path: root/packages
diff options
authorCavan <cavan@radarrelay.com>2018-06-07 23:42:50 +0800
committerFabio Berger <me@fabioberger.com>2018-06-26 00:42:13 +0800
commitbb4c748bf1e93d1f2c98514c574ba67678b0ed59 (patch)
tree7dd84ea5a86b42f8a08bc65be513220cc3e58122 /packages
parentf8bde5ab9b8e5d4ec8b9532dfbf18d1202dbfb29 (diff)
Formatting and standards updates
Diffstat (limited to 'packages')
4 files changed, 320 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/subproviders/src/index.ts b/packages/subproviders/src/index.ts
index 6cc650a4d..0e1579706 100644
--- a/packages/subproviders/src/index.ts
+++ b/packages/subproviders/src/index.ts
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ export { Subprovider } from './subproviders/subprovider';
export { NonceTrackerSubprovider } from './subproviders/nonce_tracker';
export { PrivateKeyWalletSubprovider } from './subproviders/private_key_wallet';
export { MnemonicWalletSubprovider } from './subproviders/mnemonic_wallet';
+export { EthLightwalletSubprovider } from './subproviders/eth_lightwallet';
export {
diff --git a/packages/subproviders/src/subproviders/eth_lightwallet.ts b/packages/subproviders/src/subproviders/eth_lightwallet.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af4ea77e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/subproviders/src/subproviders/eth_lightwallet.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+import { assert } from '@0xproject/assert';
+import { ECSignatureBuffer } from '@0xproject/types';
+import { addressUtils } from '@0xproject/utils';
+import * as lightwallet from 'eth-lightwallet';
+import EthereumTx = require('ethereumjs-tx');
+import * as _ from 'lodash';
+import { PartialTxParams, WalletSubproviderErrors } from '../types';
+import { BaseWalletSubprovider } from './base_wallet_subprovider';
+ * This class implements the [web3-provider-engine](https://github.com/MetaMask/provider-engine) subprovider interface.
+ * This subprovider intercepts all account related RPC requests (e.g message/transaction signing, etc...) and
+ * re-routes them to [eth-lightwallet](https://github.com/ConsenSys/eth-lightwallet).
+ */
+export class EthLightwalletSubprovider extends BaseWalletSubprovider {
+ private _signing: lightwallet.signing;
+ private _keystore: lightwallet.keystore;
+ private _pwDerivedKey: Uint8Array;
+ /**
+ * Instantiates a EthLightwalletSubprovider
+ * @param signing The lightwallet module containing signing functions
+ * @param keystore An instance of the lightwallet keystore
+ * @param pwDerivedKey The users password derived key
+ */
+ constructor(signing: lightwallet.signing, keystore: lightwallet.keystore, pwDerivedKey: Uint8Array) {
+ super();
+ this._signing = signing;
+ this._keystore = keystore;
+ this._pwDerivedKey = pwDerivedKey;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieve the accounts associated with the eth-lightwallet instance.
+ * This method is implicitly called when issuing a `eth_accounts` JSON RPC request
+ * via your providerEngine instance.
+ *
+ * @return An array of accounts
+ */
+ public async getAccountsAsync(): Promise<string[]> {
+ const accounts = this._keystore.getAddresses();
+ return accounts;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Signs a transaction with the account specificed by the `from` field in txParams.
+ * If you've added this Subprovider to your app's provider, you can simply send
+ * an `eth_sendTransaction` JSON RPC request, and this method will be called auto-magically.
+ * If you are not using this via a ProviderEngine instance, you can call it directly.
+ * @param txParams Parameters of the transaction to sign
+ * @return Signed transaction hex string
+ */
+ public async signTransactionAsync(txParams: PartialTxParams): Promise<string> {
+ if (_.isUndefined(txParams.from) || !addressUtils.isAddress(txParams.from)) {
+ throw new Error(WalletSubproviderErrors.FromAddressMissingOrInvalid);
+ }
+ const tx = new EthereumTx(txParams);
+ const txHex = tx.serialize().toString('hex');
+ let signedTxHex: string = this._signing.signTx(this._keystore, this._pwDerivedKey, txHex, txParams.from);
+ signedTxHex = `0x${signedTxHex}`;
+ return signedTxHex;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sign a personal Ethereum signed message. The signing account will be the account
+ * associated with the provided address.
+ * If you've added the EthLightwalletSubprovider to your app's provider, you can simply send an `eth_sign`
+ * or `personal_sign` JSON RPC request, and this method will be called auto-magically.
+ * If you are not using this via a ProviderEngine instance, you can call it directly.
+ * @param data Hex string message to sign
+ * @param address Address of the account to sign with
+ * @return Signature hex string (order: rsv)
+ */
+ public async signPersonalMessageAsync(data: string, address: string): Promise<string> {
+ if (_.isUndefined(data)) {
+ throw new Error(WalletSubproviderErrors.DataMissingForSignPersonalMessage);
+ }
+ assert.isHexString('data', data);
+ assert.isETHAddressHex('address', address);
+ const result: ECSignatureBuffer = this._signing.signMsgHash(this._keystore, this._pwDerivedKey, data, address);
+ const signature = this._signing.concatSig(result);
+ return signature;
+ }
diff --git a/packages/subproviders/test/unit/eth_lightwallet_subprovider_test.ts b/packages/subproviders/test/unit/eth_lightwallet_subprovider_test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..762163338
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/subproviders/test/unit/eth_lightwallet_subprovider_test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+import { JSONRPCResponsePayload } from '@0xproject/types';
+import * as chai from 'chai';
+import * as lightwallet from 'eth-lightwallet';
+import Web3ProviderEngine = require('web3-provider-engine');
+import RpcSubprovider = require('web3-provider-engine/subproviders/rpc');
+import { EthLightwalletSubprovider } from '../../src';
+import { DoneCallback } from '../../src/types';
+import { chaiSetup } from '../chai_setup';
+import { ganacheSubprovider } from '../utils/ganache_subprovider';
+import { reportCallbackErrors } from '../utils/report_callback_errors';
+const expect = chai.expect;
+const FAKE_ADDRESS = '0x44be42fd88e22387c43ba9b75941aa3e680dae25';
+const PASSWORD = 'supersecretpassword99';
+const SEED_PHRASE = 'dilemma hollow outer pony cube season start stereo surprise when edit blast';
+const SALT = 'kvODghzs7Ff1uqHyI0P3wI4Hso4w4iWT2e9qmrWz0y4';
+const HD_PATH_STRING = `m/44'/60'/0'`;
+describe('EthLightwalletSubprovider', () => {
+ let ethLightwalletSubprovider: EthLightwalletSubprovider;
+ before(async () => {
+ const options = {
+ password: PASSWORD,
+ seedPhrase: SEED_PHRASE,
+ salt: SALT,
+ hdPathString: HD_PATH_STRING,
+ };
+ const createVaultAsync = async (vaultOptions: lightwallet.VaultOptions) => {
+ return new Promise<lightwallet.keystore>(resolve => {
+ // Create Vault
+ lightwallet.keystore.createVault(vaultOptions, (err: Error, vaultKeystore) => {
+ resolve(vaultKeystore);
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ const deriveKeyFromPasswordAsync = async (vaultKeystore: lightwallet.keystore) => {
+ return new Promise<Uint8Array>(resolve => {
+ vaultKeystore.keyFromPassword(PASSWORD, (err: Error, passwordDerivedKey: Uint8Array) => {
+ resolve(passwordDerivedKey);
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ const keystore: lightwallet.keystore = await createVaultAsync(options);
+ const pwDerivedKey: Uint8Array = await deriveKeyFromPasswordAsync(keystore);
+ // Generate 10 addresses
+ keystore.generateNewAddress(pwDerivedKey, NUM_GENERATED_ADDRESSES);
+ // Initialize Subprovider
+ ethLightwalletSubprovider = new EthLightwalletSubprovider(lightwallet.signing, keystore, pwDerivedKey);
+ });
+ describe('direct method calls', () => {
+ describe('success cases', () => {
+ it('returns a list of accounts', async () => {
+ const accounts = await ethLightwalletSubprovider.getAccountsAsync();
+ expect(accounts[0]).to.be.equal(FAKE_ADDRESS);
+ expect(accounts.length).to.be.equal(NUM_GENERATED_ADDRESSES);
+ });
+ it('signs a personal message hash', async () => {
+ const signingAccount = (await ethLightwalletSubprovider.getAccountsAsync())[0];
+ // Keccak-256 hash of 'hello world'
+ const messageHash = '0x47173285a8d7341e5e972fc677286384f802f8ef42a5ec5f03bbfa254cb01fad';
+ const ecSignatureHex = await ethLightwalletSubprovider.signPersonalMessageAsync(
+ messageHash,
+ signingAccount,
+ );
+ expect(ecSignatureHex).to.be.equal(
+ // tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length
+ '0xa46b696c1aa8f91dbb33d1a66f6440bf3cf334c9dc45dc389668c1e60e2db31e259400b41f31632fa994837054c5345c88dc455c13931332489029adee6fd24d1b',
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe('calls through a provider', () => {
+ let provider: Web3ProviderEngine;
+ before(() => {
+ provider = new Web3ProviderEngine();
+ provider.addProvider(ethLightwalletSubprovider);
+ provider.addProvider(ganacheSubprovider);
+ provider.start();
+ });
+ describe('success cases', () => {
+ it('returns a list of accounts', (done: DoneCallback) => {
+ const payload = {
+ jsonrpc: '2.0',
+ method: 'eth_accounts',
+ params: [],
+ id: 1,
+ };
+ const callback = reportCallbackErrors(done)((err: Error, response: JSONRPCResponsePayload) => {
+ expect(err).to.be.a('null');
+ expect(response.result.length).to.be.equal(NUM_GENERATED_ADDRESSES);
+ expect(response.result[0]).to.be.equal(FAKE_ADDRESS);
+ done();
+ });
+ provider.sendAsync(payload, callback);
+ });
+ it('signs a personal message hash with eth_sign', (done: DoneCallback) => {
+ // Keccak-256 hash of 'hello world'
+ const messageHash = '0x47173285a8d7341e5e972fc677286384f802f8ef42a5ec5f03bbfa254cb01fad';
+ const payload = {
+ jsonrpc: '2.0',
+ method: 'eth_sign',
+ params: ['0x44be42fd88e22387c43ba9b75941aa3e680dae25', messageHash],
+ id: 1,
+ };
+ const callback = reportCallbackErrors(done)((err: Error, response: JSONRPCResponsePayload) => {
+ expect(err).to.be.a('null');
+ expect(response.result).to.be.equal(
+ // tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length
+ '0xa46b696c1aa8f91dbb33d1a66f6440bf3cf334c9dc45dc389668c1e60e2db31e259400b41f31632fa994837054c5345c88dc455c13931332489029adee6fd24d1b',
+ );
+ done();
+ });
+ provider.sendAsync(payload, callback);
+ });
+ it('signs a transaction', (done: DoneCallback) => {
+ const tx = {
+ to: '0xafa3f8684e54059998bc3a7b0d2b0da075154d66',
+ value: '0x00',
+ gasPrice: '0x00',
+ nonce: '0x00',
+ gas: '0x00',
+ from: '0x44be42fd88e22387c43ba9b75941aa3e680dae25',
+ };
+ const payload = {
+ jsonrpc: '2.0',
+ method: 'eth_signTransaction',
+ params: [tx],
+ id: 1,
+ };
+ const callback = reportCallbackErrors(done)((err: Error, response: JSONRPCResponsePayload) => {
+ const expectedResponseLength = 192;
+ expect(err).to.be.a('null');
+ expect(response.result.raw.length).to.be.equal(expectedResponseLength);
+ expect(response.result.raw.substr(0, 2)).to.be.equal('0x');
+ done();
+ });
+ provider.sendAsync(payload, callback);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('failure cases', () => {
+ it('should throw if `data` param not hex when calling eth_sign', (done: DoneCallback) => {
+ const nonHexMessage = 'hello world';
+ const payload = {
+ jsonrpc: '2.0',
+ method: 'eth_sign',
+ params: ['0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', nonHexMessage],
+ id: 1,
+ };
+ const callback = reportCallbackErrors(done)((err: Error, response: JSONRPCResponsePayload) => {
+ expect(err).to.not.be.a('null');
+ expect(err.message).to.be.equal('Expected data to be of type HexString, encountered: hello world');
+ done();
+ });
+ provider.sendAsync(payload, callback);
+ });
+ it('should throw if `data` param not hex when calling personal_sign', (done: DoneCallback) => {
+ const nonHexMessage = 'hello world';
+ const payload = {
+ jsonrpc: '2.0',
+ method: 'personal_sign',
+ params: [nonHexMessage, '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'],
+ id: 1,
+ };
+ const callback = reportCallbackErrors(done)((err: Error, response: JSONRPCResponsePayload) => {
+ expect(err).to.not.be.a('null');
+ expect(err.message).to.be.equal('Expected data to be of type HexString, encountered: hello world');
+ done();
+ });
+ provider.sendAsync(payload, callback);
+ });
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/packages/typescript-typings/types/eth-lightwallet/index.d.ts b/packages/typescript-typings/types/eth-lightwallet/index.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d31e67fc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/typescript-typings/types/eth-lightwallet/index.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+// eth-lightwallet declarations
+declare module 'eth-lightwallet' {
+ import { ECSignatureBuffer } from '@0xproject/types';
+ interface signing {
+ signTx(keystore: keystore, pwDerivedKey: Uint8Array, rawTx: string, signingAddress: string): string;
+ signMsg(
+ keystore: keystore,
+ pwDerivedKey: Uint8Array,
+ rawMsg: string,
+ signingAddress: string,
+ ): ECSignatureBuffer;
+ signMsgHash(
+ keystore: keystore,
+ pwDerivedKey: Uint8Array,
+ msgHash: string,
+ signingAddress: string,
+ ): ECSignatureBuffer;
+ concatSig(signature: any): string;
+ }
+ export const signing: signing;
+ interface VaultOptions {
+ password: string;
+ seedPhrase: string;
+ salt?: string;
+ hdPathString: string;
+ }
+ export class keystore {
+ public static createVault(
+ options: VaultOptions,
+ callback?: (error: Error, keystore: keystore) => void,
+ ): keystore;
+ public static generateRandomSeed(): string;
+ public static isSeedValid(seed: string): boolean;
+ public static deserialize(keystore: string): keystore;
+ public serialize(): string;
+ public keyFromPassword(
+ password: string,
+ callback?: (error: Error, pwDerivedKey: Uint8Array) => void,
+ ): Uint8Array;
+ public isDerivedKeyCorrect(pwDerivedKey: Uint8Array): boolean;
+ public generateNewAddress(pwDerivedKey: Uint8Array, numberOfAddresses: number): void;
+ public getSeed(pwDerivedKey: Uint8Array): string;
+ public exportPrivateKey(address: string, pwDerivedKey: Uint8Array): string;
+ public getAddresses(): string[];
+ }