import { AssetProxyId } from '@0x/types'; import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0x/web3-wrapper'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import { Dispatch } from 'redux'; import { BIG_NUMBER_ZERO } from '../constants'; import { AccountState, ERC20Asset, OrderProcessState, ProviderState, QuoteFetchedVia } from '../types'; import { analytics } from '../util/analytics'; import { assetUtils } from '../util/asset'; import { buyQuoteUpdater } from '../util/buy_quote_updater'; import { coinbaseApi } from '../util/coinbase_api'; import { errorFlasher } from '../util/error_flasher'; import { actions } from './actions'; import { State } from './reducer'; export const asyncData = { fetchEthPriceAndDispatchToStore: async (dispatch: Dispatch) => { try { const ethUsdPrice = await coinbaseApi.getEthUsdPrice(); dispatch(actions.updateEthUsdPrice(ethUsdPrice)); } catch (e) { const errorMessage = 'Error fetching ETH/USD price'; errorFlasher.flashNewErrorMessage(dispatch, errorMessage); dispatch(actions.updateEthUsdPrice(BIG_NUMBER_ZERO)); } }, fetchAvailableAssetDatasAndDispatchToStore: async (state: State, dispatch: Dispatch) => { const { providerState, assetMetaDataMap, network } = state; const assetBuyer = providerState.assetBuyer; try { const assetDatas = await assetBuyer.getAvailableAssetDatasAsync(); const assets = assetUtils.createAssetsFromAssetDatas(assetDatas, assetMetaDataMap, network); dispatch(actions.setAvailableAssets(assets)); } catch (e) { const errorMessage = 'Could not find any assets'; errorFlasher.flashNewErrorMessage(dispatch, errorMessage); // On error, just specify that none are available dispatch(actions.setAvailableAssets([])); } }, fetchAccountInfoAndDispatchToStore: async ( providerState: ProviderState, dispatch: Dispatch, shouldAttemptUnlock: boolean = false, shouldSetToLoading: boolean = false, ) => { const web3Wrapper = providerState.web3Wrapper; const provider = providerState.provider; if (shouldSetToLoading && providerState.account.state !== AccountState.Loading) { dispatch(actions.setAccountStateLoading()); } let availableAddresses: string[]; try { // TODO(bmillman): Add support at the web3Wrapper level for calling `eth_requestAccounts` instead of calling enable here const isPrivacyModeEnabled = !_.isUndefined((provider as any).enable); availableAddresses = isPrivacyModeEnabled && shouldAttemptUnlock ? await (provider as any).enable() : await web3Wrapper.getAvailableAddressesAsync(); } catch (e) { analytics.trackAccountUnlockDenied(); dispatch(actions.setAccountStateLocked()); return; } if (!_.isEmpty(availableAddresses)) { const activeAddress = availableAddresses[0]; dispatch(actions.setAccountStateReady(activeAddress)); // tslint:disable-next-line:no-floating-promises asyncData.fetchAccountBalanceAndDispatchToStore(activeAddress, providerState.web3Wrapper, dispatch); } else { dispatch(actions.setAccountStateLocked()); } }, fetchAccountBalanceAndDispatchToStore: async (address: string, web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper, dispatch: Dispatch) => { try { const ethBalanceInWei = await web3Wrapper.getBalanceInWeiAsync(address); dispatch(actions.updateAccountEthBalance({ address, ethBalanceInWei })); } catch (e) { // leave balance as is return; } }, fetchCurrentBuyQuoteAndDispatchToStore: async ( state: State, dispatch: Dispatch, options: { updateSilently: boolean; fetchedVia: QuoteFetchedVia }, ) => { const { buyOrderState, providerState, selectedAsset, selectedAssetUnitAmount, affiliateInfo } = state; const assetBuyer = providerState.assetBuyer; if ( !_.isUndefined(selectedAssetUnitAmount) && !_.isUndefined(selectedAsset) && buyOrderState.processState === OrderProcessState.None && selectedAsset.metaData.assetProxyId === AssetProxyId.ERC20 ) { await buyQuoteUpdater.updateBuyQuoteAsync( assetBuyer, dispatch, selectedAsset as ERC20Asset, selectedAssetUnitAmount, { setPending: !options.updateSilently, dispatchErrors: !options.updateSilently, fetchedVia: options.fetchedVia, affiliateInfo, }, ); } }, };