import * as _ from 'lodash'; // Utility function to create a K:V from a list of strings // Adapted from: function strEnum(values: string[]): {[key: string]: string} { return _.reduce(values, (result, key) => { result[key] = key; return result; }, Object.create(null)); } export const ZeroExError = strEnum([ 'CONTRACT_DOES_NOT_EXIST', 'UNHANDLED_ERROR', 'USER_HAS_NO_ASSOCIATED_ADDRESSES', 'INVALID_SIGNATURE', 'CONTRACT_NOT_DEPLOYED_ON_NETWORK', 'ZRX_NOT_IN_TOKEN_REGISTRY', 'INSUFFICIENT_ALLOWANCE_FOR_TRANSFER', 'INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE_FOR_TRANSFER', ]); export type ZeroExError = keyof typeof ZeroExError; /** * Elliptic Curve signature */ export interface ECSignature { v: number; r: string; s: string; } export type OrderAddresses = [string, string, string, string, string]; export type OrderValues = [BigNumber.BigNumber, BigNumber.BigNumber, BigNumber.BigNumber, BigNumber.BigNumber, BigNumber.BigNumber, BigNumber.BigNumber]; export type EventCallbackAsync = (err: Error, event: ContractEvent) => Promise; export type EventCallbackSync = (err: Error, event: ContractEvent) => void; export type EventCallback = EventCallbackSync|EventCallbackAsync; export interface ContractEventObj { watch: (eventWatch: EventCallback) => void; stopWatching: () => void; } export type CreateContractEvent = (indexFilterValues: IndexFilterValues, subscriptionOpts: SubscriptionOpts) => ContractEventObj; export interface ExchangeContract extends ContractInstance { isValidSignature: { call: (signerAddressHex: string, dataHex: string, v: number, r: string, s: string, txOpts?: TxOpts) => Promise; }; LogFill: CreateContractEvent; LogCancel: CreateContractEvent; LogError: CreateContractEvent; ZRX: { call: () => Promise; }; getUnavailableValueT: { call: (orderHash: string) => BigNumber.BigNumber; }; isRoundingError: { call: (takerTokenAmount: BigNumber.BigNumber, fillTakerAmount: BigNumber.BigNumber, makerTokenAmount: BigNumber.BigNumber, txOpts?: TxOpts) => Promise; }; fill: { (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses, orderValues: OrderValues, fillAmount: BigNumber.BigNumber, shouldCheckTransfer: boolean, v: number, r: string, s: string, txOpts?: TxOpts): ContractResponse; estimateGas: (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses, orderValues: OrderValues, fillAmount: BigNumber.BigNumber, shouldCheckTransfer: boolean, v: number, r: string, s: string, txOpts?: TxOpts) => number; }; cancel: { (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses, orderValues: OrderValues, cancelAmount: BigNumber.BigNumber, txOpts?: TxOpts): ContractResponse; estimateGas: (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses, orderValues: OrderValues, cancelAmount: BigNumber.BigNumber, txOpts?: TxOpts) => number; }; batchCancel: { (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses[], orderValues: OrderValues[], cancelAmount: BigNumber.BigNumber[], txOpts?: TxOpts): ContractResponse; estimateGas: (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses[], orderValues: OrderValues[], cancelAmount: BigNumber.BigNumber[], txOpts?: TxOpts) => number; }; filled: { call: (orderHash: string) => BigNumber.BigNumber; }; cancelled: { call: (orderHash: string) => BigNumber.BigNumber; }; getOrderHash: { call: (orderAddresses: OrderAddresses, orderValues: OrderValues) => string; }; } export interface TokenContract extends ContractInstance { balanceOf: { call: (address: string) => Promise; }; allowance: { call: (ownerAddress: string, allowedAddress: string) => Promise; }; transfer: (toAddress: string, amountInBaseUnits: BigNumber.BigNumber, txOpts?: TxOpts) => Promise; transferFrom: (fromAddress: string, toAddress: string, amountInBaseUnits: BigNumber.BigNumber, txOpts?: TxOpts) => Promise; approve: (proxyAddress: string, amountInBaseUnits: BigNumber.BigNumber, txOpts?: TxOpts) => void; } export interface TokenRegistryContract extends ContractInstance { getTokenMetaData: { call: (address: string) => Promise; }; getTokenAddresses: { call: () => Promise; }; } export const SolidityTypes = strEnum([ 'address', 'uint256', ]); export type SolidityTypes = keyof typeof SolidityTypes; export enum ExchangeContractErrCodes { ERROR_FILL_EXPIRED, // Order has already expired ERROR_FILL_NO_VALUE, // Order has already been fully filled or cancelled ERROR_FILL_TRUNCATION, // Rounding error too large ERROR_FILL_BALANCE_ALLOWANCE, // Insufficient balance or allowance for token transfer ERROR_CANCEL_EXPIRED, // Order has already expired ERROR_CANCEL_NO_VALUE, // Order has already been fully filled or cancelled } export const ExchangeContractErrs = strEnum([ 'ORDER_FILL_EXPIRED', 'ORDER_CANCEL_EXPIRED', 'ORDER_CANCEL_AMOUNT_ZERO', 'ORDER_ALREADY_CANCELLED_OR_FILLED', 'ORDER_REMAINING_FILL_AMOUNT_ZERO', 'ORDER_FILL_ROUNDING_ERROR', 'FILL_BALANCE_ALLOWANCE_ERROR', 'INSUFFICIENT_TAKER_BALANCE', 'INSUFFICIENT_TAKER_ALLOWANCE', 'INSUFFICIENT_MAKER_BALANCE', 'INSUFFICIENT_MAKER_ALLOWANCE', 'INSUFFICIENT_TAKER_FEE_BALANCE', 'INSUFFICIENT_TAKER_FEE_ALLOWANCE', 'INSUFFICIENT_MAKER_FEE_BALANCE', 'INSUFFICIENT_MAKER_FEE_ALLOWANCE', 'TRANSACTION_SENDER_IS_NOT_FILL_ORDER_TAKER', ]); export type ExchangeContractErrs = keyof typeof ExchangeContractErrs; export interface ContractResponse { logs: ContractEvent[]; } export interface ContractEvent { logIndex: number; transactionIndex: number; transactionHash: string; blockHash: string; blockNumber: number; address: string; type: string; event: string; args: any; } export interface Order { maker: string; taker: string; makerFee: BigNumber.BigNumber; takerFee: BigNumber.BigNumber; makerTokenAmount: BigNumber.BigNumber; takerTokenAmount: BigNumber.BigNumber; makerTokenAddress: string; takerTokenAddress: string; salt: BigNumber.BigNumber; feeRecipient: string; expirationUnixTimestampSec: BigNumber.BigNumber; } export interface SignedOrder extends Order { ecSignature: ECSignature; } // [address, name, symbol, projectUrl, decimals, ipfsHash, swarmHash] export type TokenMetadata = [string, string, string, string, BigNumber.BigNumber, string, string]; export interface Token { name: string; address: string; symbol: string; decimals: number; url: string; } export interface TxOpts { from: string; gas?: number; } export interface TokenAddressBySymbol { [symbol: string]: string; } export const ExchangeEvents = strEnum([ 'LogFill', 'LogCancel', 'LogError', ]); export type ExchangeEvents = keyof typeof ExchangeEvents; export interface IndexFilterValues { [index: string]: any; } export type BlockParam = 'latest'|'earliest'|'pending'|number; export interface SubscriptionOpts { fromBlock: BlockParam; toBlock: BlockParam; } export type DoneCallback = (err?: Error) => void;