import { DoxityDocObj, TypeDocNode } from '@0xproject/react-docs'; import { logUtils } from '@0xproject/utils'; import findVersions = require('find-versions'); import * as _ from 'lodash'; import { S3FileObject, VersionToFilePath } from 'ts/types'; import { utils } from 'ts/utils/utils'; import convert = require('xml-js'); export const docUtils = { async getVersionToFilePathAsync(s3DocJsonRoot: string, folderName: string): Promise { const versionFilePaths = await docUtils.getVersionFileNamesAsync(s3DocJsonRoot, folderName); const versionToFilePath: VersionToFilePath = {}; _.each(versionFilePaths, filePath => { const [version] = findVersions(filePath); versionToFilePath[version] = filePath; }); return versionToFilePath; }, async getVersionFileNamesAsync(s3DocJsonRoot: string, folderName: string): Promise { const response = await fetch(s3DocJsonRoot); if (response.status !== 200) { // TODO: Show the user an error message when the docs fail to load const errMsg = await response.text(); logUtils.log(`Failed to load JSON file list: ${response.status} ${errMsg}`); throw new Error(errMsg); } const responseXML = await response.text(); const responseJSONString = convert.xml2json(responseXML, { compact: true, }); const responseObj = JSON.parse(responseJSONString); const fileObjs: S3FileObject[] = _.isArray(responseObj.ListBucketResult.Contents) ? (responseObj.ListBucketResult.Contents as S3FileObject[]) : [responseObj.ListBucketResult.Contents]; /* * S3 simply pre-fixes files in "folders" with the folder name. Thus, since we * store docJSONs for multiple packages in a single S3 bucket, we must filter out * the versionFileNames for a given folder here (ignoring folder entries) * * Example S3 response: * * staging-doc-jsons * * * 1000 * false * * 0xjs/ * 2018-03-16T13:17:46.000Z * "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" * 0 * STANDARD * * * 0xjs/v0.1.0.json * 2018-03-16T13:18:23.000Z * "b4f7f74913aab4a5ad1e6a58fcb3b274" * 1039050 * STANDARD * */ const relevantObjs = _.filter(fileObjs, fileObj => { const key = fileObj.Key._text; const isInFolderOfInterest = _.includes(key, folderName); const isFileEntry = !_.endsWith(key, '/'); return isInFolderOfInterest && isFileEntry; }); const versionFilePaths =, fileObj => { return fileObj.Key._text; }); return versionFilePaths; }, async getJSONDocFileAsync(filePath: string, s3DocJsonRoot: string): Promise { const endpoint = `${s3DocJsonRoot}/${filePath}`; const response = await fetch(endpoint); if (response.status !== 200) { // TODO: Show the user an error message when the docs fail to load const errMsg = await response.text(); logUtils.log(`Failed to load Doc JSON: ${response.status} ${errMsg}`); throw new Error(errMsg); } const jsonDocObj = await response.json(); return jsonDocObj; }, };