import * as chai from 'chai'; import * as dirtyChai from 'dirty-chai'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import 'mocha'; import { createDirIfDoesNotExistAsync, getNormalizedErrMsg, parseDependencies, parseSolidityVersionRange, } from '../src/utils/compiler'; import { fsWrapper } from '../src/utils/fs_wrapper'; chai.use(dirtyChai); const expect = chai.expect; describe('Compiler utils', () => { describe('#getNormalizedErrorMessage', () => { it('normalizes the error message', () => { const errMsg = 'base/Token.sol:6:46: Warning: Unused local variable'; const normalizedErrMsg = getNormalizedErrMsg(errMsg); expect(normalizedErrMsg)'Token.sol:6:46: Warning: Unused local variable'); }); }); describe('#createDirIfDoesNotExistAsync', () => { it('creates artifacts dir', async () => { const artifactsDir = `${__dirname}/artifacts`; expect(fsWrapper.doesPathExistSync(artifactsDir)); await createDirIfDoesNotExistAsync(artifactsDir); expect(fsWrapper.doesPathExistSync(artifactsDir)); fsWrapper.rmdirSync(artifactsDir); expect(fsWrapper.doesPathExistSync(artifactsDir)); }); }); describe('#parseSolidityVersionRange', () => { it('correctly parses the version range', () => { expect(parseSolidityVersionRange('pragma solidity ^0.0.1;'))'^0.0.1'); expect(parseSolidityVersionRange('\npragma solidity 0.0.1;'))'0.0.1'); expect(parseSolidityVersionRange('pragma solidity <=1.0.1;'))'<=1.0.1'); expect(parseSolidityVersionRange('pragma solidity ~1.0.1;'))'~1.0.1'); }); // TODO: For now that doesn't work. This will work after we switch to a grammar-based parser it.skip('correctly parses the version range with comments', () => { expect(parseSolidityVersionRange('// pragma solidity ~1.0.1;\npragma solidity ~1.0.2;')) '~1.0.2', ); }); }); describe('#parseDependencies', () => { it('correctly parses Exchange dependencies', async () => { const path = `${__dirname}/fixtures/contracts/Exchange.sol`; const source = await fsWrapper.readFileAsync(path, { encoding: 'utf8', }); const dependencies = parseDependencies({ source, path }); const expectedDependencies = [ 'zeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol', 'packages/deployer/lib/test/fixtures/contracts/TokenTransferProxy.sol', 'packages/deployer/lib/test/fixtures/contracts/base/SafeMath.sol', ]; _.each(expectedDependencies, expectedDepdency => { const foundDependency = _.find(dependencies, dependency => _.endsWith(dependency, expectedDepdency)); expect(foundDependency, `${expectedDepdency} not found`); }); }); it('correctly parses TokenTransferProxy dependencies', async () => { const path = `${__dirname}/fixtures/contracts/TokenTransferProxy.sol`; const source = await fsWrapper.readFileAsync(path, { encoding: 'utf8', }); expect(parseDependencies({ source, path }))[ 'zeppelin-solidity/contracts/ownership/Ownable.sol', 'zeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol', ]); }); // TODO: For now that doesn't work. This will work after we switch to a grammar-based parser it.skip('correctly parses commented out dependencies', async () => { const path = ''; const source = `// import "./TokenTransferProxy.sol";`; expect(parseDependencies({ path, source }))[]); }); }); });