import { web3Factory } from '@0x/dev-utils'; import { Web3ProviderEngine } from '@0x/subproviders'; import { logUtils } from '@0x/utils'; import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0x/web3-wrapper'; import R = require('ramda'); import 'reflect-metadata'; import { Connection, ConnectionOptions, createConnection, Repository } from 'typeorm'; import { ExchangeEventsSource } from '../data_sources/contract-wrappers/exchange_events'; import { ExchangeCancelEvent, ExchangeCancelUpToEvent, ExchangeEvent, ExchangeFillEvent } from '../entities'; import * as ormConfig from '../ormconfig'; import { parseExchangeCancelEvents, parseExchangeCancelUpToEvents, parseExchangeFillEvents } from '../parsers/events'; import { EXCHANGE_START_BLOCK, handleError, INFURA_ROOT_URL } from '../utils'; const START_BLOCK_OFFSET = 100; // Number of blocks before the last known block to consider when updating fill events. const BATCH_SAVE_SIZE = 1000; // Number of events to save at once. const BLOCK_FINALITY_THRESHOLD = 10; // When to consider blocks as final. Used to compute default endBlock. let connection: Connection; (async () => { connection = await createConnection(ormConfig as ConnectionOptions); const provider = web3Factory.getRpcProvider({ rpcUrl: INFURA_ROOT_URL, }); const endBlock = await calculateEndBlockAsync(provider); const eventsSource = new ExchangeEventsSource(provider, 1); await getFillEventsAsync(eventsSource, endBlock); await getCancelEventsAsync(eventsSource, endBlock); await getCancelUpToEventsAsync(eventsSource, endBlock); process.exit(0); })().catch(handleError); async function getFillEventsAsync(eventsSource: ExchangeEventsSource, endBlock: number): Promise { logUtils.log('Checking existing fill events...'); const repository = connection.getRepository(ExchangeFillEvent); const startBlock = await getStartBlockAsync(repository); logUtils.log(`Getting fill events starting at ${startBlock}...`); const eventLogs = await eventsSource.getFillEventsAsync(startBlock, endBlock); logUtils.log('Parsing fill events...'); const events = parseExchangeFillEvents(eventLogs); logUtils.log(`Retrieved and parsed ${events.length} total fill events.`); await saveEventsAsync(startBlock === EXCHANGE_START_BLOCK, repository, events); } async function getCancelEventsAsync(eventsSource: ExchangeEventsSource, endBlock: number): Promise { logUtils.log('Checking existing cancel events...'); const repository = connection.getRepository(ExchangeCancelEvent); const startBlock = await getStartBlockAsync(repository); logUtils.log(`Getting cancel events starting at ${startBlock}...`); const eventLogs = await eventsSource.getCancelEventsAsync(startBlock, endBlock); logUtils.log('Parsing cancel events...'); const events = parseExchangeCancelEvents(eventLogs); logUtils.log(`Retrieved and parsed ${events.length} total cancel events.`); await saveEventsAsync(startBlock === EXCHANGE_START_BLOCK, repository, events); } async function getCancelUpToEventsAsync(eventsSource: ExchangeEventsSource, endBlock: number): Promise { logUtils.log('Checking existing CancelUpTo events...'); const repository = connection.getRepository(ExchangeCancelUpToEvent); const startBlock = await getStartBlockAsync(repository); logUtils.log(`Getting CancelUpTo events starting at ${startBlock}...`); const eventLogs = await eventsSource.getCancelUpToEventsAsync(startBlock, endBlock); logUtils.log('Parsing CancelUpTo events...'); const events = parseExchangeCancelUpToEvents(eventLogs); logUtils.log(`Retrieved and parsed ${events.length} total CancelUpTo events.`); await saveEventsAsync(startBlock === EXCHANGE_START_BLOCK, repository, events); } const tableNameRegex = /^[a-zA-Z_]*$/; async function getStartBlockAsync(repository: Repository): Promise { const fillEventCount = await repository.count(); if (fillEventCount === 0) { logUtils.log(`No existing ${}s found.`); return EXCHANGE_START_BLOCK; } const tableName = repository.metadata.tableName; if (!tableNameRegex.test(tableName)) { throw new Error(`Unexpected special character in table name: ${tableName}`); } const queryResult = await connection.query( `SELECT block_number FROM raw.${tableName} ORDER BY block_number DESC LIMIT 1`, ); const lastKnownBlock = queryResult[0].block_number; return lastKnownBlock - START_BLOCK_OFFSET; } async function saveEventsAsync( isInitialPull: boolean, repository: Repository, events: T[], ): Promise { logUtils.log(`Saving ${}s...`); if (isInitialPull) { // Split data into numChunks pieces of maximum size BATCH_SAVE_SIZE // each. for (const eventsBatch of R.splitEvery(BATCH_SAVE_SIZE, events)) { await repository.insert(eventsBatch); } } else { // If we possibly have some overlap where we need to update some // existing events, we need to use our workaround/fallback. await saveIndividuallyWithFallbackAsync(repository, events); } const totalEvents = await repository.count(); logUtils.log(`Done saving events. There are now ${totalEvents} total ${}s.`); } async function saveIndividuallyWithFallbackAsync( repository: Repository, events: T[], ): Promise { // Note(albrow): This is a temporary hack because `save` is not working as // documented and is causing a primary key constraint violation. Hopefully // can remove later because this "poor man's upsert" implementation operates // on one event at a time and is therefore much slower. for (const event of events) { try { // First try an insert. await repository.insert(event); } catch (err) { if (err.message.includes('duplicate key value violates unique constraint')) { logUtils.log("Ignore the preceeding INSERT failure; it's not unexpected"); } else { throw err; } // If it fails, assume it was a primary key constraint error and try // doing an update instead. // Note(albrow): Unfortunately the `as any` hack here seems // required. I can't figure out how to convince the type-checker // that the criteria and the entity itself are the correct type for // the given repository. If we can remove the `save` hack then this // will probably no longer be necessary. await repository.update( { contractAddress: event.contractAddress, blockNumber: event.blockNumber, logIndex: event.logIndex, transactionHash: event.transactionHash, } as any, event as any, ); } } } async function calculateEndBlockAsync(provider: Web3ProviderEngine): Promise { const web3Wrapper = new Web3Wrapper(provider); const currentBlock = await web3Wrapper.getBlockNumberAsync(); return currentBlock - BLOCK_FINALITY_THRESHOLD; }