import { BigNumber } from '@0xproject/utils'; import * as chai from 'chai'; import 'mocha'; import { constants } from '../src/constants'; import { eip712Utils } from '../src/eip712_utils'; import { chaiSetup } from './utils/chai_setup'; chaiSetup.configure(); const expect = chai.expect; describe('EIP712 Utils', () => { describe('createTypedData', () => { it('adds in the EIP712DomainSeparator', () => { const primaryType = 'Test'; const typedData = eip712Utils.createTypedData( primaryType, { Test: [{ name: 'testValue', type: 'uint256' }] }, { testValue: '1' }, constants.NULL_ADDRESS, ); expect(typedData.domain); expect(typedData.types.EIP712Domain); const domainObject = typedData.domain; expect(; expect(typedData.primaryType).to.eq(primaryType); }); }); describe('createTypedData', () => { it('adds in the EIP712DomainSeparator', () => { const typedData = eip712Utils.createZeroExTransactionTypedData( { salt: new BigNumber('0'), data: constants.NULL_BYTES, signerAddress: constants.NULL_ADDRESS, }, constants.NULL_ADDRESS, ); expect(typedData.primaryType).to.eq(; expect(typedData.types.EIP712Domain); }); }); });