrder } };
+ let removeOrderPayload: { action: string; params: { orderHash: string } };
+ const decimals = constants.ZRX_DECIMALS;
+ const fillableAmount = Web3Wrapper.toBaseUnitAmount(new BigNumber(5), decimals);
+ // createFillableSignedOrderAsync is Promise-based, which forces us
+ // to use Promises instead of the done() callbacks for tests.
+ // onmessage callback must thus be wrapped as a Promise.
+ const _onMessageAsync = async (client: WebSocket.w3cwebsocket) =>
+ new Promise<WsMessage>(resolve => {
+ client.onmessage = (msg: WsMessage) => resolve(msg);
+ });
+ before(async () => {
+ // Set up constants
+ const contractAddresses = await migrateOnceAsync();
+ await blockchainLifecycle.startAsync();
+ const networkId = constants.TESTRPC_NETWORK_ID;
+ const config = {
+ networkId,
+ contractAddresses,
+ };
+ contractWrappers = new ContractWrappers(provider, config);
+ userAddresses = await web3Wrapper.getAvailableAddressesAsync();
+ zrxTokenAddress = contractAddresses.zrxToken;
+ [makerAddress, takerAddress] = userAddresses;
+ [makerTokenAddress, takerTokenAddress] = tokenUtils.getDummyERC20TokenAddresses();
+ [makerAssetData, takerAssetData] = [
+ assetDataUtils.encodeERC20AssetData(makerTokenAddress),
+ assetDataUtils.encodeERC20AssetData(takerTokenAddress),
+ ];
+ fillScenarios = new FillScenarios(
+ provider,
+ userAddresses,
+ zrxTokenAddress,
+ contractAddresses.exchange,
+ contractAddresses.erc20Proxy,
+ contractAddresses.erc721Proxy,
+ );
+ signedOrder = await fillScenarios.createFillableSignedOrderAsync(
+ makerAssetData,
+ takerAssetData,
+ makerAddress,
+ takerAddress,
+ fillableAmount,
+ );
+ orderHash = orderHashUtils.getOrderHashHex(signedOrder);
+ addOrderPayload = {
+ action: 'addOrderAsync',
+ params: { signedOrder },
+ };
+ removeOrderPayload = {
+ action: 'removeOrder',
+ params: { orderHash },
+ };
+ // Prepare OrderWatcher WebSocket server
+ const orderWatcherConfig = {};
+ wsServer = new OrderWatcherWebSocketServer(provider, networkId, contractAddresses, orderWatcherConfig);
+ wsServer.listen();
+ });
+ after(async () => {
+ await blockchainLifecycle.revertAsync();
+ wsServer.close();
+ });
+ beforeEach(async () => {
+ await blockchainLifecycle.startAsync();
+ wsClient = new WebSocket.w3cwebsocket('ws://');
+ logUtils.log(`${new Date()} [Client] Connected.`);
+ });
+ afterEach(async () => {
+ await blockchainLifecycle.revertAsync();
+ wsClient.close();
+ logUtils.log(`${new Date()} [Client] Closed.`);
+ });
+ it('responds to getStats requests correctly', (done: any) => {
+ const payload = {
+ action: 'getStats',
+ params: {},
+ };
+ wsClient.onopen = () => wsClient.send(JSON.stringify(payload));
+ wsClient.onmessage = (msg: any) => {
+ const responseData = JSON.parse(msg.data);
+ expect(responseData.action).to.be.eq('getStats');
+ expect(responseData.success).to.be.eq(1);
+ expect(responseData.result.orderCount).to.be.eq(0);
+ done();
+ };
+ });
+ it('throws an error when an invalid action is attempted', async () => {
+ const invalidActionPayload = {
+ action: 'badAction',
+ params: {},
+ };
+ wsClient.onopen = () => wsClient.send(JSON.stringify(invalidActionPayload));
+ const errorMsg = await _onMessageAsync(wsClient);
+ const errorData = JSON.parse(errorMsg.data);
+ expect(errorData.action).to.be.eq('badAction');
+ expect(errorData.success).to.be.eq(0);
+ expect(errorData.result.error).to.be.eq('Error: [Server] Invalid request action: badAction');
+ });
+ it('executes addOrderAsync and removeOrder requests correctly', async () => {
+ wsClient.onopen = () => wsClient.send(JSON.stringify(addOrderPayload));
+ const addOrderMsg = await _onMessageAsync(wsClient);
+ const addOrderData = JSON.parse(addOrderMsg.data);
+ expect(addOrderData.action).to.be.eq('addOrderAsync');
+ expect(addOrderData.success).to.be.eq(1);
+ expect((wsServer._orderWatcher as any)._orderByOrderHash).to.deep.include({
+ [orderHash]: signedOrder,
+ });
+ wsClient.send(JSON.stringify(removeOrderPayload));
+ const removeOrderMsg = await _onMessageAsync(wsClient);
+ const removeOrderData = JSON.parse(removeOrderMsg.data);
+ expect(removeOrderData.action).to.be.eq('removeOrder');
+ expect(removeOrderData.success).to.be.eq(1);
+ expect((wsServer._orderWatcher as any)._orderByOrderHash).to.not.deep.include({
+ [orderHash]: signedOrder,
+ });
+ });
+ it('broadcasts orderStateInvalid message when makerAddress allowance set to 0 for watched order', async () => {
+ // Add the regular order
+ wsClient.onopen = () => wsClient.send(JSON.stringify(addOrderPayload));
+ await _onMessageAsync(wsClient);
+ // Set the allowance to 0
+ await contractWrappers.erc20Token.setProxyAllowanceAsync(makerTokenAddress, makerAddress, new BigNumber(0));
+ // Ensure that orderStateInvalid message is received.
+ const orderWatcherUpdateMsg = await _onMessageAsync(wsClient);
+ const orderWatcherUpdateData = JSON.parse(orderWatcherUpdateMsg.data);
+ expect(orderWatcherUpdateData.action).to.be.eq('orderWatcherUpdate');
+ expect(orderWatcherUpdateData.success).to.be.eq(1);
+ const invalidOrderState = orderWatcherUpdateData.result as OrderStateInvalid;
+ expect(invalidOrderState.isValid).to.be.false();
+ expect(invalidOrderState.orderHash).to.be.eq(orderHash);
+ expect(invalidOrderState.error).to.be.eq(ExchangeContractErrs.InsufficientMakerAllowance);
+ });
+ it('broadcasts to multiple clients when an order backing ZRX allowance changes', async () => {
+ // Prepare order
+ const makerFee = Web3Wrapper.toBaseUnitAmount(new BigNumber(2), decimals);
+ const takerFee = Web3Wrapper.toBaseUnitAmount(new BigNumber(0), decimals);
+ const nonZeroMakerFeeSignedOrder = await fillScenarios.createFillableSignedOrderWithFeesAsync(
+ makerAssetData,
+ takerAssetData,
+ makerFee,
+ takerFee,
+ makerAddress,
+ takerAddress,
+ fillableAmount,
+ takerAddress,
+ );
+ const nonZeroMakerFeeOrderPayload = {
+ action: 'addOrderAsync',
+ params: { nonZeroMakerFeeSignedOrder },
+ };
+ // Set up a second client and have it add the order
+ wsClientTwo = new WebSocket.w3cwebsocket('ws://');
+ logUtils.log(`${new Date()} [Client] Connected.`);
+ wsClientTwo.onopen = () => wsClientTwo.send(JSON.stringify(nonZeroMakerFeeOrderPayload));
+ await _onMessageAsync(wsClientTwo);
+ // Change the allowance
+ await contractWrappers.erc20Token.setProxyAllowanceAsync(zrxTokenAddress, makerAddress, new BigNumber(0));
+ // Check that both clients receive the emitted event
+ for (const client of [wsClient, wsClientTwo]) {
+ const updateMsg = await _onMessageAsync(client);
+ const updateData = JSON.parse(updateMsg.data);
+ const orderState = updateData.result as OrderStateValid;
+ expect(orderState.isValid).to.be.true();
+ expect(orderState.orderRelevantState.makerFeeProxyAllowance).to.be.eq('0');
+ }
+ wsClientTwo.close();
+ logUtils.log(`${new Date()} [Client] Closed.`);
+ });