path: root/packages/contracts/contracts/tokens/YesComplianceToken/YesComplianceToken.sol
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Diffstat (limited to 'packages/contracts/contracts/tokens/YesComplianceToken/YesComplianceToken.sol')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 648 deletions
diff --git a/packages/contracts/contracts/tokens/YesComplianceToken/YesComplianceToken.sol b/packages/contracts/contracts/tokens/YesComplianceToken/YesComplianceToken.sol
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index 65ea99d0c..000000000
--- a/packages/contracts/contracts/tokens/YesComplianceToken/YesComplianceToken.sol
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-pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
-import "./IYesComplianceToken.sol";
- * draft implementation of YES compliance token
- *
- * NOTE: i have done relatively few gas optimization tweaks (beyond using the sturctures necessary to avoid any
- * linear time procedures).
- * in some cases i am using a call structure which replicates some checks. this is for code clarity/security -
- * i marked a few obvious ones which could be optimized for gas, but :meh:
- *
- * todo static owner should follow owner token? remove static owner? :security: :should:
- * @author Tyson Malchow
- */
-contract YesComplianceToken is YesComplianceTokenV1 {
- uint64 private constant MAX_TOKENS_PER_ENTITY = 10240; // completely arbitrary limit
- uint64 private constant MAX_ENTITIES = 2**32-1; // bc using 32 bit index tracking
- uint64 private constant MAX_VALIDATORS_PER_MARK = 2**32-1; // bc using 32 bit index tracking
- uint64 private constant TOTAL_YES_MARKS = 255; // bc 'uint8 yes'
- // todo could shorten the entity IDs to anything 160+ to make this cheaper?
- /** @notice a single YES attestation */
- struct YesMark {
- /** @notice ISO-3166-1 country codes */
- uint16 countryCode;
- /** @notice the possibly-country-speicifc YES being marked. */
- uint8 yes;
- // 8 bits more space in this slot.. could upgrade yes to uint16?
- /** @notice the index of this mark in EntityRecord.yesMarks */
- uint32 yesMarkIdx;
- /** a list of the validator entities which have attested to this mark */
- uint256[] validatorEntityIds;
- /** @notice index of each validator entity ID in validatorEntityIds */
- mapping(uint256 => uint32) validatorEntityIdIdx;
- // uint8 entityListIdx;
- }
- /**
- * tracks the state for a single recognized entity
- */
- struct EntityRecord {
- /** true marking this entity ID has been encountered */
- bool init;
- /** when true, this entity is effectively useless */
- bool locked;
- // 30 bits more space in this slot
- /** position of the entityId in allEntityIds */
- uint32 entityIdIdx;
- /** used for creating reliable token IDs, monotonically increasing */
- uint64 tokenIdCounter;
- /** indexed YES mark lookups */
- mapping(bytes4 => YesMark) yesMarkByKey;
- /** raw collection of all marks keys */
- bytes4[] yesMarkKeys;
- /** all tokens associated with this identity */
- uint256[] tokenIds;
- // trellis/tower connection ?
- // civic connection ?
- // erc725/735 connection ?
- }
- /**
- * @notice all fields we want to add per-token.
- *
- * there may never be more than just control flag, in which case it may make sense to collapse this
- * to just a mapping(uint256 => bool) ?
- */
- struct TokenRecord {
- /** position of the tokenId in EntityRecord.tokenIds */
- uint32 tokenIdIdx;
- /** true if this token has administrative superpowers (aka is _not_ limited) */
- bool control;
- /** true if this token cannot move */
- bool finalized;
- // 30 bits more in this slot
- // limitations: in/out?
- }
- address public ownerAddress;
- mapping(uint256 => TokenRecord) public tokenRecordById;
- mapping(uint256 => EntityRecord) public entityRecordById;
- mapping(uint256 => uint256) public entityIdByTokenId;
- /** for entity enumeration. maximum of 2^256-1 total entities (i think we'll be ok) */
- uint256[] entityIds;
- constructor() public {
- /* this space intentionally left blank */
- }
- /**
- * constructor alternative: first-time initialization the contract/token (required because of upgradeability)
- */
- function initialize(string _name, string _symbol) {
- // require(super._symbol.length == 0 || _symbol == super._symbol); // cannot change symbol after first init bc that could fuck shit up
- super.initialize(_name, _symbol); // init token info
- // grant the owner token
- mint_I(ownerAddress, OWNER_ENTITY_ID, true);
- // ecosystem owner gets both owner and validator marks (self-attested)
- }
- /**
- * executed in lieu of a constructor in a delegated context
- */
- function _upgradeable_initialize() public {
- // some things are still tied to the owner (instead of the yesmark_owner :notsureif:)
- ownerAddress = msg.sender;
- }
- // YesComplianceTokenV1 Interface Methods --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function isYes(uint256 _validatorEntityId, address _address, uint16 _countryCode, uint8 _yes) external view returns(bool) {
- return isYes_I(_validatorEntityId, _address, _countryCode, _yes);
- }
- function requireYes(uint256 _validatorEntityId, address _address, uint16 _countryCode, uint8 _yes) external view {
- require(isYes_I(_validatorEntityId, _address, _countryCode, _yes));
- }
- function getYes(uint256 _validatorEntityId, address _address, uint16 _countryCode) external view returns(uint8[] memory) {
- if(balanceOf(_address) == 0)
- return new uint8[](0);
- uint256 entityId = entityIdByTokenId[tokenOfOwnerByIndex(_address, 0)];
- EntityRecord storage e = entityRecordById[entityId];
- uint256 j = 0;
- uint256 i;
- // locked always bails
- if(e.locked)
- return new uint8[](0);
- uint8[] memory r = new uint8[](e.yesMarkKeys.length);
- for(i = 0; i < e.yesMarkKeys.length; i++) {
- YesMark storage m = e.yesMarkByKey[e.yesMarkKeys[i]];
- // filter country code
- if(m.countryCode != _countryCode)
- continue;
- // filter explicit validator entity
- if(_validatorEntityId > 0
- && m.validatorEntityIdIdx[_validatorEntityId] == 0
- && (m.validatorEntityIds.length == 0 || m.validatorEntityIds[0] == _validatorEntityId))
- continue;
- // matched, chyess
- r[j++] = m.yes;
- }
- // reduce array length
- assembly { mstore(r, j) }
- return r;
- }
- function mint(address _to, uint256 _entityId, bool _control) external returns (uint256) /* internally protected */{
- uint256 callerTokenId = tokenOfOwnerByIndex(msg.sender, 0);
- uint256 callerEntityId = entityIdByTokenId[callerTokenId];
- // make sure caller has a control token, at the least
- require(tokenRecordById[callerTokenId].control, 'control token required');
- // determine/validate the entity being minted for
- uint256 realEntityId;
- if(_entityId == 0 || _entityId == callerEntityId) {
- // unspecified entity, or caller entity, can do!
- realEntityId = callerEntityId;
- } else {
- // otherwise make sure caller is a VALIDATOR, else fail
- require(senderIsControlValidator(), 'illegal entity id'); // some duplicate checks/lookups, gas leak
- realEntityId = _entityId;
- }
- return mint_I(_to, realEntityId, _control);
- }
- function mint(address _to, uint256 _entityId, bool _control, uint16 _countryCode, uint8[] _yes) external returns (uint256) /* internally protected */ {
- // lazy warning: this is a 90% copy/paste job from the mint directly above this
- uint256 callerTokenId = tokenOfOwnerByIndex(msg.sender, 0);
- uint256 callerEntityId = entityIdByTokenId[callerTokenId];
- // make sure caller has a control token, at the least
- require(tokenRecordById[callerTokenId].control, 'control token required');
- // determine/validate the entity being minted for
- uint256 realEntityId;
- if(_entityId == 0 || _entityId == callerEntityId) {
- // unspecified entity, or caller entity, can do!
- realEntityId = callerEntityId;
- } else {
- // otherwise make sure caller is a VALIDATOR, else fail
- require(senderIsControlValidator()); // some duplicate checks/lookups, gas leak
- realEntityId = _entityId;
- }
- // mint the coin
- uint256 tokenId = mint_I(_to, realEntityId, _control);
- // now set the attestations
- require(_yes.length <= TOTAL_YES_MARKS); // safety
- for(uint256 i = 0; i<_yes.length; i++) {
- setYes_I(_entityId, _countryCode, _yes[i]);
- }
- return tokenId;
- }
- function getEntityId(address _address) external view returns (uint256) {
- return entityIdByTokenId[tokenOfOwnerByIndex(_address, 0)];
- }
- function burn(uint256 _tokenId) external permission_control_tokenId(_tokenId) {
- uint256 entityId = entityIdByTokenId[_tokenId];
- EntityRecord storage e = entity(entityId);
- TokenRecord storage t = tokenRecordById[_tokenId];
- // remove token from entity
- e.tokenIds[t.tokenIdIdx] = e.tokenIds[e.tokenIds.length - 1];
- e.tokenIds.length--;
- // update tracked index (of swapped, if present)
- if(e.tokenIds.length > t.tokenIdIdx)
- tokenRecordById[e.tokenIds[t.tokenIdIdx]].tokenIdIdx = t.tokenIdIdx;
- // remove token record
- delete tokenRecordById[_tokenId];
- // burn the actual token
- super._burn(tokenOwner[_tokenId], _tokenId);
- }
- function burnEntity(uint256 _entityId) external permission_control_entityId(_entityId) { // self-burn allowed
- EntityRecord storage e = entity(_entityId);
- // burn all the tokens
- for(uint256 i = 0; i < e.tokenIds.length; i++) {
- uint256 tokenId = e.tokenIds[i];
- super._burn(tokenOwner[tokenId], tokenId);
- }
- // clear all the marks
- clearYes_I(_entityId);
- // clear out entity record
- e.init = false;
- e.locked = false;
- e.entityIdIdx = 0;
- e.tokenIdCounter = 0;
- assert(e.yesMarkKeys.length == 0);
- assert(e.tokenIds.length == 0);
- }
- function setYes(uint256 _entityId, uint16 _countryCode, uint8 _yes) external permission_validator {
- setYes_I(_entityId, _countryCode, _yes);
- }
- function clearYes(uint256 _entityId, uint16 _countryCode, uint8 _yes) external permission_validator {
- require(_yes > 0);
- require(_yes != 128);
- // special check against reserved country code 0
- if(_countryCode == 0)
- require(senderIsEcosystemControl(), 'not authorized as ecosystem control'); // this is duplicating some things, gas leak
- EntityRecord storage e = entity(_entityId);
- uint256 callerTokenId = tokenOfOwnerByIndex(msg.sender, 0);
- uint256 callerEntityId = entityIdByTokenId[callerTokenId];
- bytes4 key = yesKey(_countryCode, _yes);
- YesMark storage mark = e.yesMarkByKey[key];
- if(mark.yes == 0)
- return; // not set by anyone, bail happily
- if(mark.validatorEntityIdIdx[callerEntityId] == 0 &&
- (mark.validatorEntityIds.length == 0 || mark.validatorEntityIds[0] != callerEntityId)) {
- // set, but not by this validator, bail happily
- return;
- }
- clearYes_I(mark, e, callerEntityId);
- }
- function clearYes(uint256 _entityId, uint16 _countryCode) external permission_validator {
- // special check against 129 validator mark
- if(_countryCode == 0)
- require(senderIsEcosystemControl(), 'not authorized as ecosystem control (129)'); // this is duplicating some things, gas leak
- EntityRecord storage e = entity(_entityId);
- uint256 callerTokenId = tokenOfOwnerByIndex(msg.sender, 0);
- uint256 callerEntityId = entityIdByTokenId[callerTokenId];
- uint256 i;
- for(i =0; i<e.yesMarkKeys.length; i++) {
- YesMark storage mark = e.yesMarkByKey[e.yesMarkKeys[i]];
- if(mark.countryCode != _countryCode)
- continue;
- if(mark.validatorEntityIdIdx[callerEntityId] == 0 &&
- (mark.validatorEntityIds.length == 0 || mark.validatorEntityIds[0] != callerEntityId)) {
- // set, but not by this validator, skip
- continue;
- }
- if(clearYes_I(mark, e, callerEntityId)) {
- // mark was fully destroyed (and replaced in e.yesMarkKeys with the last one)
- i--;
- }
- }
- }
- function clearYes(uint256 _entityId) external permission_validator {
- clearYes_I(_entityId);
- }
- function setLocked(uint256 _entityId, bool _lock) external permission_validator {
- EntityRecord storage e = entity(_entityId);
- // can't fux with owner lock
- require(_entityId != OWNER_ENTITY_ID);
- // if caller isn't ecosystem control, cannot target other validators
- if(!senderIsEcosystemControl())
- require(e.yesMarkByKey[yesKey(0, YESMARK_VALIDATOR)].yes == 0);
- // lockzz
- e.locked = _lock;
- }
- function isLocked(uint256 _entityId) external view returns (bool) {
- return entity(_entityId).locked;
- }
- function isFinalized(uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (bool) {
- return tokenRecordById[_tokenId].finalized;
- }
- function finalize(uint256 _tokenId) external permission_access_tokenId(_tokenId) {
- TokenRecord storage t = tokenRecordById[_tokenId];
- t.finalized = true;
- }
- // Internal Methods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function clearYes_I(YesMark storage mark, EntityRecord storage e, uint256 validatorEntityId) internal returns(bool) {
- uint32 idx = mark.validatorEntityIdIdx[validatorEntityId];
- mark.validatorEntityIds[idx] = mark.validatorEntityIds[mark.validatorEntityIds.length - 1];
- mark.validatorEntityIds.length--;
- delete mark.validatorEntityIdIdx[validatorEntityId];
- // remap
- if(mark.validatorEntityIds.length > idx)
- mark.validatorEntityIdIdx[mark.validatorEntityIds[idx]] = idx;
- // check if the entire mark needs deleting
- if(mark.validatorEntityIds.length == 0) {
- // yes, it does. swap/delete
- idx = mark.yesMarkIdx;
- e.yesMarkKeys[idx] = e.yesMarkKeys[e.yesMarkKeys.length - 1];
- e.yesMarkKeys.length--;
- // remap
- if(e.yesMarkKeys.length > idx)
- e.yesMarkByKey[e.yesMarkKeys[idx]].yesMarkIdx = idx;
- // delete mark
- mark.countryCode = 0;
- mark.yes = 0;
- mark.yesMarkIdx = 0;
- // assert(mark.validatorEntityIds.length == 0);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- function clearYes_I(uint256 _entityId) internal {
- require(_entityId != OWNER_ENTITY_ID);
- EntityRecord storage e = entity(_entityId);
- // only ecosystem control can touch validators
- if(!senderIsEcosystemControl())
- require(e.yesMarkByKey[yesKey(0, YESMARK_VALIDATOR)].yes == 0);
- uint256 callerTokenId = tokenOfOwnerByIndex(msg.sender, 0);
- uint256 callerEntityId = entityIdByTokenId[callerTokenId];
- uint256 i;
- for(i =0; i<e.yesMarkKeys.length; i++) {
- YesMark storage mark = e.yesMarkByKey[e.yesMarkKeys[i]];
- if(mark.validatorEntityIdIdx[callerEntityId] == 0 &&
- (mark.validatorEntityIds.length == 0 || mark.validatorEntityIds[0] != callerEntityId)) {
- // set, but not by this validator
- continue;
- }
- if(clearYes_I(mark, e, callerEntityId)) {
- // mark was fully destroyed (and replaced in e.yesMarkKeys with the last one)
- i--;
- }
- }
- }
- function isYes_I(uint256 _validatorEntityId, address _address, uint16 _countryCode, uint8 _yes) internal view returns(bool) {
- if(balanceOf(_address) == 0)
- return false;
- uint256 entityId = entityIdByTokenId[tokenOfOwnerByIndex(_address, 0)];
- EntityRecord storage e = entityRecordById[entityId];
- // locked always bails
- if(e.locked)
- return false;
- // gate out definite nos
- YesMark storage m = e.yesMarkByKey[yesKey(_countryCode, _yes)];
- if(m.yes == 0)
- return false;
- // no specific validators, we good
- if(_validatorEntityId == 0)
- return true;
- // filter by validator
- return m.validatorEntityIdIdx[_validatorEntityId] > 0
- || m.validatorEntityIds.length > 0 && m.validatorEntityIds[0] == _validatorEntityId;
- }
- function setYes_I(uint256 _entityId, uint16 _countryCode, uint8 _yes) internal {
- require(_yes > 0);
- require(_yes != 128);
- // special check against 129 validator mark
- if(_yes == 129)
- require(senderIsEcosystemControl()); // this is duplicating some checks, gas leak
- uint256 callerTokenId = tokenOfOwnerByIndex(msg.sender, 0);
- uint256 callerEntityId = entityIdByTokenId[callerTokenId];
- setYes_I(callerEntityId, _entityId, _countryCode, _yes);
- }
- function setYes_I(uint256 _validatorEntityId, uint256 _entityId, uint16 _countryCode, uint8 _yes) internal {
- // assert(_yes > 0);
- EntityRecord storage targetEntity = entity(_entityId);
- // locate existing mark
- bytes4 key = yesKey(_countryCode, _yes);
- YesMark storage mark = targetEntity.yesMarkByKey[key];
- if(mark.yes == 0) {
- require(targetEntity.yesMarkKeys.length < TOTAL_YES_MARKS);
- // new mark on the entity
- mark.countryCode = _countryCode;
- mark.yes = _yes;
- mark.yesMarkIdx = uint32(targetEntity.yesMarkKeys.length);
- targetEntity.yesMarkKeys.push(key);
- } else if(mark.validatorEntityIdIdx[_validatorEntityId] > 0 ||
- (mark.validatorEntityIds.length > 0 && mark.validatorEntityIds[0] == _validatorEntityId)) {
- // existing mark and the caller is already on it
- /*
- i'm inclined to make it do nothing in this case (instead of failing) since i'm not at this point positive how best
- to distinguish error types to a caller, which would be required for a caller to know wtf to do in this case
- (otherwise they need to query blockchain again)
- (but that costs gas... :notsureif:)
- */
- return;
- }
- require(mark.validatorEntityIds.length < MAX_VALIDATORS_PER_MARK);
- // add this validator to the mark
- mark.validatorEntityIdIdx[_validatorEntityId] = uint32(mark.validatorEntityIds.length);
- mark.validatorEntityIds.push(_validatorEntityId);
- }
- /** non-permissed internal minting impl */
- function mint_I(address _to, uint256 _entityId, bool _control) internal returns (uint256) {
- EntityRecord storage e = entity(_entityId);
- require(e.tokenIds.length < MAX_TOKENS_PER_ENTITY, 'token limit reached');
- require(e.tokenIdCounter < 2**64-1); // kind of ridiculous but whatever, safety first!
- uint256 tokenId = uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_entityId, e.tokenIdCounter++)));
- super._mint(_to, tokenId);
- tokenRecordById[tokenId].tokenIdIdx = uint32(e.tokenIds.length);
- tokenRecordById[tokenId].control = _control;
- e.tokenIds.push(tokenId);
- entityIdByTokenId[tokenId] = _entityId;
- return tokenId;
- }
- /** entity resolution (creation when needed) */
- function entity(uint256 _entityId) internal returns (EntityRecord storage) {
- require(_entityId > 0);
- EntityRecord storage e = entityRecordById[_entityId];
- if(e.init) return e;
- require(entityIds.length < MAX_ENTITIES);
- e.init = true;
- e.entityIdIdx = uint32(entityIds.length);
- entityIds.push(_entityId);
- return e;
- }
- /** override default addTokenTo for additional transaction limitations */
- function addTokenTo(address _to, uint256 _tokenId) internal {
- uint256 entityId = entityIdByTokenId[_tokenId];
- // ensure one owner cannot be associated with multiple entities
- // NOTE: this breaks hotwallet integrations, at this point necessarily so
- if(balanceOf(_to) > 0) {
- uint256 prevEntityId = entityIdByTokenId[tokenOfOwnerByIndex(_to, 0)];
- require(prevEntityId == entityId, 'conflicting entities');
- }
- require(!tokenRecordById[_tokenId].finalized, 'token is finalized');
- super.addTokenTo(_to, _tokenId);
- }
- /** the sender is the same entity as the one specified */
- function senderIsEntity_ByEntityId(uint256 _entityId) internal view returns (bool) {
- return _entityId == entityIdByTokenId[tokenOfOwnerByIndex(msg.sender, 0)];
- }
- /** the sender is the same entity as the one specified, and the sender is a control for that entity */
- function senderIsControl_ByEntityId(uint256 _entityId) internal view returns (bool) {
- if(balanceOf(msg.sender) == 0)
- return false;
- uint256 tokenId = tokenOfOwnerByIndex(msg.sender, 0);
- uint256 senderEntityId = entityIdByTokenId[tokenId];
- return _entityId == senderEntityId && tokenRecordById[tokenId].control;
- }
- /** the sender is a non-locked validator via control token */
- function senderIsControlValidator() internal view returns (bool) {
- if(balanceOf(msg.sender) == 0)
- return false;
- uint256 tokenId = tokenOfOwnerByIndex(msg.sender, 0);
- uint256 senderEntityId = entityIdByTokenId[tokenId];
- EntityRecord storage e = entityRecordById[senderEntityId];
- return tokenRecordById[tokenId].control
- && !e.locked
- && entityRecordById[senderEntityId].yesMarkByKey[yesKey(0, YESMARK_VALIDATOR)].yes > 0;
- }
- /** the sender is the same entity as the one tied to the token specified */
- function senderIsEntity_ByTokenId(uint256 _tokenId) internal view returns (bool) {
- if(balanceOf(msg.sender) == 0)
- return false;
- return entityIdByTokenId[_tokenId] == entityIdByTokenId[tokenOfOwnerByIndex(msg.sender, 0)];
- }
- /** the sender is the same entity as the one tied to the token specified, and the sender is a control for that entity */
- function senderIsControl_ByTokenId(uint256 _tokenId) internal view returns (bool) {
- if(balanceOf(msg.sender) == 0)
- return false;
- uint256 senderEntityId = entityIdByTokenId[tokenOfOwnerByIndex(msg.sender, 0)];
- return entityIdByTokenId[_tokenId] == senderEntityId && tokenRecordById[_tokenId].control;
- }
- /** checks if sender is the singular ecosystem owner */
- function senderIsEcosystemControl() internal view returns (bool) {
- // todo deprecate ownerAddress ?!
- return msg.sender == ownerAddress || senderIsControl_ByEntityId(OWNER_ENTITY_ID);
- }
- /** a key for a YES attestation mark */
- function yesKey(uint16 _countryCode, uint8 _yes) internal pure returns(bytes4) {
- return bytes4(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_countryCode, _yes)));
- }
- // PERMISSIONS MODIFIERS ----------------------------------------------------------------
- modifier permission_validator {
- require(senderIsControlValidator(), 'not authorized as validator');
- _;
- }
- modifier permission_super {
- require(senderIsEcosystemControl(), 'not authorized as ecosystem control');
- _;
- }
-// modifier permission_access_entityId(uint256 _entityId) {
-// require(senderIsEcosystemControl() || senderIsEntity_ByEntityId(_entityId));
-// _;
-// }
- modifier permission_control_entityId(uint256 _entityId) {
- require(senderIsEcosystemControl() || senderIsControl_ByEntityId(_entityId), 'not authorized entity controller');
- _;
- }
- modifier permission_access_tokenId(uint256 _tokenId) {
- require(senderIsEcosystemControl() || senderIsEntity_ByTokenId(_tokenId));
- _;
- }
- modifier permission_control_tokenId(uint256 _tokenId) {
- require(senderIsEcosystemControl() || senderIsControl_ByTokenId(_tokenId), 'not authorized token controller');
- _;
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file