path: root/libyul/optimiser
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authorchriseth <chris@ethereum.org>2018-10-02 16:46:59 +0800
committerchriseth <chris@ethereum.org>2018-10-16 23:16:03 +0800
commite2e4a9fe81656724111c444cbf253d39bbb2b67b (patch)
treebf6b303303ac1c3ab106caeaee476e9c973a9df0 /libyul/optimiser
parent72b1bb00bd86ea3c647b3f327c416ab8f3421166 (diff)
New full inliner.
Diffstat (limited to 'libyul/optimiser')
2 files changed, 102 insertions, 197 deletions
diff --git a/libyul/optimiser/FullInliner.cpp b/libyul/optimiser/FullInliner.cpp
index 4e419987..75cd9d5c 100644
--- a/libyul/optimiser/FullInliner.cpp
+++ b/libyul/optimiser/FullInliner.cpp
@@ -23,12 +23,13 @@
#include <libyul/optimiser/ASTCopier.h>
#include <libyul/optimiser/ASTWalker.h>
#include <libyul/optimiser/NameCollector.h>
-#include <libyul/optimiser/Semantics.h>
+#include <libyul/optimiser/Utilities.h>
#include <libyul/Exceptions.h>
#include <libsolidity/inlineasm/AsmData.h>
#include <libdevcore/CommonData.h>
+#include <libdevcore/Visitor.h>
#include <boost/range/adaptor/reversed.hpp>
@@ -56,7 +57,8 @@ FullInliner::FullInliner(Block& _ast):
void FullInliner::run()
assertThrow(m_ast.statements[0].type() == typeid(Block), OptimizerException, "");
- InlineModifier(*this, m_nameDispenser, "").visit(m_ast.statements[0]);
+ handleBlock("", boost::get<Block>(m_ast.statements[0]));
while (!m_functionsToVisit.empty())
@@ -66,168 +68,105 @@ void FullInliner::handleFunction(FunctionDefinition& _fun)
if (!m_functionsToVisit.count(&_fun))
- (InlineModifier(*this, m_nameDispenser, _fun.name))(_fun.body);
-void InlineModifier::operator()(FunctionalInstruction& _instruction)
- visitArguments(_instruction.arguments);
-void InlineModifier::operator()(FunctionCall&)
- assertThrow(false, OptimizerException, "Should be handled in visit() instead.");
+ handleBlock(_fun.name, _fun.body);
-void InlineModifier::operator()(ForLoop& _loop)
+void FullInliner::handleBlock(string const& _currentFunctionName, Block& _block)
- (*this)(_loop.pre);
- // Do not visit the condition because we cannot inline there.
- (*this)(_loop.post);
- (*this)(_loop.body);
+ InlineModifier{*this, m_nameDispenser, _currentFunctionName}(_block);
void InlineModifier::operator()(Block& _block)
- vector<Statement> saved;
- saved.swap(m_statementsToPrefix);
- // This is only used if needed to minimize the number of move operations.
- vector<Statement> modifiedStatements;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < _block.statements.size(); ++i)
- {
- visit(_block.statements.at(i));
- if (!m_statementsToPrefix.empty())
- {
- if (modifiedStatements.empty())
- std::move(
- _block.statements.begin(),
- _block.statements.begin() + i,
- back_inserter(modifiedStatements)
- );
- modifiedStatements += std::move(m_statementsToPrefix);
- m_statementsToPrefix.clear();
- }
- if (!modifiedStatements.empty())
- modifiedStatements.emplace_back(std::move(_block.statements[i]));
- }
- if (!modifiedStatements.empty())
- _block.statements = std::move(modifiedStatements);
- saved.swap(m_statementsToPrefix);
+ function<boost::optional<vector<Statement>>(Statement&)> f = [&](Statement& _statement) -> boost::optional<vector<Statement>> {
+ visit(_statement);
+ return tryInlineStatement(_statement);
+ };
+ iterateReplacing(_block.statements, f);
-void InlineModifier::visit(Expression& _expression)
+boost::optional<vector<Statement>> InlineModifier::tryInlineStatement(Statement& _statement)
- if (_expression.type() != typeid(FunctionCall))
- return ASTModifier::visit(_expression);
- FunctionCall& funCall = boost::get<FunctionCall>(_expression);
- FunctionDefinition& fun = m_driver.function(funCall.functionName.name);
- m_driver.handleFunction(fun);
- // TODO: Insert good heuristic here. Perhaps implement that inside the driver.
- bool doInline = funCall.functionName.name != m_currentFunction;
- if (fun.returnVariables.size() > 1)
- doInline = false;
+ // Only inline for expression statements, assignments and variable declarations.
+ Expression* e = boost::apply_visitor(GenericFallbackReturnsVisitor<Expression*, ExpressionStatement, Assignment, VariableDeclaration>(
+ [](ExpressionStatement& _s) { return &_s.expression; },
+ [](Assignment& _s) { return _s.value.get(); },
+ [](VariableDeclaration& _s) { return _s.value.get(); }
+ ), _statement);
+ if (e)
- vector<string> argNames;
- vector<string> argTypes;
- for (auto const& arg: fun.parameters)
+ // Only inline direct function calls.
+ FunctionCall* funCall = boost::apply_visitor(GenericFallbackReturnsVisitor<FunctionCall*, FunctionCall&>(
+ [](FunctionCall& _e) { return &_e; }
+ ), *e);
+ if (funCall)
- argNames.push_back(fun.name + "_" + arg.name);
- argTypes.push_back(arg.type);
- }
- visitArguments(funCall.arguments, argNames, argTypes, doInline);
- }
+ FunctionDefinition& fun = m_driver.function(funCall->functionName.name);
+ m_driver.handleFunction(fun);
- if (!doInline)
- return;
+ // TODO: Insert good heuristic here. Perhaps implement that inside the driver.
+ bool doInline = funCall->functionName.name != m_currentFunction;
- map<string, string> variableReplacements;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < funCall.arguments.size(); ++i)
- variableReplacements[fun.parameters[i].name] = boost::get<Identifier>(funCall.arguments[i]).name;
- if (fun.returnVariables.empty())
- _expression = noop(funCall.location);
- else
- {
- string returnVariable = fun.returnVariables[0].name;
- variableReplacements[returnVariable] = newName(fun.name + "_" + returnVariable);
- m_statementsToPrefix.emplace_back(VariableDeclaration{
- funCall.location,
- {{funCall.location, variableReplacements[returnVariable], fun.returnVariables[0].type}},
- {}
- });
- _expression = Identifier{funCall.location, variableReplacements[returnVariable]};
- }
- m_statementsToPrefix.emplace_back(BodyCopier(m_nameDispenser, fun.name + "_", variableReplacements)(fun.body));
-void InlineModifier::visit(Statement& _statement)
- ASTModifier::visit(_statement);
- // Replace pop(0) expression statemets (and others) by empty blocks.
- if (_statement.type() == typeid(ExpressionStatement))
- {
- ExpressionStatement& expSt = boost::get<ExpressionStatement>(_statement);
- if (expSt.expression.type() == typeid(FunctionalInstruction))
- {
- FunctionalInstruction& funInstr = boost::get<FunctionalInstruction>(expSt.expression);
- if (funInstr.instruction == solidity::Instruction::POP)
- if (MovableChecker(funInstr.arguments.at(0)).movable())
- _statement = Block{expSt.location, {}};
+ if (doInline)
+ return performInline(_statement, *funCall, fun);
+ return {};
-void InlineModifier::visitArguments(
- vector<Expression>& _arguments,
- vector<string> const& _nameHints,
- vector<string> const& _types,
- bool _moveToFront
+vector<Statement> InlineModifier::performInline(Statement& _statement, FunctionCall& _funCall, FunctionDefinition& _function)
- // If one of the elements moves parts to the front, all other elements right of it
- // also have to be moved to the front to keep the order of evaluation.
- vector<Statement> prefix;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < _arguments.size(); ++i)
- {
- auto& arg = _arguments[i];
- // TODO optimize vector operations, check that it actually moves
- auto internalPrefix = visitRecursively(arg);
- if (!internalPrefix.empty())
+ vector<Statement> newStatements;
+ map<string, string> variableReplacements;
+ // helper function to create a new variable that is supposed to model
+ // an existing variable.
+ auto newVariable = [&](TypedName const& _existingVariable, Expression* _value) {
+ string newName = m_nameDispenser.newName(_function.name + "_" + _existingVariable.name);
+ variableReplacements[_existingVariable.name] = newName;
+ VariableDeclaration varDecl{_funCall.location, {{_funCall.location, newName, _existingVariable.type}}, {}};
+ if (_value)
+ varDecl.value = make_shared<Expression>(std::move(*_value));
+ newStatements.emplace_back(std::move(varDecl));
+ };
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < _funCall.arguments.size(); ++i)
+ newVariable(_function.parameters[i], &_funCall.arguments[i]);
+ for (auto const& var: _function.returnVariables)
+ newVariable(var, nullptr);
+ Statement newBody = BodyCopier(m_nameDispenser, _function.name + "_", variableReplacements)(_function.body);
+ newStatements += std::move(boost::get<Block>(newBody).statements);
+ boost::apply_visitor(GenericFallbackVisitor<Assignment, VariableDeclaration>{
+ [&](Assignment& _assignment)
- _moveToFront = true;
- // We go through the arguments left to right, so we have to invert
- // the prefixes.
- prefix = std::move(internalPrefix) + std::move(prefix);
- }
- else if (_moveToFront)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < _assignment.variableNames.size(); ++i)
+ newStatements.emplace_back(Assignment{
+ _assignment.location,
+ {_assignment.variableNames[i]},
+ make_shared<Expression>(Identifier{
+ _assignment.location,
+ variableReplacements.at(_function.returnVariables[i].name)
+ })
+ });
+ },
+ [&](VariableDeclaration& _varDecl)
- auto location = locationOf(arg);
- string var = newName(i < _nameHints.size() ? _nameHints[i] : "");
- prefix.emplace(prefix.begin(), VariableDeclaration{
- location,
- {{TypedName{location, var, i < _types.size() ? _types[i] : ""}}},
- make_shared<Expression>(std::move(arg))
- });
- arg = Identifier{location, var};
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < _varDecl.variables.size(); ++i)
+ newStatements.emplace_back(VariableDeclaration{
+ _varDecl.location,
+ {std::move(_varDecl.variables[i])},
+ make_shared<Expression>(Identifier{
+ _varDecl.location,
+ variableReplacements.at(_function.returnVariables[i].name)
+ })
+ });
- }
- m_statementsToPrefix += std::move(prefix);
-vector<Statement> InlineModifier::visitRecursively(Expression& _expression)
- vector<Statement> saved;
- saved.swap(m_statementsToPrefix);
- visit(_expression);
- saved.swap(m_statementsToPrefix);
- return saved;
+ // nothing to be done for expression statement
+ }, _statement);
+ return newStatements;
string InlineModifier::newName(string const& _prefix)
@@ -235,13 +174,6 @@ string InlineModifier::newName(string const& _prefix)
return m_nameDispenser.newName(_prefix);
-Expression InlineModifier::noop(SourceLocation const& _location)
- return FunctionalInstruction{_location, solidity::Instruction::POP, {
- Literal{_location, assembly::LiteralKind::Number, "0", ""}
- }};
Statement BodyCopier::operator()(VariableDeclaration const& _varDecl)
for (auto const& var: _varDecl.variables)
diff --git a/libyul/optimiser/FullInliner.h b/libyul/optimiser/FullInliner.h
index 8112fb4b..b69350a6 100644
--- a/libyul/optimiser/FullInliner.h
+++ b/libyul/optimiser/FullInliner.h
@@ -42,29 +42,31 @@ class NameCollector;
- * Optimiser component that modifies an AST in place, inlining arbitrary functions.
+ * Optimiser component that modifies an AST in place, inlining functions.
+ * Expressions are expected to be split, i.e. the component will only inline
+ * function calls that are at the root of the expression and that only contains
+ * variables as arguments. More specifically, it will inline
+ * - let x1, ..., xn := f(a1, ..., am)
+ * - x1, ..., xn := f(a1, ..., am)
+ * f(a1, ..., am)
- * Code of the form
+ * The transform changes code of the form
* function f(a, b) -> c { ... }
- * h(g(x(...), f(arg1(...), arg2(...)), y(...)), z(...))
+ * let z := f(x, y)
- * is transformed into
+ * into
* function f(a, b) -> c { ... }
- * let z1 := z(...) let y1 := y(...) let a2 := arg2(...) let a1 := arg1(...)
- * let c1 := 0
- * { code of f, with replacements: a -> a1, b -> a2, c -> c1, d -> d1 }
- * h(g(x(...), c1, y1), z1)
+ * let f_a := x
+ * let f_b := y
+ * let f_c
+ * code of f, with replacements: a -> f_a, b -> f_b, c -> f_c
+ * let z := f_c
- * No temporary variable is created for expressions that are "movable"
- * (i.e. they are "pure", have no side-effects and also do not depend on other code
- * that might have side-effects).
- *
- * This component can only be used on sources with unique names and with hoisted functions,
- * i.e. the root node has to be a block that itself contains a single block followed by all
- * function definitions.
+ * Prerequisites: Disambiguator, Function Hoister
+ * More efficient if run after: Expression Splitter
class FullInliner: public ASTModifier
@@ -79,6 +81,8 @@ public:
FunctionDefinition& function(std::string _name) { return *m_functions.at(_name); }
+ void handleBlock(std::string const& _currentFunctionName, Block& _block);
/// The AST to be modified. The root block itself will not be modified, because
/// we store pointers to functions.
Block& m_ast;
@@ -99,46 +103,15 @@ public:
{ }
- ~InlineModifier()
- {
- assertThrow(m_statementsToPrefix.empty(), OptimizerException, "");
- }
- virtual void operator()(FunctionalInstruction&) override;
- virtual void operator()(FunctionCall&) override;
- virtual void operator()(ForLoop&) override;
- virtual void operator()(Block& _block) override;
- using ASTModifier::visit;
- virtual void visit(Expression& _expression) override;
- virtual void visit(Statement& _st) override;
+ virtual void operator()(Block& _block) override;
- /// Visits a list of expressions (usually an argument list to a function call) and tries
- /// to inline them. If one of them is inlined, all right of it have to be moved to the front
- /// (to keep the order of evaluation). If @a _moveToFront is true, all elements are moved
- /// to the front. @a _nameHints and @_types are used for the newly created variables, but
- /// both can be empty.
- void visitArguments(
- std::vector<Expression>& _arguments,
- std::vector<std::string> const& _nameHints = {},
- std::vector<std::string> const& _types = {},
- bool _moveToFront = false
- );
- /// Visits an expression, but saves and restores the current statements to prefix and returns
- /// the statements that should be prefixed for @a _expression.
- std::vector<Statement> visitRecursively(Expression& _expression);
+ boost::optional<std::vector<Statement>> tryInlineStatement(Statement& _statement);
+ std::vector<Statement> performInline(Statement& _statement, FunctionCall& _funCall, FunctionDefinition& _function);
std::string newName(std::string const& _prefix);
- /// @returns an expression returning nothing.
- Expression noop(SourceLocation const& _location);
- /// List of statements that should go in front of the currently visited AST element,
- /// at the statement level.
- std::vector<Statement> m_statementsToPrefix;
std::string m_currentFunction;
FullInliner& m_driver;
NameDispenser& m_nameDispenser;