import { AssetBuyer, AssetBuyerError, BuyQuote } from '@0x/asset-buyer'; import { AssetProxyId } from '@0x/types'; import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils'; import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0x/web3-wrapper'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import * as React from 'react'; import { oc } from 'ts-optchain'; import { WEB_3_WRAPPER_TRANSACTION_FAILED_ERROR_MSG_PREFIX } from '../constants'; import { ColorOption } from '../style/theme'; import { AffiliateInfo, Asset, ZeroExInstantError } from '../types'; import { analytics } from '../util/analytics'; import { errorReporter } from '../util/error_reporter'; import { gasPriceEstimator } from '../util/gas_price_estimator'; import { util } from '../util/util'; import { Button } from './ui/button'; export interface BuyButtonProps { accountAddress?: string; accountEthBalanceInWei?: BigNumber; buyQuote?: BuyQuote; assetBuyer: AssetBuyer; web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper; affiliateInfo?: AffiliateInfo; selectedAsset?: Asset; onValidationPending: (buyQuote: BuyQuote) => void; onValidationFail: (buyQuote: BuyQuote, errorMessage: AssetBuyerError | ZeroExInstantError) => void; onSignatureDenied: (buyQuote: BuyQuote) => void; onBuyProcessing: (buyQuote: BuyQuote, txHash: string, startTimeUnix: number, expectedEndTimeUnix: number) => void; onBuySuccess: (buyQuote: BuyQuote, txHash: string) => void; onBuyFailure: (buyQuote: BuyQuote, txHash: string) => void; } export class BuyButton extends React.Component { public static defaultProps = { onClick: util.boundNoop, onBuySuccess: util.boundNoop, onBuyFailure: util.boundNoop, }; public render(): React.ReactNode { const { buyQuote, accountAddress, selectedAsset } = this.props; const shouldDisableButton = _.isUndefined(buyQuote) || _.isUndefined(accountAddress); const buttonText = !_.isUndefined(selectedAsset) && selectedAsset.metaData.assetProxyId === AssetProxyId.ERC20 ? `Buy ${selectedAsset.metaData.symbol.toUpperCase()}` : 'Buy Now'; return ( ); } private readonly _handleClick = async () => { // The button is disabled when there is no buy quote anyway. const { buyQuote, assetBuyer, affiliateInfo, accountAddress, accountEthBalanceInWei, web3Wrapper } = this.props; if (_.isUndefined(buyQuote) || _.isUndefined(accountAddress)) { return; } this.props.onValidationPending(buyQuote); const ethNeededForBuy = buyQuote.worstCaseQuoteInfo.totalEthAmount; // if we don't have a balance for the user, let the transaction through, it will be handled by the wallet const hasSufficientEth = _.isUndefined(accountEthBalanceInWei) || accountEthBalanceInWei.gte(ethNeededForBuy); if (!hasSufficientEth) { analytics.trackBuyNotEnoughEth(buyQuote); this.props.onValidationFail(buyQuote, ZeroExInstantError.InsufficientETH); return; } let txHash: string | undefined; const gasInfo = await gasPriceEstimator.getGasInfoAsync(); const feeRecipient = oc(affiliateInfo).feeRecipient(); try { analytics.trackBuyStarted(buyQuote); txHash = await assetBuyer.executeBuyQuoteAsync(buyQuote, { feeRecipient, takerAddress: accountAddress, gasPrice: gasInfo.gasPriceInWei, }); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Error) { if (e.message === AssetBuyerError.TransactionValueTooLow) { analytics.trackBuySimulationFailed(buyQuote); this.props.onValidationFail(buyQuote, AssetBuyerError.TransactionValueTooLow); return; } else { if (e.message !== AssetBuyerError.SignatureRequestDenied) {; } analytics.trackBuySignatureDenied(buyQuote); this.props.onSignatureDenied(buyQuote); return; } } throw e; } const startTimeUnix = new Date().getTime(); const expectedEndTimeUnix = startTimeUnix + gasInfo.estimatedTimeMs; this.props.onBuyProcessing(buyQuote, txHash, startTimeUnix, expectedEndTimeUnix); try { analytics.trackBuyTxSubmitted(buyQuote, txHash, startTimeUnix, expectedEndTimeUnix); await web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(txHash); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Error && e.message.startsWith(WEB_3_WRAPPER_TRANSACTION_FAILED_ERROR_MSG_PREFIX)) { analytics.trackBuyTxFailed(buyQuote, txHash, startTimeUnix, expectedEndTimeUnix); this.props.onBuyFailure(buyQuote, txHash); return; } throw e; } analytics.trackBuyTxSucceeded(buyQuote, txHash, startTimeUnix, expectedEndTimeUnix); this.props.onBuySuccess(buyQuote, txHash); }; }