[ { "timestamp": 1549546009, "version": "6.0.1", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "version": "6.0.0", "changes": { "note": "Stop exporting the EIP712 schemas" }, "timestamp": 1549504360 }, { "version": "5.0.0", "changes": [ { "note": "Add `transactionHashUtils`", "pr": 1576 }, { "note": "Refactor `eip712Utils` to allow custom domain params", "pr": 1576 }, { "note": "Export constant EIP712 params", "pr": 1576 } ], "timestamp": 1549452781 }, { "version": "4.0.0", "changes": [ { "note": "Upgrade the bignumber.js to v8.0.2", "pr": 1517 }, { "note": "Fix preSigned `isSignatureValidAsync` check", "pr": 1580 } ], "timestamp": 1549373905 }, { "timestamp": 1547561734, "version": "3.1.2", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "timestamp": 1547225310, "version": "3.1.1", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "version": "3.1.0", "changes": [ { "note": "Use new ABI encoder, add encoding/decoding logic for MultiAsset assetData, and add information to return values in orderStateUtils", "pr": 1363 } ], "timestamp": 1547040760 }, { "version": "3.0.7", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ], "timestamp": 1544739608 }, { "version": "3.0.6", "changes": [ { "note": "Fix bug in wallet signature type verification", "pr": 1414 } ], "timestamp": 1544570656 }, { "timestamp": 1544482891, "version": "3.0.5", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "timestamp": 1543401373, "version": "3.0.4", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "timestamp": 1542821676, "version": "3.0.3", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "timestamp": 1542208198, "version": "3.0.2", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "timestamp": 1542134075, "version": "3.0.1", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "version": "3.0.0", "changes": [ { "note": "Add signature validation, regular cancellation and `cancelledUpTo` checks to `validateOrderFillableOrThrowAsync`", "pr": 1235 }, { "note": "Improved the errors thrown by `validateOrderFillableOrThrowAsync` by making them more descriptive", "pr": 1235 }, { "note": "Throw previously swallowed network errors when calling `validateOrderFillableOrThrowAsync` (see issue: #1218)", "pr": 1235 }, { "note": "Modified the `AbstractOrderFilledCancelledFetcher` interface slightly such that `isOrderCancelledAsync` accepts a `signedOrder` instead of an `orderHash` param", "pr": 1235 } ], "timestamp": 1542028948 }, { "version": "2.0.1", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ], "timestamp": 1541740904 }, { "version": "2.0.0", "changes": [ { "note": "Added `ecSignOrderAsync` to first sign an order using `eth_signTypedData` and fallback to `eth_sign`.", "pr": 1102 }, { "note": "Added `ecSignTypedDataOrderAsync` to sign an order exclusively using `eth_signTypedData`.", "pr": 1102 }, { "note": "Rename `ecSignOrderHashAsync` to `ecSignHashAsync` removing `SignerType` parameter.", "pr": 1102 }, { "note": "Use `AssetData` union type for function return values.", "pr": 1131 } ], "timestamp": 1539871071 }, { "version": "1.0.7", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ], "timestamp": 1538693146 }, { "version": "1.0.6", "changes": [ { "note": "Add signerAddress normalization to `isValidECSignature` to avoid `invalid address recovery` error if caller supplies a checksummed address", "pr": 1096 } ], "timestamp": 1538157789 }, { "timestamp": 1537907159, "version": "1.0.5", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "timestamp": 1537875740, "version": "1.0.4", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "timestamp": 1537541580, "version": "1.0.3", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "version": "1.0.2", "changes": [ { "note": "Drastically reduce the bundle size by removing unused parts of included contract artifacts." } ], "timestamp": 1537369748 }, { "version": "1.0.1", "changes": [ { "note": "Export `orderParsingUtils`", "pr": 1044 } ], "timestamp": 1536142250 }, { "version": "1.0.1-rc.6", "changes": [ { "note": "Fix missing `BlockParamLiteral` type import issue" } ], "timestamp": 1535377027 }, { "version": "1.0.1-rc.5", "changes": [ { "note": "Remove Caller and Trezor SignatureTypes", "pr": 1015 } ] }, { "version": "1.0.1-rc.4", "changes": [ { "note": "Remove rounding error being thrown when maker amount is very small", "pr": 959 }, { "note": "Added rateUtils and sortingUtils", "pr": 953 }, { "note": "Update marketUtils api such that all optional parameters are bundled into one optional param and more defaults are provided", "pr": 954 }, { "note": "Instead of exporting signature util methods individually, they are now exported as `signatureUtils`", "pr": 924 }, { "note": "Export types: `SignedOrder`, `Order`, `OrderRelevantState`, `OrderState`, `ECSignature`, `ERC20AssetData`, `ERC721AssetData`, `AssetProxyId`, `SignerType`, `SignatureType`, `OrderStateValid`, `OrderStateInvalid`, `ExchangeContractErrs`, `TradeSide`, `TransferType`, `FindFeeOrdersThatCoverFeesForTargetOrdersOpts`, `FindOrdersThatCoverMakerAssetFillAmountOpts`, `FeeOrdersAndRemainingFeeAmount`, `OrdersAndRemainingFillAmount`, `Provider`, `JSONRPCRequestPayload`, `JSONRPCErrorCallback` and `JSONRPCResponsePayload`", "pr": 924 }, { "note": "Rename `resultOrders` to `resultFeeOrders` for object returned by `findFeeOrdersThatCoverFeesForTargetOrders` in `marketUtils` api", "pr": 997 }, { "note": "Make `sortFeeOrdersByFeeAdjustedRate` in `sortingUtils` generic", "pr": 997 }, { "note": "Update `findFeeOrdersThatCoverFeesForTargetOrders` to round the the nearest integer when calculating required fees", "pr": 997 } ], "timestamp": 1535133899 }, { "version": "1.0.1-rc.3", "changes": [ { "pr": 914, "note": "Update ecSignOrderHashAsync to return signature string with signature type byte. Removes messagePrefixOpts." }, { "note": "Added a synchronous `createOrder` method in `orderFactory`, updated public interfaces to support some optional parameters", "pr": 936 }, { "note": "Added marketUtils", "pr": 937 }, { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ], "timestamp": 1534210131 }, { "version": "1.0.1-rc.2", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ], "timestamp": 1532619515 }, { "version": "1.0.1-rc.1", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ], "timestamp": 1532605697 }, { "version": "1.0.0", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ], "timestamp": 1532357734 }, { "version": "1.0.0-rc.2", "changes": [ { "note": "Upgrade ethereumjs-abi dep including a fix so that addresses starting with 0 are properly decoded by `decodeERC20AssetData`" } ], "timestamp": 1532357734 }, { "timestamp": 1532043000, "version": "1.0.0-rc.1", "changes": [ { "note": "Refactor to work with V2 of 0x protocol", "pr": 636 }, { "note": "Export parseECSignature method", "pr": 684 }, { "note": "Handle Typed Arrays when hashing data", "pr": 894 } ] }, { "timestamp": 1531919263, "version": "0.0.9", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "timestamp": 1531149657, "version": "0.0.8", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "timestamp": 1529397769, "version": "0.0.7", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "timestamp": 1527616612, "version": "0.0.6", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "version": "0.0.5", "changes": [ { "note": "Add orderStateUtils, a module for computing order state needed to decide if an order is still valid" } ], "timestamp": 1527008794 }, { "timestamp": 1525477860, "version": "0.0.4", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "timestamp": 1525453812, "version": "0.0.3", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "timestamp": 1525428773, "version": "0.0.2", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] } ]