path: root/docs/contracts.rst
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Diffstat (limited to 'docs/contracts.rst')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 890 deletions
diff --git a/docs/contracts.rst b/docs/contracts.rst
index 0dbbbfdc..859cd9e9 100644
--- a/docs/contracts.rst
+++ b/docs/contracts.rst
@@ -419,897 +419,13 @@ Calling ``f(50)`` would create a type error since ``50`` can be implicitly conve
and ``uint256`` types. On another hand ``f(256)`` would resolve to ``f(uint256)`` overload as ``256`` cannot be implicitly
converted to ``uint8``.
-.. index:: ! event
-.. _events:
-Solidity events give an abstraction on top of the EVM's logging functionality.
-Applications can subscribe and listen to these events through the RPC interface of an Ethereum client.
-Events are inheritable members of contracts. When you call them, they cause the
-arguments to be stored in the transaction's log - a special data structure
-in the blockchain. These logs are associated with the address of the contract,
-are incorporated into the blockchain, and stay there as long as a block is
-accessible (forever as of the Frontier and Homestead releases, but this might
-change with Serenity). The Log and its event data is not accessible from within
-contracts (not even from the contract that created them).
-It is possible to request a simple payment verification (SPV) for logs, so if
-an external entity supplies a contract with such a verification, it can check
-that the log actually exists inside the blockchain. You have to supply block headers
-because the contract can only see the last 256 block hashes.
-You can add the attribute ``indexed`` to up to three parameters which adds them
-to a special data structure known as :ref:`"topics" <abi_events>` instead of
-the data part of the log. If you use arrays (including ``string`` and ``bytes``)
-as indexed arguments, its Keccak-256 hash is stored as a topic instead, this is
-because a topic can only hold a single word (32 bytes).
-All parameters without the ``indexed`` attribute are :ref:`ABI-encoded <ABI>`
-into the data part of the log.
-Topics allow you to search for events, for example when filtering a sequence of
-blocks for certain events. You can also filter events by the address of the
-contract that emitted the event.
-For example, the code below uses the web3.js ``subscribe("logs")``
-`method <https://web3js.readthedocs.io/en/1.0/web3-eth-subscribe.html#subscribe-logs>`_ to filter
-logs that match a topic with a certain address value:
-.. code-block:: javascript
- var options = {
- fromBlock: 0,
- address: web3.eth.defaultAccount,
- topics: ["0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", null, null]
- };
- web3.eth.subscribe('logs', options, function (error, result) {
- if (!error)
- console.log(result);
- })
- .on("data", function (log) {
- console.log(log);
- })
- .on("changed", function (log) {
- });
-The hash of the signature of the event is one of the topics, except if you
-declared the event with the ``anonymous`` specifier. This means that it is
-not possible to filter for specific anonymous events by name.
- pragma solidity >=0.4.21 <0.6.0;
- contract ClientReceipt {
- event Deposit(
- address indexed _from,
- bytes32 indexed _id,
- uint _value
- );
- function deposit(bytes32 _id) public payable {
- // Events are emitted using `emit`, followed by
- // the name of the event and the arguments
- // (if any) in parentheses. Any such invocation
- // (even deeply nested) can be detected from
- // the JavaScript API by filtering for `Deposit`.
- emit Deposit(msg.sender, _id, msg.value);
- }
- }
-The use in the JavaScript API is as follows:
- var abi = /* abi as generated by the compiler */;
- var ClientReceipt = web3.eth.contract(abi);
- var clientReceipt = ClientReceipt.at("0x1234...ab67" /* address */);
- var event = clientReceipt.Deposit();
- // watch for changes
- event.watch(function(error, result){
- // result contains non-indexed arguments and topics
- // given to the `Deposit` call.
- if (!error)
- console.log(result);
- });
- // Or pass a callback to start watching immediately
- var event = clientReceipt.Deposit(function(error, result) {
- if (!error)
- console.log(result);
- });
-The output of the above looks like the following (trimmed):
-.. code-block:: json
- {
- "returnValues": {
- "_from": "0x1111…FFFFCCCC",
- "_id": "0x50…sd5adb20",
- "_value": "0x420042"
- },
- "raw": {
- "data": "0x7f…91385",
- "topics": ["0xfd4…b4ead7", "0x7f…1a91385"]
- }
- }
-.. index:: ! log
-Low-Level Interface to Logs
-It is also possible to access the low-level interface to the logging
-mechanism via the functions ``log0``, ``log1``, ``log2``, ``log3`` and ``log4``.
-``logi`` takes ``i + 1`` parameter of type ``bytes32``, where the first
-argument will be used for the data part of the log and the others
-as topics. The event call above can be performed in the same way as
- pragma solidity >=0.4.10 <0.6.0;
- contract C {
- function f() public payable {
- uint256 _id = 0x420042;
- log3(
- bytes32(msg.value),
- bytes32(0x50cb9fe53daa9737b786ab3646f04d0150dc50ef4e75f59509d83667ad5adb20),
- bytes32(uint256(msg.sender)),
- bytes32(_id)
- );
- }
- }
-where the long hexadecimal number is equal to
-``keccak256("Deposit(address,bytes32,uint256)")``, the signature of the event.
-Additional Resources for Understanding Events
-- `Javascript documentation <https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JavaScript-API#contract-events>`_
-- `Example usage of events <https://github.com/debris/smart-exchange/blob/master/lib/contracts/SmartExchange.sol>`_
-- `How to access them in js <https://github.com/debris/smart-exchange/blob/master/lib/exchange_transactions.js>`_
-.. index:: ! inheritance, ! base class, ! contract;base, ! deriving
-Solidity supports multiple inheritance including polymorphism.
-All function calls are virtual, which means that the most derived function
-is called, except when the contract name is explicitly given or the
-``super`` keyword is used.
-When a contract inherits from other contracts, only a single
-contract is created on the blockchain, and the code from all the base contracts
-is compiled into the created contract.
-The general inheritance system is very similar to
-`Python's <https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/classes.html#inheritance>`_,
-especially concerning multiple inheritance, but there are also
-some :ref:`differences <multi-inheritance>`.
-Details are given in the following example.
- pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
- contract owned {
- constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; }
- address payable owner;
- }
- // Use `is` to derive from another contract. Derived
- // contracts can access all non-private members including
- // internal functions and state variables. These cannot be
- // accessed externally via `this`, though.
- contract mortal is owned {
- function kill() public {
- if (msg.sender == owner) selfdestruct(owner);
- }
- }
- // These abstract contracts are only provided to make the
- // interface known to the compiler. Note the function
- // without body. If a contract does not implement all
- // functions it can only be used as an interface.
- contract Config {
- function lookup(uint id) public returns (address adr);
- }
- contract NameReg {
- function register(bytes32 name) public;
- function unregister() public;
- }
- // Multiple inheritance is possible. Note that `owned` is
- // also a base class of `mortal`, yet there is only a single
- // instance of `owned` (as for virtual inheritance in C++).
- contract named is owned, mortal {
- constructor(bytes32 name) public {
- Config config = Config(0xD5f9D8D94886E70b06E474c3fB14Fd43E2f23970);
- NameReg(config.lookup(1)).register(name);
- }
- // Functions can be overridden by another function with the same name and
- // the same number/types of inputs. If the overriding function has different
- // types of output parameters, that causes an error.
- // Both local and message-based function calls take these overrides
- // into account.
- function kill() public {
- if (msg.sender == owner) {
- Config config = Config(0xD5f9D8D94886E70b06E474c3fB14Fd43E2f23970);
- NameReg(config.lookup(1)).unregister();
- // It is still possible to call a specific
- // overridden function.
- mortal.kill();
- }
- }
- }
- // If a constructor takes an argument, it needs to be
- // provided in the header (or modifier-invocation-style at
- // the constructor of the derived contract (see below)).
- contract PriceFeed is owned, mortal, named("GoldFeed") {
- function updateInfo(uint newInfo) public {
- if (msg.sender == owner) info = newInfo;
- }
- function get() public view returns(uint r) { return info; }
- uint info;
- }
-Note that above, we call ``mortal.kill()`` to "forward" the
-destruction request. The way this is done is problematic, as
-seen in the following example::
- pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.6.0;
- contract owned {
- constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; }
- address payable owner;
- }
- contract mortal is owned {
- function kill() public {
- if (msg.sender == owner) selfdestruct(owner);
- }
- }
- contract Base1 is mortal {
- function kill() public { /* do cleanup 1 */ mortal.kill(); }
- }
- contract Base2 is mortal {
- function kill() public { /* do cleanup 2 */ mortal.kill(); }
- }
- contract Final is Base1, Base2 {
- }
-A call to ``Final.kill()`` will call ``Base2.kill`` as the most
-derived override, but this function will bypass
-``Base1.kill``, basically because it does not even know about
-``Base1``. The way around this is to use ``super``::
- pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.6.0;
- contract owned {
- constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; }
- address payable owner;
- }
- contract mortal is owned {
- function kill() public {
- if (msg.sender == owner) selfdestruct(owner);
- }
- }
- contract Base1 is mortal {
- function kill() public { /* do cleanup 1 */ super.kill(); }
- }
- contract Base2 is mortal {
- function kill() public { /* do cleanup 2 */ super.kill(); }
- }
- contract Final is Base1, Base2 {
- }
-If ``Base2`` calls a function of ``super``, it does not simply
-call this function on one of its base contracts. Rather, it
-calls this function on the next base contract in the final
-inheritance graph, so it will call ``Base1.kill()`` (note that
-the final inheritance sequence is -- starting with the most
-derived contract: Final, Base2, Base1, mortal, owned).
-The actual function that is called when using super is
-not known in the context of the class where it is used,
-although its type is known. This is similar for ordinary
-virtual method lookup.
-.. index:: ! constructor
-.. _constructor:
-A constructor is an optional function declared with the ``constructor`` keyword
-which is executed upon contract creation, and where you can run contract
-initialisation code.
-Before the constructor code is executed, state variables are initialised to
-their specified value if you initialise them inline, or zero if you do not.
-After the constructor has run, the final code of the contract is deployed
-to the blockchain. The deployment of
-the code costs additional gas linear to the length of the code.
-This code includes all functions that are part of the public interface
-and all functions that are reachable from there through function calls.
-It does not include the constructor code or internal functions that are
-only called from the constructor.
-Constructor functions can be either ``public`` or ``internal``. If there is no
-constructor, the contract will assume the default constructor, which is
-equivalent to ``constructor() public {}``. For example:
- pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
- contract A {
- uint public a;
- constructor(uint _a) internal {
- a = _a;
- }
- }
- contract B is A(1) {
- constructor() public {}
- }
-A constructor set as ``internal`` causes the contract to be marked as :ref:`abstract <abstract-contract>`.
-.. warning ::
- Prior to version 0.4.22, constructors were defined as functions with the same name as the contract.
- This syntax was deprecated and is not allowed anymore in version 0.5.0.
-.. index:: ! base;constructor
-Arguments for Base Constructors
-The constructors of all the base contracts will be called following the
-linearization rules explained below. If the base constructors have arguments,
-derived contracts need to specify all of them. This can be done in two ways::
- pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.6.0;
- contract Base {
- uint x;
- constructor(uint _x) public { x = _x; }
- }
- // Either directly specify in the inheritance list...
- contract Derived1 is Base(7) {
- constructor() public {}
- }
- // or through a "modifier" of the derived constructor.
- contract Derived2 is Base {
- constructor(uint _y) Base(_y * _y) public {}
- }
-One way is directly in the inheritance list (``is Base(7)``). The other is in
-the way a modifier is invoked as part of
-the derived constructor (``Base(_y * _y)``). The first way to
-do it is more convenient if the constructor argument is a
-constant and defines the behaviour of the contract or
-describes it. The second way has to be used if the
-constructor arguments of the base depend on those of the
-derived contract. Arguments have to be given either in the
-inheritance list or in modifier-style in the derived constructor.
-Specifying arguments in both places is an error.
-If a derived contract does not specify the arguments to all of its base
-contracts' constructors, it will be abstract.
-.. index:: ! inheritance;multiple, ! linearization, ! C3 linearization
-.. _multi-inheritance:
-Multiple Inheritance and Linearization
-Languages that allow multiple inheritance have to deal with
-several problems. One is the `Diamond Problem <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple_inheritance#The_diamond_problem>`_.
-Solidity is similar to Python in that it uses "`C3 Linearization <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C3_linearization>`_"
-to force a specific order in the directed acyclic graph (DAG) of base classes. This
-results in the desirable property of monotonicity but
-disallows some inheritance graphs. Especially, the order in
-which the base classes are given in the ``is`` directive is
-important: You have to list the direct base contracts
-in the order from "most base-like" to "most derived".
-Note that this order is the reverse of the one used in Python.
-Another simplifying way to explain this is that when a function is called that
-is defined multiple times in different contracts, the given bases
-are searched from right to left (left to right in Python) in a depth-first manner,
-stopping at the first match. If a base contract has already been searched, it is skipped.
-In the following code, Solidity will give the
-error "Linearization of inheritance graph impossible".
- pragma solidity >=0.4.0 <0.6.0;
- contract X {}
- contract A is X {}
- // This will not compile
- contract C is A, X {}
-The reason for this is that ``C`` requests ``X`` to override ``A``
-(by specifying ``A, X`` in this order), but ``A`` itself
-requests to override ``X``, which is a contradiction that
-cannot be resolved.
+.. include:: contracts/events.rst
+.. include:: contracts/inheritance.rst
+.. include:: contracts/abstract-contracts.rst
+.. include:: contracts/interfaces.rst
-Inheriting Different Kinds of Members of the Same Name
-When the inheritance results in a contract with a function and a modifier of the same name, it is considered as an error.
-This error is produced also by an event and a modifier of the same name, and a function and an event of the same name.
-As an exception, a state variable getter can override a public function.
-.. index:: ! contract;abstract, ! abstract contract
-.. _abstract-contract:
-Abstract Contracts
-Contracts are marked as abstract when at least one of their functions lacks an implementation as in the following example (note that the function declaration header is terminated by ``;``)::
- pragma solidity >=0.4.0 <0.6.0;
- contract Feline {
- function utterance() public returns (bytes32);
- }
-Such contracts cannot be compiled (even if they contain implemented functions alongside non-implemented functions), but they can be used as base contracts::
- pragma solidity >=0.4.0 <0.6.0;
- contract Feline {
- function utterance() public returns (bytes32);
- }
- contract Cat is Feline {
- function utterance() public returns (bytes32) { return "miaow"; }
- }
-If a contract inherits from an abstract contract and does not implement all non-implemented functions by overriding, it will itself be abstract.
-Note that a function without implementation is different from a :ref:`Function Type <function_types>` even though their syntax looks very similar.
-Example of function without implementation (a function declaration)::
- function foo(address) external returns (address);
-Example of a Function Type (a variable declaration, where the variable is of type ``function``)::
- function(address) external returns (address) foo;
-Abstract contracts decouple the definition of a contract from its implementation providing better extensibility and self-documentation and
-facilitating patterns like the `Template method <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template_method_pattern>`_ and removing code duplication.
-Abstract contracts are useful in the same way that defining methods in an interface is useful. It is a way for the designer of the abstract contract to say "any child of mine must implement this method".
-.. index:: ! contract;interface, ! interface contract
-.. _interfaces:
-Interfaces are similar to abstract contracts, but they cannot have any functions implemented. There are further restrictions:
-- They cannot inherit other contracts or interfaces.
-- All declared functions must be external.
-- They cannot declare a constructor.
-- They cannot declare state variables.
-Some of these restrictions might be lifted in the future.
-Interfaces are basically limited to what the Contract ABI can represent, and the conversion between the ABI and
-an interface should be possible without any information loss.
-Interfaces are denoted by their own keyword:
- pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
- interface Token {
- enum TokenType { Fungible, NonFungible }
- struct Coin { string obverse; string reverse; }
- function transfer(address recipient, uint amount) external;
- }
-Contracts can inherit interfaces as they would inherit other contracts.
-Types defined inside interfaces and other contract-like structures
-can be accessed from other contracts: ``Token.TokenType`` or ``Token.Coin``.
-.. index:: ! library, callcode, delegatecall
-.. _libraries:
-Libraries are similar to contracts, but their purpose is that they are deployed
-only once at a specific address and their code is reused using the ``DELEGATECALL``
-(``CALLCODE`` until Homestead)
-feature of the EVM. This means that if library functions are called, their code
-is executed in the context of the calling contract, i.e. ``this`` points to the
-calling contract, and especially the storage from the calling contract can be
-accessed. As a library is an isolated piece of source code, it can only access
-state variables of the calling contract if they are explicitly supplied (it
-would have no way to name them, otherwise). Library functions can only be
-called directly (i.e. without the use of ``DELEGATECALL``) if they do not modify
-the state (i.e. if they are ``view`` or ``pure`` functions),
-because libraries are assumed to be stateless. In particular, it is
-not possible to destroy a library.
-.. note::
- Until version 0.4.20, it was possible to destroy libraries by
- circumventing Solidity's type system. Starting from that version,
- libraries contain a :ref:`mechanism<call-protection>` that
- disallows state-modifying functions
- to be called directly (i.e. without ``DELEGATECALL``).
-Libraries can be seen as implicit base contracts of the contracts that use them.
-They will not be explicitly visible in the inheritance hierarchy, but calls
-to library functions look just like calls to functions of explicit base
-contracts (``L.f()`` if ``L`` is the name of the library). Furthermore,
-``internal`` functions of libraries are visible in all contracts, just as
-if the library were a base contract. Of course, calls to internal functions
-use the internal calling convention, which means that all internal types
-can be passed and types :ref:`stored in memory <data-location>` will be passed by reference and not copied.
-To realize this in the EVM, code of internal library functions
-and all functions called from therein will at compile time be pulled into the calling
-contract, and a regular ``JUMP`` call will be used instead of a ``DELEGATECALL``.
-.. index:: using for, set
-The following example illustrates how to use libraries (but manual method
-be sure to check out :ref:`using for <using-for>` for a
-more advanced example to implement a set).
- pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.6.0;
- library Set {
- // We define a new struct datatype that will be used to
- // hold its data in the calling contract.
- struct Data { mapping(uint => bool) flags; }
- // Note that the first parameter is of type "storage
- // reference" and thus only its storage address and not
- // its contents is passed as part of the call. This is a
- // special feature of library functions. It is idiomatic
- // to call the first parameter `self`, if the function can
- // be seen as a method of that object.
- function insert(Data storage self, uint value)
- public
- returns (bool)
- {
- if (self.flags[value])
- return false; // already there
- self.flags[value] = true;
- return true;
- }
- function remove(Data storage self, uint value)
- public
- returns (bool)
- {
- if (!self.flags[value])
- return false; // not there
- self.flags[value] = false;
- return true;
- }
- function contains(Data storage self, uint value)
- public
- view
- returns (bool)
- {
- return self.flags[value];
- }
- }
- contract C {
- Set.Data knownValues;
- function register(uint value) public {
- // The library functions can be called without a
- // specific instance of the library, since the
- // "instance" will be the current contract.
- require(Set.insert(knownValues, value));
- }
- // In this contract, we can also directly access knownValues.flags, if we want.
- }
-Of course, you do not have to follow this way to use
-libraries: they can also be used without defining struct
-data types. Functions also work without any storage
-reference parameters, and they can have multiple storage reference
-parameters and in any position.
-The calls to ``Set.contains``, ``Set.insert`` and ``Set.remove``
-are all compiled as calls (``DELEGATECALL``) to an external
-contract/library. If you use libraries, be aware that an
-actual external function call is performed.
-``msg.sender``, ``msg.value`` and ``this`` will retain their values
-in this call, though (prior to Homestead, because of the use of ``CALLCODE``, ``msg.sender`` and
-``msg.value`` changed, though).
-The following example shows how to use :ref:`types stored in memory <data-location>` and
-internal functions in libraries in order to implement
-custom types without the overhead of external function calls:
- pragma solidity >=0.4.16 <0.6.0;
- library BigInt {
- struct bigint {
- uint[] limbs;
- }
- function fromUint(uint x) internal pure returns (bigint memory r) {
- r.limbs = new uint[](1);
- r.limbs[0] = x;
- }
- function add(bigint memory _a, bigint memory _b) internal pure returns (bigint memory r) {
- r.limbs = new uint[](max(_a.limbs.length, _b.limbs.length));
- uint carry = 0;
- for (uint i = 0; i < r.limbs.length; ++i) {
- uint a = limb(_a, i);
- uint b = limb(_b, i);
- r.limbs[i] = a + b + carry;
- if (a + b < a || (a + b == uint(-1) && carry > 0))
- carry = 1;
- else
- carry = 0;
- }
- if (carry > 0) {
- // too bad, we have to add a limb
- uint[] memory newLimbs = new uint[](r.limbs.length + 1);
- uint i;
- for (i = 0; i < r.limbs.length; ++i)
- newLimbs[i] = r.limbs[i];
- newLimbs[i] = carry;
- r.limbs = newLimbs;
- }
- }
- function limb(bigint memory _a, uint _limb) internal pure returns (uint) {
- return _limb < _a.limbs.length ? _a.limbs[_limb] : 0;
- }
- function max(uint a, uint b) private pure returns (uint) {
- return a > b ? a : b;
- }
- }
- contract C {
- using BigInt for BigInt.bigint;
- function f() public pure {
- BigInt.bigint memory x = BigInt.fromUint(7);
- BigInt.bigint memory y = BigInt.fromUint(uint(-1));
- BigInt.bigint memory z = x.add(y);
- assert(z.limb(1) > 0);
- }
- }
-As the compiler cannot know where the library will be
-deployed at, these addresses have to be filled into the
-final bytecode by a linker
-(see :ref:`commandline-compiler` for how to use the
-commandline compiler for linking). If the addresses are not
-given as arguments to the compiler, the compiled hex code
-will contain placeholders of the form ``__Set______`` (where
-``Set`` is the name of the library). The address can be filled
-manually by replacing all those 40 symbols by the hex
-encoding of the address of the library contract.
-.. note::
- Manually linking libraries on the generated bytecode is discouraged, because
- it is restricted to 36 characters.
- You should ask the compiler to link the libraries at the time
- a contract is compiled by either using
- the ``--libraries`` option of ``solc`` or the ``libraries`` key if you use
- the standard-JSON interface to the compiler.
-Restrictions for libraries in comparison to contracts:
-- No state variables
-- Cannot inherit nor be inherited
-- Cannot receive Ether
-(These might be lifted at a later point.)
-.. _call-protection:
-Call Protection For Libraries
-As mentioned in the introduction, if a library's code is executed
-using a ``CALL`` instead of a ``DELEGATECALL`` or ``CALLCODE``,
-it will revert unless a ``view`` or ``pure`` function is called.
-The EVM does not provide a direct way for a contract to detect
-whether it was called using ``CALL`` or not, but a contract
-can use the ``ADDRESS`` opcode to find out "where" it is
-currently running. The generated code compares this address
-to the address used at construction time to determine the mode
-of calling.
-More specifically, the runtime code of a library always starts
-with a push instruction, which is a zero of 20 bytes at
-compilation time. When the deploy code runs, this constant
-is replaced in memory by the current address and this
-modified code is stored in the contract. At runtime,
-this causes the deploy time address to be the first
-constant to be pushed onto the stack and the dispatcher
-code compares the current address against this constant
-for any non-view and non-pure function.
-.. index:: ! using for, library
-.. _using-for:
-Using For
-The directive ``using A for B;`` can be used to attach library
-functions (from the library ``A``) to any type (``B``).
-These functions will receive the object they are called on
-as their first parameter (like the ``self`` variable in Python).
-The effect of ``using A for *;`` is that the functions from
-the library ``A`` are attached to *any* type.
-In both situations, *all* functions in the library are attached,
-even those where the type of the first parameter does not
-match the type of the object. The type is checked at the
-point the function is called and function overload
-resolution is performed.
-The ``using A for B;`` directive is active only within the current
-contract, including within all of its functions, and has no effect
-outside of the contract in which it is used. The directive
-may only be used inside a contract, not inside any of its functions.
-By including a library, its data types including library functions are
-available without having to add further code.
-Let us rewrite the set example from the
-:ref:`libraries` in this way::
- pragma solidity >=0.4.16 <0.6.0;
- // This is the same code as before, just without comments
- library Set {
- struct Data { mapping(uint => bool) flags; }
- function insert(Data storage self, uint value)
- public
- returns (bool)
- {
- if (self.flags[value])
- return false; // already there
- self.flags[value] = true;
- return true;
- }
- function remove(Data storage self, uint value)
- public
- returns (bool)
- {
- if (!self.flags[value])
- return false; // not there
- self.flags[value] = false;
- return true;
- }
- function contains(Data storage self, uint value)
- public
- view
- returns (bool)
- {
- return self.flags[value];
- }
- }
- contract C {
- using Set for Set.Data; // this is the crucial change
- Set.Data knownValues;
- function register(uint value) public {
- // Here, all variables of type Set.Data have
- // corresponding member functions.
- // The following function call is identical to
- // `Set.insert(knownValues, value)`
- require(knownValues.insert(value));
- }
- }
-It is also possible to extend elementary types in that way::
- pragma solidity >=0.4.16 <0.6.0;
- library Search {
- function indexOf(uint[] storage self, uint value)
- public
- view
- returns (uint)
- {
- for (uint i = 0; i < self.length; i++)
- if (self[i] == value) return i;
- return uint(-1);
- }
- }
- contract C {
- using Search for uint[];
- uint[] data;
- function append(uint value) public {
- data.push(value);
- }
- function replace(uint _old, uint _new) public {
- // This performs the library function call
- uint index = data.indexOf(_old);
- if (index == uint(-1))
- data.push(_new);
- else
- data[index] = _new;
- }
- }
+.. include:: contracts/libraries.rst
-Note that all library calls are actual EVM function calls. This means that
-if you pass memory or value types, a copy will be performed, even of the
-``self`` variable. The only situation where no copy will be performed
-is when storage reference variables are used.
+.. include:: contracts/using-for.rst \ No newline at end of file