path: root/docs/miscellaneous.rst
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1 files changed, 117 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/docs/miscellaneous.rst b/docs/miscellaneous.rst
index 85fc286c..304fce14 100644
--- a/docs/miscellaneous.rst
+++ b/docs/miscellaneous.rst
@@ -95,6 +95,59 @@ is simplified to code which can also be compiled from
even though the instructions contained a jump in the beginning.
+.. index:: source mappings
+Source Mappings
+As part of the AST output, the compiler provides the range of the source
+code that is represented by the respective node in the AST. This can be
+used for various purposes ranging from static analysis tools that report
+errors based on the AST and debugging tools that highlight local variables
+and their uses.
+Furthermore, the compiler can also generate a mapping from the bytecode
+to the range in the source code that generated the instruction. This is again
+important for static analysis tools that operate on bytecode level and
+for displaying the current position in the source code inside a debugger
+or for breakpoint handling.
+Both kinds of source mappings use integer indentifiers to refer to source files.
+These are regular array indices into a list of source files usually called
+``"sourceList"``, which is part of the combined-json and the output of
+the json / npm compiler.
+The source mappings inside the AST use the following
+Where ``s`` is the byte-offset to the start of the range in the source file,
+``l`` is the length of the source range in bytes and ``f`` is the source
+index mentioned above.
+The encoding in the source mapping for the bytecode is more complicated:
+It is a list of ``s:l:f:j`` separated by ``;``. Each of these
+elements corresponds to an instruction, i.e. you cannot use the byte offset
+but have to use the instruction offset (push instructions are longer than a single byte).
+The fields ``s``, ``l`` and ``f`` are as above and ``j`` can be either
+``i``, ``o`` or ``-`` signifying whether a jump instruction goes into a
+function, returns from a function or is a regular jump as part of e.g. a loop.
+In order to compress these source mappings especially for bytecode, the
+following rules are used:
+ - If a field is empty, the value of the preceding element is used.
+ - If a ``:`` is missing, all following fields are considered empty.
+This means the following source mappings represent the same information:
.. index:: ! commandline compiler, compiler;commandline, ! solc, ! linker
.. _commandline-compiler:
@@ -149,6 +202,69 @@ Tips and Tricks
+.. index:: precedence
+.. _order:
+Order of Precedence of Operators
+The following is the order of precedence for operators, listed in order of evaluation.
+| Precedence | Description | Operator |
+| *1* | Postfix increment and decrement | ``++``, ``--`` |
++ +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
+| | Function-like call | ``<func>(<args...>)`` |
++ +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
+| | Array subscripting | ``<array>[<index>]`` |
++ +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
+| | Member access | ``<object>.<member>`` |
++ +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
+| | Parentheses | ``(<statement>)`` |
+| *2* | Prefix increment and decrement | ``++``, ``--`` |
++ +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
+| | Unary plus and minus | ``+``, ``-`` |
++ +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
+| | Unary operations | ``after``, ``delete`` |
++ +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
+| | Logical NOT | ``!`` |
++ +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
+| | Bitwise NOT | ``~`` |
+| *3* | Exponentiation | ``**`` |
+| *4* | Multiplication, division and modulo | ``*``, ``/``, ``%`` |
+| *5* | Addition and subtraction | ``+``, ``-`` |
+| *6* | Bitwise shift operators | ``<<``, ``>>`` |
+| *7* | Bitwise AND | ``&`` |
+| *8* | Bitwise XOR | ``^`` |
+| *9* | Bitwise OR | ``|`` |
+| *10* | Inequality operators | ``<``, ``>``, ``<=``, ``>=`` |
+| *11* | Equality operators | ``==``, ``!=`` |
+| *12* | Logical AND | ``&&`` |
+| *13* | Logical OR | ``||`` |
+| *14* | Ternary operator | ``<conditional> ? <if-true> : <if-false>`` |
+| *15* | Assignment operators | ``=``, ``|=``, ``^=``, ``&=``, ``<<=``, |
+| | | ``>>=``, ``+=``, ``-=``, ``*=``, ``/=``, |
+| | | ``%=`` |
+| *16* | Comma operator | ``,`` |
.. index:: block, coinbase, difficulty, number, block;number, timestamp, block;timestamp, msg, data, gas, sender, value, now, gas price, origin, sha3, ripemd160, sha256, ecrecover, addmod, mulmod, cryptography, this, super, selfdestruct, balance, send
Global Variables
@@ -192,7 +308,7 @@ Function Visibility Specifiers
- ``public``: visible externally and internally (creates accessor function for storage/state variables)
- ``private``: only visible in the current contract
-- ``external``: only visible externally (only for functions) - i.e. can only be message-called (via ``this.fun``)
+- ``external``: only visible externally (only for functions) - i.e. can only be message-called (via ``this.func``)
- ``internal``: only visible internally