import { constants as sharedConstants, EtherscanLinkSuffixes, Styles, utils as sharedUtils, } from '@0xproject/react-shared'; import { BigNumber } from '@0xproject/utils'; import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0xproject/web3-wrapper'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import CircularProgress from 'material-ui/CircularProgress'; import FlatButton from 'material-ui/FlatButton'; import FloatingActionButton from 'material-ui/FloatingActionButton'; import { ListItem } from 'material-ui/List'; import ActionAccountBalanceWallet from 'material-ui/svg-icons/action/account-balance-wallet'; import ContentAdd from 'material-ui/svg-icons/content/add'; import ContentRemove from 'material-ui/svg-icons/content/remove'; import NavigationArrowDownward from 'material-ui/svg-icons/navigation/arrow-downward'; import NavigationArrowUpward from 'material-ui/svg-icons/navigation/arrow-upward'; import Close from 'material-ui/svg-icons/navigation/close'; import * as React from 'react'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import ReactTooltip = require('react-tooltip'); import firstBy = require('thenby'); import { Blockchain } from 'ts/blockchain'; import { AllowanceToggle } from 'ts/components/inputs/allowance_toggle'; import { Container } from 'ts/components/ui/container'; import { IconButton } from 'ts/components/ui/icon_button'; import { Identicon } from 'ts/components/ui/identicon'; import { Island } from 'ts/components/ui/island'; import { TokenIcon } from 'ts/components/ui/token_icon'; import { WalletDisconnectedItem } from 'ts/components/wallet/wallet_disconnected_item'; import { WrapEtherItem } from 'ts/components/wallet/wrap_ether_item'; import { Dispatcher } from 'ts/redux/dispatcher'; import { BalanceErrs, BlockchainErrs, ItemByAddress, ProviderType, ScreenWidths, Side, Token, TokenByAddress, TokenState, TokenStateByAddress, WebsitePaths, } from 'ts/types'; import { backendClient } from 'ts/utils/backend_client'; import { colors } from 'ts/utils/colors'; import { constants } from 'ts/utils/constants'; import { zIndex } from 'ts/utils/style'; import { utils } from 'ts/utils/utils'; import { styles as walletItemStyles } from 'ts/utils/wallet_item_styles'; export interface WalletProps { userAddress: string; networkId: number; blockchain: Blockchain; blockchainIsLoaded: boolean; blockchainErr: BlockchainErrs; dispatcher: Dispatcher; tokenByAddress: TokenByAddress; trackedTokens: Token[]; userEtherBalanceInWei: BigNumber; lastForceTokenStateRefetch: number; injectedProviderName: string; providerType: ProviderType; screenWidth: ScreenWidths; location: Location; onToggleLedgerDialog: () => void; onAddToken: () => void; onRemoveToken: () => void; } interface WalletState { trackedTokenStateByAddress: TokenStateByAddress; wrappedEtherDirection?: Side; isHoveringSidebar: boolean; } interface AllowanceToggleConfig { token: Token; tokenState: TokenState; } interface AccessoryItemConfig { wrappedEtherDirection?: Side; allowanceToggleConfig?: AllowanceToggleConfig; } const styles: Styles = { root: { width: '100%', zIndex: zIndex.aboveOverlay, position: 'relative', }, footerItemInnerDiv: { paddingLeft: 24, borderTopColor: colors.walletBorder, borderTopStyle: 'solid', borderWidth: 1, }, borderedItem: { borderBottomColor: colors.walletBorder, borderBottomStyle: 'solid', borderWidth: 1, }, tokenItem: { backgroundColor: colors.walletDefaultItemBackground, minHeight: 85, }, amountLabel: { fontWeight: 'bold', color:, }, valueLabel: { color: colors.grey, fontSize: 14, }, paddedItem: { paddingTop: 8, paddingBottom: 8, }, bodyInnerDiv: { overflow: 'auto', WebkitOverflowScrolling: 'touch', }, manageYourWalletText: { color: colors.mediumBlue, fontWeight: 'bold', }, loadingBody: { height: 381, }, }; const ETHER_ICON_PATH = '/images/ether.png'; const ICON_DIMENSION = 28; const TOKEN_AMOUNT_DISPLAY_PRECISION = 3; const BODY_ITEM_KEY = 'BODY'; const HEADER_ITEM_KEY = 'HEADER'; const FOOTER_ITEM_KEY = 'FOOTER'; const DISCONNECTED_ITEM_KEY = 'DISCONNECTED'; const ETHER_ITEM_KEY = 'ETHER'; const USD_DECIMAL_PLACES = 2; const NO_ALLOWANCE_TOGGLE_SPACE_WIDTH = 56; const ACCOUNT_PATH = `${WebsitePaths.Portal}/account`; export class Wallet extends React.Component { private _isUnmounted: boolean; constructor(props: WalletProps) { super(props); this._isUnmounted = false; const trackedTokenAddresses =, token => token.address); const initialTrackedTokenStateByAddress = this._getInitialTrackedTokenStateByAddress(trackedTokenAddresses); this.state = { trackedTokenStateByAddress: initialTrackedTokenStateByAddress, wrappedEtherDirection: undefined, isHoveringSidebar: false, }; } public componentWillMount(): void { const trackedTokenAddresses = _.keys(this.state.trackedTokenStateByAddress); // tslint:disable-next-line:no-floating-promises this._fetchBalancesAndAllowancesAsync(trackedTokenAddresses); } public componentWillUnmount(): void { this._isUnmounted = true; } public componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps: WalletProps): void { if ( nextProps.userAddress !== this.props.userAddress || nextProps.networkId !== this.props.networkId || nextProps.lastForceTokenStateRefetch !== this.props.lastForceTokenStateRefetch ) { const trackedTokenAddresses = _.keys(this.state.trackedTokenStateByAddress); // tslint:disable-next-line:no-floating-promises this._fetchBalancesAndAllowancesAsync(trackedTokenAddresses); } if (!_.isEqual(nextProps.trackedTokens, this.props.trackedTokens)) { const newTokens = _.difference(nextProps.trackedTokens, this.props.trackedTokens); const newTokenAddresses =, token => token.address); // Add placeholder entry for this token to the state, since fetching the // balance/allowance is asynchronous const trackedTokenStateByAddress = this.state.trackedTokenStateByAddress; const initialTrackedTokenStateByAddress = this._getInitialTrackedTokenStateByAddress(newTokenAddresses); _.assign(trackedTokenStateByAddress, initialTrackedTokenStateByAddress); this.setState({ trackedTokenStateByAddress, }); // Fetch the actual balance/allowance. // tslint:disable-next-line:no-floating-promises this._fetchBalancesAndAllowancesAsync(newTokenAddresses); } } public render(): React.ReactNode { const isBlockchainLoaded = this.props.blockchainIsLoaded && this.props.blockchainErr === BlockchainErrs.NoError; return ( {isBlockchainLoaded ? this._renderLoadedRows() : this._renderLoadingRows()} ); } private _renderLoadedRows(): React.ReactNode { const isAddressAvailable = !_.isEmpty(this.props.userAddress); return isAddressAvailable ? _.concat(this._renderConnectedHeaderRows(), this._renderBody(), this._renderFooterRows()) : _.concat(this._renderDisconnectedHeaderRows(), this._renderDisconnectedRows()); } private _renderLoadingRows(): React.ReactNode { return _.concat(this._renderDisconnectedHeaderRows(), this._renderLoadingBodyRows()); } private _renderLoadingBodyRows(): React.ReactElement<{}> { return (
); } private _renderDisconnectedHeaderRows(): React.ReactElement<{}> { const userAddress = this.props.userAddress; const primaryText = 'wallet'; return ( } main={primaryText.toUpperCase()} style={styles.borderedItem} /> ); } private _renderDisconnectedRows(): React.ReactElement<{}> { return ( ); } private _renderConnectedHeaderRows(): React.ReactElement<{}> { const userAddress = this.props.userAddress; const primaryText = utils.getAddressBeginAndEnd(userAddress); return ( } main={primaryText} style={styles.borderedItem} /> ); } private _renderBody(): React.ReactElement<{}> { const bodyStyle: React.CSSProperties = { ...styles.bodyInnerDiv, overflow: this.state.isHoveringSidebar ? 'auto' : 'hidden', // TODO: make this completely responsive maxHeight: this.props.screenWidth !== ScreenWidths.Sm ? 475 : undefined, }; return (
{this._renderEthRows()} {this._renderTokenRows()}
); } private _onSidebarHover(event: React.FormEvent): void { this.setState({ isHoveringSidebar: true, }); } private _onSidebarHoverOff(): void { this.setState({ isHoveringSidebar: false, }); } private _renderFooterRows(): React.ReactElement<{}> { return (
add/remove tokens
} disabled={true} innerDivStyle={styles.footerItemInnerDiv} style={styles.borderedItem} /> {this.props.location.pathname !== ACCOUNT_PATH && ( {'manage your wallet'} // // tslint:disable-next-line:jsx-curly-spacing } style={{ ...styles.paddedItem, ...styles.borderedItem }} /> )} ); } private _renderEthRows(): React.ReactNode { const icon = ; const primaryText = this._renderAmount( true, this.props.userEtherBalanceInWei, constants.DECIMAL_PLACES_ETH, constants.ETHER_SYMBOL, ); const etherToken = this._getEthToken(); const etherPrice = this.state.trackedTokenStateByAddress[etherToken.address].price; const secondaryText = this._renderValue( true, this.props.userEtherBalanceInWei, constants.DECIMAL_PLACES_ETH, etherPrice, ); const accessoryItemConfig = { wrappedEtherDirection: Side.Deposit, }; const key = ETHER_ITEM_KEY; return this._renderBalanceRow(key, icon, primaryText, secondaryText, accessoryItemConfig, 'eth-row'); } private _renderTokenRows(): React.ReactNode { const trackedTokens = this.props.trackedTokens; const trackedTokensStartingWithEtherToken = trackedTokens.sort( firstBy((t: Token) => t.symbol !== constants.ETHER_TOKEN_SYMBOL) .thenBy((t: Token) => t.symbol !== constants.ZRX_TOKEN_SYMBOL) .thenBy('address'), ); return, this._renderTokenRow.bind(this)); } private _renderTokenRow(token: Token, index: number): React.ReactNode { const tokenState = this.state.trackedTokenStateByAddress[token.address]; const tokenLink = sharedUtils.getEtherScanLinkIfExists( token.address, this.props.networkId, EtherscanLinkSuffixes.Address, ); const icon = ; const isWeth = token.symbol === constants.ETHER_TOKEN_SYMBOL; const wrappedEtherDirection = isWeth ? Side.Receive : undefined; const primaryText = this._renderAmount(tokenState.isLoaded, tokenState.balance, token.decimals, token.symbol); const secondaryText = this._renderValue( tokenState.isLoaded, tokenState.balance, token.decimals, tokenState.price, ); const accessoryItemConfig: AccessoryItemConfig = { wrappedEtherDirection, allowanceToggleConfig: { token, tokenState, }, }; const key = token.address; return this._renderBalanceRow( key, icon, primaryText, secondaryText, accessoryItemConfig, isWeth ? 'weth-row' : undefined, ); } private _renderBalanceRow( key: string, icon: React.ReactNode, primaryText: React.ReactNode, secondaryText: React.ReactNode, accessoryItemConfig: AccessoryItemConfig, className?: string, ): React.ReactNode { const shouldShowWrapEtherItem = !_.isUndefined(this.state.wrappedEtherDirection) && this.state.wrappedEtherDirection === accessoryItemConfig.wrappedEtherDirection; const additionalStyle = shouldShowWrapEtherItem ? walletItemStyles.focusedItem : styles.borderedItem; const style = { ...styles.tokenItem, ...additionalStyle }; const etherToken = this._getEthToken(); return (
{primaryText} {secondaryText}
} accessory={this._renderAccessoryItems(accessoryItemConfig)} style={style} /> {shouldShowWrapEtherItem && ( )} ); } private _renderAccessoryItems(config: AccessoryItemConfig): React.ReactElement<{}> { const shouldShowWrappedEtherAction = !_.isUndefined(config.wrappedEtherDirection); const shouldShowToggle = !_.isUndefined(config.allowanceToggleConfig); // if we don't have a toggle, we still want some space to the right of the "wrap" button so that it aligns with // the "unwrap" button in the row below const toggle = shouldShowToggle ? ( this._renderAllowanceToggle(config.allowanceToggleConfig) ) : (
); return (
{shouldShowWrappedEtherAction && this._renderWrappedEtherButton(config.wrappedEtherDirection)}
); } private _renderAllowanceToggle(config: AllowanceToggleConfig): React.ReactNode { return ( ); } private _renderAmount(isLoaded: boolean, amount: BigNumber, decimals: number, symbol: string): React.ReactNode { const unitAmount = Web3Wrapper.toUnitAmount(amount, decimals); const formattedAmount = unitAmount.toPrecision(TOKEN_AMOUNT_DISPLAY_PRECISION); const result = `${formattedAmount} ${symbol}`; return (
); } private _renderValue(isLoaded: boolean, amount: BigNumber, decimals: number, price?: BigNumber): React.ReactNode { let result; if (isLoaded) { if (_.isUndefined(price)) { result = '--'; } else { const unitAmount = Web3Wrapper.toUnitAmount(amount, decimals); const value = unitAmount.mul(price); const formattedAmount = value.toFixed(USD_DECIMAL_PLACES); result = `$${formattedAmount}`; } } else { result = '$0.00'; } return (
); } private _renderWrappedEtherButton(wrappedEtherDirection: Side): React.ReactNode { const isWrappedEtherDirectionOpen = this.state.wrappedEtherDirection === wrappedEtherDirection; let buttonLabel; let buttonIconName; if (isWrappedEtherDirectionOpen) { buttonLabel = 'cancel'; buttonIconName = 'zmdi-close'; } else { switch (wrappedEtherDirection) { case Side.Deposit: buttonLabel = 'wrap'; buttonIconName = 'zmdi-long-arrow-down'; break; case Side.Receive: buttonLabel = 'unwrap'; buttonIconName = 'zmdi-long-arrow-up'; break; default: throw utils.spawnSwitchErr('wrappedEtherDirection', wrappedEtherDirection); } } const onClick = isWrappedEtherDirectionOpen ? this._closeWrappedEtherActionRow.bind(this) : this._openWrappedEtherActionRow.bind(this, wrappedEtherDirection); return ( ); } private _getInitialTrackedTokenStateByAddress(tokenAddresses: string[]): TokenStateByAddress { const trackedTokenStateByAddress: TokenStateByAddress = {}; _.each(tokenAddresses, tokenAddress => { trackedTokenStateByAddress[tokenAddress] = { balance: new BigNumber(0), allowance: new BigNumber(0), isLoaded: false, }; }); return trackedTokenStateByAddress; } private async _fetchBalancesAndAllowancesAsync(tokenAddresses: string[]): Promise { const balanceAndAllowanceTupleByAddress: ItemByAddress = {}; const userAddressIfExists = _.isEmpty(this.props.userAddress) ? undefined : this.props.userAddress; for (const tokenAddress of tokenAddresses) { const balanceAndAllowanceTuple = await this.props.blockchain.getTokenBalanceAndAllowanceAsync( userAddressIfExists, tokenAddress, ); balanceAndAllowanceTupleByAddress[tokenAddress] = balanceAndAllowanceTuple; } const priceByAddress = await this._getPriceByAddressAsync(tokenAddresses); const trackedTokenStateByAddress = _.reduce( tokenAddresses, (acc, address) => { const [balance, allowance] = balanceAndAllowanceTupleByAddress[address]; const priceIfExists = _.get(priceByAddress, address); acc[address] = { balance, allowance, price: priceIfExists, isLoaded: true, }; return acc; }, this.state.trackedTokenStateByAddress, ); if (!this._isUnmounted) { this.setState({ trackedTokenStateByAddress, }); } } private async _refetchTokenStateAsync(tokenAddress: string): Promise { await this._fetchBalancesAndAllowancesAsync([tokenAddress]); } private async _getPriceByAddressAsync(tokenAddresses: string[]): Promise> { if (_.isEmpty(tokenAddresses)) { return {}; } // for each input token address, search for the corresponding symbol in this.props.tokenByAddress, if it exists // create a mapping from existing symbols -> address const tokenAddressBySymbol: { [symbol: string]: string } = {}; _.each(tokenAddresses, address => { const tokenIfExists = _.get(this.props.tokenByAddress, address); if (!_.isUndefined(tokenIfExists)) { const symbol = tokenIfExists.symbol; tokenAddressBySymbol[symbol] = address; } }); const tokenSymbols = _.keys(tokenAddressBySymbol); try { const priceBySymbol = await backendClient.getPriceInfoAsync(tokenSymbols); const priceByAddress = _.mapKeys(priceBySymbol, (value, symbol) => _.get(tokenAddressBySymbol, symbol)); const result = _.mapValues(priceByAddress, price => { const priceBigNumber = new BigNumber(price); return priceBigNumber; }); return result; } catch (err) { return {}; } } private _openWrappedEtherActionRow(wrappedEtherDirection: Side): void { this.setState({ wrappedEtherDirection, }); } private _closeWrappedEtherActionRow(): void { this.setState({ wrappedEtherDirection: undefined, }); } private _getEthToken(): Token { return utils.getEthToken(this.props.tokenByAddress); } } interface StandardIconRowProps { icon: React.ReactNode; main: React.ReactNode; accessory?: React.ReactNode; style?: React.CSSProperties; } const StandardIconRow = (props: StandardIconRowProps) => { return (
); }; interface PlaceHolderProps { hideChildren: React.ReactNode; children?: React.ReactNode; } const PlaceHolder = (props: PlaceHolderProps) => { const rootBackgroundColor = props.hideChildren ? colors.lightGrey : 'transparent'; const rootStyle: React.CSSProperties = { backgroundColor: rootBackgroundColor, display: 'inline-block', borderRadius: 2, }; const childrenVisibility = props.hideChildren ? 'hidden' : 'visible'; const childrenStyle: React.CSSProperties = { visibility: childrenVisibility }; return (
); }; // tslint:disable:max-file-line-count