diff options
3 files changed, 657 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 6aa99b61..a11c9fa1 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ aux_source_directory(. SRC_LIST)
list(REMOVE_ITEM SRC_LIST "./createRandomTest.cpp")
file(GLOB HEADERS "*.h")
add_executable(testeth ${SRC_LIST} ${HEADERS})
@@ -17,6 +15,10 @@ target_link_libraries(testeth secp256k1)
target_link_libraries(testeth gmp)
target_link_libraries(testeth solidity)
target_link_libraries(testeth ${CRYPTOPP_LS})
+target_link_libraries(testeth webthree)
+target_link_libraries(testeth web3jsonrpc)
target_link_libraries(createRandomTest ethereum)
target_link_libraries(createRandomTest ethcore)
diff --git a/jsonrpc.cpp b/jsonrpc.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ec55a5fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jsonrpc.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+ This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
+ cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+/** @file jsonrpc.cpp
+ * @author Marek Kotewicz <marek@ethdev.com>
+ * @date 2014
+ */
+#if ETH_JSONRPC && 1
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
+#include <libdevcore/Log.h>
+#include <libdevcore/CommonIO.h>
+#include <libdevcore/CommonJS.h>
+#include <libwebthree/WebThree.h>
+#include <libweb3jsonrpc/WebThreeStubServer.h>
+#include <libweb3jsonrpc/CorsHttpServer.h>
+#include <jsonrpc/connectors/httpserver.h>
+#include <jsonrpc/connectors/httpclient.h>
+#include <set>
+#include "JsonSpiritHeaders.h"
+#include "TestHelper.h"
+#include "webthreestubclient.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace dev;
+using namespace dev::eth;
+namespace js = json_spirit;
+namespace jsonrpc_tests
+string name = "Ethereum(++) tests";
+string dbPath;
+auto s = set<string>{"eth", "shh"};
+dev::p2p::NetworkPreferences np(30303, std::string(), false);
+dev::WebThreeDirect web3(name, dbPath, true, s, np);
+auto_ptr<WebThreeStubServer> jsonrpcServer;
+auto_ptr<WebThreeStubClient> jsonrpcClient;
+struct JsonrpcFixture {
+ JsonrpcFixture()
+ {
+ cnote << "setup jsonrpc";
+ web3.setIdealPeerCount(5);
+ web3.ethereum()->setForceMining(true);
+ jsonrpcServer = auto_ptr<WebThreeStubServer>(new WebThreeStubServer(new jsonrpc::CorsHttpServer(8080), web3, {}));
+ jsonrpcServer->StartListening();
+ jsonrpcClient = auto_ptr<WebThreeStubClient>(new WebThreeStubClient(new jsonrpc::HttpClient("http://localhost:8080")));
+ }
+ ~JsonrpcFixture()
+ {
+ cnote << "teardown jsonrpc";
+ }
+ cnote << "Testing jsonrpc balanceAt...";
+ dev::KeyPair key = KeyPair::create();
+ auto address = key.address();
+ string balance = jsonrpcClient->balanceAt(toJS(address));
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(toJS(web3.ethereum()->balanceAt(address)), balance);
+ cnote << "Testing jsonrpc coinbase...";
+ string coinbase = jsonrpcClient->coinbase();
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(jsToAddress(coinbase), web3.ethereum()->address());
+ cnote << "Testing jsonrpc countAt...";
+ dev::KeyPair key = KeyPair::create();
+ auto address = key.address();
+ double countAt = jsonrpcClient->countAt(toJS(address));
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(countAt, (double)(uint64_t)web3.ethereum()->countAt(address, 0));
+ cnote << "Testing jsonrpc defaultBlock...";
+ int defaultBlock = jsonrpcClient->defaultBlock();
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(defaultBlock, web3.ethereum()->getDefault());
+ cnote << "Testing jsonrpc gasPrice...";
+ string gasPrice = jsonrpcClient->gasPrice();
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(gasPrice, toJS(10 * dev::eth::szabo));
+ cnote << "Testing jsonrpc isListening...";
+ web3.startNetwork();
+ bool listeningOn = jsonrpcClient->listening();
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(listeningOn, web3.isNetworkStarted());
+ web3.stopNetwork();
+ bool listeningOff = jsonrpcClient->listening();
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(listeningOff, web3.isNetworkStarted());
+ cnote << "Testing jsonrpc isMining...";
+ web3.ethereum()->startMining();
+ bool miningOn = jsonrpcClient->mining();
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(miningOn, web3.ethereum()->isMining());
+ web3.ethereum()->stopMining();
+ bool miningOff = jsonrpcClient->mining();
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(miningOff, web3.ethereum()->isMining());
+ cnote << "Testing jsonrpc accounts...";
+ std::vector <dev::KeyPair> keys = {KeyPair::create(), KeyPair::create()};
+ jsonrpcServer->setAccounts(keys);
+ Json::Value k = jsonrpcClient->accounts();
+ jsonrpcServer->setAccounts({});
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(k.isArray(), true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(k.size(), keys.size());
+ for (auto &i:k)
+ {
+ auto it = std::find_if(keys.begin(), keys.end(), [i](dev::KeyPair const& keyPair){
+ return jsToAddress(i.asString()) == keyPair.address();
+ });
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(it != keys.end(), true);
+ }
+ cnote << "Testing jsonrpc number...";
+ int number = jsonrpcClient->number();
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(number, web3.ethereum()->number() + 1);
+ cnote << "Testing jsonrpc number2...";
+ int number = jsonrpcClient->number();
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(number, web3.ethereum()->number() + 1);
+ dev::eth::mine(*(web3.ethereum()), 1);
+ int numberAfter = jsonrpcClient->number();
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(number + 1, numberAfter);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(numberAfter, web3.ethereum()->number() + 1);
+ cnote << "Testing jsonrpc peerCount...";
+ int peerCount = jsonrpcClient->peerCount();
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(web3.peerCount(), peerCount);
+ cnote << "Testing jsonrpc setListening...";
+ jsonrpcClient->setListening(true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(web3.isNetworkStarted(), true);
+ jsonrpcClient->setListening(false);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(web3.isNetworkStarted(), false);
+ cnote << "Testing jsonrpc setMining...";
+ jsonrpcClient->setMining(true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(web3.ethereum()->isMining(), true);
+ jsonrpcClient->setMining(false);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(web3.ethereum()->isMining(), false);
+ cnote << "Testing jsonrpc stateAt...";
+ dev::KeyPair key = KeyPair::create();
+ auto address = key.address();
+ string stateAt = jsonrpcClient->stateAt(toJS(address), "0");
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(toJS(web3.ethereum()->stateAt(address, jsToU256("0"), 0)), stateAt);
+ cnote << "Testing jsonrpc transact...";
+ dev::KeyPair key = KeyPair::create();
+ auto address = key.address();
+ auto receiver = KeyPair::create();
+ web3.ethereum()->setAddress(address);
+ jsonrpcServer->setAccounts({key});
+ dev::eth::mine(*(web3.ethereum()), 1);
+ auto balance = web3.ethereum()->balanceAt(address, 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(balance > 0);
+ auto txAmount = balance / 2u;
+ auto gasPrice = 10 * dev::eth::szabo;
+ auto gas = dev::eth::c_txGas;
+ Json::Value t;
+ t["from"] = toJS(address);
+ t["value"] = jsToDecimal(toJS(txAmount));
+ t["to"] = toJS(receiver.address());
+ t["data"] = toJS(bytes());
+ t["gas"] = toJS(gas);
+ t["gasPrice"] = toJS(gasPrice);
+ jsonrpcClient->transact(t);
+ jsonrpcServer->setAccounts({});
+ dev::eth::mine(*(web3.ethereum()), 1);
+ auto balance2 = web3.ethereum()->balanceAt(receiver.address());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(balance2 > 0);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(txAmount, balance2);
diff --git a/webthreestubclient.h b/webthreestubclient.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4bd8afda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webthreestubclient.h
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+ */
+#include <jsonrpc/rpc.h>
+class WebThreeStubClient
+ public:
+ WebThreeStubClient(jsonrpc::AbstractClientConnector* conn)
+ {
+ this->client = new jsonrpc::Client(conn);
+ }
+ ~WebThreeStubClient()
+ {
+ delete this->client;
+ }
+ Json::Value accounts() throw (jsonrpc::JsonRpcException)
+ {
+ Json::Value p;
+ p = Json::nullValue;
+ Json::Value result = this->client->CallMethod("accounts",p);
+ if (result.isArray())
+ return result;
+ else
+ throw jsonrpc::JsonRpcException(jsonrpc::Errors::ERROR_CLIENT_INVALID_RESPONSE, result.toStyledString());
+ }
+ std::string balanceAt(const std::string& param1) throw (jsonrpc::JsonRpcException)
+ {
+ Json::Value p;
+ p.append(param1);
+ Json::Value result = this->client->CallMethod("balanceAt",p);
+ if (result.isString())
+ return result.asString();
+ else
+ throw jsonrpc::JsonRpcException(jsonrpc::Errors::ERROR_CLIENT_INVALID_RESPONSE, result.toStyledString());
+ }
+ Json::Value blockByHash(const std::string& param1) throw (jsonrpc::JsonRpcException)
+ {
+ Json::Value p;
+ p.append(param1);
+ Json::Value result = this->client->CallMethod("blockByHash",p);
+ if (result.isObject())
+ return result;
+ else
+ throw jsonrpc::JsonRpcException(jsonrpc::Errors::ERROR_CLIENT_INVALID_RESPONSE, result.toStyledString());
+ }
+ Json::Value blockByNumber(const int& param1) throw (jsonrpc::JsonRpcException)
+ {
+ Json::Value p;
+ p.append(param1);
+ Json::Value result = this->client->CallMethod("blockByNumber",p);
+ if (result.isObject())
+ return result;
+ else
+ throw jsonrpc::JsonRpcException(jsonrpc::Errors::ERROR_CLIENT_INVALID_RESPONSE, result.toStyledString());
+ }
+ std::string call(const Json::Value& param1) throw (jsonrpc::JsonRpcException)
+ {
+ Json::Value p;
+ p.append(param1);
+ Json::Value result = this->client->CallMethod("call",p);
+ if (result.isString())
+ return result.asString();
+ else
+ throw jsonrpc::JsonRpcException(jsonrpc::Errors::ERROR_CLIENT_INVALID_RESPONSE, result.toStyledString());
+ }
+ bool changed(const int& param1) throw (jsonrpc::JsonRpcException)
+ {
+ Json::Value p;
+ p.append(param1);
+ Json::Value result = this->client->CallMethod("changed",p);
+ if (result.isBool())
+ return result.asBool();
+ else
+ throw jsonrpc::JsonRpcException(jsonrpc::Errors::ERROR_CLIENT_INVALID_RESPONSE, result.toStyledString());
+ }
+ std::string codeAt(const std::string& param1) throw (jsonrpc::JsonRpcException)
+ {
+ Json::Value p;
+ p.append(param1);
+ Json::Value result = this->client->CallMethod("codeAt",p);
+ if (result.isString())
+ return result.asString();
+ else
+ throw jsonrpc::JsonRpcException(jsonrpc::Errors::ERROR_CLIENT_INVALID_RESPONSE, result.toStyledString());
+ }
+ std::string coinbase() throw (jsonrpc::JsonRpcException)
+ {
+ Json::Value p;
+ p = Json::nullValue;
+ Json::Value result = this->client->CallMethod("coinbase",p);
+ if (result.isString())
+ return result.asString();
+ else
+ throw jsonrpc::JsonRpcException(jsonrpc::Errors::ERROR_CLIENT_INVALID_RESPONSE, result.toStyledString());
+ }
+ std::string compile(const std::string& param1) throw (jsonrpc::JsonRpcException)
+ {
+ Json::Value p;
+ p.append(param1);
+ Json::Value result = this->client->CallMethod("compile",p);
+ if (result.isString())
+ return result.asString();
+ else
+ throw jsonrpc::JsonRpcException(jsonrpc::Errors::ERROR_CLIENT_INVALID_RESPONSE, result.toStyledString());
+ }
+ double countAt(const std::string& param1) throw (jsonrpc::JsonRpcException)
+ {
+ Json::Value p;
+ p.append(param1);
+ Json::Value result = this->client->CallMethod("countAt",p);
+ if (result.isDouble())
+ return result.asDouble();
+ else
+ throw jsonrpc::JsonRpcException(jsonrpc::Errors::ERROR_CLIENT_INVALID_RESPONSE, result.toStyledString());
+ }
+ int defaultBlock() throw (jsonrpc::JsonRpcException)
+ {
+ Json::Value p;
+ p = Json::nullValue;
+ Json::Value result = this->client->CallMethod("defaultBlock",p);
+ if (result.isInt())
+ return result.asInt();
+ else
+ throw jsonrpc::JsonRpcException(jsonrpc::Errors::ERROR_CLIENT_INVALID_RESPONSE, result.toStyledString());
+ }
+ std::string gasPrice() throw (jsonrpc::JsonRpcException)
+ {
+ Json::Value p;
+ p = Json::nullValue;
+ Json::Value result = this->client->CallMethod("gasPrice",p);
+ if (result.isString())
+ return result.asString();
+ else
+ throw jsonrpc::JsonRpcException(jsonrpc::Errors::ERROR_CLIENT_INVALID_RESPONSE, result.toStyledString());
+ }
+ Json::Value getMessages(const int& param1) throw (jsonrpc::JsonRpcException)
+ {
+ Json::Value p;
+ p.append(param1);
+ Json::Value result = this->client->CallMethod("getMessages",p);
+ if (result.isArray())
+ return result;
+ else
+ throw jsonrpc::JsonRpcException(jsonrpc::Errors::ERROR_CLIENT_INVALID_RESPONSE, result.toStyledString());
+ }
+ bool listening() throw (jsonrpc::JsonRpcException)
+ {
+ Json::Value p;
+ p = Json::nullValue;
+ Json::Value result = this->client->CallMethod("listening",p);
+ if (result.isBool())
+ return result.asBool();
+ else
+ throw jsonrpc::JsonRpcException(jsonrpc::Errors::ERROR_CLIENT_INVALID_RESPONSE, result.toStyledString());
+ }
+ bool mining() throw (jsonrpc::JsonRpcException)
+ {
+ Json::Value p;
+ p = Json::nullValue;
+ Json::Value result = this->client->CallMethod("mining",p);
+ if (result.isBool())
+ return result.asBool();
+ else
+ throw jsonrpc::JsonRpcException(jsonrpc::Errors::ERROR_CLIENT_INVALID_RESPONSE, result.toStyledString());
+ }
+ int newFilter(const Json::Value& param1) throw (jsonrpc::JsonRpcException)
+ {
+ Json::Value p;
+ p.append(param1);
+ Json::Value result = this->client->CallMethod("newFilter",p);
+ if (result.isInt())
+ return result.asInt();
+ else
+ throw jsonrpc::JsonRpcException(jsonrpc::Errors::ERROR_CLIENT_INVALID_RESPONSE, result.toStyledString());
+ }
+ int newFilterString(const std::string& param1) throw (jsonrpc::JsonRpcException)
+ {
+ Json::Value p;
+ p.append(param1);
+ Json::Value result = this->client->CallMethod("newFilterString",p);
+ if (result.isInt())
+ return result.asInt();
+ else
+ throw jsonrpc::JsonRpcException(jsonrpc::Errors::ERROR_CLIENT_INVALID_RESPONSE, result.toStyledString());
+ }
+ int number() throw (jsonrpc::JsonRpcException)
+ {
+ Json::Value p;
+ p = Json::nullValue;
+ Json::Value result = this->client->CallMethod("number",p);
+ if (result.isInt())
+ return result.asInt();
+ else
+ throw jsonrpc::JsonRpcException(jsonrpc::Errors::ERROR_CLIENT_INVALID_RESPONSE, result.toStyledString());
+ }
+ int peerCount() throw (jsonrpc::JsonRpcException)
+ {
+ Json::Value p;
+ p = Json::nullValue;
+ Json::Value result = this->client->CallMethod("peerCount",p);
+ if (result.isInt())
+ return result.asInt();
+ else
+ throw jsonrpc::JsonRpcException(jsonrpc::Errors::ERROR_CLIENT_INVALID_RESPONSE, result.toStyledString());
+ }
+ bool setCoinbase(const std::string& param1) throw (jsonrpc::JsonRpcException)
+ {
+ Json::Value p;
+ p.append(param1);
+ Json::Value result = this->client->CallMethod("setCoinbase",p);
+ if (result.isBool())
+ return result.asBool();
+ else
+ throw jsonrpc::JsonRpcException(jsonrpc::Errors::ERROR_CLIENT_INVALID_RESPONSE, result.toStyledString());
+ }
+ bool setListening(const bool& param1) throw (jsonrpc::JsonRpcException)
+ {
+ Json::Value p;
+ p.append(param1);
+ Json::Value result = this->client->CallMethod("setListening",p);
+ if (result.isBool())
+ return result.asBool();
+ else
+ throw jsonrpc::JsonRpcException(jsonrpc::Errors::ERROR_CLIENT_INVALID_RESPONSE, result.toStyledString());
+ }
+ bool setMining(const bool& param1) throw (jsonrpc::JsonRpcException)
+ {
+ Json::Value p;
+ p.append(param1);
+ Json::Value result = this->client->CallMethod("setMining",p);
+ if (result.isBool())
+ return result.asBool();
+ else
+ throw jsonrpc::JsonRpcException(jsonrpc::Errors::ERROR_CLIENT_INVALID_RESPONSE, result.toStyledString());
+ }
+ std::string stateAt(const std::string& param1, const std::string& param2) throw (jsonrpc::JsonRpcException)
+ {
+ Json::Value p;
+ p.append(param1);
+ Json::Value result = this->client->CallMethod("stateAt",p);
+ if (result.isString())
+ return result.asString();
+ else
+ throw jsonrpc::JsonRpcException(jsonrpc::Errors::ERROR_CLIENT_INVALID_RESPONSE, result.toStyledString());
+ }
+ Json::Value transact(const Json::Value& param1) throw (jsonrpc::JsonRpcException)
+ {
+ Json::Value p;
+ p.append(param1);
+ Json::Value result = this->client->CallMethod("transact",p);
+ if (result.isArray())
+ return result;
+ else
+ throw jsonrpc::JsonRpcException(jsonrpc::Errors::ERROR_CLIENT_INVALID_RESPONSE, result.toStyledString());
+ }
+ Json::Value transactionByHash(const std::string& param1, const int& param2) throw (jsonrpc::JsonRpcException)
+ {
+ Json::Value p;
+ p.append(param1);
+ Json::Value result = this->client->CallMethod("transactionByHash",p);
+ if (result.isObject())
+ return result;
+ else
+ throw jsonrpc::JsonRpcException(jsonrpc::Errors::ERROR_CLIENT_INVALID_RESPONSE, result.toStyledString());
+ }
+ Json::Value transactionByNumber(const int& param1, const int& param2) throw (jsonrpc::JsonRpcException)
+ {
+ Json::Value p;
+ p.append(param1);
+ Json::Value result = this->client->CallMethod("transactionByNumber",p);
+ if (result.isObject())
+ return result;
+ else
+ throw jsonrpc::JsonRpcException(jsonrpc::Errors::ERROR_CLIENT_INVALID_RESPONSE, result.toStyledString());
+ }
+ Json::Value uncleByHash(const std::string& param1, const int& param2) throw (jsonrpc::JsonRpcException)
+ {
+ Json::Value p;
+ p.append(param1);
+ Json::Value result = this->client->CallMethod("uncleByHash",p);
+ if (result.isObject())
+ return result;
+ else
+ throw jsonrpc::JsonRpcException(jsonrpc::Errors::ERROR_CLIENT_INVALID_RESPONSE, result.toStyledString());
+ }
+ Json::Value uncleByNumber(const int& param1, const int& param2) throw (jsonrpc::JsonRpcException)
+ {
+ Json::Value p;
+ p.append(param1);
+ Json::Value result = this->client->CallMethod("uncleByNumber",p);
+ if (result.isObject())
+ return result;
+ else
+ throw jsonrpc::JsonRpcException(jsonrpc::Errors::ERROR_CLIENT_INVALID_RESPONSE, result.toStyledString());
+ }
+ bool uninstallFilter(const int& param1) throw (jsonrpc::JsonRpcException)
+ {
+ Json::Value p;
+ p.append(param1);
+ Json::Value result = this->client->CallMethod("uninstallFilter",p);
+ if (result.isBool())
+ return result.asBool();
+ else
+ throw jsonrpc::JsonRpcException(jsonrpc::Errors::ERROR_CLIENT_INVALID_RESPONSE, result.toStyledString());
+ }
+ private:
+ jsonrpc::Client* client;