import * as chai from 'chai'; import 'mocha'; import ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util'); var _ = require('lodash'); // import { assert } from '@0x/order-utils/src/assert'; import { chaiSetup } from './utils/chai_setup'; import { MethodAbi, DataItem } from 'ethereum-types'; import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils'; import { assert } from '@0x/order-utils/src/assert'; const simpleAbi = { constant: false, inputs: [ { name: 'greg', type: 'uint256', }, { name: 'gregStr', type: 'string', }, ], name: 'simpleFunction', outputs: [], payable: false, stateMutability: 'nonpayable', type: 'function', } as MethodAbi; const fillOrderAbi = { constant: false, inputs: [ { components: [ { name: 'makerAddress', type: 'address', }, { name: 'takerAddress', type: 'address', }, { name: 'feeRecipientAddress', type: 'address', }, { name: 'senderAddress', type: 'address', }, { name: 'makerAssetAmount', type: 'uint256', }, { name: 'takerAssetAmount', type: 'uint256', }, { name: 'makerFee', type: 'uint256', }, { name: 'takerFee', type: 'uint256', }, { name: 'expirationTimeSeconds', type: 'uint256', }, { name: 'salt', type: 'uint256', }, { name: 'makerAssetData', type: 'bytes', }, { name: 'takerAssetData', type: 'bytes', }, ], name: 'order', type: 'tuple', }, { name: 'takerAssetFillAmount', type: 'uint256', }, { name: 'salt', type: 'uint256', }, { name: 'orderSignature', type: 'bytes', }, { name: 'takerSignature', type: 'bytes', }, ], name: 'fillOrder', outputs: [], payable: false, stateMutability: 'nonpayable', type: 'function', } as MethodAbi; chaiSetup.configure(); const expect = chai.expect; namespace AbiEncoder { class Word { private value: string; constructor(value?: string) { if (value === undefined) { this.value = ''; } else { this.value = value; } } public set(value: string) { if (value.length !== 64) { throw `Tried to create word that is not 32 bytes: ${value}`; } this.value = value; } public get(): string { return this.value; } public getAsHex(): string { return `0x${this.value}`; } } enum CalldataSection { NONE, PARAMS, DATA, } class Memblock { private dataType: DataType; private location: { calldataSection: CalldataSection; sectionOffset: BigNumber; offset: BigNumber }; constructor(dataType: DataType) { this.dataType = dataType; this.location = { calldataSection: CalldataSection.NONE, sectionOffset: new BigNumber(0), offset: new BigNumber(0), }; } public getSize(): BigNumber { return new BigNumber(ethUtil.toBuffer(this.dataType.getHexValue()).byteLength); } public assignLocation(calldataSection: CalldataSection, sectionOffset: BigNumber, offset: BigNumber) { this.location.calldataSection = calldataSection; this.location.sectionOffset = sectionOffset; this.location.offset = offset; } public get(): string { return ethUtil.stripHexPrefix(this.dataType.getHexValue()); } public getOffset(): BigNumber { return this.location.offset; } public getAbsoluteOffset(): BigNumber { return; } public getSection(): CalldataSection { return this.location.calldataSection; } } interface BindList { [key: string]: Memblock; } class Calldata { private selector: string; private params: Memblock[]; private data: Memblock[]; private dataOffset: BigNumber; private currentDataOffset: BigNumber; private currentParamOffset: BigNumber; private bindList: BindList; constructor(selector: string, nParams: number) { this.selector = selector; console.log(this.selector); this.params = []; = []; const evmWordSize = 32; this.dataOffset = new BigNumber(nParams).times(evmWordSize); this.currentDataOffset = new BigNumber(0); this.currentParamOffset = new BigNumber(0); this.bindList = {}; } public bind(dataType: DataType, section: CalldataSection) { if (dataType.getId() in this.bindList) { throw `Rebind on ${dataType.getId()}`; } const memblock = new Memblock(dataType); switch (section) { case CalldataSection.PARAMS: this.params.push(memblock); memblock.assignLocation(section, new BigNumber(0), this.currentParamOffset); this.currentParamOffset =; break; case CalldataSection.DATA:; memblock.assignLocation(section, this.dataOffset, this.currentDataOffset); this.currentDataOffset =; break; default: throw `Unrecognized calldata section: ${section}`; } this.bindList[dataType.getId()] = memblock; dataType.rbind(memblock); } public getHexValue(): string { let hexValue = `${this.selector}`; _.each(this.params, (memblock: Memblock) => { hexValue += memblock.get(); }); _.each(, (memblock: Memblock) => { hexValue += memblock.get(); }); return hexValue; } } export abstract class DataType { private dataItem: DataItem; private hexValue: string; protected memblock: Memblock | undefined; protected children: DataType[]; constructor(dataItem: DataItem) { this.dataItem = dataItem; this.hexValue = '0x'; this.memblock = undefined; this.children = []; } protected assignHexValue(hexValue: string) { this.hexValue = hexValue; } public getHexValue(): string { return this.hexValue; } public getDataItem(): DataItem { return this.dataItem; } public rbind(memblock: Memblock) { this.memblock = memblock; } public bind(calldata: Calldata, section: CalldataSection) { if (this.memblock === undefined) { calldata.bind(this, section); } _.each(this.children, (child: DataType) => { child.bind(calldata, CalldataSection.DATA); }); } public getId(): string { return; } public getOffset(): BigNumber { if (this.memblock === undefined) return new BigNumber(0); return this.memblock.getOffset(); } public getAbsoluteOffset(): BigNumber { if (this.memblock === undefined) return new BigNumber(0); return this.memblock.getAbsoluteOffset(); } public abstract assignValue(value: any): void; public abstract getSignature(): string; } export abstract class StaticDataType extends DataType { constructor(dataItem: DataItem) { super(dataItem); } } export abstract class DynamicDataType extends DataType { constructor(dataItem: DataItem) { super(dataItem); } } export class Address extends StaticDataType { constructor(dataItem: DataItem) { super(dataItem); expect(Address.matchGrammar(dataItem.type)); } public assignValue(value: string) { const evmWordWidth = 32; const hexValue = ethUtil.bufferToHex(ethUtil.setLengthLeft(ethUtil.toBuffer(value), evmWordWidth)); this.assignHexValue(hexValue); } public getSignature(): string { return `address`; } public static matchGrammar(type: string): boolean { return type === 'address'; } } export class Bool extends StaticDataType { constructor(dataItem: DataItem) { super(dataItem); expect(Tuple.matchGrammar(dataItem.type)); } public assignValue(value: string) { //const hexValue = ethUtil.bufferToHex(new Buffer(value)); //this.assignHexValue(hexValue); } public getSignature(): string { throw 1; } public encodeToCalldata(calldata: Calldata): void { throw 2; } public static matchGrammar(type: string): boolean { return type === 'bool'; } } export class Int extends StaticDataType { static matcher = RegExp( '^int(8|16|24|32|40|48|56|64|72|88|96|104|112|120|128|136|144|152|160|168|176|184|192|200|208|216|224|232|240|248|256){0,1}$', ); static DEFAULT_WIDTH = new BigNumber(1); width: BigNumber = Byte.DEFAULT_WIDTH; constructor(dataItem: DataItem) { super(dataItem); const matches = Byte.matcher.exec(dataItem.type); expect(matches); if (matches !== null && matches.length === 2) { this.width = new BigNumber(matches[1], 10); } } public encodeToCalldata(calldata: Calldata): void { throw 2; } public assignValue(value: string) { //const hexValue = ethUtil.bufferToHex(new Buffer(value)); //this.assignHexValue(hexValue); } public getSignature(): string { throw 1; } public static matchGrammar(type: string): boolean { return this.matcher.test(type); } } export class UInt extends StaticDataType { static matcher = RegExp( '^uint(8|16|24|32|40|48|56|64|72|88|96|104|112|120|128|136|144|152|160|168|176|184|192|200|208|216|224|232|240|248|256){0,1}$', ); static DEFAULT_WIDTH: number = 256; width: number = UInt.DEFAULT_WIDTH; constructor(dataItem: DataItem) { super(dataItem); const matches = UInt.matcher.exec(dataItem.type); expect(matches); if (matches !== null && matches.length === 2) { this.width = parseInt(matches[1]); } else { this.width = 256; } } public getMaxValue(): BigNumber { return new BigNumber(2).toPower(this.width - 1); } public assignValue(value: BigNumber) { if (value.greaterThan(this.getMaxValue())) { throw `tried to assign value of ${value}, which exceeds max value of ${this.getMaxValue()}`; } else if (value.lessThan(0)) { throw `tried to assign value of ${value} to an unsigned integer.`; } const hexBase = 16; const evmWordWidth = 32; const valueBuf = ethUtil.setLengthLeft(ethUtil.toBuffer(`0x${value.toString(hexBase)}`), evmWordWidth); const encodedValue = ethUtil.bufferToHex(valueBuf); this.assignHexValue(encodedValue); } public getSignature(): string { return `uint${this.width}`; } public encodeToCalldata(calldata: Calldata): void { throw 2; } public static matchGrammar(type: string): boolean { return this.matcher.test(type); } } export class Byte extends StaticDataType { static matcher = RegExp( '^(byte|bytes(1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|29|30|31|32))$', ); static DEFAULT_WIDTH = new BigNumber(1); width: BigNumber = Byte.DEFAULT_WIDTH; constructor(dataItem: DataItem) { super(dataItem); const matches = Byte.matcher.exec(dataItem.type); expect(matches); if (matches !== null && matches.length === 2) { this.width = new BigNumber(matches[1], 10); } } public assignValue(value: string) { //const hexValue = ethUtil.bufferToHex(new Buffer(value)); //this.assignHexValue(hexValue); } public getSignature(): string { throw 1; } public encodeToCalldata(calldata: Calldata): void { throw 2; } public static matchGrammar(type: string): boolean { return this.matcher.test(type); } } export class Tuple extends DynamicDataType { constructor(dataItem: DataItem) { super(dataItem); expect(Tuple.matchGrammar(dataItem.type)); } public assignValue(value: string) { //const hexValue = ethUtil.bufferToHex(new Buffer(value)); //this.assignHexValue(hexValue); } public getSignature(): string { throw 1; } public encodeToCalldata(calldata: Calldata): void { throw 2; } public static matchGrammar(type: string): boolean { return type === 'tuple'; } } export class Bytes extends StaticDataType { static UNDEFINED_LENGTH = new BigNumber(-1); length: BigNumber = SolArray.UNDEFINED_LENGTH; constructor(dataItem: DataItem) { super(dataItem); expect(Bytes.matchGrammar(dataItem.type)); } public assignValue(value: string) { //const hexValue = ethUtil.bufferToHex(new Buffer(value)); //this.assignHexValue(hexValue); } public getSignature(): string { throw 1; } public encodeToCalldata(calldata: Calldata): void { throw 2; } public static matchGrammar(type: string): boolean { return type === 'bytes'; } } export class SolArray extends DynamicDataType { static matcher = RegExp('^.+\\[([0-9]d*)\\]$'); static UNDEFINED_LENGTH = new BigNumber(-1); length: BigNumber = SolArray.UNDEFINED_LENGTH; constructor(dataItem: DataItem) { super(dataItem); const matches = SolArray.matcher.exec(dataItem.type); expect(matches); if (matches !== null && matches.length === 1) { this.length = new BigNumber(matches[1], 10); } } public assignValue(value: string) { //const hexValue = ethUtil.bufferToHex(new Buffer(value)); //this.assignHexValue(hexValue); } public encodeToCalldata(calldata: Calldata): void { throw 2; } public static matchGrammar(type: string): boolean { return this.matcher.test(type); } public getSignature(): string { throw 1; } } export class SolString extends DynamicDataType { constructor(dataItem: DataItem) { super(dataItem); expect(SolString.matchGrammar(dataItem.type)); } public assignValue(value: string) { const wordsForValue = Math.ceil(value.length / 32); const paddedBytesForValue = wordsForValue * 32; const valueBuf = ethUtil.setLengthRight(ethUtil.toBuffer(value), paddedBytesForValue); const lengthBuf = ethUtil.setLengthLeft(ethUtil.toBuffer(value.length), 32); const encodedValueBuf = Buffer.concat([lengthBuf, valueBuf]); const encodedValue = ethUtil.bufferToHex(encodedValueBuf); this.assignHexValue(encodedValue); } public getSignature(): string { return 'string'; } public encodeToCalldata(calldata: Calldata): void {} public static matchGrammar(type: string): boolean { return type === 'string'; } } /* TODO class Fixed extends StaticDataType {} class UFixed extends StaticDataType {}*/ export class Pointer extends StaticDataType { destDataType: DynamicDataType; constructor(destDataType: DynamicDataType) { const destDataItem = destDataType.getDataItem(); const dataItem = { name: `ptr<${}>`, type: `ptr<${destDataItem.type}>` } as DataItem; super(dataItem); this.destDataType = destDataType; this.children.push(destDataType); } /* public assignValue(destDataType: DynamicDataType) { this.destDataType = destDataType; }*/ public assignValue(value: any) { this.destDataType.assignValue(value); } public getHexValue(): string { let offset = new BigNumber(0); if (this.memblock !== undefined) { switch (this.memblock.getSection()) { case CalldataSection.PARAMS: offset = this.destDataType.getAbsoluteOffset(); break; case CalldataSection.DATA: offset = this.destDataType.getOffset(); break; } } const hexBase = 16; const evmWordWidth = 32; const valueBuf = ethUtil.setLengthLeft(ethUtil.toBuffer(`0x${offset.toString(hexBase)}`), evmWordWidth); const encodedValue = ethUtil.bufferToHex(valueBuf); return encodedValue; } public getSignature(): string { return this.destDataType.getSignature(); } public encodeToCalldata(calldata: Calldata): void { throw 2; } } export class DataTypeFactory { public static mapDataItemToDataType(dataItem: DataItem): DataType { console.log(`Type: ${dataItem.type}`); if (SolArray.matchGrammar(dataItem.type)) return new SolArray(dataItem); if (Address.matchGrammar(dataItem.type)) return new Address(dataItem); if (Bool.matchGrammar(dataItem.type)) return new Bool(dataItem); if (Int.matchGrammar(dataItem.type)) return new Int(dataItem); if (UInt.matchGrammar(dataItem.type)) return new UInt(dataItem); if (Byte.matchGrammar(dataItem.type)) return new Byte(dataItem); if (Tuple.matchGrammar(dataItem.type)) return new Tuple(dataItem); if (SolArray.matchGrammar(dataItem.type)) return new SolArray(dataItem); if (Bytes.matchGrammar(dataItem.type)) return new Bytes(dataItem); if (SolString.matchGrammar(dataItem.type)) return new SolString(dataItem); //if (Fixed.matchGrammar(dataItem.type)) return Fixed(dataItem); //if (UFixed.matchGrammar(dataItem.type)) return UFixed(dataItem); throw new Error(`Unrecognized data type: '${dataItem.type}'`); } public static create(dataItem: DataItem): DataType { const dataType = DataTypeFactory.mapDataItemToDataType(dataItem); if (dataType instanceof StaticDataType) { return dataType; } else if (dataType instanceof DynamicDataType) { const pointer = new Pointer(dataType); return pointer; } throw new Error(`Unrecognized instance type: '${dataType}'`); } } export class Method { name: string; params: DataType[]; signature: string; selector: string; constructor(abi: MethodAbi) { // super(); =; this.params = []; _.each(abi.inputs, (input: DataItem) => { this.params.push(DataTypeFactory.create(input)); }); // Compute signature this.signature = `${}(`; _.each(this.params, (param: DataType, i: number) => { this.signature += param.getSignature(); if (i < this.params.length - 1) { this.signature += ','; } }); this.signature += ')'; // Compute selector this.selector = ethUtil.bufferToHex(ethUtil.toBuffer(ethUtil.sha3(this.signature).slice(0, 4))); console.log(`--SIGNATURE--\n${this.signature}\n---------\n`); console.log(`--SELECTOR--\n${this.selector}\n---------\n`); } encode(args: any[]): string { const calldata = new Calldata(this.selector, this.params.length); const params = this.params; _.each(params, (param: DataType, i: number) => { param.assignValue(args[i]); param.bind(calldata, CalldataSection.PARAMS); }); console.log(calldata); return calldata.getHexValue(); //return calldata.getRaw(); } /* encodeOptimized(args: any[]): string { const calldata = new Memory(); // Assign values optimizableParams : StaticDataType = []; _.each(this.params, function(args: any[], i: number, param: DataType) { param.assignValue(args[i]); if (param instanceof DynamicDataType) { } }); // Find non-parameter leaves return ''; } */ /* decode(rawCalldata: string): any[] { const calldata = new Calldata(, this.params.length); calldata.assignRaw(rawCalldata); let args: any[]; let params = this.params; _.each(params, function(args: any[], i: number, param: DataType) { param.decodeFromCalldata(calldata); args.push(param.getValue()); }); return args; }*/ } } describe.only('ABI Encoder', () => { describe.only('Just a Greg, Eh', () => { it('Yessir', async () => { const method = new AbiEncoder.Method(simpleAbi); const calldata = method.encode([new BigNumber(5), 'five']); console.log(calldata); expect(true); }); }); describe.only('Address', () => { const testAddressDataItem = { name: 'testAddress', type: 'address' }; it('Valid Address', async () => { const addressDataType = new AbiEncoder.Address(testAddressDataItem); addressDataType.assignValue('0xe41d2489571d322189246dafa5ebde1f4699f498'); const expectedAbiEncodedAddress = '0x000000000000000000000000e41d2489571d322189246dafa5ebde1f4699f498'; console.log(addressDataType.getHexValue()); console.log(expectedAbiEncodedAddress); expect(addressDataType.getHexValue()); }); }); describe('String', () => { const testStringDataItem = { name: 'testString', type: 'string' }; it('Less than 32 bytes', async () => { const stringDataType = new AbiEncoder.SolString(testStringDataItem); stringDataType.assignValue('five'); const expectedAbiEncodedString = '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000046669766500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'; console.log(stringDataType.getHexValue()); console.log(expectedAbiEncodedString); expect(stringDataType.getHexValue()); }); it('Greater than 32 bytes', async () => { const stringDataType = new AbiEncoder.SolString(testStringDataItem); const testValue = 'a'.repeat(40); stringDataType.assignValue(testValue); const expectedAbiEncodedString = '0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002861616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'; expect(stringDataType.getHexValue()); }); }); });