import { Schema, SchemaValidator } from '@0x/json-schemas'; import { addressUtils, BigNumber } from '@0x/utils'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import * as validUrl from 'valid-url'; const HEX_REGEX = /^0x[0-9A-F]*$/i; export const assert = { isBigNumber(variableName: string, value: BigNumber): void { const isBigNumber = BigNumber.isBigNumber(value); assert.assert(isBigNumber, assert.typeAssertionMessage(variableName, 'BigNumber', value)); }, isValidBaseUnitAmount(variableName: string, value: BigNumber): void { assert.isBigNumber(variableName, value); const isNegative = value.isLessThan(0); assert.assert(!isNegative, `${variableName} cannot be a negative number, found value: ${value.toNumber()}`); const hasDecimals = value.decimalPlaces() !== 0; assert.assert( !hasDecimals, `${variableName} should be in baseUnits (no decimals), found value: ${value.toNumber()}`, ); }, isString(variableName: string, value: string): void { assert.assert(_.isString(value), assert.typeAssertionMessage(variableName, 'string', value)); }, isFunction(variableName: string, value: any): void { assert.assert(_.isFunction(value), assert.typeAssertionMessage(variableName, 'function', value)); }, isHexString(variableName: string, value: string): void { assert.assert( _.isString(value) && HEX_REGEX.test(value), assert.typeAssertionMessage(variableName, 'HexString', value), ); }, isETHAddressHex(variableName: string, value: string): void { assert.assert(_.isString(value), assert.typeAssertionMessage(variableName, 'string', value)); assert.assert(addressUtils.isAddress(value), assert.typeAssertionMessage(variableName, 'ETHAddressHex', value)); }, doesBelongToStringEnum( variableName: string, value: string, stringEnum: any /* There is no base type for every string enum */, ): void { const enumValues = _.values(stringEnum); const doesBelongToStringEnum = _.includes(enumValues, value); const enumValuesAsStrings =, enumValue => `'${enumValue}'`); const enumValuesAsString = enumValuesAsStrings.join(', '); assert.assert( doesBelongToStringEnum, `Expected ${variableName} to be one of: ${enumValuesAsString}, encountered: ${value}`, ); }, hasAtMostOneUniqueValue(value: any[], errMsg: string): void { assert.assert(_.uniq(value).length <= 1, errMsg); }, isNumber(variableName: string, value: number): void { assert.assert(_.isFinite(value), assert.typeAssertionMessage(variableName, 'number', value)); }, isBoolean(variableName: string, value: boolean): void { assert.assert(_.isBoolean(value), assert.typeAssertionMessage(variableName, 'boolean', value)); }, isWeb3Provider(variableName: string, value: any): void { const isWeb3Provider = _.isFunction(value.send) || _.isFunction(value.sendAsync); assert.assert(isWeb3Provider, assert.typeAssertionMessage(variableName, 'Provider', value)); }, doesConformToSchema(variableName: string, value: any, schema: Schema, subSchemas?: Schema[]): void { if (_.isUndefined(value)) { throw new Error(`${variableName} can't be undefined`); } const schemaValidator = new SchemaValidator(); if (!_.isUndefined(subSchemas)) {, schemaValidator.addSchema.bind(schemaValidator)); } const validationResult = schemaValidator.validate(value, schema); const hasValidationErrors = validationResult.errors.length > 0; const msg = `Expected ${variableName} to conform to schema ${} Encountered: ${JSON.stringify(value, null, '\t')} Validation errors: ${validationResult.errors.join(', ')}`; assert.assert(!hasValidationErrors, msg); }, isWebUri(variableName: string, value: any): void { const isValidUrl = !_.isUndefined(validUrl.isWebUri(value)); assert.assert(isValidUrl, assert.typeAssertionMessage(variableName, 'web uri', value)); }, isUri(variableName: string, value: any): void { const isValidUri = !_.isUndefined(validUrl.isUri(value)); assert.assert(isValidUri, assert.typeAssertionMessage(variableName, 'uri', value)); }, assert(condition: boolean, message: string): void { if (!condition) { throw new Error(message); } }, typeAssertionMessage(variableName: string, type: string, value: any): string { return `Expected ${variableName} to be of type ${type}, encountered: ${value}`; }, };