path: root/packages/web3-wrapper
diff options
authorLeonid Logvinov <logvinov.leon@gmail.com>2018-04-02 19:57:44 +0800
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2018-04-02 19:57:44 +0800
commitd95b1e2db499d0264a1020be1ec453c5136b5a3b (patch)
treeb26623424303ff4d5ba17080b53ef40d037a1426 /packages/web3-wrapper
parent695b697cdf6c73bb4b5f920869ce128f9a9e7523 (diff)
parentc1d6c7ff66079731df405e25c4b2aa83c86fffb9 (diff)
Merge pull request #485 from 0xProject/feature/metacoin
Add metacoin example project
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/web3-wrapper')
4 files changed, 398 insertions, 326 deletions
diff --git a/packages/web3-wrapper/CHANGELOG.json b/packages/web3-wrapper/CHANGELOG.json
index bcbab3ded..1712c2ca7 100644
--- a/packages/web3-wrapper/CHANGELOG.json
+++ b/packages/web3-wrapper/CHANGELOG.json
@@ -1,5 +1,23 @@
+ "version": "0.5.0",
+ "changes": [
+ {
+ "note": "Add `web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionMinedAsync`",
+ "pr": 485
+ },
+ {
+ "note":
+ "Add a public field `abiDecoder: AbiDecoder` which allows you to add your ABIs that are later used to decode logs",
+ "pr": 485
+ },
+ {
+ "note": "Export enum `Web3WrapperErrors` with a single value so far: `TransactionMiningTimeout`",
+ "pr": 485
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
"version": "0.4.0",
"changes": [
diff --git a/packages/web3-wrapper/src/index.ts b/packages/web3-wrapper/src/index.ts
index 87c69b269..7309e09a8 100644
--- a/packages/web3-wrapper/src/index.ts
+++ b/packages/web3-wrapper/src/index.ts
@@ -1,326 +1,2 @@
-import {
- BlockParam,
- BlockWithoutTransactionData,
- CallData,
- ContractAbi,
- FilterObject,
- JSONRPCRequestPayload,
- JSONRPCResponsePayload,
- LogEntry,
- RawLogEntry,
- TransactionReceipt,
- TxData,
-} from '@0xproject/types';
-import { BigNumber, promisify } from '@0xproject/utils';
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import * as Web3 from 'web3';
- * A wrapper around the Web3.js 0.x library that provides a consistent, clean promise-based interface.
- */
-export class Web3Wrapper {
- /**
- * Flag to check if this instance is of type Web3Wrapper
- */
- public isZeroExWeb3Wrapper = true;
- private _web3: Web3;
- private _defaults: Partial<TxData>;
- private _jsonRpcRequestId: number;
- /**
- * Instantiates a new Web3Wrapper.
- * @param provider The Web3 provider instance you would like the Web3Wrapper to use for interacting with
- * the backing Ethereum node.
- * @param defaults Override TxData defaults sent with RPC requests to the backing Ethereum node.
- * @return An instance of the Web3Wrapper class.
- */
- constructor(provider: Web3.Provider, defaults?: Partial<TxData>) {
- if (_.isUndefined((provider as any).sendAsync)) {
- // Web3@1.0 provider doesn't support synchronous http requests,
- // so it only has an async `send` method, instead of a `send` and `sendAsync` in web3@0.x.x`
- // We re-assign the send method so that Web3@1.0 providers work with @0xproject/web3-wrapper
- (provider as any).sendAsync = (provider as any).send;
- }
- this._web3 = new Web3();
- this._web3.setProvider(provider);
- this._defaults = defaults || {};
- this._jsonRpcRequestId = 0;
- }
- /**
- * Get the contract defaults set to the Web3Wrapper instance
- * @return TxData defaults (e.g gas, gasPrice, nonce, etc...)
- */
- public getContractDefaults(): Partial<TxData> {
- return this._defaults;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve the Web3 provider
- * @return Web3 provider instance
- */
- public getProvider(): Web3.Provider {
- return this._web3.currentProvider;
- }
- /**
- * Update the used Web3 provider
- * @param provider The new Web3 provider to be set
- */
- public setProvider(provider: Web3.Provider) {
- this._web3.setProvider(provider);
- }
- /**
- * Check if an address is a valid Ethereum address
- * @param address Address to check
- * @returns Whether the address is a valid Ethereum address
- */
- public isAddress(address: string): boolean {
- return this._web3.isAddress(address);
- }
- /**
- * Check whether an address is available through the backing provider. This can be
- * useful if you want to know whether a user can sign messages or transactions from
- * a given Ethereum address.
- * @param senderAddress Address to check availability for
- * @returns Whether the address is available through the provider.
- */
- public async isSenderAddressAvailableAsync(senderAddress: string): Promise<boolean> {
- const addresses = await this.getAvailableAddressesAsync();
- const normalizedAddress = senderAddress.toLowerCase();
- return _.includes(addresses, normalizedAddress);
- }
- /**
- * Fetch the backing Ethereum node's version string (e.g `MetaMask/v4.2.0`)
- * @returns Ethereum node's version string
- */
- public async getNodeVersionAsync(): Promise<string> {
- const nodeVersion = await promisify<string>(this._web3.version.getNode)();
- return nodeVersion;
- }
- /**
- * Fetches the networkId of the backing Ethereum node
- * @returns The network id
- */
- public async getNetworkIdAsync(): Promise<number> {
- const networkIdStr = await promisify<string>(this._web3.version.getNetwork)();
- const networkId = _.parseInt(networkIdStr);
- return networkId;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the transaction receipt for a given transaction hash
- * @param txHash Transaction hash
- * @returns The transaction receipt, including it's status (0: failed, 1: succeeded or undefined: not found)
- */
- public async getTransactionReceiptAsync(txHash: string): Promise<TransactionReceipt> {
- const transactionReceipt = await promisify<TransactionReceipt>(this._web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt)(txHash);
- if (!_.isNull(transactionReceipt)) {
- transactionReceipt.status = this._normalizeTxReceiptStatus(transactionReceipt.status);
- }
- return transactionReceipt;
- }
- /**
- * Convert an Ether amount from ETH to Wei
- * @param ethAmount Amount of Ether to convert to wei
- * @returns Amount in wei
- */
- public toWei(ethAmount: BigNumber): BigNumber {
- const balanceWei = this._web3.toWei(ethAmount, 'ether');
- return balanceWei;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves an accounts Ether balance in wei
- * @param owner Account whose balance you wish to check
- * @returns Balance in wei
- */
- public async getBalanceInWeiAsync(owner: string): Promise<BigNumber> {
- let balanceInWei = await promisify<BigNumber>(this._web3.eth.getBalance)(owner);
- // Rewrap in a new BigNumber
- balanceInWei = new BigNumber(balanceInWei);
- return balanceInWei;
- }
- /**
- * Check if a contract exists at a given address
- * @param address Address to which to check
- * @returns Whether or not contract code was found at the supplied address
- */
- public async doesContractExistAtAddressAsync(address: string): Promise<boolean> {
- const code = await promisify<string>(this._web3.eth.getCode)(address);
- // Regex matches 0x0, 0x00, 0x in order to accommodate poorly implemented clients
- const codeIsEmpty = /^0x0{0,40}$/i.test(code);
- return !codeIsEmpty;
- }
- /**
- * Sign a message with a specific address's private key (`eth_sign`)
- * @param address Address of signer
- * @param message Message to sign
- * @returns Signature string (might be VRS or RSV depending on the Signer)
- */
- public async signMessageAsync(address: string, message: string): Promise<string> {
- const signData = await promisify<string>(this._web3.eth.sign)(address, message);
- return signData;
- }
- /**
- * Fetches the latest block number
- * @returns Block number
- */
- public async getBlockNumberAsync(): Promise<number> {
- const blockNumber = await promisify<number>(this._web3.eth.getBlockNumber)();
- return blockNumber;
- }
- /**
- * Fetch a specific Ethereum block
- * @param blockParam The block you wish to fetch (blockHash, blockNumber or blockLiteral)
- * @returns The requested block without transaction data
- */
- public async getBlockAsync(blockParam: string | BlockParam): Promise<BlockWithoutTransactionData> {
- const block = await promisify<BlockWithoutTransactionData>(this._web3.eth.getBlock)(blockParam);
- return block;
- }
- /**
- * Fetch a block's timestamp
- * @param blockParam The block you wish to fetch (blockHash, blockNumber or blockLiteral)
- * @returns The block's timestamp
- */
- public async getBlockTimestampAsync(blockParam: string | BlockParam): Promise<number> {
- const { timestamp } = await this.getBlockAsync(blockParam);
- return timestamp;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve the user addresses available through the backing provider
- * @returns Available user addresses
- */
- public async getAvailableAddressesAsync(): Promise<string[]> {
- const addresses = await promisify<string[]>(this._web3.eth.getAccounts)();
- const normalizedAddresses = _.map(addresses, address => address.toLowerCase());
- return normalizedAddresses;
- }
- /**
- * Take a snapshot of the blockchain state on a TestRPC/Ganache local node
- * @returns The snapshot id. This can be used to revert to this snapshot
- */
- public async takeSnapshotAsync(): Promise<number> {
- const snapshotId = Number(await this._sendRawPayloadAsync<string>({ method: 'evm_snapshot', params: [] }));
- return snapshotId;
- }
- /**
- * Revert the blockchain state to a previous snapshot state on TestRPC/Ganache local node
- * @param snapshotId snapshot id to revert to
- * @returns Whether the revert was successful
- */
- public async revertSnapshotAsync(snapshotId: number): Promise<boolean> {
- const didRevert = await this._sendRawPayloadAsync<boolean>({ method: 'evm_revert', params: [snapshotId] });
- return didRevert;
- }
- /**
- * Mine a block on a TestRPC/Ganache local node
- */
- public async mineBlockAsync(): Promise<void> {
- await this._sendRawPayloadAsync<string>({ method: 'evm_mine', params: [] });
- }
- /**
- * Increase the next blocks timestamp on TestRPC/Ganache local node
- * @param timeDelta Amount of time to add in seconds
- */
- public async increaseTimeAsync(timeDelta: number): Promise<void> {
- await this._sendRawPayloadAsync<string>({ method: 'evm_increaseTime', params: [timeDelta] });
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve smart contract logs for a given filter
- * @param filter Parameters by which to filter which logs to retrieve
- * @returns The corresponding log entries
- */
- public async getLogsAsync(filter: FilterObject): Promise<LogEntry[]> {
- let fromBlock = filter.fromBlock;
- if (_.isNumber(fromBlock)) {
- fromBlock = this._web3.toHex(fromBlock);
- }
- let toBlock = filter.toBlock;
- if (_.isNumber(toBlock)) {
- toBlock = this._web3.toHex(toBlock);
- }
- const serializedFilter = {
- ...filter,
- fromBlock,
- toBlock,
- };
- const payload = {
- jsonrpc: '2.0',
- id: this._jsonRpcRequestId++,
- method: 'eth_getLogs',
- params: [serializedFilter],
- };
- const rawLogs = await this._sendRawPayloadAsync<RawLogEntry[]>(payload);
- const formattedLogs = _.map(rawLogs, this._formatLog.bind(this));
- return formattedLogs;
- }
- /**
- * Get a Web3 contract factory instance for a given ABI
- * @param abi Smart contract ABI
- * @returns Web3 contract factory which can create Web3 Contract instances from the supplied ABI
- */
- public getContractFromAbi(abi: ContractAbi): Web3.Contract<any> {
- const web3Contract = this._web3.eth.contract(abi);
- return web3Contract;
- }
- /**
- * Calculate the estimated gas cost for a given transaction
- * @param txData Transaction data
- * @returns Estimated gas cost
- */
- public async estimateGasAsync(txData: Partial<TxData>): Promise<number> {
- const gas = await promisify<number>(this._web3.eth.estimateGas)(txData);
- return gas;
- }
- /**
- * Call a smart contract method at a given block height
- * @param callData Call data
- * @param defaultBlock Block height at which to make the call. Defaults to `latest`
- * @returns The raw call result
- */
- public async callAsync(callData: CallData, defaultBlock?: BlockParam): Promise<string> {
- const rawCallResult = await promisify<string>(this._web3.eth.call)(callData, defaultBlock);
- return rawCallResult;
- }
- /**
- * Send a transaction
- * @param txData Transaction data
- * @returns Transaction hash
- */
- public async sendTransactionAsync(txData: TxData): Promise<string> {
- const txHash = await promisify<string>(this._web3.eth.sendTransaction)(txData);
- return txHash;
- }
- private async _sendRawPayloadAsync<A>(payload: Partial<JSONRPCRequestPayload>): Promise<A> {
- const sendAsync = this._web3.currentProvider.sendAsync.bind(this._web3.currentProvider);
- const response = await promisify<JSONRPCResponsePayload>(sendAsync)(payload);
- const result = response.result;
- return result;
- }
- private _normalizeTxReceiptStatus(status: undefined | null | string | 0 | 1): null | 0 | 1 {
- // Transaction status might have four values
- // undefined - Testrpc and other old clients
- // null - New clients on old transactions
- // number - Parity
- // hex - Geth
- if (_.isString(status)) {
- return this._web3.toDecimal(status) as 0 | 1;
- } else if (_.isUndefined(status)) {
- return null;
- } else {
- return status;
- }
- }
- private _formatLog(rawLog: RawLogEntry): LogEntry {
- const formattedLog = {
- ...rawLog,
- logIndex: this._hexToDecimal(rawLog.logIndex),
- blockNumber: this._hexToDecimal(rawLog.blockNumber),
- transactionIndex: this._hexToDecimal(rawLog.transactionIndex),
- };
- return formattedLog;
- }
- private _hexToDecimal(hex: string | null): number | null {
- if (_.isNull(hex)) {
- return null;
- }
- const decimal = this._web3.toDecimal(hex);
- return decimal;
- }
+export { Web3Wrapper } from './web3_wrapper';
+export { Web3WrapperErrors } from './types';
diff --git a/packages/web3-wrapper/src/types.ts b/packages/web3-wrapper/src/types.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..79542da10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/web3-wrapper/src/types.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+export enum Web3WrapperErrors {
+ TransactionMiningTimeout = 'TRANSACTION_MINING_TIMEOUT',
diff --git a/packages/web3-wrapper/src/web3_wrapper.ts b/packages/web3-wrapper/src/web3_wrapper.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d75f39ed5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/web3-wrapper/src/web3_wrapper.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+import {
+ BlockParam,
+ BlockWithoutTransactionData,
+ CallData,
+ ContractAbi,
+ FilterObject,
+ JSONRPCRequestPayload,
+ JSONRPCResponsePayload,
+ LogEntry,
+ RawLogEntry,
+ TransactionReceipt,
+ TransactionReceiptWithDecodedLogs,
+ TxData,
+} from '@0xproject/types';
+import { AbiDecoder, BigNumber, intervalUtils, promisify } from '@0xproject/utils';
+import * as _ from 'lodash';
+import * as Web3 from 'web3';
+import { Web3WrapperErrors } from './types';
+ * A wrapper around the Web3.js 0.x library that provides a consistent, clean promise-based interface.
+ */
+export class Web3Wrapper {
+ /**
+ * Flag to check if this instance is of type Web3Wrapper
+ */
+ public isZeroExWeb3Wrapper = true;
+ public abiDecoder: AbiDecoder;
+ private _web3: Web3;
+ private _defaults: Partial<TxData>;
+ private _jsonRpcRequestId: number;
+ /**
+ * Instantiates a new Web3Wrapper.
+ * @param provider The Web3 provider instance you would like the Web3Wrapper to use for interacting with
+ * the backing Ethereum node.
+ * @param defaults Override TxData defaults sent with RPC requests to the backing Ethereum node.
+ * @return An instance of the Web3Wrapper class.
+ */
+ constructor(provider: Web3.Provider, defaults?: Partial<TxData>) {
+ if (_.isUndefined((provider as any).sendAsync)) {
+ // Web3@1.0 provider doesn't support synchronous http requests,
+ // so it only has an async `send` method, instead of a `send` and `sendAsync` in web3@0.x.x`
+ // We re-assign the send method so that Web3@1.0 providers work with @0xproject/web3-wrapper
+ (provider as any).sendAsync = (provider as any).send;
+ }
+ this.abiDecoder = new AbiDecoder([]);
+ this._web3 = new Web3();
+ this._web3.setProvider(provider);
+ this._defaults = defaults || {};
+ this._jsonRpcRequestId = 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the contract defaults set to the Web3Wrapper instance
+ * @return TxData defaults (e.g gas, gasPrice, nonce, etc...)
+ */
+ public getContractDefaults(): Partial<TxData> {
+ return this._defaults;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieve the Web3 provider
+ * @return Web3 provider instance
+ */
+ public getProvider(): Web3.Provider {
+ return this._web3.currentProvider;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update the used Web3 provider
+ * @param provider The new Web3 provider to be set
+ */
+ public setProvider(provider: Web3.Provider) {
+ this._web3.setProvider(provider);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check if an address is a valid Ethereum address
+ * @param address Address to check
+ * @returns Whether the address is a valid Ethereum address
+ */
+ public isAddress(address: string): boolean {
+ return this._web3.isAddress(address);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check whether an address is available through the backing provider. This can be
+ * useful if you want to know whether a user can sign messages or transactions from
+ * a given Ethereum address.
+ * @param senderAddress Address to check availability for
+ * @returns Whether the address is available through the provider.
+ */
+ public async isSenderAddressAvailableAsync(senderAddress: string): Promise<boolean> {
+ const addresses = await this.getAvailableAddressesAsync();
+ const normalizedAddress = senderAddress.toLowerCase();
+ return _.includes(addresses, normalizedAddress);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Fetch the backing Ethereum node's version string (e.g `MetaMask/v4.2.0`)
+ * @returns Ethereum node's version string
+ */
+ public async getNodeVersionAsync(): Promise<string> {
+ const nodeVersion = await promisify<string>(this._web3.version.getNode)();
+ return nodeVersion;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Fetches the networkId of the backing Ethereum node
+ * @returns The network id
+ */
+ public async getNetworkIdAsync(): Promise<number> {
+ const networkIdStr = await promisify<string>(this._web3.version.getNetwork)();
+ const networkId = _.parseInt(networkIdStr);
+ return networkId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the transaction receipt for a given transaction hash
+ * @param txHash Transaction hash
+ * @returns The transaction receipt, including it's status (0: failed, 1: succeeded or undefined: not found)
+ */
+ public async getTransactionReceiptAsync(txHash: string): Promise<TransactionReceipt> {
+ const transactionReceipt = await promisify<TransactionReceipt>(this._web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt)(txHash);
+ if (!_.isNull(transactionReceipt)) {
+ transactionReceipt.status = this._normalizeTxReceiptStatus(transactionReceipt.status);
+ }
+ return transactionReceipt;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Convert an Ether amount from ETH to Wei
+ * @param ethAmount Amount of Ether to convert to wei
+ * @returns Amount in wei
+ */
+ public toWei(ethAmount: BigNumber): BigNumber {
+ const balanceWei = this._web3.toWei(ethAmount, 'ether');
+ return balanceWei;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves an accounts Ether balance in wei
+ * @param owner Account whose balance you wish to check
+ * @returns Balance in wei
+ */
+ public async getBalanceInWeiAsync(owner: string): Promise<BigNumber> {
+ let balanceInWei = await promisify<BigNumber>(this._web3.eth.getBalance)(owner);
+ // Rewrap in a new BigNumber
+ balanceInWei = new BigNumber(balanceInWei);
+ return balanceInWei;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check if a contract exists at a given address
+ * @param address Address to which to check
+ * @returns Whether or not contract code was found at the supplied address
+ */
+ public async doesContractExistAtAddressAsync(address: string): Promise<boolean> {
+ const code = await promisify<string>(this._web3.eth.getCode)(address);
+ // Regex matches 0x0, 0x00, 0x in order to accommodate poorly implemented clients
+ const codeIsEmpty = /^0x0{0,40}$/i.test(code);
+ return !codeIsEmpty;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sign a message with a specific address's private key (`eth_sign`)
+ * @param address Address of signer
+ * @param message Message to sign
+ * @returns Signature string (might be VRS or RSV depending on the Signer)
+ */
+ public async signMessageAsync(address: string, message: string): Promise<string> {
+ const signData = await promisify<string>(this._web3.eth.sign)(address, message);
+ return signData;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Fetches the latest block number
+ * @returns Block number
+ */
+ public async getBlockNumberAsync(): Promise<number> {
+ const blockNumber = await promisify<number>(this._web3.eth.getBlockNumber)();
+ return blockNumber;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Fetch a specific Ethereum block
+ * @param blockParam The block you wish to fetch (blockHash, blockNumber or blockLiteral)
+ * @returns The requested block without transaction data
+ */
+ public async getBlockAsync(blockParam: string | BlockParam): Promise<BlockWithoutTransactionData> {
+ const block = await promisify<BlockWithoutTransactionData>(this._web3.eth.getBlock)(blockParam);
+ return block;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Fetch a block's timestamp
+ * @param blockParam The block you wish to fetch (blockHash, blockNumber or blockLiteral)
+ * @returns The block's timestamp
+ */
+ public async getBlockTimestampAsync(blockParam: string | BlockParam): Promise<number> {
+ const { timestamp } = await this.getBlockAsync(blockParam);
+ return timestamp;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieve the user addresses available through the backing provider
+ * @returns Available user addresses
+ */
+ public async getAvailableAddressesAsync(): Promise<string[]> {
+ const addresses = await promisify<string[]>(this._web3.eth.getAccounts)();
+ const normalizedAddresses = _.map(addresses, address => address.toLowerCase());
+ return normalizedAddresses;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Take a snapshot of the blockchain state on a TestRPC/Ganache local node
+ * @returns The snapshot id. This can be used to revert to this snapshot
+ */
+ public async takeSnapshotAsync(): Promise<number> {
+ const snapshotId = Number(await this._sendRawPayloadAsync<string>({ method: 'evm_snapshot', params: [] }));
+ return snapshotId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Revert the blockchain state to a previous snapshot state on TestRPC/Ganache local node
+ * @param snapshotId snapshot id to revert to
+ * @returns Whether the revert was successful
+ */
+ public async revertSnapshotAsync(snapshotId: number): Promise<boolean> {
+ const didRevert = await this._sendRawPayloadAsync<boolean>({ method: 'evm_revert', params: [snapshotId] });
+ return didRevert;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Mine a block on a TestRPC/Ganache local node
+ */
+ public async mineBlockAsync(): Promise<void> {
+ await this._sendRawPayloadAsync<string>({ method: 'evm_mine', params: [] });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Increase the next blocks timestamp on TestRPC/Ganache local node
+ * @param timeDelta Amount of time to add in seconds
+ */
+ public async increaseTimeAsync(timeDelta: number): Promise<void> {
+ await this._sendRawPayloadAsync<string>({ method: 'evm_increaseTime', params: [timeDelta] });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieve smart contract logs for a given filter
+ * @param filter Parameters by which to filter which logs to retrieve
+ * @returns The corresponding log entries
+ */
+ public async getLogsAsync(filter: FilterObject): Promise<LogEntry[]> {
+ let fromBlock = filter.fromBlock;
+ if (_.isNumber(fromBlock)) {
+ fromBlock = this._web3.toHex(fromBlock);
+ }
+ let toBlock = filter.toBlock;
+ if (_.isNumber(toBlock)) {
+ toBlock = this._web3.toHex(toBlock);
+ }
+ const serializedFilter = {
+ ...filter,
+ fromBlock,
+ toBlock,
+ };
+ const payload = {
+ jsonrpc: '2.0',
+ id: this._jsonRpcRequestId++,
+ method: 'eth_getLogs',
+ params: [serializedFilter],
+ };
+ const rawLogs = await this._sendRawPayloadAsync<RawLogEntry[]>(payload);
+ const formattedLogs = _.map(rawLogs, this._formatLog.bind(this));
+ return formattedLogs;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get a Web3 contract factory instance for a given ABI
+ * @param abi Smart contract ABI
+ * @returns Web3 contract factory which can create Web3 Contract instances from the supplied ABI
+ */
+ public getContractFromAbi(abi: ContractAbi): Web3.Contract<any> {
+ const web3Contract = this._web3.eth.contract(abi);
+ return web3Contract;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calculate the estimated gas cost for a given transaction
+ * @param txData Transaction data
+ * @returns Estimated gas cost
+ */
+ public async estimateGasAsync(txData: Partial<TxData>): Promise<number> {
+ const gas = await promisify<number>(this._web3.eth.estimateGas)(txData);
+ return gas;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Call a smart contract method at a given block height
+ * @param callData Call data
+ * @param defaultBlock Block height at which to make the call. Defaults to `latest`
+ * @returns The raw call result
+ */
+ public async callAsync(callData: CallData, defaultBlock?: BlockParam): Promise<string> {
+ const rawCallResult = await promisify<string>(this._web3.eth.call)(callData, defaultBlock);
+ return rawCallResult;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Send a transaction
+ * @param txData Transaction data
+ * @returns Transaction hash
+ */
+ public async sendTransactionAsync(txData: TxData): Promise<string> {
+ const txHash = await promisify<string>(this._web3.eth.sendTransaction)(txData);
+ return txHash;
+ }
+ public async awaitTransactionMinedAsync(
+ txHash: string,
+ pollingIntervalMs = 1000,
+ timeoutMs?: number,
+ ): Promise<TransactionReceiptWithDecodedLogs> {
+ let timeoutExceeded = false;
+ if (timeoutMs) {
+ setTimeout(() => (timeoutExceeded = true), timeoutMs);
+ }
+ const txReceiptPromise = new Promise(
+ (resolve: (receipt: TransactionReceiptWithDecodedLogs) => void, reject) => {
+ const intervalId = intervalUtils.setAsyncExcludingInterval(
+ async () => {
+ if (timeoutExceeded) {
+ intervalUtils.clearAsyncExcludingInterval(intervalId);
+ return reject(Web3WrapperErrors.TransactionMiningTimeout);
+ }
+ const transactionReceipt = await this.getTransactionReceiptAsync(txHash);
+ if (!_.isNull(transactionReceipt)) {
+ intervalUtils.clearAsyncExcludingInterval(intervalId);
+ const logsWithDecodedArgs = _.map(
+ transactionReceipt.logs,
+ this.abiDecoder.tryToDecodeLogOrNoop.bind(this.abiDecoder),
+ );
+ const transactionReceiptWithDecodedLogArgs: TransactionReceiptWithDecodedLogs = {
+ ...transactionReceipt,
+ logs: logsWithDecodedArgs,
+ };
+ resolve(transactionReceiptWithDecodedLogArgs);
+ }
+ },
+ pollingIntervalMs,
+ (err: Error) => {
+ intervalUtils.clearAsyncExcludingInterval(intervalId);
+ reject(err);
+ },
+ );
+ },
+ );
+ const txReceipt = await txReceiptPromise;
+ return txReceipt;
+ }
+ private async _sendRawPayloadAsync<A>(payload: Partial<JSONRPCRequestPayload>): Promise<A> {
+ const sendAsync = this._web3.currentProvider.sendAsync.bind(this._web3.currentProvider);
+ const response = await promisify<JSONRPCResponsePayload>(sendAsync)(payload);
+ const result = response.result;
+ return result;
+ }
+ private _normalizeTxReceiptStatus(status: undefined | null | string | 0 | 1): null | 0 | 1 {
+ // Transaction status might have four values
+ // undefined - Testrpc and other old clients
+ // null - New clients on old transactions
+ // number - Parity
+ // hex - Geth
+ if (_.isString(status)) {
+ return this._web3.toDecimal(status) as 0 | 1;
+ } else if (_.isUndefined(status)) {
+ return null;
+ } else {
+ return status;
+ }
+ }
+ private _formatLog(rawLog: RawLogEntry): LogEntry {
+ const formattedLog = {
+ ...rawLog,
+ logIndex: this._hexToDecimal(rawLog.logIndex),
+ blockNumber: this._hexToDecimal(rawLog.blockNumber),
+ transactionIndex: this._hexToDecimal(rawLog.transactionIndex),
+ };
+ return formattedLog;
+ }
+ private _hexToDecimal(hex: string | null): number | null {
+ if (_.isNull(hex)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ const decimal = this._web3.toDecimal(hex);
+ return decimal;
+ }