diff options
authorchriseth <chris@ethereum.org>2018-04-13 02:55:03 +0800
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2018-04-13 02:55:03 +0800
commit44416d1ac65b2cfae4bb15d39bc84b1a78211baa (patch)
parent7453ff0f3a94ce4ddce55cdbb77146dd75a01e1c (diff)
parent75b88286667690ffb4a5e079665ed8b70bcaeb87 (diff)
Merge pull request #2980 from ethereum/abi-api
Add abi.encode and abi.encodePacked
17 files changed, 700 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/libsolidity/analysis/GlobalContext.cpp b/libsolidity/analysis/GlobalContext.cpp
index 6a858d36..ef1a59fe 100644
--- a/libsolidity/analysis/GlobalContext.cpp
+++ b/libsolidity/analysis/GlobalContext.cpp
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ namespace solidity
m_magicVariables(vector<shared_ptr<MagicVariableDeclaration const>>{
+ make_shared<MagicVariableDeclaration>("abi", make_shared<MagicType>(MagicType::Kind::ABI)),
make_shared<MagicVariableDeclaration>("addmod", make_shared<FunctionType>(strings{"uint256", "uint256", "uint256"}, strings{"uint256"}, FunctionType::Kind::AddMod, false, StateMutability::Pure)),
make_shared<MagicVariableDeclaration>("assert", make_shared<FunctionType>(strings{"bool"}, strings{}, FunctionType::Kind::Assert, false, StateMutability::Pure)),
make_shared<MagicVariableDeclaration>("block", make_shared<MagicType>(MagicType::Kind::Block)),
diff --git a/libsolidity/analysis/TypeChecker.cpp b/libsolidity/analysis/TypeChecker.cpp
index 8b57fc15..b95fee38 100644
--- a/libsolidity/analysis/TypeChecker.cpp
+++ b/libsolidity/analysis/TypeChecker.cpp
@@ -1688,7 +1688,19 @@ bool TypeChecker::visit(FunctionCall const& _functionCall)
- if (!functionType->takesArbitraryParameters() && parameterTypes.size() != arguments.size())
+ if (functionType->takesArbitraryParameters() && arguments.size() < parameterTypes.size())
+ {
+ solAssert(_functionCall.annotation().kind == FunctionCallKind::FunctionCall, "");
+ m_errorReporter.typeError(
+ _functionCall.location(),
+ "Need at least " +
+ toString(parameterTypes.size()) +
+ " arguments for function call, but provided only " +
+ toString(arguments.size()) +
+ "."
+ );
+ }
+ else if (!functionType->takesArbitraryParameters() && parameterTypes.size() != arguments.size())
bool isStructConstructorCall = _functionCall.annotation().kind == FunctionCallKind::StructConstructorCall;
@@ -1711,11 +1723,12 @@ bool TypeChecker::visit(FunctionCall const& _functionCall)
else if (isPositionalCall)
- // call by positional arguments
+ bool const abiEncodeV2 = m_scope->sourceUnit().annotation().experimentalFeatures.count(ExperimentalFeature::ABIEncoderV2);
for (size_t i = 0; i < arguments.size(); ++i)
auto const& argType = type(*arguments[i]);
- if (functionType->takesArbitraryParameters())
+ if (functionType->takesArbitraryParameters() && i >= parameterTypes.size())
bool errored = false;
if (auto t = dynamic_cast<RationalNumberType const*>(argType.get()))
@@ -1724,13 +1737,22 @@ bool TypeChecker::visit(FunctionCall const& _functionCall)
m_errorReporter.typeError(arguments[i]->location(), "Invalid rational number (too large or division by zero).");
errored = true;
- if (!errored && !(
- argType->mobileType() &&
- argType->mobileType()->interfaceType(false) &&
- argType->mobileType()->interfaceType(false)->encodingType() &&
- !(dynamic_cast<StructType const*>(argType->mobileType()->interfaceType(false)->encodingType().get()))
- ))
- m_errorReporter.typeError(arguments[i]->location(), "This type cannot be encoded.");
+ if (!errored)
+ {
+ TypePointer encodingType;
+ if (
+ argType->mobileType() &&
+ argType->mobileType()->interfaceType(false) &&
+ argType->mobileType()->interfaceType(false)->encodingType()
+ )
+ encodingType = argType->mobileType()->interfaceType(false)->encodingType();
+ // Structs are fine as long as ABIV2 is activated and we do not do packed encoding.
+ if (!encodingType || (
+ dynamic_cast<StructType const*>(encodingType.get()) &&
+ !(abiEncodeV2 && functionType->padArguments())
+ ))
+ m_errorReporter.typeError(arguments[i]->location(), "This type cannot be encoded.");
+ }
else if (!type(*arguments[i])->isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(*parameterTypes[i]))
diff --git a/libsolidity/analysis/ViewPureChecker.cpp b/libsolidity/analysis/ViewPureChecker.cpp
index 13c3ab68..d9843012 100644
--- a/libsolidity/analysis/ViewPureChecker.cpp
+++ b/libsolidity/analysis/ViewPureChecker.cpp
@@ -305,10 +305,15 @@ void ViewPureChecker::endVisit(MemberAccess const& _memberAccess)
mutability = StateMutability::View;
case Type::Category::Magic:
+ {
// we can ignore the kind of magic and only look at the name of the member
- if (member != "data" && member != "sig" && member != "blockhash")
+ set<string> static const pureMembers{
+ "encode", "encodePacked", "encodeWithSelector", "encodeWithSignature", "data", "sig", "blockhash"
+ };
+ if (!pureMembers.count(member))
mutability = StateMutability::View;
+ }
case Type::Category::Struct:
if (_memberAccess.expression().annotation().type->dataStoredIn(DataLocation::Storage))
diff --git a/libsolidity/ast/Types.cpp b/libsolidity/ast/Types.cpp
index 21353080..68b12777 100644
--- a/libsolidity/ast/Types.cpp
+++ b/libsolidity/ast/Types.cpp
@@ -2375,7 +2375,11 @@ string FunctionType::richIdentifier() const
case Kind::ByteArrayPush: id += "bytearraypush"; break;
case Kind::ObjectCreation: id += "objectcreation"; break;
case Kind::Assert: id += "assert"; break;
- case Kind::Require: id += "require";break;
+ case Kind::Require: id += "require"; break;
+ case Kind::ABIEncode: id += "abiencode"; break;
+ case Kind::ABIEncodePacked: id += "abiencodepacked"; break;
+ case Kind::ABIEncodeWithSelector: id += "abiencodewithselector"; break;
+ case Kind::ABIEncodeWithSignature: id += "abiencodewithsignature"; break;
default: solAssert(false, "Unknown function location."); break;
id += "_" + stateMutabilityToString(m_stateMutability);
@@ -2996,6 +3000,8 @@ string MagicType::richIdentifier() const
return "t_magic_message";
case Kind::Transaction:
return "t_magic_transaction";
+ case Kind::ABI:
+ return "t_magic_abi";
solAssert(false, "Unknown kind of magic");
@@ -3036,6 +3042,45 @@ MemberList::MemberMap MagicType::nativeMembers(ContractDefinition const*) const
{"origin", make_shared<IntegerType>(160, IntegerType::Modifier::Address)},
{"gasprice", make_shared<IntegerType>(256)}
+ case Kind::ABI:
+ return MemberList::MemberMap({
+ {"encode", make_shared<FunctionType>(
+ TypePointers(),
+ TypePointers{make_shared<ArrayType>(DataLocation::Memory)},
+ strings{},
+ strings{},
+ FunctionType::Kind::ABIEncode,
+ true,
+ StateMutability::Pure
+ )},
+ {"encodePacked", make_shared<FunctionType>(
+ TypePointers(),
+ TypePointers{make_shared<ArrayType>(DataLocation::Memory)},
+ strings{},
+ strings{},
+ FunctionType::Kind::ABIEncodePacked,
+ true,
+ StateMutability::Pure
+ )},
+ {"encodeWithSelector", make_shared<FunctionType>(
+ TypePointers{make_shared<FixedBytesType>(4)},
+ TypePointers{make_shared<ArrayType>(DataLocation::Memory)},
+ strings{},
+ strings{},
+ FunctionType::Kind::ABIEncodeWithSelector,
+ true,
+ StateMutability::Pure
+ )},
+ {"encodeWithSignature", make_shared<FunctionType>(
+ TypePointers{make_shared<ArrayType>(DataLocation::Memory, true)},
+ TypePointers{make_shared<ArrayType>(DataLocation::Memory)},
+ strings{},
+ strings{},
+ FunctionType::Kind::ABIEncodeWithSignature,
+ true,
+ StateMutability::Pure
+ )}
+ });
solAssert(false, "Unknown kind of magic.");
@@ -3051,6 +3096,8 @@ string MagicType::toString(bool) const
return "msg";
case Kind::Transaction:
return "tx";
+ case Kind::ABI:
+ return "abi";
solAssert(false, "Unknown kind of magic.");
diff --git a/libsolidity/ast/Types.h b/libsolidity/ast/Types.h
index ecfc2333..345f84a1 100644
--- a/libsolidity/ast/Types.h
+++ b/libsolidity/ast/Types.h
@@ -917,6 +917,10 @@ public:
ObjectCreation, ///< array creation using new
Assert, ///< assert()
Require, ///< require()
+ ABIEncode,
+ ABIEncodePacked,
+ ABIEncodeWithSelector,
+ ABIEncodeWithSignature,
GasLeft ///< gasleft()
@@ -1052,7 +1056,7 @@ public:
ASTPointer<ASTString> documentation() const;
/// true iff arguments are to be padded to multiples of 32 bytes for external calls
- bool padArguments() const { return !(m_kind == Kind::SHA3 || m_kind == Kind::SHA256 || m_kind == Kind::RIPEMD160); }
+ bool padArguments() const { return !(m_kind == Kind::SHA3 || m_kind == Kind::SHA256 || m_kind == Kind::RIPEMD160 || m_kind == Kind::ABIEncodePacked); }
bool takesArbitraryParameters() const { return m_arbitraryParameters; }
bool gasSet() const { return m_gasSet; }
bool valueSet() const { return m_valueSet; }
@@ -1210,7 +1214,7 @@ private:
class MagicType: public Type
- enum class Kind { Block, Message, Transaction };
+ enum class Kind { Block, Message, Transaction, ABI };
virtual Category category() const override { return Category::Magic; }
explicit MagicType(Kind _kind): m_kind(_kind) {}
diff --git a/libsolidity/codegen/ExpressionCompiler.cpp b/libsolidity/codegen/ExpressionCompiler.cpp
index 57d49ac6..051db536 100644
--- a/libsolidity/codegen/ExpressionCompiler.cpp
+++ b/libsolidity/codegen/ExpressionCompiler.cpp
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
#include <libsolidity/codegen/LValue.h>
#include <libevmasm/GasMeter.h>
+#include <libdevcore/Whiskers.h>
using namespace std;
namespace dev
@@ -912,6 +914,106 @@ bool ExpressionCompiler::visit(FunctionCall const& _functionCall)
m_context << success;
+ case FunctionType::Kind::ABIEncode:
+ case FunctionType::Kind::ABIEncodePacked:
+ case FunctionType::Kind::ABIEncodeWithSelector:
+ case FunctionType::Kind::ABIEncodeWithSignature:
+ {
+ bool const isPacked = function.kind() == FunctionType::Kind::ABIEncodePacked;
+ bool const hasSelectorOrSignature =
+ function.kind() == FunctionType::Kind::ABIEncodeWithSelector ||
+ function.kind() == FunctionType::Kind::ABIEncodeWithSignature;
+ TypePointers argumentTypes;
+ TypePointers targetTypes;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < arguments.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ arguments[i]->accept(*this);
+ // Do not keep the selector as part of the ABI encoded args
+ if (!hasSelectorOrSignature || i > 0)
+ argumentTypes.push_back(arguments[i]->annotation().type);
+ }
+ utils().fetchFreeMemoryPointer();
+ // stack now: [<selector>] <arg1> .. <argN> <free_mem>
+ // adjust by 32(+4) bytes to accommodate the length(+selector)
+ m_context << u256(32 + (hasSelectorOrSignature ? 4 : 0)) << Instruction::ADD;
+ // stack now: [<selector>] <arg1> .. <argN> <data_encoding_area_start>
+ if (isPacked)
+ {
+ solAssert(!function.padArguments(), "");
+ utils().packedEncode(argumentTypes, TypePointers());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ solAssert(function.padArguments(), "");
+ utils().abiEncode(argumentTypes, TypePointers());
+ }
+ utils().fetchFreeMemoryPointer();
+ // stack: [<selector>] <data_encoding_area_end> <bytes_memory_ptr>
+ // size is end minus start minus length slot
+ m_context.appendInlineAssembly(R"({
+ mstore(mem_ptr, sub(sub(mem_end, mem_ptr), 0x20))
+ })", {"mem_end", "mem_ptr"});
+ m_context << Instruction::SWAP1;
+ utils().storeFreeMemoryPointer();
+ // stack: [<selector>] <memory ptr>
+ if (hasSelectorOrSignature)
+ {
+ // stack: <selector> <memory pointer>
+ solAssert(arguments.size() >= 1, "");
+ TypePointer const& selectorType = arguments[0]->annotation().type;
+ utils().moveIntoStack(selectorType->sizeOnStack());
+ TypePointer dataOnStack = selectorType;
+ // stack: <memory pointer> <selector>
+ if (function.kind() == FunctionType::Kind::ABIEncodeWithSignature)
+ {
+ // hash the signature
+ if (auto const* stringType = dynamic_cast<StringLiteralType const*>(selectorType.get()))
+ {
+ FixedHash<4> hash(dev::keccak256(stringType->value()));
+ m_context << (u256(FixedHash<4>::Arith(hash)) << (256 - 32));
+ dataOnStack = make_shared<FixedBytesType>(4);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ utils().fetchFreeMemoryPointer();
+ // stack: <memory pointer> <selector> <free mem ptr>
+ utils().packedEncode(TypePointers{selectorType}, TypePointers());
+ utils().toSizeAfterFreeMemoryPointer();
+ m_context << Instruction::KECCAK256;
+ // stack: <memory pointer> <hash>
+ dataOnStack = make_shared<FixedBytesType>(32);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ solAssert(function.kind() == FunctionType::Kind::ABIEncodeWithSelector, "");
+ }
+ // Cleanup actually does not clean on shrinking the type.
+ utils().convertType(*dataOnStack, FixedBytesType(4), true);
+ // stack: <memory pointer> <selector>
+ // load current memory, mask and combine the selector
+ string mask = formatNumber((u256(-1) >> 32));
+ m_context.appendInlineAssembly(R"({
+ let data_start := add(mem_ptr, 0x20)
+ let data := mload(data_start)
+ let mask := )" + mask + R"(
+ mstore(data_start, or(and(data, mask), and(selector, not(mask))))
+ })", {"mem_ptr", "selector"});
+ m_context << Instruction::POP;
+ }
+ // stack now: <memory pointer>
+ break;
+ }
case FunctionType::Kind::GasLeft:
m_context << Instruction::GAS;
diff --git a/test/libsolidity/SolidityEndToEndTest.cpp b/test/libsolidity/SolidityEndToEndTest.cpp
index f7f1062d..037afb92 100644
--- a/test/libsolidity/SolidityEndToEndTest.cpp
+++ b/test/libsolidity/SolidityEndToEndTest.cpp
@@ -3557,6 +3557,45 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(empty_name_return_parameter)
ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(uint256)", 9), encodeArgs(9));
+ char const* sourceCode = R"(
+ contract C {
+ function f() returns (bytes32) {
+ return sha256();
+ }
+ }
+ )";
+ compileAndRun(sourceCode);
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()"), fromHex("0xe3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"));
+ char const* sourceCode = R"(
+ contract C {
+ function f() returns (bytes20) {
+ return ripemd160();
+ }
+ }
+ )";
+ compileAndRun(sourceCode);
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()"), fromHex("0x9c1185a5c5e9fc54612808977ee8f548b2258d31000000000000000000000000"));
+ char const* sourceCode = R"(
+ contract C {
+ function f() returns (bytes32) {
+ return keccak256();
+ }
+ }
+ )";
+ compileAndRun(sourceCode);
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()"), fromHex("0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470"));
char const* sourceCode = R"(
@@ -11052,6 +11091,324 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(snark)
BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("verifyTx()") == encodeArgs(true));
+ char const* sourceCode = R"(
+ contract C {
+ function f0() returns (bytes) {
+ return abi.encode();
+ }
+ function f1() returns (bytes) {
+ return abi.encode(1, 2);
+ }
+ function f2() returns (bytes) {
+ string memory x = "abc";
+ return abi.encode(1, x, 2);
+ }
+ function f3() returns (bytes r) {
+ // test that memory is properly allocated
+ string memory x = "abc";
+ r = abi.encode(1, x, 2);
+ bytes memory y = "def";
+ require(y[0] == "d");
+ y[0] = "e";
+ require(y[0] == "e");
+ }
+ }
+ )";
+ compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f0()"), encodeArgs(0x20, 0));
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f1()"), encodeArgs(0x20, 0x40, 1, 2));
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f2()"), encodeArgs(0x20, 0xa0, 1, 0x60, 2, 3, "abc"));
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f3()"), encodeArgs(0x20, 0xa0, 1, 0x60, 2, 3, "abc"));
+ char const* sourceCode = R"(
+ pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
+ contract C {
+ struct S { uint a; uint[] b; }
+ function f0() public pure returns (bytes) {
+ return abi.encode();
+ }
+ function f1() public pure returns (bytes) {
+ return abi.encode(1, 2);
+ }
+ function f2() public pure returns (bytes) {
+ string memory x = "abc";
+ return abi.encode(1, x, 2);
+ }
+ function f3() public pure returns (bytes r) {
+ // test that memory is properly allocated
+ string memory x = "abc";
+ r = abi.encode(1, x, 2);
+ bytes memory y = "def";
+ require(y[0] == "d");
+ y[0] = "e";
+ require(y[0] == "e");
+ }
+ S s;
+ function f4() public view returns (bytes r) {
+ string memory x = "abc";
+ s.a = 7;
+ s.b.push(2);
+ s.b.push(3);
+ r = abi.encode(1, x, s, 2);
+ bytes memory y = "def";
+ require(y[0] == "d");
+ y[0] = "e";
+ require(y[0] == "e");
+ }
+ }
+ )";
+ compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f0()"), encodeArgs(0x20, 0));
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f1()"), encodeArgs(0x20, 0x40, 1, 2));
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f2()"), encodeArgs(0x20, 0xa0, 1, 0x60, 2, 3, "abc"));
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f3()"), encodeArgs(0x20, 0xa0, 1, 0x60, 2, 3, "abc"));
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f4()"), encodeArgs(0x20, 0x160, 1, 0x80, 0xc0, 2, 3, "abc", 7, 0x40, 2, 2, 3));
+ char const* sourceCode = R"(
+ contract C {
+ function f0() public pure returns (bytes) {
+ return abi.encodePacked();
+ }
+ function f1() public pure returns (bytes) {
+ return abi.encodePacked(uint8(1), uint8(2));
+ }
+ function f2() public pure returns (bytes) {
+ string memory x = "abc";
+ return abi.encodePacked(uint8(1), x, uint8(2));
+ }
+ function f3() public pure returns (bytes r) {
+ // test that memory is properly allocated
+ string memory x = "abc";
+ r = abi.encodePacked(uint8(1), x, uint8(2));
+ bytes memory y = "def";
+ require(y[0] == "d");
+ y[0] = "e";
+ require(y[0] == "e");
+ }
+ }
+ )";
+ compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f0()"), encodeArgs(0x20, 0));
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f1()"), encodeArgs(0x20, 2, "\x01\x02"));
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f2()"), encodeArgs(0x20, 5, "\x01" "abc" "\x02"));
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f3()"), encodeArgs(0x20, 5, "\x01" "abc" "\x02"));
+ char const* sourceCode = R"(
+ contract C {
+ function f0() public pure returns (bytes) {
+ return abi.encodeWithSelector(0x12345678);
+ }
+ function f1() public pure returns (bytes) {
+ return abi.encodeWithSelector(0x12345678, "abc");
+ }
+ function f2() public pure returns (bytes) {
+ bytes4 x = 0x12345678;
+ return abi.encodeWithSelector(x, "abc");
+ }
+ function f3() public pure returns (bytes) {
+ bytes4 x = 0x12345678;
+ return abi.encodeWithSelector(x, uint(-1));
+ }
+ }
+ )";
+ compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f0()"), encodeArgs(0x20, 4, "\x12\x34\x56\x78"));
+ bytes expectation;
+ expectation = encodeArgs(0x20, 4 + 0x60) + bytes{0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78} + encodeArgs(0x20, 3, "abc") + bytes(0x20 - 4);
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f1()"), expectation);
+ expectation = encodeArgs(0x20, 4 + 0x60) + bytes{0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78} + encodeArgs(0x20, 3, "abc") + bytes(0x20 - 4);
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f2()"), expectation);
+ expectation = encodeArgs(0x20, 4 + 0x20) + bytes{0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78} + encodeArgs(u256(-1)) + bytes(0x20 - 4);
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f3()"), expectation);
+ char const* sourceCode = R"(
+ pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
+ contract C {
+ function f0() public pure returns (bytes) {
+ return abi.encodeWithSelector(0x12345678);
+ }
+ function f1() public pure returns (bytes) {
+ return abi.encodeWithSelector(0x12345678, "abc");
+ }
+ function f2() public pure returns (bytes) {
+ bytes4 x = 0x12345678;
+ return abi.encodeWithSelector(x, "abc");
+ }
+ function f3() public pure returns (bytes) {
+ bytes4 x = 0x12345678;
+ return abi.encodeWithSelector(x, uint(-1));
+ }
+ struct S { uint a; string b; uint16 c; }
+ function f4() public pure returns (bytes) {
+ bytes4 x = 0x12345678;
+ S memory s;
+ s.a = 0x1234567;
+ s.b = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit ethereum........";
+ s.c = 0x1234;
+ return abi.encodeWithSelector(x, uint(-1), s, uint(3));
+ }
+ }
+ )";
+ compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f0()"), encodeArgs(0x20, 4, "\x12\x34\x56\x78"));
+ bytes expectation;
+ expectation = encodeArgs(0x20, 4 + 0x60) + bytes{0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78} + encodeArgs(0x20, 3, "abc") + bytes(0x20 - 4);
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f1()"), expectation);
+ expectation = encodeArgs(0x20, 4 + 0x60) + bytes{0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78} + encodeArgs(0x20, 3, "abc") + bytes(0x20 - 4);
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f2()"), expectation);
+ expectation = encodeArgs(0x20, 4 + 0x20) + bytes{0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78} + encodeArgs(u256(-1)) + bytes(0x20 - 4);
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f3()"), expectation);
+ expectation =
+ encodeArgs(0x20, 4 + 0x120) +
+ bytes{0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78} +
+ encodeArgs(u256(-1), 0x60, u256(3), 0x1234567, 0x60, 0x1234, 38, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit ethereum........") +
+ bytes(0x20 - 4);
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f4()"), expectation);
+ char const* sourceCode = R"T(
+ contract C {
+ function f0() public pure returns (bytes) {
+ return abi.encodeWithSignature("f(uint256)");
+ }
+ function f1() public pure returns (bytes) {
+ string memory x = "f(uint256)";
+ return abi.encodeWithSignature(x, "abc");
+ }
+ string xstor;
+ function f1s() public returns (bytes) {
+ xstor = "f(uint256)";
+ return abi.encodeWithSignature(xstor, "abc");
+ }
+ function f2() public pure returns (bytes r, uint[] ar) {
+ string memory x = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.";
+ uint[] memory y = new uint[](4);
+ y[0] = uint(-1);
+ y[1] = uint(-2);
+ y[2] = uint(-3);
+ y[3] = uint(-4);
+ r = abi.encodeWithSignature(x, y);
+ // The hash uses temporary memory. This allocation re-uses the memory
+ // and should initialize it properly.
+ ar = new uint[](2);
+ }
+ }
+ )T";
+ compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f0()"), encodeArgs(0x20, 4, "\xb3\xde\x64\x8b"));
+ bytes expectation;
+ expectation = encodeArgs(0x20, 4 + 0x60) + bytes{0xb3, 0xde, 0x64, 0x8b} + encodeArgs(0x20, 3, "abc") + bytes(0x20 - 4);
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f1()"), expectation);
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f1s()"), expectation);
+ expectation =
+ encodeArgs(0x40, 0x140, 4 + 0xc0) +
+ (bytes{0xe9, 0xc9, 0x21, 0xcd} + encodeArgs(0x20, 4, u256(-1), u256(-2), u256(-3), u256(-4)) + bytes(0x20 - 4)) +
+ encodeArgs(2, 0, 0);
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f2()"), expectation);
+ char const* sourceCode = R"T(
+ pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
+ contract C {
+ function f0() public pure returns (bytes) {
+ return abi.encodeWithSignature("f(uint256)");
+ }
+ function f1() public pure returns (bytes) {
+ string memory x = "f(uint256)";
+ return abi.encodeWithSignature(x, "abc");
+ }
+ string xstor;
+ function f1s() public returns (bytes) {
+ xstor = "f(uint256)";
+ return abi.encodeWithSignature(xstor, "abc");
+ }
+ function f2() public pure returns (bytes r, uint[] ar) {
+ string memory x = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.";
+ uint[] memory y = new uint[](4);
+ y[0] = uint(-1);
+ y[1] = uint(-2);
+ y[2] = uint(-3);
+ y[3] = uint(-4);
+ r = abi.encodeWithSignature(x, y);
+ // The hash uses temporary memory. This allocation re-uses the memory
+ // and should initialize it properly.
+ ar = new uint[](2);
+ }
+ struct S { uint a; string b; uint16 c; }
+ function f4() public pure returns (bytes) {
+ bytes4 x = 0x12345678;
+ S memory s;
+ s.a = 0x1234567;
+ s.b = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit ethereum........";
+ s.c = 0x1234;
+ return abi.encodeWithSignature(s.b, uint(-1), s, uint(3));
+ }
+ }
+ )T";
+ compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f0()"), encodeArgs(0x20, 4, "\xb3\xde\x64\x8b"));
+ bytes expectation;
+ expectation = encodeArgs(0x20, 4 + 0x60) + bytes{0xb3, 0xde, 0x64, 0x8b} + encodeArgs(0x20, 3, "abc") + bytes(0x20 - 4);
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f1()"), expectation);
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f1s()"), expectation);
+ expectation =
+ encodeArgs(0x40, 0x140, 4 + 0xc0) +
+ (bytes{0xe9, 0xc9, 0x21, 0xcd} + encodeArgs(0x20, 4, u256(-1), u256(-2), u256(-3), u256(-4)) + bytes(0x20 - 4)) +
+ encodeArgs(2, 0, 0);
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f2()"), expectation);
+ expectation =
+ encodeArgs(0x20, 4 + 0x120) +
+ bytes{0x7c, 0x79, 0x30, 0x02} +
+ encodeArgs(u256(-1), 0x60, u256(3), 0x1234567, 0x60, 0x1234, 38, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit ethereum........") +
+ bytes(0x20 - 4);
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f4()"), expectation);
+ char const* sourceCode = R"T(
+ contract C {
+ bool x;
+ function c(uint a, uint[] b) public {
+ require(a == 5);
+ require(b.length == 2);
+ require(b[0] == 6);
+ require(b[1] == 7);
+ x = true;
+ }
+ function f() public returns (bool) {
+ uint a = 5;
+ uint[] memory b = new uint[](2);
+ b[0] = 6;
+ b[1] = 7;
+ require(this.call(abi.encodeWithSignature("c(uint256,uint256[])", a, b)));
+ return x;
+ }
+ }
+ )T";
+ compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
+ ABI_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()"), encodeArgs(true));
char const* sourceCode = R"(
diff --git a/test/libsolidity/SolidityNameAndTypeResolution.cpp b/test/libsolidity/SolidityNameAndTypeResolution.cpp
index 6b6c86a1..6a33cbbd 100644
--- a/test/libsolidity/SolidityNameAndTypeResolution.cpp
+++ b/test/libsolidity/SolidityNameAndTypeResolution.cpp
@@ -7061,53 +7061,6 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(reject_interface_constructors)
CHECK_ERROR(text, TypeError, "Wrong argument count for constructor call: 1 arguments given but expected 0.");
- char const* text = R"(
- contract C {
- function f() pure public returns (bytes32) {
- return keccak256(1);
- }
- }
- )";
- CHECK_WARNING(text, "The type of \"int_const 1\" was inferred as uint8.");
- text = R"(
- contract C {
- function f() pure public returns (bytes32) {
- return keccak256(uint8(1));
- }
- }
- )";
- text = R"(
- contract C {
- function f() pure public returns (bytes32) {
- return sha3(1);
- }
- }
- )";
- CHECK_WARNING_ALLOW_MULTI(text, (std::vector<std::string>{
- "The type of \"int_const 1\" was inferred as uint8.",
- "\"sha3\" has been deprecated in favour of \"keccak256\""
- }));
- text = R"(
- contract C {
- function f() pure public returns (bytes32) {
- return sha256(1);
- }
- }
- )";
- CHECK_WARNING(text, "The type of \"int_const 1\" was inferred as uint8.");
- text = R"(
- contract C {
- function f() pure public returns (bytes32) {
- return ripemd160(1);
- }
- }
- )";
- CHECK_WARNING(text, "The type of \"int_const 1\" was inferred as uint8.");
char const* text = R"(
diff --git a/test/libsolidity/syntaxTests/functionCalls/arbitrary_parameters_but_restricted_first_type.sol b/test/libsolidity/syntaxTests/functionCalls/arbitrary_parameters_but_restricted_first_type.sol
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..94da5881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/libsolidity/syntaxTests/functionCalls/arbitrary_parameters_but_restricted_first_type.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+contract C {
+ function f() pure public {
+ abi.encodeWithSelector();
+ abi.encodeWithSignature();
+ abi.encodeWithSelector(uint(2), 2);
+ abi.encodeWithSignature(uint(2), 2);
+ }
+// ----
+// TypeError: (52-76): Need at least 1 arguments for function call, but provided only 0.
+// TypeError: (86-111): Need at least 1 arguments for function call, but provided only 0.
+// TypeError: (144-151): Invalid type for argument in function call. Invalid implicit conversion from uint256 to bytes4 requested.
+// TypeError: (189-196): Invalid type for argument in function call. Invalid implicit conversion from uint256 to string memory requested.
diff --git a/test/libsolidity/syntaxTests/specialFunctions/abi_encode_structs.sol b/test/libsolidity/syntaxTests/specialFunctions/abi_encode_structs.sol
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d9eebee4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/libsolidity/syntaxTests/specialFunctions/abi_encode_structs.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+contract C {
+ struct S { uint x; }
+ S s;
+ struct T { uint y; }
+ T t;
+ function f() public view {
+ abi.encode(s, t);
+ }
+ function g() public view {
+ abi.encodePacked(s, t);
+ }
+// ----
+// TypeError: (131-132): This type cannot be encoded.
+// TypeError: (134-135): This type cannot be encoded.
+// TypeError: (200-201): This type cannot be encoded.
+// TypeError: (203-204): This type cannot be encoded.
diff --git a/test/libsolidity/syntaxTests/specialFunctions/abi_encode_structs_abiv2.sol b/test/libsolidity/syntaxTests/specialFunctions/abi_encode_structs_abiv2.sol
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d6cf60e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/libsolidity/syntaxTests/specialFunctions/abi_encode_structs_abiv2.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
+contract C {
+ struct S { uint x; }
+ S s;
+ struct T { uint y; }
+ T t;
+ function f() public view {
+ abi.encode(s, t);
+ }
+ function g() public view {
+ abi.encodePacked(s, t);
+ }
+// ----
+// Warning: (0-33): Experimental features are turned on. Do not use experimental features on live deployments.
+// TypeError: (235-236): This type cannot be encoded.
+// TypeError: (238-239): This type cannot be encoded.
diff --git a/test/libsolidity/syntaxTests/specialFunctions/types_with_unspecified_encoding_structs.sol b/test/libsolidity/syntaxTests/specialFunctions/types_with_unspecified_encoding_structs.sol
index cc354819..fa910260 100644
--- a/test/libsolidity/syntaxTests/specialFunctions/types_with_unspecified_encoding_structs.sol
+++ b/test/libsolidity/syntaxTests/specialFunctions/types_with_unspecified_encoding_structs.sol
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
contract C {
struct S { uint x; }
S s;
- struct T { }
+ struct T { uint y; }
T t;
- function f() public pure {
+ function f() public view {
bytes32 a = sha256(s, t);
// ----
-// Warning: (51-63): Defining empty structs is deprecated.
-// TypeError: (131-132): This type cannot be encoded.
-// TypeError: (134-135): This type cannot be encoded.
+// TypeError: (139-140): This type cannot be encoded.
+// TypeError: (142-143): This type cannot be encoded.
diff --git a/test/libsolidity/syntaxTests/specialFunctions/types_with_unspecified_encoding_structs_abiv2.sol b/test/libsolidity/syntaxTests/specialFunctions/types_with_unspecified_encoding_structs_abiv2.sol
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1187ce4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/libsolidity/syntaxTests/specialFunctions/types_with_unspecified_encoding_structs_abiv2.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
+contract C {
+ struct S { uint x; }
+ S s;
+ struct T { uint y; }
+ T t;
+ function f() public view {
+ bytes32 a = sha256(s, t);
+ a;
+ }
+// ----
+// Warning: (0-33): Experimental features are turned on. Do not use experimental features on live deployments.
+// TypeError: (174-175): This type cannot be encoded.
+// TypeError: (177-178): This type cannot be encoded.
diff --git a/test/libsolidity/syntaxTests/tight_packing_literals.sol b/test/libsolidity/syntaxTests/tight_packing_literals.sol
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8258a8a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/libsolidity/syntaxTests/tight_packing_literals.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+contract C {
+ function f() pure public returns (bytes32) {
+ return keccak256(1);
+ }
+ function g() pure public returns (bytes32) {
+ return sha3(1);
+ }
+ function h() pure public returns (bytes32) {
+ return sha256(1);
+ }
+ function j() pure public returns (bytes32) {
+ return ripemd160(1);
+ }
+ function k() pure public returns (bytes) {
+ return abi.encodePacked(1);
+ }
+// ----
+// Warning: (87-88): The type of "int_const 1" was inferred as uint8. This is probably not desired. Use an explicit type to silence this warning.
+// Warning: (161-168): "sha3" has been deprecated in favour of "keccak256"
+// Warning: (166-167): The type of "int_const 1" was inferred as uint8. This is probably not desired. Use an explicit type to silence this warning.
+// Warning: (247-248): The type of "int_const 1" was inferred as uint8. This is probably not desired. Use an explicit type to silence this warning.
+// Warning: (331-332): The type of "int_const 1" was inferred as uint8. This is probably not desired. Use an explicit type to silence this warning.
+// Warning: (420-421): The type of "int_const 1" was inferred as uint8. This is probably not desired. Use an explicit type to silence this warning.
diff --git a/test/libsolidity/syntaxTests/tight_packing_literals_fine.sol b/test/libsolidity/syntaxTests/tight_packing_literals_fine.sol
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..46407f71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/libsolidity/syntaxTests/tight_packing_literals_fine.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+contract C {
+ function f() pure public returns (bytes32) {
+ return keccak256(uint8(1));
+ }
+ function g() pure public returns (bytes) {
+ return abi.encode(1);
+ }
+ function h() pure public returns (bytes) {
+ return abi.encodePacked(uint8(1));
+ }
diff --git a/test/libsolidity/syntaxTests/viewPure/view_pure_abi_encode.sol b/test/libsolidity/syntaxTests/viewPure/view_pure_abi_encode.sol
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ca7db42e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/libsolidity/syntaxTests/viewPure/view_pure_abi_encode.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+contract C {
+ function f() pure public returns (bytes r) {
+ r = abi.encode(1, 2);
+ r = abi.encodePacked(f());
+ r = abi.encodeWithSelector(0x12345678, 1);
+ r = abi.encodeWithSignature("f(uint256)", 4);
+ }
diff --git a/test/libsolidity/syntaxTests/viewPure/view_pure_abi_encode_arguments.sol b/test/libsolidity/syntaxTests/viewPure/view_pure_abi_encode_arguments.sol
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..547362c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/libsolidity/syntaxTests/viewPure/view_pure_abi_encode_arguments.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+contract C {
+ uint x;
+ function gView() public view returns (uint) { return x; }
+ function gNonPayable() public returns (uint) { x = 4; return 0; }
+ function f1() view public returns (bytes) {
+ return abi.encode(gView());
+ }
+ function f2() view public returns (bytes) {
+ return abi.encodePacked(gView());
+ }
+ function f3() view public returns (bytes) {
+ return abi.encodeWithSelector(0x12345678, gView());
+ }
+ function f4() view public returns (bytes) {
+ return abi.encodeWithSignature("f(uint256)", gView());
+ }
+ function g1() public returns (bytes) {
+ return abi.encode(gNonPayable());
+ }
+ function g2() public returns (bytes) {
+ return abi.encodePacked(gNonPayable());
+ }
+ function g3() public returns (bytes) {
+ return abi.encodeWithSelector(0x12345678, gNonPayable());
+ }
+ function g4() public returns (bytes) {
+ return abi.encodeWithSignature("f(uint256)", gNonPayable());
+ }
+ // This will generate the only warning.
+ function check() public returns (bytes) {
+ return abi.encode(2);
+ }
+// ----
+// Warning: (1044-1121): Function state mutability can be restricted to pure