path: root/libevmasm
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Diffstat (limited to 'libevmasm')
29 files changed, 5102 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libevmasm/Assembly.cpp b/libevmasm/Assembly.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7277865e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libevmasm/Assembly.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
+ cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+/** @file Assembly.cpp
+ * @author Gav Wood <i@gavwood.com>
+ * @date 2014
+ */
+#include "Assembly.h"
+#include <fstream>
+#include <libdevcore/Log.h>
+#include <libevmasm/CommonSubexpressionEliminator.h>
+#include <libevmasm/ControlFlowGraph.h>
+#include <libevmasm/BlockDeduplicator.h>
+#include <libevmasm/ConstantOptimiser.h>
+#include <libevmasm/GasMeter.h>
+#include <json/json.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace dev;
+using namespace dev::eth;
+void Assembly::append(Assembly const& _a)
+ auto newDeposit = m_deposit + _a.deposit();
+ for (AssemblyItem i: _a.m_items)
+ {
+ if (i.type() == Tag || i.type() == PushTag)
+ i.setData(i.data() + m_usedTags);
+ else if (i.type() == PushSub || i.type() == PushSubSize)
+ i.setData(i.data() + m_subs.size());
+ append(i);
+ }
+ m_deposit = newDeposit;
+ m_usedTags += _a.m_usedTags;
+ for (auto const& i: _a.m_data)
+ m_data.insert(i);
+ for (auto const& i: _a.m_strings)
+ m_strings.insert(i);
+ m_subs += _a.m_subs;
+ for (auto const& lib: _a.m_libraries)
+ m_libraries.insert(lib);
+ assert(!_a.m_baseDeposit);
+ assert(!_a.m_totalDeposit);
+void Assembly::append(Assembly const& _a, int _deposit)
+ if (_deposit > _a.m_deposit)
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InvalidDeposit());
+ else
+ {
+ append(_a);
+ while (_deposit++ < _a.m_deposit)
+ append(Instruction::POP);
+ }
+string Assembly::out() const
+ stringstream ret;
+ stream(ret);
+ return ret.str();
+unsigned Assembly::bytesRequired() const
+ for (unsigned br = 1;; ++br)
+ {
+ unsigned ret = 1;
+ for (auto const& i: m_data)
+ ret += i.second.size();
+ for (AssemblyItem const& i: m_items)
+ ret += i.bytesRequired(br);
+ if (dev::bytesRequired(ret) <= br)
+ return ret;
+ }
+string Assembly::locationFromSources(StringMap const& _sourceCodes, SourceLocation const& _location) const
+ if (_location.isEmpty() || _sourceCodes.empty() || _location.start >= _location.end || _location.start < 0)
+ return "";
+ auto it = _sourceCodes.find(*_location.sourceName);
+ if (it == _sourceCodes.end())
+ return "";
+ string const& source = it->second;
+ if (size_t(_location.start) >= source.size())
+ return "";
+ string cut = source.substr(_location.start, _location.end - _location.start);
+ auto newLinePos = cut.find_first_of("\n");
+ if (newLinePos != string::npos)
+ cut = cut.substr(0, newLinePos) + "...";
+ return cut;
+ostream& Assembly::streamAsm(ostream& _out, string const& _prefix, StringMap const& _sourceCodes) const
+ _out << _prefix << ".code:" << endl;
+ for (AssemblyItem const& i: m_items)
+ {
+ _out << _prefix;
+ switch (i.type())
+ {
+ case Operation:
+ _out << " " << instructionInfo(i.instruction()).name << "\t" << i.getJumpTypeAsString();
+ break;
+ case Push:
+ _out << " PUSH " << hex << i.data();
+ break;
+ case PushString:
+ _out << " PUSH \"" << m_strings.at((h256)i.data()) << "\"";
+ break;
+ case PushTag:
+ if (i.data() == 0)
+ _out << " PUSH [ErrorTag]";
+ else
+ _out << " PUSH [tag" << dec << i.data() << "]";
+ break;
+ case PushSub:
+ _out << " PUSH [$" << h256(i.data()).abridgedMiddle() << "]";
+ break;
+ case PushSubSize:
+ _out << " PUSH #[$" << h256(i.data()).abridgedMiddle() << "]";
+ break;
+ case PushProgramSize:
+ _out << " PUSHSIZE";
+ break;
+ case PushLibraryAddress:
+ _out << " PUSHLIB \"" << m_libraries.at(h256(i.data())) << "\"";
+ break;
+ case Tag:
+ _out << "tag" << dec << i.data() << ": " << endl << _prefix << " JUMPDEST";
+ break;
+ case PushData:
+ _out << " PUSH [" << hex << (unsigned)i.data() << "]";
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ _out << "\t\t" << locationFromSources(_sourceCodes, i.location()) << endl;
+ }
+ if (!m_data.empty() || !m_subs.empty())
+ {
+ _out << _prefix << ".data:" << endl;
+ for (auto const& i: m_data)
+ if (u256(i.first) >= m_subs.size())
+ _out << _prefix << " " << hex << (unsigned)(u256)i.first << ": " << dev::toHex(i.second) << endl;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_subs.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ _out << _prefix << " " << hex << i << ": " << endl;
+ m_subs[i].stream(_out, _prefix + " ", _sourceCodes);
+ }
+ }
+ return _out;
+Json::Value Assembly::createJsonValue(string _name, int _begin, int _end, string _value, string _jumpType) const
+ Json::Value value;
+ value["name"] = _name;
+ value["begin"] = _begin;
+ value["end"] = _end;
+ if (!_value.empty())
+ value["value"] = _value;
+ if (!_jumpType.empty())
+ value["jumpType"] = _jumpType;
+ return value;
+string toStringInHex(u256 _value)
+ std::stringstream hexStr;
+ hexStr << hex << _value;
+ return hexStr.str();
+Json::Value Assembly::streamAsmJson(ostream& _out, StringMap const& _sourceCodes) const
+ Json::Value root;
+ Json::Value collection(Json::arrayValue);
+ for (AssemblyItem const& i: m_items)
+ {
+ switch (i.type())
+ {
+ case Operation:
+ collection.append(
+ createJsonValue(instructionInfo(i.instruction()).name, i.location().start, i.location().end, i.getJumpTypeAsString()));
+ break;
+ case Push:
+ collection.append(
+ createJsonValue("PUSH", i.location().start, i.location().end, toStringInHex(i.data()), i.getJumpTypeAsString()));
+ break;
+ case PushString:
+ collection.append(
+ createJsonValue("PUSH tag", i.location().start, i.location().end, m_strings.at((h256)i.data())));
+ break;
+ case PushTag:
+ if (i.data() == 0)
+ collection.append(
+ createJsonValue("PUSH [ErrorTag]", i.location().start, i.location().end, ""));
+ else
+ collection.append(
+ createJsonValue("PUSH [tag]", i.location().start, i.location().end, string(i.data())));
+ break;
+ case PushSub:
+ collection.append(
+ createJsonValue("PUSH [$]", i.location().start, i.location().end, dev::toString(h256(i.data()))));
+ break;
+ case PushSubSize:
+ collection.append(
+ createJsonValue("PUSH #[$]", i.location().start, i.location().end, dev::toString(h256(i.data()))));
+ break;
+ case PushProgramSize:
+ collection.append(
+ createJsonValue("PUSHSIZE", i.location().start, i.location().end));
+ break;
+ case PushLibraryAddress:
+ collection.append(
+ createJsonValue("PUSHLIB", i.location().start, i.location().end, m_libraries.at(h256(i.data())))
+ );
+ break;
+ case Tag:
+ collection.append(
+ createJsonValue("tag", i.location().start, i.location().end, string(i.data())));
+ collection.append(
+ createJsonValue("JUMPDEST", i.location().start, i.location().end));
+ break;
+ case PushData:
+ collection.append(createJsonValue("PUSH data", i.location().start, i.location().end, toStringInHex(i.data())));
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+ root[".code"] = collection;
+ if (!m_data.empty() || !m_subs.empty())
+ {
+ Json::Value data;
+ for (auto const& i: m_data)
+ if (u256(i.first) >= m_subs.size())
+ data[toStringInHex((u256)i.first)] = toHex(i.second);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_subs.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ std::stringstream hexStr;
+ hexStr << hex << i;
+ data[hexStr.str()] = m_subs[i].stream(_out, "", _sourceCodes, true);
+ }
+ root[".data"] = data;
+ _out << root;
+ }
+ return root;
+Json::Value Assembly::stream(ostream& _out, string const& _prefix, StringMap const& _sourceCodes, bool _inJsonFormat) const
+ if (_inJsonFormat)
+ return streamAsmJson(_out, _sourceCodes);
+ else
+ {
+ streamAsm(_out, _prefix, _sourceCodes);
+ return Json::Value();
+ }
+AssemblyItem const& Assembly::append(AssemblyItem const& _i)
+ m_deposit += _i.deposit();
+ m_items.push_back(_i);
+ if (m_items.back().location().isEmpty() && !m_currentSourceLocation.isEmpty())
+ m_items.back().setLocation(m_currentSourceLocation);
+ return back();
+AssemblyItem Assembly::newPushLibraryAddress(string const& _identifier)
+ h256 h(dev::sha3(_identifier));
+ m_libraries[h] = _identifier;
+ return AssemblyItem(PushLibraryAddress, h);
+void Assembly::injectStart(AssemblyItem const& _i)
+ m_items.insert(m_items.begin(), _i);
+struct OptimiserChannel: public LogChannel { static const char* name() { return "OPT"; } static const int verbosity = 12; };
+#define copt dev::LogOutputStream<OptimiserChannel, true>()
+Assembly& Assembly::optimise(bool _enable, bool _isCreation, size_t _runs)
+ if (!_enable)
+ return *this;
+ unsigned total = 0;
+ for (unsigned count = 1; count > 0; total += count)
+ {
+ copt << toString(*this);
+ count = 0;
+ copt << "Performing optimisation...";
+ // This only modifies PushTags, we have to run again to actually remove code.
+ BlockDeduplicator dedup(m_items);
+ if (dedup.deduplicate())
+ count++;
+ {
+ ControlFlowGraph cfg(m_items);
+ AssemblyItems optimisedItems;
+ for (BasicBlock const& block: cfg.optimisedBlocks())
+ {
+ assertThrow(!!block.startState, OptimizerException, "");
+ CommonSubexpressionEliminator eliminator(*block.startState);
+ auto iter = m_items.begin() + block.begin;
+ auto const end = m_items.begin() + block.end;
+ while (iter < end)
+ {
+ auto orig = iter;
+ iter = eliminator.feedItems(iter, end);
+ bool shouldReplace = false;
+ AssemblyItems optimisedChunk;
+ try
+ {
+ optimisedChunk = eliminator.getOptimizedItems();
+ shouldReplace = (optimisedChunk.size() < size_t(iter - orig));
+ }
+ catch (StackTooDeepException const&)
+ {
+ // This might happen if the opcode reconstruction is not as efficient
+ // as the hand-crafted code.
+ }
+ catch (ItemNotAvailableException const&)
+ {
+ // This might happen if e.g. associativity and commutativity rules
+ // reorganise the expression tree, but not all leaves are available.
+ }
+ if (shouldReplace)
+ {
+ copt << "Old size: " << (iter - orig) << ", new size: " << optimisedChunk.size();
+ count++;
+ optimisedItems += optimisedChunk;
+ }
+ else
+ copy(orig, iter, back_inserter(optimisedItems));
+ }
+ }
+ if (optimisedItems.size() < m_items.size())
+ {
+ m_items = move(optimisedItems);
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ total += ConstantOptimisationMethod::optimiseConstants(
+ _isCreation,
+ _isCreation ? 1 : _runs,
+ *this,
+ m_items
+ );
+ copt << total << " optimisations done.";
+ for (auto& sub: m_subs)
+ sub.optimise(true, false, _runs);
+ return *this;
+LinkerObject const& Assembly::assemble() const
+ if (!m_assembledObject.bytecode.empty())
+ return m_assembledObject;
+ LinkerObject& ret = m_assembledObject;
+ unsigned totalBytes = bytesRequired();
+ vector<unsigned> tagPos(m_usedTags);
+ map<unsigned, unsigned> tagRef;
+ multimap<h256, unsigned> dataRef;
+ multimap<size_t, size_t> subRef;
+ vector<unsigned> sizeRef; ///< Pointers to code locations where the size of the program is inserted
+ unsigned bytesPerTag = dev::bytesRequired(totalBytes);
+ byte tagPush = (byte)Instruction::PUSH1 - 1 + bytesPerTag;
+ unsigned bytesRequiredIncludingData = bytesRequired();
+ for (auto const& sub: m_subs)
+ bytesRequiredIncludingData += sub.assemble().bytecode.size();
+ unsigned bytesPerDataRef = dev::bytesRequired(bytesRequiredIncludingData);
+ byte dataRefPush = (byte)Instruction::PUSH1 - 1 + bytesPerDataRef;
+ ret.bytecode.reserve(bytesRequiredIncludingData);
+ for (AssemblyItem const& i: m_items)
+ {
+ // store position of the invalid jump destination
+ if (i.type() != Tag && tagPos[0] == 0)
+ tagPos[0] = ret.bytecode.size();
+ switch (i.type())
+ {
+ case Operation:
+ ret.bytecode.push_back((byte)i.data());
+ break;
+ case PushString:
+ {
+ ret.bytecode.push_back((byte)Instruction::PUSH32);
+ unsigned ii = 0;
+ for (auto j: m_strings.at((h256)i.data()))
+ if (++ii > 32)
+ break;
+ else
+ ret.bytecode.push_back((byte)j);
+ while (ii++ < 32)
+ ret.bytecode.push_back(0);
+ break;
+ }
+ case Push:
+ {
+ byte b = max<unsigned>(1, dev::bytesRequired(i.data()));
+ ret.bytecode.push_back((byte)Instruction::PUSH1 - 1 + b);
+ ret.bytecode.resize(ret.bytecode.size() + b);
+ bytesRef byr(&ret.bytecode.back() + 1 - b, b);
+ toBigEndian(i.data(), byr);
+ break;
+ }
+ case PushTag:
+ {
+ ret.bytecode.push_back(tagPush);
+ tagRef[ret.bytecode.size()] = (unsigned)i.data();
+ ret.bytecode.resize(ret.bytecode.size() + bytesPerTag);
+ break;
+ }
+ case PushData:
+ ret.bytecode.push_back(dataRefPush);
+ dataRef.insert(make_pair((h256)i.data(), ret.bytecode.size()));
+ ret.bytecode.resize(ret.bytecode.size() + bytesPerDataRef);
+ break;
+ case PushSub:
+ ret.bytecode.push_back(dataRefPush);
+ subRef.insert(make_pair(size_t(i.data()), ret.bytecode.size()));
+ ret.bytecode.resize(ret.bytecode.size() + bytesPerDataRef);
+ break;
+ case PushSubSize:
+ {
+ auto s = m_subs.at(size_t(i.data())).assemble().bytecode.size();
+ i.setPushedValue(u256(s));
+ byte b = max<unsigned>(1, dev::bytesRequired(s));
+ ret.bytecode.push_back((byte)Instruction::PUSH1 - 1 + b);
+ ret.bytecode.resize(ret.bytecode.size() + b);
+ bytesRef byr(&ret.bytecode.back() + 1 - b, b);
+ toBigEndian(s, byr);
+ break;
+ }
+ case PushProgramSize:
+ {
+ ret.bytecode.push_back(dataRefPush);
+ sizeRef.push_back(ret.bytecode.size());
+ ret.bytecode.resize(ret.bytecode.size() + bytesPerDataRef);
+ break;
+ }
+ case PushLibraryAddress:
+ ret.bytecode.push_back(byte(Instruction::PUSH20));
+ ret.linkReferences[ret.bytecode.size()] = m_libraries.at(i.data());
+ ret.bytecode.resize(ret.bytecode.size() + 20);
+ break;
+ case Tag:
+ tagPos[(unsigned)i.data()] = ret.bytecode.size();
+ assertThrow(i.data() != 0, AssemblyException, "");
+ ret.bytecode.push_back((byte)Instruction::JUMPDEST);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+ for (auto const& i: tagRef)
+ {
+ bytesRef r(ret.bytecode.data() + i.first, bytesPerTag);
+ auto tag = i.second;
+ if (tag >= tagPos.size())
+ tag = 0;
+ if (tag == 0)
+ assertThrow(tagPos[tag] != 0, AssemblyException, "");
+ toBigEndian(tagPos[tag], r);
+ }
+ if (!dataRef.empty() && !subRef.empty())
+ ret.bytecode.push_back(0);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_subs.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ auto references = subRef.equal_range(i);
+ if (references.first == references.second)
+ continue;
+ for (auto ref = references.first; ref != references.second; ++ref)
+ {
+ bytesRef r(ret.bytecode.data() + ref->second, bytesPerDataRef);
+ toBigEndian(ret.bytecode.size(), r);
+ }
+ ret.append(m_subs[i].assemble());
+ }
+ for (auto const& dataItem: m_data)
+ {
+ auto references = dataRef.equal_range(dataItem.first);
+ if (references.first == references.second)
+ continue;
+ for (auto ref = references.first; ref != references.second; ++ref)
+ {
+ bytesRef r(ret.bytecode.data() + ref->second, bytesPerDataRef);
+ toBigEndian(ret.bytecode.size(), r);
+ }
+ ret.bytecode += dataItem.second;
+ }
+ for (unsigned pos: sizeRef)
+ {
+ bytesRef r(ret.bytecode.data() + pos, bytesPerDataRef);
+ toBigEndian(ret.bytecode.size(), r);
+ }
+ return ret;
diff --git a/libevmasm/Assembly.h b/libevmasm/Assembly.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..28328277
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libevmasm/Assembly.h
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+ This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
+ cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+/** @file Assembly.h
+ * @author Gav Wood <i@gavwood.com>
+ * @date 2014
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <libdevcore/Common.h>
+#include <libdevcore/Assertions.h>
+#include <libdevcore/SHA3.h>
+#include <libevmcore/Instruction.h>
+#include <libevmasm/SourceLocation.h>
+#include <libevmasm/AssemblyItem.h>
+#include <libevmasm/LinkerObject.h>
+#include "Exceptions.h"
+#include <json/json.h>
+namespace Json
+class Value;
+namespace dev
+namespace eth
+class Assembly
+ Assembly() {}
+ AssemblyItem newTag() { return AssemblyItem(Tag, m_usedTags++); }
+ AssemblyItem newPushTag() { return AssemblyItem(PushTag, m_usedTags++); }
+ AssemblyItem newData(bytes const& _data) { h256 h(sha3(asString(_data))); m_data[h] = _data; return AssemblyItem(PushData, h); }
+ AssemblyItem newSub(Assembly const& _sub) { m_subs.push_back(_sub); return AssemblyItem(PushSub, m_subs.size() - 1); }
+ Assembly const& sub(size_t _sub) const { return m_subs.at(_sub); }
+ Assembly& sub(size_t _sub) { return m_subs.at(_sub); }
+ AssemblyItem newPushString(std::string const& _data) { h256 h(sha3(_data)); m_strings[h] = _data; return AssemblyItem(PushString, h); }
+ AssemblyItem newPushSubSize(u256 const& _subId) { return AssemblyItem(PushSubSize, _subId); }
+ AssemblyItem newPushLibraryAddress(std::string const& _identifier);
+ AssemblyItem append() { return append(newTag()); }
+ void append(Assembly const& _a);
+ void append(Assembly const& _a, int _deposit);
+ AssemblyItem const& append(AssemblyItem const& _i);
+ AssemblyItem const& append(std::string const& _data) { return append(newPushString(_data)); }
+ AssemblyItem const& append(bytes const& _data) { return append(newData(_data)); }
+ AssemblyItem appendSubSize(Assembly const& _a) { auto ret = newSub(_a); append(newPushSubSize(ret.data())); return ret; }
+ /// Pushes the final size of the current assembly itself. Use this when the code is modified
+ /// after compilation and CODESIZE is not an option.
+ void appendProgramSize() { append(AssemblyItem(PushProgramSize)); }
+ void appendLibraryAddress(std::string const& _identifier) { append(newPushLibraryAddress(_identifier)); }
+ AssemblyItem appendJump() { auto ret = append(newPushTag()); append(Instruction::JUMP); return ret; }
+ AssemblyItem appendJumpI() { auto ret = append(newPushTag()); append(Instruction::JUMPI); return ret; }
+ AssemblyItem appendJump(AssemblyItem const& _tag) { auto ret = append(_tag.pushTag()); append(Instruction::JUMP); return ret; }
+ AssemblyItem appendJumpI(AssemblyItem const& _tag) { auto ret = append(_tag.pushTag()); append(Instruction::JUMPI); return ret; }
+ AssemblyItem errorTag() { return AssemblyItem(PushTag, 0); }
+ template <class T> Assembly& operator<<(T const& _d) { append(_d); return *this; }
+ AssemblyItems const& items() const { return m_items; }
+ AssemblyItem const& back() const { return m_items.back(); }
+ std::string backString() const { return m_items.size() && m_items.back().type() == PushString ? m_strings.at((h256)m_items.back().data()) : std::string(); }
+ void onePath() { if (asserts(!m_totalDeposit && !m_baseDeposit)) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InvalidDeposit()); m_baseDeposit = m_deposit; m_totalDeposit = INT_MAX; }
+ void otherPath() { donePath(); m_totalDeposit = m_deposit; m_deposit = m_baseDeposit; }
+ void donePaths() { donePath(); m_totalDeposit = m_baseDeposit = 0; }
+ void ignored() { m_baseDeposit = m_deposit; }
+ void endIgnored() { m_deposit = m_baseDeposit; m_baseDeposit = 0; }
+ void popTo(int _deposit) { while (m_deposit > _deposit) append(Instruction::POP); }
+ void injectStart(AssemblyItem const& _i);
+ std::string out() const;
+ int deposit() const { return m_deposit; }
+ void adjustDeposit(int _adjustment) { m_deposit += _adjustment; if (asserts(m_deposit >= 0)) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InvalidDeposit()); }
+ void setDeposit(int _deposit) { m_deposit = _deposit; if (asserts(m_deposit >= 0)) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InvalidDeposit()); }
+ /// Changes the source location used for each appended item.
+ void setSourceLocation(SourceLocation const& _location) { m_currentSourceLocation = _location; }
+ /// Assembles the assembly into bytecode. The assembly should not be modified after this call.
+ LinkerObject const& assemble() const;
+ bytes const& data(h256 const& _i) const { return m_data.at(_i); }
+ /// Modify (if @a _enable is set) and return the current assembly such that creation and
+ /// execution gas usage is optimised. @a _isCreation should be true for the top-level assembly.
+ /// @a _runs specifes an estimate on how often each opcode in this assembly will be executed,
+ /// i.e. use a small value to optimise for size and a large value to optimise for runtime.
+ Assembly& optimise(bool _enable, bool _isCreation = true, size_t _runs = 200);
+ Json::Value stream(
+ std::ostream& _out,
+ std::string const& _prefix = "",
+ const StringMap &_sourceCodes = StringMap(),
+ bool _inJsonFormat = false
+ ) const;
+ std::string locationFromSources(StringMap const& _sourceCodes, SourceLocation const& _location) const;
+ void donePath() { if (m_totalDeposit != INT_MAX && m_totalDeposit != m_deposit) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InvalidDeposit()); }
+ unsigned bytesRequired() const;
+ Json::Value streamAsmJson(std::ostream& _out, StringMap const& _sourceCodes) const;
+ std::ostream& streamAsm(std::ostream& _out, std::string const& _prefix, StringMap const& _sourceCodes) const;
+ Json::Value createJsonValue(std::string _name, int _begin, int _end, std::string _value = std::string(), std::string _jumpType = std::string()) const;
+ // 0 is reserved for exception
+ unsigned m_usedTags = 1;
+ AssemblyItems m_items;
+ std::map<h256, bytes> m_data;
+ std::vector<Assembly> m_subs;
+ std::map<h256, std::string> m_strings;
+ std::map<h256, std::string> m_libraries; ///< Identifiers of libraries to be linked.
+ mutable LinkerObject m_assembledObject;
+ int m_deposit = 0;
+ int m_baseDeposit = 0;
+ int m_totalDeposit = 0;
+ SourceLocation m_currentSourceLocation;
+inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& _out, Assembly const& _a)
+ _a.stream(_out);
+ return _out;
diff --git a/libevmasm/AssemblyItem.cpp b/libevmasm/AssemblyItem.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d7051064
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libevmasm/AssemblyItem.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+ This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
+ cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+/** @file Assembly.cpp
+ * @author Gav Wood <i@gavwood.com>
+ * @date 2014
+ */
+#include "AssemblyItem.h"
+#include <fstream>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace dev;
+using namespace dev::eth;
+unsigned AssemblyItem::bytesRequired(unsigned _addressLength) const
+ switch (m_type)
+ {
+ case Operation:
+ case Tag: // 1 byte for the JUMPDEST
+ return 1;
+ case PushString:
+ return 33;
+ case Push:
+ return 1 + max<unsigned>(1, dev::bytesRequired(m_data));
+ case PushSubSize:
+ case PushProgramSize:
+ return 4; // worst case: a 16MB program
+ case PushTag:
+ case PushData:
+ case PushSub:
+ return 1 + _addressLength;
+ case PushLibraryAddress:
+ return 21;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+int AssemblyItem::deposit() const
+ switch (m_type)
+ {
+ case Operation:
+ return instructionInfo(instruction()).ret - instructionInfo(instruction()).args;
+ case Push:
+ case PushString:
+ case PushTag:
+ case PushData:
+ case PushSub:
+ case PushSubSize:
+ case PushProgramSize:
+ case PushLibraryAddress:
+ return 1;
+ case Tag:
+ return 0;
+ default:;
+ }
+ return 0;
+string AssemblyItem::getJumpTypeAsString() const
+ switch (m_jumpType)
+ {
+ case JumpType::IntoFunction:
+ return "[in]";
+ case JumpType::OutOfFunction:
+ return "[out]";
+ case JumpType::Ordinary:
+ default:
+ return "";
+ }
+ostream& dev::eth::operator<<(ostream& _out, AssemblyItem const& _item)
+ switch (_item.type())
+ {
+ case Operation:
+ _out << " " << instructionInfo(_item.instruction()).name;
+ if (_item.instruction() == eth::Instruction::JUMP || _item.instruction() == eth::Instruction::JUMPI)
+ _out << "\t" << _item.getJumpTypeAsString();
+ break;
+ case Push:
+ _out << " PUSH " << hex << _item.data();
+ break;
+ case PushString:
+ _out << " PushString" << hex << (unsigned)_item.data();
+ break;
+ case PushTag:
+ _out << " PushTag " << _item.data();
+ break;
+ case Tag:
+ _out << " Tag " << _item.data();
+ break;
+ case PushData:
+ _out << " PushData " << hex << (unsigned)_item.data();
+ break;
+ case PushSub:
+ _out << " PushSub " << hex << h256(_item.data()).abridgedMiddle();
+ break;
+ case PushSubSize:
+ _out << " PushSubSize " << hex << h256(_item.data()).abridgedMiddle();
+ break;
+ case PushProgramSize:
+ _out << " PushProgramSize";
+ break;
+ case PushLibraryAddress:
+ _out << " PushLibraryAddress " << hex << h256(_item.data()).abridgedMiddle();
+ break;
+ case UndefinedItem:
+ _out << " ???";
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ return _out;
diff --git a/libevmasm/AssemblyItem.h b/libevmasm/AssemblyItem.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..795b5a8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libevmasm/AssemblyItem.h
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+ This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
+ cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+/** @file Assembly.h
+ * @author Gav Wood <i@gavwood.com>
+ * @date 2014
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <libdevcore/Common.h>
+#include <libdevcore/Assertions.h>
+#include <libevmcore/Instruction.h>
+#include <libevmasm/SourceLocation.h>
+#include "Exceptions.h"
+namespace dev
+namespace eth
+enum AssemblyItemType {
+ UndefinedItem,
+ Operation,
+ Push,
+ PushString,
+ PushTag,
+ PushSub,
+ PushSubSize,
+ PushProgramSize,
+ Tag,
+ PushData,
+ PushLibraryAddress ///< Push a currently unknown address of another (library) contract.
+class Assembly;
+class AssemblyItem
+ enum class JumpType { Ordinary, IntoFunction, OutOfFunction };
+ AssemblyItem(u256 _push, SourceLocation const& _location = SourceLocation()):
+ AssemblyItem(Push, _push, _location) { }
+ AssemblyItem(Instruction _i, SourceLocation const& _location = SourceLocation()):
+ AssemblyItem(Operation, byte(_i), _location) { }
+ AssemblyItem(AssemblyItemType _type, u256 _data = 0, SourceLocation const& _location = SourceLocation()):
+ m_type(_type),
+ m_data(_data),
+ m_location(_location)
+ {
+ }
+ AssemblyItem tag() const { assertThrow(m_type == PushTag || m_type == Tag, Exception, ""); return AssemblyItem(Tag, m_data); }
+ AssemblyItem pushTag() const { assertThrow(m_type == PushTag || m_type == Tag, Exception, ""); return AssemblyItem(PushTag, m_data); }
+ AssemblyItemType type() const { return m_type; }
+ u256 const& data() const { return m_data; }
+ void setType(AssemblyItemType const _type) { m_type = _type; }
+ void setData(u256 const& _data) { m_data = _data; }
+ /// @returns the instruction of this item (only valid if type() == Operation)
+ Instruction instruction() const { return Instruction(byte(m_data)); }
+ /// @returns true if the type and data of the items are equal.
+ bool operator==(AssemblyItem const& _other) const { return m_type == _other.m_type && m_data == _other.m_data; }
+ bool operator!=(AssemblyItem const& _other) const { return !operator==(_other); }
+ /// Less-than operator compatible with operator==.
+ bool operator<(AssemblyItem const& _other) const { return std::tie(m_type, m_data) < std::tie(_other.m_type, _other.m_data); }
+ /// @returns an upper bound for the number of bytes required by this item, assuming that
+ /// the value of a jump tag takes @a _addressLength bytes.
+ unsigned bytesRequired(unsigned _addressLength) const;
+ int deposit() const;
+ bool match(AssemblyItem const& _i) const { return _i.m_type == UndefinedItem || (m_type == _i.m_type && (m_type != Operation || m_data == _i.m_data)); }
+ void setLocation(SourceLocation const& _location) { m_location = _location; }
+ SourceLocation const& location() const { return m_location; }
+ void setJumpType(JumpType _jumpType) { m_jumpType = _jumpType; }
+ JumpType getJumpType() const { return m_jumpType; }
+ std::string getJumpTypeAsString() const;
+ void setPushedValue(u256 const& _value) const { m_pushedValue = std::make_shared<u256>(_value); }
+ u256 const* pushedValue() const { return m_pushedValue.get(); }
+ AssemblyItemType m_type;
+ u256 m_data;
+ SourceLocation m_location;
+ JumpType m_jumpType = JumpType::Ordinary;
+ /// Pushed value for operations with data to be determined during assembly stage,
+ /// e.g. PushSubSize, PushTag, PushSub, etc.
+ mutable std::shared_ptr<u256> m_pushedValue;
+using AssemblyItems = std::vector<AssemblyItem>;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& _out, AssemblyItem const& _item);
+inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& _out, AssemblyItems const& _items)
+ for (AssemblyItem const& item: _items)
+ _out << item;
+ return _out;
diff --git a/libevmasm/BlockDeduplicator.cpp b/libevmasm/BlockDeduplicator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d930ea22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libevmasm/BlockDeduplicator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+ This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
+ cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * @file BlockDeduplicator.cpp
+ * @author Christian <c@ethdev.com>
+ * @date 2015
+ * Unifies basic blocks that share content.
+ */
+#include <libevmasm/BlockDeduplicator.h>
+#include <functional>
+#include <libevmasm/AssemblyItem.h>
+#include <libevmasm/SemanticInformation.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace dev;
+using namespace dev::eth;
+bool BlockDeduplicator::deduplicate()
+ // Compares indices based on the suffix that starts there, ignoring tags and stopping at
+ // opcodes that stop the control flow.
+ // Virtual tag that signifies "the current block" and which is used to optimise loops.
+ // We abort if this virtual tag actually exists.
+ AssemblyItem pushSelf(PushTag, u256(-4));
+ if (
+ std::count(m_items.cbegin(), m_items.cend(), pushSelf.tag()) ||
+ std::count(m_items.cbegin(), m_items.cend(), pushSelf.pushTag())
+ )
+ return false;
+ function<bool(size_t, size_t)> comparator = [&](size_t _i, size_t _j)
+ {
+ if (_i == _j)
+ return false;
+ // To compare recursive loops, we have to already unify PushTag opcodes of the
+ // block's own tag.
+ AssemblyItem pushFirstTag(pushSelf);
+ AssemblyItem pushSecondTag(pushSelf);
+ if (_i < m_items.size() && m_items.at(_i).type() == Tag)
+ pushFirstTag = m_items.at(_i).pushTag();
+ if (_j < m_items.size() && m_items.at(_j).type() == Tag)
+ pushSecondTag = m_items.at(_j).pushTag();
+ BlockIterator first(m_items.begin() + _i, m_items.end(), &pushFirstTag, &pushSelf);
+ BlockIterator second(m_items.begin() + _j, m_items.end(), &pushSecondTag, &pushSelf);
+ BlockIterator end(m_items.end(), m_items.end());
+ if (first != end && (*first).type() == Tag)
+ ++first;
+ if (second != end && (*second).type() == Tag)
+ ++second;
+ return std::lexicographical_compare(first, end, second, end);
+ };
+ size_t iterations = 0;
+ for (; ; ++iterations)
+ {
+ //@todo this should probably be optimized.
+ set<size_t, function<bool(size_t, size_t)>> blocksSeen(comparator);
+ map<u256, u256> tagReplacement;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_items.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (m_items.at(i).type() != Tag)
+ continue;
+ auto it = blocksSeen.find(i);
+ if (it == blocksSeen.end())
+ blocksSeen.insert(i);
+ else
+ tagReplacement[m_items.at(i).data()] = m_items.at(*it).data();
+ }
+ bool changed = false;
+ for (AssemblyItem& item: m_items)
+ if (item.type() == PushTag && tagReplacement.count(item.data()))
+ {
+ changed = true;
+ item.setData(tagReplacement.at(item.data()));
+ }
+ if (!changed)
+ break;
+ }
+ return iterations > 0;
+BlockDeduplicator::BlockIterator& BlockDeduplicator::BlockIterator::operator++()
+ if (it == end)
+ return *this;
+ if (SemanticInformation::altersControlFlow(*it) && *it != AssemblyItem(eth::Instruction::JUMPI))
+ it = end;
+ else
+ {
+ ++it;
+ while (it != end && it->type() == Tag)
+ ++it;
+ }
+ return *this;
+AssemblyItem const& BlockDeduplicator::BlockIterator::operator*() const
+ if (replaceItem && replaceWith && *it == *replaceItem)
+ return *replaceWith;
+ else
+ return *it;
diff --git a/libevmasm/BlockDeduplicator.h b/libevmasm/BlockDeduplicator.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c48835fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libevmasm/BlockDeduplicator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
+ cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * @file BlockDeduplicator.h
+ * @author Christian <c@ethdev.com>
+ * @date 2015
+ * Unifies basic blocks that share content.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <vector>
+#include <functional>
+namespace dev
+namespace eth
+class AssemblyItem;
+using AssemblyItems = std::vector<AssemblyItem>;
+ * Optimizer class to be used to unify blocks that share content.
+ * Modifies the passed vector in place.
+ */
+class BlockDeduplicator
+ BlockDeduplicator(AssemblyItems& _items): m_items(_items) {}
+ /// @returns true if something was changed
+ bool deduplicate();
+ /// Iterator that skips tags and skips to the end if (all branches of) the control
+ /// flow does not continue to the next instruction.
+ /// If the arguments are supplied to the constructor, replaces items on the fly.
+ struct BlockIterator: std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, AssemblyItem const>
+ {
+ public:
+ BlockIterator(
+ AssemblyItems::const_iterator _it,
+ AssemblyItems::const_iterator _end,
+ AssemblyItem const* _replaceItem = nullptr,
+ AssemblyItem const* _replaceWith = nullptr
+ ):
+ it(_it), end(_end), replaceItem(_replaceItem), replaceWith(_replaceWith) {}
+ BlockIterator& operator++();
+ bool operator==(BlockIterator const& _other) const { return it == _other.it; }
+ bool operator!=(BlockIterator const& _other) const { return it != _other.it; }
+ AssemblyItem const& operator*() const;
+ AssemblyItems::const_iterator it;
+ AssemblyItems::const_iterator end;
+ AssemblyItem const* replaceItem;
+ AssemblyItem const* replaceWith;
+ };
+ AssemblyItems& m_items;
diff --git a/libevmasm/CMakeLists.txt b/libevmasm/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1accb8ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libevmasm/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+aux_source_directory(. SRC_LIST)
+set(EXECUTABLE evmasm)
+file(GLOB HEADERS "*.h")
+add_library(${EXECUTABLE} ${SRC_LIST} ${HEADERS})
+eth_use(${EXECUTABLE} REQUIRED Eth::evmcore)
diff --git a/libevmasm/CommonSubexpressionEliminator.cpp b/libevmasm/CommonSubexpressionEliminator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0797dd29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libevmasm/CommonSubexpressionEliminator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+ This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
+ cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * @file CommonSubexpressionEliminator.cpp
+ * @author Christian <c@ethdev.com>
+ * @date 2015
+ * Optimizer step for common subexpression elimination and stack reorganisation.
+ */
+#include <functional>
+#include <boost/range/adaptor/reversed.hpp>
+#include <libdevcore/SHA3.h>
+#include <libevmasm/CommonSubexpressionEliminator.h>
+#include <libevmasm/AssemblyItem.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace dev;
+using namespace dev::eth;
+vector<AssemblyItem> CommonSubexpressionEliminator::getOptimizedItems()
+ optimizeBreakingItem();
+ KnownState nextInitialState = m_state;
+ if (m_breakingItem)
+ nextInitialState.feedItem(*m_breakingItem);
+ KnownState nextState = nextInitialState;
+ ScopeGuard reset([&]()
+ {
+ m_breakingItem = nullptr;
+ m_storeOperations.clear();
+ m_initialState = move(nextInitialState);
+ m_state = move(nextState);
+ });
+ map<int, Id> initialStackContents;
+ map<int, Id> targetStackContents;
+ int minHeight = m_state.stackHeight() + 1;
+ if (!m_state.stackElements().empty())
+ minHeight = min(minHeight, m_state.stackElements().begin()->first);
+ for (int height = minHeight; height <= m_initialState.stackHeight(); ++height)
+ initialStackContents[height] = m_initialState.stackElement(height, SourceLocation());
+ for (int height = minHeight; height <= m_state.stackHeight(); ++height)
+ targetStackContents[height] = m_state.stackElement(height, SourceLocation());
+ AssemblyItems items = CSECodeGenerator(m_state.expressionClasses(), m_storeOperations).generateCode(
+ m_initialState.sequenceNumber(),
+ m_initialState.stackHeight(),
+ initialStackContents,
+ targetStackContents
+ );
+ if (m_breakingItem)
+ items.push_back(*m_breakingItem);
+ return items;
+void CommonSubexpressionEliminator::feedItem(AssemblyItem const& _item, bool _copyItem)
+ StoreOperation op = m_state.feedItem(_item, _copyItem);
+ if (op.isValid())
+ m_storeOperations.push_back(op);
+void CommonSubexpressionEliminator::optimizeBreakingItem()
+ if (!m_breakingItem)
+ return;
+ ExpressionClasses& classes = m_state.expressionClasses();
+ SourceLocation const& itemLocation = m_breakingItem->location();
+ if (*m_breakingItem == AssemblyItem(Instruction::JUMPI))
+ {
+ AssemblyItem::JumpType jumpType = m_breakingItem->getJumpType();
+ Id condition = m_state.stackElement(m_state.stackHeight() - 1, itemLocation);
+ if (classes.knownNonZero(condition))
+ {
+ feedItem(AssemblyItem(Instruction::SWAP1, itemLocation), true);
+ feedItem(AssemblyItem(Instruction::POP, itemLocation), true);
+ AssemblyItem item(Instruction::JUMP, itemLocation);
+ item.setJumpType(jumpType);
+ m_breakingItem = classes.storeItem(item);
+ }
+ else if (classes.knownZero(condition))
+ {
+ AssemblyItem it(Instruction::POP, itemLocation);
+ feedItem(it, true);
+ feedItem(it, true);
+ m_breakingItem = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (*m_breakingItem == AssemblyItem(Instruction::RETURN))
+ {
+ Id size = m_state.stackElement(m_state.stackHeight() - 1, itemLocation);
+ if (classes.knownZero(size))
+ {
+ feedItem(AssemblyItem(Instruction::POP, itemLocation), true);
+ feedItem(AssemblyItem(Instruction::POP, itemLocation), true);
+ AssemblyItem item(Instruction::STOP, itemLocation);
+ m_breakingItem = classes.storeItem(item);
+ }
+ }
+ ExpressionClasses& _expressionClasses,
+ vector<CSECodeGenerator::StoreOperation> const& _storeOperations
+ m_expressionClasses(_expressionClasses)
+ for (auto const& store: _storeOperations)
+ m_storeOperations[make_pair(store.target, store.slot)].push_back(store);
+AssemblyItems CSECodeGenerator::generateCode(
+ unsigned _initialSequenceNumber,
+ int _initialStackHeight,
+ map<int, Id> const& _initialStack,
+ map<int, Id> const& _targetStackContents
+ m_stackHeight = _initialStackHeight;
+ m_stack = _initialStack;
+ m_targetStack = _targetStackContents;
+ for (auto const& item: m_stack)
+ m_classPositions[item.second].insert(item.first);
+ // generate the dependency graph starting from final storage and memory writes and target stack contents
+ for (auto const& p: m_storeOperations)
+ addDependencies(p.second.back().expression);
+ for (auto const& targetItem: m_targetStack)
+ {
+ m_finalClasses.insert(targetItem.second);
+ addDependencies(targetItem.second);
+ }
+ // store all needed sequenced expressions
+ set<pair<unsigned, Id>> sequencedExpressions;
+ for (auto const& p: m_neededBy)
+ for (auto id: {p.first, p.second})
+ if (unsigned seqNr = m_expressionClasses.representative(id).sequenceNumber)
+ {
+ if (seqNr < _initialSequenceNumber)
+ // Invalid sequenced operation.
+ // @todo quick fix for now. Proper fix needs to choose representative with higher
+ // sequence number during dependency analyis.
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(StackTooDeepException());
+ sequencedExpressions.insert(make_pair(seqNr, id));
+ }
+ // Perform all operations on storage and memory in order, if they are needed.
+ for (auto const& seqAndId: sequencedExpressions)
+ if (!m_classPositions.count(seqAndId.second))
+ generateClassElement(seqAndId.second, true);
+ // generate the target stack elements
+ for (auto const& targetItem: m_targetStack)
+ {
+ if (m_stack.count(targetItem.first) && m_stack.at(targetItem.first) == targetItem.second)
+ continue; // already there
+ generateClassElement(targetItem.second);
+ assertThrow(!m_classPositions[targetItem.second].empty(), OptimizerException, "");
+ if (m_classPositions[targetItem.second].count(targetItem.first))
+ continue;
+ SourceLocation sourceLocation;
+ if (m_expressionClasses.representative(targetItem.second).item)
+ sourceLocation = m_expressionClasses.representative(targetItem.second).item->location();
+ int position = classElementPosition(targetItem.second);
+ if (position < targetItem.first)
+ // it is already at its target, we need another copy
+ appendDup(position, sourceLocation);
+ else
+ appendOrRemoveSwap(position, sourceLocation);
+ appendOrRemoveSwap(targetItem.first, sourceLocation);
+ }
+ // remove surplus elements
+ while (removeStackTopIfPossible())
+ {
+ // no-op
+ }
+ // check validity
+ int finalHeight = 0;
+ if (!m_targetStack.empty())
+ // have target stack, so its height should be the final height
+ finalHeight = (--m_targetStack.end())->first;
+ else if (!_initialStack.empty())
+ // no target stack, only erase the initial stack
+ finalHeight = _initialStack.begin()->first - 1;
+ else
+ // neither initial no target stack, no change in height
+ finalHeight = _initialStackHeight;
+ assertThrow(finalHeight == m_stackHeight, OptimizerException, "Incorrect final stack height.");
+ return m_generatedItems;
+void CSECodeGenerator::addDependencies(Id _c)
+ if (m_classPositions.count(_c))
+ return; // it is already on the stack
+ if (m_neededBy.count(_c))
+ return; // we already computed the dependencies for _c
+ ExpressionClasses::Expression expr = m_expressionClasses.representative(_c);
+ if (expr.item->type() == UndefinedItem)
+ // If this exception happens, we need to find a different way to generate the
+ // compound expression.
+ ItemNotAvailableException() << errinfo_comment("Undefined item requested but not available.")
+ );
+ for (Id argument: expr.arguments)
+ {
+ addDependencies(argument);
+ m_neededBy.insert(make_pair(argument, _c));
+ }
+ if (expr.item && expr.item->type() == Operation && (
+ expr.item->instruction() == Instruction::SLOAD ||
+ expr.item->instruction() == Instruction::MLOAD ||
+ expr.item->instruction() == Instruction::SHA3
+ ))
+ {
+ // this loads an unknown value from storage or memory and thus, in addition to its
+ // arguments, depends on all store operations to addresses where we do not know that
+ // they are different that occur before this load
+ StoreOperation::Target target = expr.item->instruction() == Instruction::SLOAD ?
+ StoreOperation::Storage : StoreOperation::Memory;
+ Id slotToLoadFrom = expr.arguments.at(0);
+ for (auto const& p: m_storeOperations)
+ {
+ if (p.first.first != target)
+ continue;
+ Id slot = p.first.second;
+ StoreOperations const& storeOps = p.second;
+ if (storeOps.front().sequenceNumber > expr.sequenceNumber)
+ continue;
+ bool knownToBeIndependent = false;
+ switch (expr.item->instruction())
+ {
+ case Instruction::SLOAD:
+ knownToBeIndependent = m_expressionClasses.knownToBeDifferent(slot, slotToLoadFrom);
+ break;
+ case Instruction::MLOAD:
+ knownToBeIndependent = m_expressionClasses.knownToBeDifferentBy32(slot, slotToLoadFrom);
+ break;
+ case Instruction::SHA3:
+ {
+ Id length = expr.arguments.at(1);
+ AssemblyItem offsetInstr(Instruction::SUB, expr.item->location());
+ Id offsetToStart = m_expressionClasses.find(offsetInstr, {slot, slotToLoadFrom});
+ u256 const* o = m_expressionClasses.knownConstant(offsetToStart);
+ u256 const* l = m_expressionClasses.knownConstant(length);
+ if (l && *l == 0)
+ knownToBeIndependent = true;
+ else if (o)
+ {
+ // We could get problems here if both *o and *l are larger than 2**254
+ // but it is probably ok for the optimizer to produce wrong code for such cases
+ // which cannot be executed anyway because of the non-payable price.
+ if (u2s(*o) <= -32)
+ knownToBeIndependent = true;
+ else if (l && u2s(*o) >= 0 && *o >= *l)
+ knownToBeIndependent = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (knownToBeIndependent)
+ continue;
+ // note that store and load never have the same sequence number
+ Id latestStore = storeOps.front().expression;
+ for (auto it = ++storeOps.begin(); it != storeOps.end(); ++it)
+ if (it->sequenceNumber < expr.sequenceNumber)
+ latestStore = it->expression;
+ addDependencies(latestStore);
+ m_neededBy.insert(make_pair(latestStore, _c));
+ }
+ }
+void CSECodeGenerator::generateClassElement(Id _c, bool _allowSequenced)
+ for (auto it: m_classPositions)
+ for (auto p: it.second)
+ if (p > m_stackHeight)
+ assertThrow(false, OptimizerException, "");
+ // do some cleanup
+ removeStackTopIfPossible();
+ if (m_classPositions.count(_c))
+ {
+ assertThrow(
+ !m_classPositions[_c].empty(),
+ OptimizerException,
+ "Element already removed but still needed."
+ );
+ return;
+ }
+ ExpressionClasses::Expression const& expr = m_expressionClasses.representative(_c);
+ assertThrow(
+ _allowSequenced || expr.sequenceNumber == 0,
+ OptimizerException,
+ "Sequence constrained operation requested out of sequence."
+ );
+ assertThrow(expr.item, OptimizerException, "Non-generated expression without item.");
+ assertThrow(
+ expr.item->type() != UndefinedItem,
+ OptimizerException,
+ "Undefined item requested but not available."
+ );
+ vector<Id> const& arguments = expr.arguments;
+ for (Id arg: boost::adaptors::reverse(arguments))
+ generateClassElement(arg);
+ SourceLocation const& itemLocation = expr.item->location();
+ // The arguments are somewhere on the stack now, so it remains to move them at the correct place.
+ // This is quite difficult as sometimes, the values also have to removed in this process
+ // (if canBeRemoved() returns true) and the two arguments can be equal. For now, this is
+ // implemented for every single case for combinations of up to two arguments manually.
+ if (arguments.size() == 1)
+ {
+ if (canBeRemoved(arguments[0], _c))
+ appendOrRemoveSwap(classElementPosition(arguments[0]), itemLocation);
+ else
+ appendDup(classElementPosition(arguments[0]), itemLocation);
+ }
+ else if (arguments.size() == 2)
+ {
+ if (canBeRemoved(arguments[1], _c))
+ {
+ appendOrRemoveSwap(classElementPosition(arguments[1]), itemLocation);
+ if (arguments[0] == arguments[1])
+ appendDup(m_stackHeight, itemLocation);
+ else if (canBeRemoved(arguments[0], _c))
+ {
+ appendOrRemoveSwap(m_stackHeight - 1, itemLocation);
+ appendOrRemoveSwap(classElementPosition(arguments[0]), itemLocation);
+ }
+ else
+ appendDup(classElementPosition(arguments[0]), itemLocation);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (arguments[0] == arguments[1])
+ {
+ appendDup(classElementPosition(arguments[0]), itemLocation);
+ appendDup(m_stackHeight, itemLocation);
+ }
+ else if (canBeRemoved(arguments[0], _c))
+ {
+ appendOrRemoveSwap(classElementPosition(arguments[0]), itemLocation);
+ appendDup(classElementPosition(arguments[1]), itemLocation);
+ appendOrRemoveSwap(m_stackHeight - 1, itemLocation);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ appendDup(classElementPosition(arguments[1]), itemLocation);
+ appendDup(classElementPosition(arguments[0]), itemLocation);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ assertThrow(
+ arguments.size() <= 2,
+ OptimizerException,
+ "Opcodes with more than two arguments not implemented yet."
+ );
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arguments.size(); ++i)
+ assertThrow(m_stack[m_stackHeight - i] == arguments[i], OptimizerException, "Expected arguments not present." );
+ while (SemanticInformation::isCommutativeOperation(*expr.item) &&
+ !m_generatedItems.empty() &&
+ m_generatedItems.back() == AssemblyItem(Instruction::SWAP1))
+ // this will not append a swap but remove the one that is already there
+ appendOrRemoveSwap(m_stackHeight - 1, itemLocation);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arguments.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ m_classPositions[m_stack[m_stackHeight - i]].erase(m_stackHeight - i);
+ m_stack.erase(m_stackHeight - i);
+ }
+ appendItem(*expr.item);
+ if (expr.item->type() != Operation || instructionInfo(expr.item->instruction()).ret == 1)
+ {
+ m_stack[m_stackHeight] = _c;
+ m_classPositions[_c].insert(m_stackHeight);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assertThrow(
+ instructionInfo(expr.item->instruction()).ret == 0,
+ OptimizerException,
+ "Invalid number of return values."
+ );
+ m_classPositions[_c]; // ensure it is created to mark the expression as generated
+ }
+int CSECodeGenerator::classElementPosition(Id _id) const
+ assertThrow(
+ m_classPositions.count(_id) && !m_classPositions.at(_id).empty(),
+ OptimizerException,
+ "Element requested but is not present."
+ );
+ return *max_element(m_classPositions.at(_id).begin(), m_classPositions.at(_id).end());
+bool CSECodeGenerator::canBeRemoved(Id _element, Id _result, int _fromPosition)
+ // Default for _fromPosition is the canonical position of the element.
+ if (_fromPosition == c_invalidPosition)
+ _fromPosition = classElementPosition(_element);
+ bool haveCopy = m_classPositions.at(_element).size() > 1;
+ if (m_finalClasses.count(_element))
+ // It is part of the target stack. It can be removed if it is a copy that is not in the target position.
+ return haveCopy && (!m_targetStack.count(_fromPosition) || m_targetStack[_fromPosition] != _element);
+ else if (!haveCopy)
+ {
+ // Can be removed unless it is needed by a class that has not been computed yet.
+ // Note that m_classPositions also includes classes that were deleted in the meantime.
+ auto range = m_neededBy.equal_range(_element);
+ for (auto it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it)
+ if (it->second != _result && !m_classPositions.count(it->second))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool CSECodeGenerator::removeStackTopIfPossible()
+ if (m_stack.empty())
+ return false;
+ assertThrow(m_stack.count(m_stackHeight) > 0, OptimizerException, "");
+ Id top = m_stack[m_stackHeight];
+ if (!canBeRemoved(top, Id(-1), m_stackHeight))
+ return false;
+ m_classPositions[m_stack[m_stackHeight]].erase(m_stackHeight);
+ m_stack.erase(m_stackHeight);
+ appendItem(AssemblyItem(Instruction::POP));
+ return true;
+void CSECodeGenerator::appendDup(int _fromPosition, SourceLocation const& _location)
+ assertThrow(_fromPosition != c_invalidPosition, OptimizerException, "");
+ int instructionNum = 1 + m_stackHeight - _fromPosition;
+ assertThrow(instructionNum <= 16, StackTooDeepException, "Stack too deep, try removing local variables.");
+ assertThrow(1 <= instructionNum, OptimizerException, "Invalid stack access.");
+ appendItem(AssemblyItem(dupInstruction(instructionNum), _location));
+ m_stack[m_stackHeight] = m_stack[_fromPosition];
+ m_classPositions[m_stack[m_stackHeight]].insert(m_stackHeight);
+void CSECodeGenerator::appendOrRemoveSwap(int _fromPosition, SourceLocation const& _location)
+ assertThrow(_fromPosition != c_invalidPosition, OptimizerException, "");
+ if (_fromPosition == m_stackHeight)
+ return;
+ int instructionNum = m_stackHeight - _fromPosition;
+ assertThrow(instructionNum <= 16, StackTooDeepException, "Stack too deep, try removing local variables.");
+ assertThrow(1 <= instructionNum, OptimizerException, "Invalid stack access.");
+ appendItem(AssemblyItem(swapInstruction(instructionNum), _location));
+ if (m_stack[m_stackHeight] != m_stack[_fromPosition])
+ {
+ m_classPositions[m_stack[m_stackHeight]].erase(m_stackHeight);
+ m_classPositions[m_stack[m_stackHeight]].insert(_fromPosition);
+ m_classPositions[m_stack[_fromPosition]].erase(_fromPosition);
+ m_classPositions[m_stack[_fromPosition]].insert(m_stackHeight);
+ swap(m_stack[m_stackHeight], m_stack[_fromPosition]);
+ }
+ if (m_generatedItems.size() >= 2 &&
+ SemanticInformation::isSwapInstruction(m_generatedItems.back()) &&
+ *(m_generatedItems.end() - 2) == m_generatedItems.back())
+ {
+ m_generatedItems.pop_back();
+ m_generatedItems.pop_back();
+ }
+void CSECodeGenerator::appendItem(AssemblyItem const& _item)
+ m_generatedItems.push_back(_item);
+ m_stackHeight += _item.deposit();
diff --git a/libevmasm/CommonSubexpressionEliminator.h b/libevmasm/CommonSubexpressionEliminator.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f6c43c57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libevmasm/CommonSubexpressionEliminator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+ This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
+ cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * @file CommonSubexpressionEliminator.h
+ * @author Christian <c@ethdev.com>
+ * @date 2015
+ * Optimizer step for common subexpression elimination and stack reorganisation.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <libdevcore/CommonIO.h>
+#include <libdevcore/Exceptions.h>
+#include <libevmasm/ExpressionClasses.h>
+#include <libevmasm/SemanticInformation.h>
+#include <libevmasm/KnownState.h>
+namespace dev
+namespace eth
+class AssemblyItem;
+using AssemblyItems = std::vector<AssemblyItem>;
+ * Optimizer step that performs common subexpression elimination and stack reorganisation,
+ * i.e. it tries to infer equality among expressions and compute the values of two expressions
+ * known to be equal only once.
+ *
+ * The general workings are that for each assembly item that is fed into the eliminator, an
+ * equivalence class is derived from the operation and the equivalence class of its arguments.
+ * DUPi, SWAPi and some arithmetic instructions are used to infer equivalences while these
+ * classes are determined.
+ *
+ * When the list of optimized items is requested, they are generated in a bottom-up fashion,
+ * adding code for equivalence classes that were not yet computed.
+ */
+class CommonSubexpressionEliminator
+ using Id = ExpressionClasses::Id;
+ using StoreOperation = KnownState::StoreOperation;
+ CommonSubexpressionEliminator(KnownState const& _state): m_initialState(_state), m_state(_state) {}
+ /// Feeds AssemblyItems into the eliminator and @returns the iterator pointing at the first
+ /// item that must be fed into a new instance of the eliminator.
+ template <class _AssemblyItemIterator>
+ _AssemblyItemIterator feedItems(_AssemblyItemIterator _iterator, _AssemblyItemIterator _end);
+ /// @returns the resulting items after optimization.
+ AssemblyItems getOptimizedItems();
+ /// Feeds the item into the system for analysis.
+ void feedItem(AssemblyItem const& _item, bool _copyItem = false);
+ /// Tries to optimize the item that breaks the basic block at the end.
+ void optimizeBreakingItem();
+ KnownState m_initialState;
+ KnownState m_state;
+ /// Keeps information about which storage or memory slots were written to at which sequence
+ /// number with what instruction.
+ std::vector<StoreOperation> m_storeOperations;
+ /// The item that breaks the basic block, can be nullptr.
+ /// It is usually appended to the block but can be optimized in some cases.
+ AssemblyItem const* m_breakingItem = nullptr;
+ * Unit that generates code from current stack layout, target stack layout and information about
+ * the equivalence classes.
+ */
+class CSECodeGenerator
+ using StoreOperation = CommonSubexpressionEliminator::StoreOperation;
+ using StoreOperations = std::vector<StoreOperation>;
+ using Id = ExpressionClasses::Id;
+ /// Initializes the code generator with the given classes and store operations.
+ /// The store operations have to be sorted by sequence number in ascending order.
+ CSECodeGenerator(ExpressionClasses& _expressionClasses, StoreOperations const& _storeOperations);
+ /// @returns the assembly items generated from the given requirements
+ /// @param _initialSequenceNumber starting sequence number, do not generate sequenced operations
+ /// before this number.
+ /// @param _initialStack current contents of the stack (up to stack height of zero)
+ /// @param _targetStackContents final contents of the stack, by stack height relative to initial
+ /// @note should only be called once on each object.
+ AssemblyItems generateCode(
+ unsigned _initialSequenceNumber,
+ int _initialStackHeight,
+ std::map<int, Id> const& _initialStack,
+ std::map<int, Id> const& _targetStackContents
+ );
+ /// Recursively discovers all dependencies to @a m_requests.
+ void addDependencies(Id _c);
+ /// Produce code that generates the given element if it is not yet present.
+ /// @param _allowSequenced indicates that sequence-constrained operations are allowed
+ void generateClassElement(Id _c, bool _allowSequenced = false);
+ /// @returns the position of the representative of the given id on the stack.
+ /// @note throws an exception if it is not on the stack.
+ int classElementPosition(Id _id) const;
+ /// @returns true if the copy of @a _element can be removed from stack position _fromPosition
+ /// - in general or, if given, while computing @a _result.
+ bool canBeRemoved(Id _element, Id _result = Id(-1), int _fromPosition = c_invalidPosition);
+ /// Appends code to remove the topmost stack element if it can be removed.
+ bool removeStackTopIfPossible();
+ /// Appends a dup instruction to m_generatedItems to retrieve the element at the given stack position.
+ void appendDup(int _fromPosition, SourceLocation const& _location);
+ /// Appends a swap instruction to m_generatedItems to retrieve the element at the given stack position.
+ /// @note this might also remove the last item if it exactly the same swap instruction.
+ void appendOrRemoveSwap(int _fromPosition, SourceLocation const& _location);
+ /// Appends the given assembly item.
+ void appendItem(AssemblyItem const& _item);
+ static const int c_invalidPosition = -0x7fffffff;
+ AssemblyItems m_generatedItems;
+ /// Current height of the stack relative to the start.
+ int m_stackHeight;
+ /// If (b, a) is in m_requests then b is needed to compute a.
+ std::multimap<Id, Id> m_neededBy;
+ /// Current content of the stack.
+ std::map<int, Id> m_stack;
+ /// Current positions of equivalence classes, equal to the empty set if already deleted.
+ std::map<Id, std::set<int>> m_classPositions;
+ /// The actual eqivalence class items and how to compute them.
+ ExpressionClasses& m_expressionClasses;
+ /// Keeps information about which storage or memory slots were written to by which operations.
+ /// The operations are sorted ascendingly by sequence number.
+ std::map<std::pair<StoreOperation::Target, Id>, StoreOperations> m_storeOperations;
+ /// The set of equivalence classes that should be present on the stack at the end.
+ std::set<Id> m_finalClasses;
+ std::map<int, Id> m_targetStack;
+template <class _AssemblyItemIterator>
+_AssemblyItemIterator CommonSubexpressionEliminator::feedItems(
+ _AssemblyItemIterator _iterator,
+ _AssemblyItemIterator _end
+ assertThrow(!m_breakingItem, OptimizerException, "Invalid use of CommonSubexpressionEliminator.");
+ for (; _iterator != _end && !SemanticInformation::breaksCSEAnalysisBlock(*_iterator); ++_iterator)
+ feedItem(*_iterator);
+ if (_iterator != _end)
+ m_breakingItem = &(*_iterator++);
+ return _iterator;
diff --git a/libevmasm/ConstantOptimiser.cpp b/libevmasm/ConstantOptimiser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0ebe2eab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libevmasm/ConstantOptimiser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+ This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
+ cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+/** @file ConstantOptimiser.cpp
+ * @author Christian <c@ethdev.com>
+ * @date 2015
+ */
+#include "libevmasm/ConstantOptimiser.h"
+#include <libevmasm/Assembly.h>
+#include <libevmasm/GasMeter.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace dev;
+using namespace dev::eth;
+unsigned ConstantOptimisationMethod::optimiseConstants(
+ bool _isCreation,
+ size_t _runs,
+ Assembly& _assembly,
+ AssemblyItems& _items
+ unsigned optimisations = 0;
+ map<AssemblyItem, size_t> pushes;
+ for (AssemblyItem const& item: _items)
+ if (item.type() == Push)
+ pushes[item]++;
+ for (auto it: pushes)
+ {
+ AssemblyItem const& item = it.first;
+ if (item.data() < 0x100)
+ continue;
+ Params params;
+ params.multiplicity = it.second;
+ params.isCreation = _isCreation;
+ params.runs = _runs;
+ LiteralMethod lit(params, item.data());
+ bigint literalGas = lit.gasNeeded();
+ CodeCopyMethod copy(params, item.data());
+ bigint copyGas = copy.gasNeeded();
+ ComputeMethod compute(params, item.data());
+ bigint computeGas = compute.gasNeeded();
+ if (copyGas < literalGas && copyGas < computeGas)
+ {
+ copy.execute(_assembly, _items);
+ optimisations++;
+ }
+ else if (computeGas < literalGas && computeGas < copyGas)
+ {
+ compute.execute(_assembly, _items);
+ optimisations++;
+ }
+ }
+ return optimisations;
+bigint ConstantOptimisationMethod::simpleRunGas(AssemblyItems const& _items)
+ EVMSchedule schedule; // TODO: make relevant to context.
+ bigint gas = 0;
+ for (AssemblyItem const& item: _items)
+ if (item.type() == Push)
+ gas += GasMeter::runGas(Instruction::PUSH1, schedule);
+ else if (item.type() == Operation)
+ gas += GasMeter::runGas(item.instruction(), schedule);
+ return gas;
+bigint ConstantOptimisationMethod::dataGas(bytes const& _data) const
+ if (m_params.isCreation)
+ {
+ bigint gas;
+ for (auto b: _data)
+ gas += b ? m_schedule.txDataNonZeroGas : m_schedule.txDataZeroGas;
+ return gas;
+ }
+ else
+ return m_schedule.createDataGas * dataSize();
+size_t ConstantOptimisationMethod::bytesRequired(AssemblyItems const& _items)
+ size_t size = 0;
+ for (AssemblyItem const& item: _items)
+ size += item.bytesRequired(3); // assume 3 byte addresses
+ return size;
+void ConstantOptimisationMethod::replaceConstants(
+ AssemblyItems& _items,
+ AssemblyItems const& _replacement
+) const
+ assertThrow(_items.size() > 0, OptimizerException, "");
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < _items.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (_items.at(i) != AssemblyItem(m_value))
+ continue;
+ _items[i] = _replacement[0];
+ _items.insert(_items.begin() + i + 1, _replacement.begin() + 1, _replacement.end());
+ i += _replacement.size() - 1;
+ }
+bigint LiteralMethod::gasNeeded()
+ return combineGas(
+ simpleRunGas({Instruction::PUSH1}),
+ // PUSHX plus data
+ (m_params.isCreation ? m_schedule.txDataNonZeroGas : m_schedule.createDataGas) + dataGas(),
+ 0
+ );
+CodeCopyMethod::CodeCopyMethod(Params const& _params, u256 const& _value):
+ ConstantOptimisationMethod(_params, _value)
+ m_copyRoutine = AssemblyItems{
+ u256(0),
+ Instruction::DUP1,
+ Instruction::MLOAD, // back up memory
+ u256(32),
+ AssemblyItem(PushData, u256(1) << 16), // has to be replaced
+ Instruction::DUP4,
+ Instruction::CODECOPY,
+ Instruction::DUP2,
+ Instruction::MLOAD,
+ Instruction::SWAP2,
+ Instruction::MSTORE
+ };
+bigint CodeCopyMethod::gasNeeded()
+ return combineGas(
+ // Run gas: we ignore memory increase costs
+ simpleRunGas(m_copyRoutine) + m_schedule.copyGas,
+ // Data gas for copy routines: Some bytes are zero, but we ignore them.
+ bytesRequired(m_copyRoutine) * (m_params.isCreation ? m_schedule.txDataNonZeroGas : m_schedule.createDataGas),
+ // Data gas for data itself
+ dataGas(toBigEndian(m_value))
+ );
+void CodeCopyMethod::execute(Assembly& _assembly, AssemblyItems& _items)
+ bytes data = toBigEndian(m_value);
+ m_copyRoutine[4] = _assembly.newData(data);
+ replaceConstants(_items, m_copyRoutine);
+AssemblyItems ComputeMethod::findRepresentation(u256 const& _value)
+ if (_value < 0x10000)
+ // Very small value, not worth computing
+ return AssemblyItems{_value};
+ else if (dev::bytesRequired(~_value) < dev::bytesRequired(_value))
+ // Negated is shorter to represent
+ return findRepresentation(~_value) + AssemblyItems{Instruction::NOT};
+ else
+ {
+ // Decompose value into a * 2**k + b where abs(b) << 2**k
+ // Is not always better, try literal and decomposition method.
+ AssemblyItems routine{u256(_value)};
+ bigint bestGas = gasNeeded(routine);
+ for (unsigned bits = 255; bits > 8; --bits)
+ {
+ unsigned gapDetector = unsigned(_value >> (bits - 8)) & 0x1ff;
+ if (gapDetector != 0xff && gapDetector != 0x100)
+ continue;
+ u256 powerOfTwo = u256(1) << bits;
+ u256 upperPart = _value >> bits;
+ bigint lowerPart = _value & (powerOfTwo - 1);
+ if (abs(powerOfTwo - lowerPart) < lowerPart)
+ lowerPart = lowerPart - powerOfTwo; // make it negative
+ if (abs(lowerPart) >= (powerOfTwo >> 8))
+ continue;
+ AssemblyItems newRoutine;
+ if (lowerPart != 0)
+ newRoutine += findRepresentation(u256(abs(lowerPart)));
+ newRoutine += AssemblyItems{u256(bits), u256(2), Instruction::EXP};
+ if (upperPart != 1 && upperPart != 0)
+ newRoutine += findRepresentation(upperPart) + AssemblyItems{Instruction::MUL};
+ if (lowerPart > 0)
+ newRoutine += AssemblyItems{Instruction::ADD};
+ else if (lowerPart < 0)
+ newRoutine.push_back(Instruction::SUB);
+ bigint newGas = gasNeeded(newRoutine);
+ if (newGas < bestGas)
+ {
+ bestGas = move(newGas);
+ routine = move(newRoutine);
+ }
+ }
+ return routine;
+ }
+bigint ComputeMethod::gasNeeded(AssemblyItems const& _routine)
+ size_t numExps = count(_routine.begin(), _routine.end(), Instruction::EXP);
+ return combineGas(
+ simpleRunGas(_routine) + numExps * (m_schedule.expGas + m_schedule.expByteGas),
+ // Data gas for routine: Some bytes are zero, but we ignore them.
+ bytesRequired(_routine) * (m_params.isCreation ? m_schedule.txDataNonZeroGas : m_schedule.createDataGas),
+ 0
+ );
diff --git a/libevmasm/ConstantOptimiser.h b/libevmasm/ConstantOptimiser.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..64cb66bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libevmasm/ConstantOptimiser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+ This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
+ cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+/** @file ConstantOptimiser.cpp
+ * @author Christian <c@ethdev.com>
+ * @date 2015
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <vector>
+#include <libdevcore/CommonData.h>
+#include <libdevcore/CommonIO.h>
+#include <libethcore/ChainOperationParams.h>
+namespace dev
+namespace eth
+class AssemblyItem;
+using AssemblyItems = std::vector<AssemblyItem>;
+class Assembly;
+// TODO: FIXME: HOMESTEAD: XXX: @chfast populate m_schedule from an ExtVMFace instance via ExtVMFace::evmSchedule.
+ * Abstract base class for one way to change how constants are represented in the code.
+ */
+class ConstantOptimisationMethod
+ /// Tries to optimised how constants are represented in the source code and modifies
+ /// @a _assembly and its @a _items.
+ /// @returns zero if no optimisations could be performed.
+ static unsigned optimiseConstants(
+ bool _isCreation,
+ size_t _runs,
+ Assembly& _assembly,
+ AssemblyItems& _items
+ );
+ struct Params
+ {
+ bool isCreation; ///< Whether this is called during contract creation or runtime.
+ size_t runs; ///< Estimated number of calls per opcode oven the lifetime of the contract.
+ size_t multiplicity; ///< Number of times the constant appears in the code.
+ };
+ explicit ConstantOptimisationMethod(Params const& _params, u256 const& _value):
+ m_params(_params), m_value(_value) {}
+ virtual bigint gasNeeded() = 0;
+ virtual void execute(Assembly& _assembly, AssemblyItems& _items) = 0;
+ size_t dataSize() const { return std::max<size_t>(1, dev::bytesRequired(m_value)); }
+ /// @returns the run gas for the given items ignoring special gas costs
+ static bigint simpleRunGas(AssemblyItems const& _items);
+ /// @returns the gas needed to store the given data literally
+ bigint dataGas(bytes const& _data) const;
+ /// @returns the gas needed to store the value literally
+ bigint dataGas() const { return dataGas(toCompactBigEndian(m_value, 1)); }
+ static size_t bytesRequired(AssemblyItems const& _items);
+ /// @returns the combined estimated gas usage taking @a m_params into account.
+ bigint combineGas(
+ bigint const& _runGas,
+ bigint const& _repeatedDataGas,
+ bigint const& _uniqueDataGas
+ )
+ {
+ // _runGas is not multiplied by _multiplicity because the runs are "per opcode"
+ return m_params.runs * _runGas + m_params.multiplicity * _repeatedDataGas + _uniqueDataGas;
+ }
+ /// Replaces the constant by the code given in @a _replacement.
+ void replaceConstants(AssemblyItems& _items, AssemblyItems const& _replacement) const;
+ Params m_params;
+ u256 const& m_value;
+ EVMSchedule m_schedule;
+ * Optimisation method that pushes the constant to the stack literally. This is the default method,
+ * i.e. executing it does not alter the Assembly.
+ */
+class LiteralMethod: public ConstantOptimisationMethod
+ explicit LiteralMethod(Params const& _params, u256 const& _value):
+ ConstantOptimisationMethod(_params, _value) {}
+ virtual bigint gasNeeded() override;
+ virtual void execute(Assembly&, AssemblyItems&) override {}
+ EVMSchedule m_schedule;
+ * Method that stores the data in the .data section of the code and copies it to the stack.
+ */
+class CodeCopyMethod: public ConstantOptimisationMethod
+ explicit CodeCopyMethod(Params const& _params, u256 const& _value);
+ virtual bigint gasNeeded() override;
+ virtual void execute(Assembly& _assembly, AssemblyItems& _items) override;
+ AssemblyItems m_copyRoutine;
+ EVMSchedule m_schedule;
+ * Method that tries to compute the constant.
+ */
+class ComputeMethod: public ConstantOptimisationMethod
+ explicit ComputeMethod(Params const& _params, u256 const& _value):
+ ConstantOptimisationMethod(_params, _value)
+ {
+ m_routine = findRepresentation(m_value);
+ }
+ virtual bigint gasNeeded() override { return gasNeeded(m_routine); }
+ virtual void execute(Assembly&, AssemblyItems& _items) override
+ {
+ replaceConstants(_items, m_routine);
+ }
+ /// Tries to recursively find a way to compute @a _value.
+ AssemblyItems findRepresentation(u256 const& _value);
+ bigint gasNeeded(AssemblyItems const& _routine);
+ AssemblyItems m_routine;
+ EVMSchedule m_schedule;
diff --git a/libevmasm/ControlFlowGraph.cpp b/libevmasm/ControlFlowGraph.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fc2144c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libevmasm/ControlFlowGraph.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+ This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
+ cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * @file ControlFlowGraph.cpp
+ * @author Christian <c@ethdev.com>
+ * @date 2015
+ * Control flow analysis for the optimizer.
+ */
+#include <libevmasm/ControlFlowGraph.h>
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <libevmasm/Exceptions.h>
+#include <libevmasm/AssemblyItem.h>
+#include <libevmasm/SemanticInformation.h>
+#include <libevmasm/KnownState.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace dev;
+using namespace dev::eth;
+BlockId::BlockId(u256 const& _id):
+ m_id(unsigned(_id))
+ assertThrow( _id < initial().m_id, OptimizerException, "Tag number too large.");
+BasicBlocks ControlFlowGraph::optimisedBlocks()
+ if (m_items.empty())
+ return BasicBlocks();
+ findLargestTag();
+ splitBlocks();
+ resolveNextLinks();
+ removeUnusedBlocks();
+ setPrevLinks();
+ gatherKnowledge();
+ return rebuildCode();
+void ControlFlowGraph::findLargestTag()
+ m_lastUsedId = 0;
+ for (auto const& item: m_items)
+ if (item.type() == Tag || item.type() == PushTag)
+ {
+ // Assert that it can be converted.
+ BlockId(item.data());
+ m_lastUsedId = max(unsigned(item.data()), m_lastUsedId);
+ }
+void ControlFlowGraph::splitBlocks()
+ m_blocks.clear();
+ BlockId id = BlockId::initial();
+ m_blocks[id].begin = 0;
+ for (size_t index = 0; index < m_items.size(); ++index)
+ {
+ AssemblyItem const& item = m_items.at(index);
+ if (item.type() == Tag)
+ {
+ if (id)
+ m_blocks[id].end = index;
+ id = BlockId::invalid();
+ }
+ if (!id)
+ {
+ id = item.type() == Tag ? BlockId(item.data()) : generateNewId();
+ m_blocks[id].begin = index;
+ }
+ if (item.type() == PushTag)
+ m_blocks[id].pushedTags.push_back(BlockId(item.data()));
+ if (SemanticInformation::altersControlFlow(item))
+ {
+ m_blocks[id].end = index + 1;
+ if (item == Instruction::JUMP)
+ m_blocks[id].endType = BasicBlock::EndType::JUMP;
+ else if (item == Instruction::JUMPI)
+ m_blocks[id].endType = BasicBlock::EndType::JUMPI;
+ else
+ m_blocks[id].endType = BasicBlock::EndType::STOP;
+ id = BlockId::invalid();
+ }
+ }
+ if (id)
+ {
+ m_blocks[id].end = m_items.size();
+ if (m_blocks[id].endType == BasicBlock::EndType::HANDOVER)
+ m_blocks[id].endType = BasicBlock::EndType::STOP;
+ }
+void ControlFlowGraph::resolveNextLinks()
+ map<unsigned, BlockId> blockByBeginPos;
+ for (auto const& idAndBlock: m_blocks)
+ if (idAndBlock.second.begin != idAndBlock.second.end)
+ blockByBeginPos[idAndBlock.second.begin] = idAndBlock.first;
+ for (auto& idAndBlock: m_blocks)
+ {
+ BasicBlock& block = idAndBlock.second;
+ switch (block.endType)
+ {
+ case BasicBlock::EndType::JUMPI:
+ case BasicBlock::EndType::HANDOVER:
+ assertThrow(
+ blockByBeginPos.count(block.end),
+ OptimizerException,
+ "Successor block not found."
+ );
+ block.next = blockByBeginPos.at(block.end);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void ControlFlowGraph::removeUnusedBlocks()
+ vector<BlockId> blocksToProcess{BlockId::initial()};
+ set<BlockId> neededBlocks{BlockId::initial()};
+ while (!blocksToProcess.empty())
+ {
+ BasicBlock const& block = m_blocks.at(blocksToProcess.back());
+ blocksToProcess.pop_back();
+ for (BlockId tag: block.pushedTags)
+ if (!neededBlocks.count(tag) && m_blocks.count(tag))
+ {
+ neededBlocks.insert(tag);
+ blocksToProcess.push_back(tag);
+ }
+ if (block.next && !neededBlocks.count(block.next))
+ {
+ neededBlocks.insert(block.next);
+ blocksToProcess.push_back(block.next);
+ }
+ }
+ for (auto it = m_blocks.begin(); it != m_blocks.end();)
+ if (neededBlocks.count(it->first))
+ ++it;
+ else
+ m_blocks.erase(it++);
+void ControlFlowGraph::setPrevLinks()
+ for (auto& idAndBlock: m_blocks)
+ {
+ BasicBlock& block = idAndBlock.second;
+ switch (block.endType)
+ {
+ case BasicBlock::EndType::JUMPI:
+ case BasicBlock::EndType::HANDOVER:
+ assertThrow(
+ !m_blocks.at(block.next).prev,
+ OptimizerException,
+ "Successor already has predecessor."
+ );
+ m_blocks[block.next].prev = idAndBlock.first;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // If block ends with jump to not yet linked block, link them removing the jump
+ for (auto& idAndBlock: m_blocks)
+ {
+ BlockId blockId = idAndBlock.first;
+ BasicBlock& block = idAndBlock.second;
+ if (block.endType != BasicBlock::EndType::JUMP || block.end - block.begin < 2)
+ continue;
+ AssemblyItem const& push = m_items.at(block.end - 2);
+ if (push.type() != PushTag)
+ continue;
+ BlockId nextId(push.data());
+ if (m_blocks.count(nextId) && m_blocks.at(nextId).prev)
+ continue;
+ bool hasLoop = false;
+ for (BlockId id = nextId; id && m_blocks.count(id) && !hasLoop; id = m_blocks.at(id).next)
+ hasLoop = (id == blockId);
+ if (hasLoop || !m_blocks.count(nextId))
+ continue;
+ m_blocks[nextId].prev = blockId;
+ block.next = nextId;
+ block.end -= 2;
+ assertThrow(
+ !block.pushedTags.empty() && block.pushedTags.back() == nextId,
+ OptimizerException,
+ "Last pushed tag not at end of pushed list."
+ );
+ block.pushedTags.pop_back();
+ block.endType = BasicBlock::EndType::HANDOVER;
+ }
+void ControlFlowGraph::gatherKnowledge()
+ // @todo actually we know that memory is filled with zeros at the beginning,
+ // we could make use of that.
+ KnownStatePointer emptyState = make_shared<KnownState>();
+ bool unknownJumpEncountered = false;
+ struct WorkQueueItem {
+ BlockId blockId;
+ KnownStatePointer state;
+ set<BlockId> blocksSeen;
+ };
+ vector<WorkQueueItem> workQueue{WorkQueueItem{BlockId::initial(), emptyState->copy(), set<BlockId>()}};
+ auto addWorkQueueItem = [&](WorkQueueItem const& _currentItem, BlockId _to, KnownStatePointer const& _state)
+ {
+ WorkQueueItem item;
+ item.blockId = _to;
+ item.state = _state->copy();
+ item.blocksSeen = _currentItem.blocksSeen;
+ item.blocksSeen.insert(_currentItem.blockId);
+ workQueue.push_back(move(item));
+ };
+ while (!workQueue.empty())
+ {
+ WorkQueueItem item = move(workQueue.back());
+ workQueue.pop_back();
+ //@todo we might have to do something like incrementing the sequence number for each JUMPDEST
+ assertThrow(!!item.blockId, OptimizerException, "");
+ if (!m_blocks.count(item.blockId))
+ continue; // too bad, we do not know the tag, probably an invalid jump
+ BasicBlock& block = m_blocks.at(item.blockId);
+ KnownStatePointer state = item.state;
+ if (block.startState)
+ {
+ state->reduceToCommonKnowledge(*block.startState, !item.blocksSeen.count(item.blockId));
+ if (*state == *block.startState)
+ continue;
+ }
+ block.startState = state->copy();
+ // Feed all items except for the final jump yet because it will erase the target tag.
+ unsigned pc = block.begin;
+ while (pc < block.end && !SemanticInformation::altersControlFlow(m_items.at(pc)))
+ state->feedItem(m_items.at(pc++));
+ if (
+ block.endType == BasicBlock::EndType::JUMP ||
+ block.endType == BasicBlock::EndType::JUMPI
+ )
+ {
+ assertThrow(block.begin <= pc && pc == block.end - 1, OptimizerException, "");
+ //@todo in the case of JUMPI, add knowledge about the condition to the state
+ // (for both values of the condition)
+ set<u256> tags = state->tagsInExpression(
+ state->stackElement(state->stackHeight(), SourceLocation())
+ );
+ state->feedItem(m_items.at(pc++));
+ if (tags.empty())
+ {
+ if (!unknownJumpEncountered)
+ {
+ // We do not know the target of this jump, so we have to reset the states of all
+ unknownJumpEncountered = true;
+ for (auto const& it: m_blocks)
+ if (it.second.begin < it.second.end && m_items[it.second.begin].type() == Tag)
+ workQueue.push_back(WorkQueueItem{it.first, emptyState->copy(), set<BlockId>()});
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ for (auto tag: tags)
+ addWorkQueueItem(item, BlockId(tag), state);
+ }
+ else if (block.begin <= pc && pc < block.end)
+ state->feedItem(m_items.at(pc++));
+ assertThrow(block.end <= block.begin || pc == block.end, OptimizerException, "");
+ block.endState = state;
+ if (
+ block.endType == BasicBlock::EndType::HANDOVER ||
+ block.endType == BasicBlock::EndType::JUMPI
+ )
+ addWorkQueueItem(item, block.next, state);
+ }
+ // Remove all blocks we never visited here. This might happen because a tag is pushed but
+ // never used for a JUMP.
+ // Note that this invalidates some contents of pushedTags
+ for (auto it = m_blocks.begin(); it != m_blocks.end();)
+ if (!it->second.startState)
+ it = m_blocks.erase(it);
+ else
+ it++;
+BasicBlocks ControlFlowGraph::rebuildCode()
+ map<BlockId, unsigned> pushes;
+ for (auto& idAndBlock: m_blocks)
+ for (BlockId ref: idAndBlock.second.pushedTags)
+ if (m_blocks.count(ref))
+ pushes[ref]++;
+ set<BlockId> blocksToAdd;
+ for (auto it: m_blocks)
+ blocksToAdd.insert(it.first);
+ set<BlockId> blocksAdded;
+ BasicBlocks blocks;
+ for (
+ BlockId blockId = BlockId::initial();
+ blockId;
+ blockId = blocksToAdd.empty() ? BlockId::invalid() : *blocksToAdd.begin()
+ )
+ {
+ bool previousHandedOver = (blockId == BlockId::initial());
+ while (m_blocks.at(blockId).prev)
+ blockId = m_blocks.at(blockId).prev;
+ for (; blockId; blockId = m_blocks.at(blockId).next)
+ {
+ BasicBlock& block = m_blocks.at(blockId);
+ blocksToAdd.erase(blockId);
+ blocksAdded.insert(blockId);
+ if (block.begin == block.end)
+ continue;
+ // If block starts with unused tag, skip it.
+ if (previousHandedOver && !pushes[blockId] && m_items[block.begin].type() == Tag)
+ ++block.begin;
+ if (block.begin < block.end)
+ {
+ blocks.push_back(block);
+ blocks.back().startState->clearTagUnions();
+ blocks.back().endState->clearTagUnions();
+ }
+ previousHandedOver = (block.endType == BasicBlock::EndType::HANDOVER);
+ }
+ }
+ return blocks;
+BlockId ControlFlowGraph::generateNewId()
+ BlockId id = BlockId(++m_lastUsedId);
+ assertThrow(id < BlockId::initial(), OptimizerException, "Out of block IDs.");
+ return id;
diff --git a/libevmasm/ControlFlowGraph.h b/libevmasm/ControlFlowGraph.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4480ba49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libevmasm/ControlFlowGraph.h
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
+ cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * @file ControlFlowGraph.h
+ * @author Christian <c@ethdev.com>
+ * @date 2015
+ * Control flow analysis for the optimizer.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <vector>
+#include <memory>
+#include <libdevcore/Common.h>
+#include <libdevcore/Assertions.h>
+#include <libevmasm/ExpressionClasses.h>
+namespace dev
+namespace eth
+class KnownState;
+using KnownStatePointer = std::shared_ptr<KnownState>;
+ * Identifier for a block, coincides with the tag number of an AssemblyItem but adds a special
+ * ID for the inital block.
+ */
+class BlockId
+ BlockId() { *this = invalid(); }
+ explicit BlockId(unsigned _id): m_id(_id) {}
+ explicit BlockId(u256 const& _id);
+ static BlockId initial() { return BlockId(-2); }
+ static BlockId invalid() { return BlockId(-1); }
+ bool operator==(BlockId const& _other) const { return m_id == _other.m_id; }
+ bool operator!=(BlockId const& _other) const { return m_id != _other.m_id; }
+ bool operator<(BlockId const& _other) const { return m_id < _other.m_id; }
+ explicit operator bool() const { return *this != invalid(); }
+ unsigned m_id;
+ * Control flow block inside which instruction counter is always incremented by one
+ * (except for possibly the last instruction).
+ */
+struct BasicBlock
+ /// Start index into assembly item list.
+ unsigned begin = 0;
+ /// End index (excluded) inte assembly item list.
+ unsigned end = 0;
+ /// Tags pushed inside this block, with multiplicity.
+ std::vector<BlockId> pushedTags;
+ /// ID of the block that always follows this one (either non-branching part of JUMPI or flow
+ /// into new block), or BlockId::invalid() otherwise
+ BlockId next = BlockId::invalid();
+ /// ID of the block that has to precede this one (because control flows into it).
+ BlockId prev = BlockId::invalid();
+ enum class EndType { JUMP, JUMPI, STOP, HANDOVER };
+ EndType endType = EndType::HANDOVER;
+ /// Knowledge about the state when this block is entered. Intersection of all possible ways
+ /// to enter this block.
+ KnownStatePointer startState;
+ /// Knowledge about the state at the end of this block.
+ KnownStatePointer endState;
+using BasicBlocks = std::vector<BasicBlock>;
+class ControlFlowGraph
+ /// Initializes the control flow graph.
+ /// @a _items has to persist across the usage of this class.
+ ControlFlowGraph(AssemblyItems const& _items): m_items(_items) {}
+ /// @returns vector of basic blocks in the order they should be used in the final code.
+ /// Should be called only once.
+ BasicBlocks optimisedBlocks();
+ void findLargestTag();
+ void splitBlocks();
+ void resolveNextLinks();
+ void removeUnusedBlocks();
+ void gatherKnowledge();
+ void setPrevLinks();
+ BasicBlocks rebuildCode();
+ BlockId generateNewId();
+ unsigned m_lastUsedId = 0;
+ AssemblyItems const& m_items;
+ std::map<BlockId, BasicBlock> m_blocks;
diff --git a/libevmasm/Exceptions.h b/libevmasm/Exceptions.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..03b8afde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libevmasm/Exceptions.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
+ cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+/** @file Exceptions.h
+ * @author Christian <c@ethdev.com>
+ * @date 2014
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <libdevcore/Exceptions.h>
+namespace dev
+namespace eth
+struct AssemblyException: virtual Exception {};
+struct OptimizerException: virtual AssemblyException {};
+struct StackTooDeepException: virtual OptimizerException {};
+struct ItemNotAvailableException: virtual OptimizerException {};
diff --git a/libevmasm/ExpressionClasses.cpp b/libevmasm/ExpressionClasses.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9d13a57a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libevmasm/ExpressionClasses.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+ This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
+ cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * @file ExpressionClasses.cpp
+ * @author Christian <c@ethdev.com>
+ * @date 2015
+ * Container for equivalence classes of expressions for use in common subexpression elimination.
+ */
+#include <libevmasm/ExpressionClasses.h>
+#include <utility>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <functional>
+#include <boost/range/adaptor/reversed.hpp>
+#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
+#include <libevmasm/Assembly.h>
+#include <libevmasm/CommonSubexpressionEliminator.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace dev;
+using namespace dev::eth;
+bool ExpressionClasses::Expression::operator<(ExpressionClasses::Expression const& _other) const
+ assertThrow(!!item && !!_other.item, OptimizerException, "");
+ auto type = item->type();
+ auto otherType = _other.item->type();
+ return std::tie(type, item->data(), arguments, sequenceNumber) <
+ std::tie(otherType, _other.item->data(), _other.arguments, _other.sequenceNumber);
+ExpressionClasses::Id ExpressionClasses::find(
+ AssemblyItem const& _item,
+ Ids const& _arguments,
+ bool _copyItem,
+ unsigned _sequenceNumber
+ Expression exp;
+ exp.id = Id(-1);
+ exp.item = &_item;
+ exp.arguments = _arguments;
+ exp.sequenceNumber = _sequenceNumber;
+ if (SemanticInformation::isCommutativeOperation(_item))
+ sort(exp.arguments.begin(), exp.arguments.end());
+ if (SemanticInformation::isDeterministic(_item))
+ {
+ auto it = m_expressions.find(exp);
+ if (it != m_expressions.end())
+ return it->id;
+ }
+ if (_copyItem)
+ exp.item = storeItem(_item);
+ ExpressionClasses::Id id = tryToSimplify(exp);
+ if (id < m_representatives.size())
+ exp.id = id;
+ else
+ {
+ exp.id = m_representatives.size();
+ m_representatives.push_back(exp);
+ }
+ m_expressions.insert(exp);
+ return exp.id;
+void ExpressionClasses::forceEqual(
+ ExpressionClasses::Id _id,
+ AssemblyItem const& _item,
+ ExpressionClasses::Ids const& _arguments,
+ bool _copyItem
+ Expression exp;
+ exp.id = _id;
+ exp.item = &_item;
+ exp.arguments = _arguments;
+ if (SemanticInformation::isCommutativeOperation(_item))
+ sort(exp.arguments.begin(), exp.arguments.end());
+ if (_copyItem)
+ exp.item = storeItem(_item);
+ m_expressions.insert(exp);
+ExpressionClasses::Id ExpressionClasses::newClass(SourceLocation const& _location)
+ Expression exp;
+ exp.id = m_representatives.size();
+ exp.item = storeItem(AssemblyItem(UndefinedItem, (u256(1) << 255) + exp.id, _location));
+ m_representatives.push_back(exp);
+ m_expressions.insert(exp);
+ return exp.id;
+bool ExpressionClasses::knownToBeDifferent(ExpressionClasses::Id _a, ExpressionClasses::Id _b)
+ // Try to simplify "_a - _b" and return true iff the value is a non-zero constant.
+ return knownNonZero(find(Instruction::SUB, {_a, _b}));
+bool ExpressionClasses::knownToBeDifferentBy32(ExpressionClasses::Id _a, ExpressionClasses::Id _b)
+ // Try to simplify "_a - _b" and return true iff the value is at least 32 away from zero.
+ u256 const* v = knownConstant(find(Instruction::SUB, {_a, _b}));
+ // forbidden interval is ["-31", 31]
+ return v && *v + 31 > u256(62);
+bool ExpressionClasses::knownZero(Id _c)
+ return Pattern(u256(0)).matches(representative(_c), *this);
+bool ExpressionClasses::knownNonZero(Id _c)
+ return Pattern(u256(0)).matches(representative(find(Instruction::ISZERO, {_c})), *this);
+u256 const* ExpressionClasses::knownConstant(Id _c)
+ map<unsigned, Expression const*> matchGroups;
+ Pattern constant(Push);
+ constant.setMatchGroup(1, matchGroups);
+ if (!constant.matches(representative(_c), *this))
+ return nullptr;
+ return &constant.d();
+AssemblyItem const* ExpressionClasses::storeItem(AssemblyItem const& _item)
+ m_spareAssemblyItems.push_back(make_shared<AssemblyItem>(_item));
+ return m_spareAssemblyItems.back().get();
+string ExpressionClasses::fullDAGToString(ExpressionClasses::Id _id) const
+ Expression const& expr = representative(_id);
+ stringstream str;
+ str << dec << expr.id << ":";
+ if (expr.item)
+ {
+ str << *expr.item << "(";
+ for (Id arg: expr.arguments)
+ str << fullDAGToString(arg) << ",";
+ str << ")";
+ }
+ else
+ str << " UNIQUE";
+ return str.str();
+class Rules: public boost::noncopyable
+ Rules();
+ void resetMatchGroups() { m_matchGroups.clear(); }
+ vector<pair<Pattern, function<Pattern()>>> rules() const { return m_rules; }
+ using Expression = ExpressionClasses::Expression;
+ map<unsigned, Expression const*> m_matchGroups;
+ vector<pair<Pattern, function<Pattern()>>> m_rules;
+template <class S> S divWorkaround(S const& _a, S const& _b)
+ return (S)(bigint(_a) / bigint(_b));
+template <class S> S modWorkaround(S const& _a, S const& _b)
+ return (S)(bigint(_a) % bigint(_b));
+ // Multiple occurences of one of these inside one rule must match the same equivalence class.
+ // Constants.
+ Pattern A(Push);
+ Pattern B(Push);
+ Pattern C(Push);
+ // Anything.
+ Pattern X;
+ Pattern Y;
+ Pattern Z;
+ A.setMatchGroup(1, m_matchGroups);
+ B.setMatchGroup(2, m_matchGroups);
+ C.setMatchGroup(3, m_matchGroups);
+ X.setMatchGroup(4, m_matchGroups);
+ Y.setMatchGroup(5, m_matchGroups);
+ Z.setMatchGroup(6, m_matchGroups);
+ m_rules = vector<pair<Pattern, function<Pattern()>>>{
+ // arithmetics on constants
+ {{Instruction::ADD, {A, B}}, [=]{ return A.d() + B.d(); }},
+ {{Instruction::MUL, {A, B}}, [=]{ return A.d() * B.d(); }},
+ {{Instruction::SUB, {A, B}}, [=]{ return A.d() - B.d(); }},
+ {{Instruction::DIV, {A, B}}, [=]{ return B.d() == 0 ? 0 : divWorkaround(A.d(), B.d()); }},
+ {{Instruction::SDIV, {A, B}}, [=]{ return B.d() == 0 ? 0 : s2u(divWorkaround(u2s(A.d()), u2s(B.d()))); }},
+ {{Instruction::MOD, {A, B}}, [=]{ return B.d() == 0 ? 0 : modWorkaround(A.d(), B.d()); }},
+ {{Instruction::SMOD, {A, B}}, [=]{ return B.d() == 0 ? 0 : s2u(modWorkaround(u2s(A.d()), u2s(B.d()))); }},
+ {{Instruction::EXP, {A, B}}, [=]{ return u256(boost::multiprecision::powm(bigint(A.d()), bigint(B.d()), bigint(1) << 256)); }},
+ {{Instruction::NOT, {A}}, [=]{ return ~A.d(); }},
+ {{Instruction::LT, {A, B}}, [=]() { return A.d() < B.d() ? u256(1) : 0; }},
+ {{Instruction::GT, {A, B}}, [=]() -> u256 { return A.d() > B.d() ? 1 : 0; }},
+ {{Instruction::SLT, {A, B}}, [=]() -> u256 { return u2s(A.d()) < u2s(B.d()) ? 1 : 0; }},
+ {{Instruction::SGT, {A, B}}, [=]() -> u256 { return u2s(A.d()) > u2s(B.d()) ? 1 : 0; }},
+ {{Instruction::EQ, {A, B}}, [=]() -> u256 { return A.d() == B.d() ? 1 : 0; }},
+ {{Instruction::ISZERO, {A}}, [=]() -> u256 { return A.d() == 0 ? 1 : 0; }},
+ {{Instruction::AND, {A, B}}, [=]{ return A.d() & B.d(); }},
+ {{Instruction::OR, {A, B}}, [=]{ return A.d() | B.d(); }},
+ {{Instruction::XOR, {A, B}}, [=]{ return A.d() ^ B.d(); }},
+ {{Instruction::BYTE, {A, B}}, [=]{ return A.d() >= 32 ? 0 : (B.d() >> unsigned(8 * (31 - A.d()))) & 0xff; }},
+ {{Instruction::ADDMOD, {A, B, C}}, [=]{ return C.d() == 0 ? 0 : u256((bigint(A.d()) + bigint(B.d())) % C.d()); }},
+ {{Instruction::MULMOD, {A, B, C}}, [=]{ return C.d() == 0 ? 0 : u256((bigint(A.d()) * bigint(B.d())) % C.d()); }},
+ {{Instruction::MULMOD, {A, B, C}}, [=]{ return A.d() * B.d(); }},
+ {{Instruction::SIGNEXTEND, {A, B}}, [=]() -> u256 {
+ if (A.d() >= 31)
+ return B.d();
+ unsigned testBit = unsigned(A.d()) * 8 + 7;
+ u256 mask = (u256(1) << testBit) - 1;
+ return u256(boost::multiprecision::bit_test(B.d(), testBit) ? B.d() | ~mask : B.d() & mask);
+ }},
+ // invariants involving known constants
+ {{Instruction::ADD, {X, 0}}, [=]{ return X; }},
+ {{Instruction::MUL, {X, 1}}, [=]{ return X; }},
+ {{Instruction::DIV, {X, 1}}, [=]{ return X; }},
+ {{Instruction::SDIV, {X, 1}}, [=]{ return X; }},
+ {{Instruction::OR, {X, 0}}, [=]{ return X; }},
+ {{Instruction::XOR, {X, 0}}, [=]{ return X; }},
+ {{Instruction::AND, {X, ~u256(0)}}, [=]{ return X; }},
+ {{Instruction::MUL, {X, 0}}, [=]{ return u256(0); }},
+ {{Instruction::DIV, {X, 0}}, [=]{ return u256(0); }},
+ {{Instruction::MOD, {X, 0}}, [=]{ return u256(0); }},
+ {{Instruction::MOD, {0, X}}, [=]{ return u256(0); }},
+ {{Instruction::AND, {X, 0}}, [=]{ return u256(0); }},
+ {{Instruction::OR, {X, ~u256(0)}}, [=]{ return ~u256(0); }},
+ // operations involving an expression and itself
+ {{Instruction::AND, {X, X}}, [=]{ return X; }},
+ {{Instruction::OR, {X, X}}, [=]{ return X; }},
+ {{Instruction::SUB, {X, X}}, [=]{ return u256(0); }},
+ {{Instruction::EQ, {X, X}}, [=]{ return u256(1); }},
+ {{Instruction::LT, {X, X}}, [=]{ return u256(0); }},
+ {{Instruction::SLT, {X, X}}, [=]{ return u256(0); }},
+ {{Instruction::GT, {X, X}}, [=]{ return u256(0); }},
+ {{Instruction::SGT, {X, X}}, [=]{ return u256(0); }},
+ {{Instruction::MOD, {X, X}}, [=]{ return u256(0); }},
+ {{Instruction::NOT, {{Instruction::NOT, {X}}}}, [=]{ return X; }},
+ };
+ // Double negation of opcodes with binary result
+ for (auto const& op: vector<Instruction>{
+ Instruction::EQ,
+ Instruction::LT,
+ Instruction::SLT,
+ Instruction::GT,
+ Instruction::SGT
+ })
+ m_rules.push_back({
+ {Instruction::ISZERO, {{Instruction::ISZERO, {{op, {X, Y}}}}}},
+ [=]() -> Pattern { return {op, {X, Y}}; }
+ });
+ m_rules.push_back({
+ {Instruction::ISZERO, {{Instruction::ISZERO, {{Instruction::ISZERO, {X}}}}}},
+ [=]() -> Pattern { return {Instruction::ISZERO, {X}}; }
+ });
+ // Associative operations
+ for (auto const& opFun: vector<pair<Instruction,function<u256(u256 const&,u256 const&)>>>{
+ {Instruction::ADD, plus<u256>()},
+ {Instruction::MUL, multiplies<u256>()},
+ {Instruction::AND, bit_and<u256>()},
+ {Instruction::OR, bit_or<u256>()},
+ {Instruction::XOR, bit_xor<u256>()}
+ })
+ {
+ auto op = opFun.first;
+ auto fun = opFun.second;
+ // Moving constants to the outside, order matters here!
+ // we need actions that return expressions (or patterns?) here, and we need also reversed rules
+ // (X+A)+B -> X+(A+B)
+ m_rules += vector<pair<Pattern, function<Pattern()>>>{{
+ {op, {{op, {X, A}}, B}},
+ [=]() -> Pattern { return {op, {X, fun(A.d(), B.d())}}; }
+ }, {
+ // X+(Y+A) -> (X+Y)+A
+ {op, {{op, {X, A}}, Y}},
+ [=]() -> Pattern { return {op, {{op, {X, Y}}, A}}; }
+ }, {
+ // For now, we still need explicit commutativity for the inner pattern
+ {op, {{op, {A, X}}, B}},
+ [=]() -> Pattern { return {op, {X, fun(A.d(), B.d())}}; }
+ }, {
+ {op, {{op, {A, X}}, Y}},
+ [=]() -> Pattern { return {op, {{op, {X, Y}}, A}}; }
+ }};
+ }
+ // move constants across subtractions
+ m_rules += vector<pair<Pattern, function<Pattern()>>>{
+ {
+ // X - A -> X + (-A)
+ {Instruction::SUB, {X, A}},
+ [=]() -> Pattern { return {Instruction::ADD, {X, 0 - A.d()}}; }
+ }, {
+ // (X + A) - Y -> (X - Y) + A
+ {Instruction::SUB, {{Instruction::ADD, {X, A}}, Y}},
+ [=]() -> Pattern { return {Instruction::ADD, {{Instruction::SUB, {X, Y}}, A}}; }
+ }, {
+ // (A + X) - Y -> (X - Y) + A
+ {Instruction::SUB, {{Instruction::ADD, {A, X}}, Y}},
+ [=]() -> Pattern { return {Instruction::ADD, {{Instruction::SUB, {X, Y}}, A}}; }
+ }, {
+ // X - (Y + A) -> (X - Y) + (-A)
+ {Instruction::SUB, {X, {Instruction::ADD, {Y, A}}}},
+ [=]() -> Pattern { return {Instruction::ADD, {{Instruction::SUB, {X, Y}}, 0 - A.d()}}; }
+ }, {
+ // X - (A + Y) -> (X - Y) + (-A)
+ {Instruction::SUB, {X, {Instruction::ADD, {A, Y}}}},
+ [=]() -> Pattern { return {Instruction::ADD, {{Instruction::SUB, {X, Y}}, 0 - A.d()}}; }
+ }
+ };
+ExpressionClasses::Id ExpressionClasses::tryToSimplify(Expression const& _expr, bool _secondRun)
+ static Rules rules;
+ if (
+ !_expr.item ||
+ _expr.item->type() != Operation ||
+ !SemanticInformation::isDeterministic(*_expr.item)
+ )
+ return -1;
+ for (auto const& rule: rules.rules())
+ {
+ rules.resetMatchGroups();
+ if (rule.first.matches(_expr, *this))
+ {
+ // Debug info
+ //cout << "Simplifying " << *_expr.item << "(";
+ //for (Id arg: _expr.arguments)
+ // cout << fullDAGToString(arg) << ", ";
+ //cout << ")" << endl;
+ //cout << "with rule " << rule.first.toString() << endl;
+ //ExpressionTemplate t(rule.second());
+ //cout << "to " << rule.second().toString() << endl;
+ return rebuildExpression(ExpressionTemplate(rule.second(), _expr.item->location()));
+ }
+ }
+ if (!_secondRun && _expr.arguments.size() == 2 && SemanticInformation::isCommutativeOperation(*_expr.item))
+ {
+ Expression expr = _expr;
+ swap(expr.arguments[0], expr.arguments[1]);
+ return tryToSimplify(expr, true);
+ }
+ return -1;
+ExpressionClasses::Id ExpressionClasses::rebuildExpression(ExpressionTemplate const& _template)
+ if (_template.hasId)
+ return _template.id;
+ Ids arguments;
+ for (ExpressionTemplate const& t: _template.arguments)
+ arguments.push_back(rebuildExpression(t));
+ return find(_template.item, arguments);
+Pattern::Pattern(Instruction _instruction, std::vector<Pattern> const& _arguments):
+ m_type(Operation),
+ m_requireDataMatch(true),
+ m_data(_instruction),
+ m_arguments(_arguments)
+void Pattern::setMatchGroup(unsigned _group, map<unsigned, Expression const*>& _matchGroups)
+ m_matchGroup = _group;
+ m_matchGroups = &_matchGroups;
+bool Pattern::matches(Expression const& _expr, ExpressionClasses const& _classes) const
+ if (!matchesBaseItem(_expr.item))
+ return false;
+ if (m_matchGroup)
+ {
+ if (!m_matchGroups->count(m_matchGroup))
+ (*m_matchGroups)[m_matchGroup] = &_expr;
+ else if ((*m_matchGroups)[m_matchGroup]->id != _expr.id)
+ return false;
+ }
+ assertThrow(m_arguments.size() == 0 || _expr.arguments.size() == m_arguments.size(), OptimizerException, "");
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_arguments.size(); ++i)
+ if (!m_arguments[i].matches(_classes.representative(_expr.arguments[i]), _classes))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+AssemblyItem Pattern::toAssemblyItem(SourceLocation const& _location) const
+ return AssemblyItem(m_type, m_data, _location);
+string Pattern::toString() const
+ stringstream s;
+ switch (m_type)
+ {
+ case Operation:
+ s << instructionInfo(Instruction(unsigned(m_data))).name;
+ break;
+ case Push:
+ s << "PUSH " << hex << m_data;
+ break;
+ case UndefinedItem:
+ s << "ANY";
+ break;
+ default:
+ s << "t=" << dec << m_type << " d=" << hex << m_data;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!m_requireDataMatch)
+ s << " ~";
+ if (m_matchGroup)
+ s << "[" << dec << m_matchGroup << "]";
+ s << "(";
+ for (Pattern const& p: m_arguments)
+ s << p.toString() << ", ";
+ s << ")";
+ return s.str();
+bool Pattern::matchesBaseItem(AssemblyItem const* _item) const
+ if (m_type == UndefinedItem)
+ return true;
+ if (!_item)
+ return false;
+ if (m_type != _item->type())
+ return false;
+ if (m_requireDataMatch && m_data != _item->data())
+ return false;
+ return true;
+Pattern::Expression const& Pattern::matchGroupValue() const
+ assertThrow(m_matchGroup > 0, OptimizerException, "");
+ assertThrow(!!m_matchGroups, OptimizerException, "");
+ assertThrow((*m_matchGroups)[m_matchGroup], OptimizerException, "");
+ return *(*m_matchGroups)[m_matchGroup];
+ExpressionTemplate::ExpressionTemplate(Pattern const& _pattern, SourceLocation const& _location)
+ if (_pattern.matchGroup())
+ {
+ hasId = true;
+ id = _pattern.id();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hasId = false;
+ item = _pattern.toAssemblyItem(_location);
+ }
+ for (auto const& arg: _pattern.arguments())
+ arguments.push_back(ExpressionTemplate(arg, _location));
+string ExpressionTemplate::toString() const
+ stringstream s;
+ if (hasId)
+ s << id;
+ else
+ s << item;
+ s << "(";
+ for (auto const& arg: arguments)
+ s << arg.toString();
+ s << ")";
+ return s.str();
diff --git a/libevmasm/ExpressionClasses.h b/libevmasm/ExpressionClasses.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4bfd7d24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libevmasm/ExpressionClasses.h
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+ This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
+ cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * @file ExpressionClasses.h
+ * @author Christian <c@ethdev.com>
+ * @date 2015
+ * Container for equivalence classes of expressions for use in common subexpression elimination.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <libdevcore/Common.h>
+#include <libevmasm/AssemblyItem.h>
+namespace dev
+namespace eth
+class Pattern;
+struct ExpressionTemplate;
+ * Collection of classes of equivalent expressions that can also determine the class of an expression.
+ * Identifiers are contiguously assigned to new classes starting from zero.
+ */
+class ExpressionClasses
+ using Id = unsigned;
+ using Ids = std::vector<Id>;
+ struct Expression
+ {
+ Id id;
+ AssemblyItem const* item = nullptr;
+ Ids arguments;
+ /// Storage modification sequence, only used for storage and memory operations.
+ unsigned sequenceNumber = 0;
+ /// Behaves as if this was a tuple of (item->type(), item->data(), arguments, sequenceNumber).
+ bool operator<(Expression const& _other) const;
+ };
+ /// Retrieves the id of the expression equivalence class resulting from the given item applied to the
+ /// given classes, might also create a new one.
+ /// @param _copyItem if true, copies the assembly item to an internal storage instead of just
+ /// keeping a pointer.
+ /// The @a _sequenceNumber indicates the current storage or memory access sequence.
+ Id find(
+ AssemblyItem const& _item,
+ Ids const& _arguments = {},
+ bool _copyItem = true,
+ unsigned _sequenceNumber = 0
+ );
+ /// @returns the canonical representative of an expression class.
+ Expression const& representative(Id _id) const { return m_representatives.at(_id); }
+ /// @returns the number of classes.
+ Id size() const { return m_representatives.size(); }
+ /// Forces the given @a _item with @a _arguments to the class @a _id. This can be used to
+ /// add prior knowledge e.g. about CALLDATA, but has to be used with caution. Will not work as
+ /// expected if @a _item applied to @a _arguments already exists.
+ void forceEqual(Id _id, AssemblyItem const& _item, Ids const& _arguments, bool _copyItem = true);
+ /// @returns the id of a new class which is different to all other classes.
+ Id newClass(SourceLocation const& _location);
+ /// @returns true if the values of the given classes are known to be different (on every input).
+ /// @note that this function might still return false for some different inputs.
+ bool knownToBeDifferent(Id _a, Id _b);
+ /// Similar to @a knownToBeDifferent but require that abs(_a - b) >= 32.
+ bool knownToBeDifferentBy32(Id _a, Id _b);
+ /// @returns true if the value of the given class is known to be zero.
+ /// @note that this is not the negation of knownNonZero
+ bool knownZero(Id _c);
+ /// @returns true if the value of the given class is known to be nonzero.
+ /// @note that this is not the negation of knownZero
+ bool knownNonZero(Id _c);
+ /// @returns a pointer to the value if the given class is known to be a constant,
+ /// and a nullptr otherwise.
+ u256 const* knownConstant(Id _c);
+ /// Stores a copy of the given AssemblyItem and returns a pointer to the copy that is valid for
+ /// the lifetime of the ExpressionClasses object.
+ AssemblyItem const* storeItem(AssemblyItem const& _item);
+ std::string fullDAGToString(Id _id) const;
+ /// Tries to simplify the given expression.
+ /// @returns its class if it possible or Id(-1) otherwise.
+ /// @param _secondRun is set to true for the second run where arguments of commutative expressions are reversed
+ Id tryToSimplify(Expression const& _expr, bool _secondRun = false);
+ /// Rebuilds an expression from a (matched) pattern.
+ Id rebuildExpression(ExpressionTemplate const& _template);
+ std::vector<std::pair<Pattern, std::function<Pattern()>>> createRules() const;
+ /// Expression equivalence class representatives - we only store one item of an equivalence.
+ std::vector<Expression> m_representatives;
+ /// All expression ever encountered.
+ std::set<Expression> m_expressions;
+ std::vector<std::shared_ptr<AssemblyItem>> m_spareAssemblyItems;
+ * Pattern to match against an expression.
+ * Also stores matched expressions to retrieve them later, for constructing new expressions using
+ * ExpressionTemplate.
+ */
+class Pattern
+ using Expression = ExpressionClasses::Expression;
+ using Id = ExpressionClasses::Id;
+ // Matches a specific constant value.
+ Pattern(unsigned _value): Pattern(u256(_value)) {}
+ // Matches a specific constant value.
+ Pattern(u256 const& _value): m_type(Push), m_requireDataMatch(true), m_data(_value) {}
+ // Matches a specific assembly item type or anything if not given.
+ Pattern(AssemblyItemType _type = UndefinedItem): m_type(_type) {}
+ // Matches a given instruction with given arguments
+ Pattern(Instruction _instruction, std::vector<Pattern> const& _arguments = {});
+ /// Sets this pattern to be part of the match group with the identifier @a _group.
+ /// Inside one rule, all patterns in the same match group have to match expressions from the
+ /// same expression equivalence class.
+ void setMatchGroup(unsigned _group, std::map<unsigned, Expression const*>& _matchGroups);
+ unsigned matchGroup() const { return m_matchGroup; }
+ bool matches(Expression const& _expr, ExpressionClasses const& _classes) const;
+ AssemblyItem toAssemblyItem(SourceLocation const& _location) const;
+ std::vector<Pattern> arguments() const { return m_arguments; }
+ /// @returns the id of the matched expression if this pattern is part of a match group.
+ Id id() const { return matchGroupValue().id; }
+ /// @returns the data of the matched expression if this pattern is part of a match group.
+ u256 const& d() const { return matchGroupValue().item->data(); }
+ std::string toString() const;
+ bool matchesBaseItem(AssemblyItem const* _item) const;
+ Expression const& matchGroupValue() const;
+ AssemblyItemType m_type;
+ bool m_requireDataMatch = false;
+ u256 m_data = 0;
+ std::vector<Pattern> m_arguments;
+ unsigned m_matchGroup = 0;
+ std::map<unsigned, Expression const*>* m_matchGroups = nullptr;
+ * Template for a new expression that can be built from matched patterns.
+ */
+struct ExpressionTemplate
+ using Expression = ExpressionClasses::Expression;
+ using Id = ExpressionClasses::Id;
+ explicit ExpressionTemplate(Pattern const& _pattern, SourceLocation const& _location);
+ std::string toString() const;
+ bool hasId = false;
+ /// Id of the matched expression, if available.
+ Id id = Id(-1);
+ // Otherwise, assembly item.
+ AssemblyItem item = UndefinedItem;
+ std::vector<ExpressionTemplate> arguments;
diff --git a/libevmasm/GasMeter.cpp b/libevmasm/GasMeter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..93583169
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libevmasm/GasMeter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+ This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
+ cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+/** @file GasMeter.cpp
+ * @author Christian <c@ethdev.com>
+ * @date 2015
+ */
+#include "GasMeter.h"
+#include <libevmasm/KnownState.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace dev;
+using namespace dev::eth;
+GasMeter::GasConsumption& GasMeter::GasConsumption::operator+=(GasConsumption const& _other)
+ if (_other.isInfinite && !isInfinite)
+ *this = infinite();
+ if (isInfinite)
+ return *this;
+ bigint v = bigint(value) + _other.value;
+ if (v > numeric_limits<u256>::max())
+ *this = infinite();
+ else
+ value = u256(v);
+ return *this;
+GasMeter::GasConsumption GasMeter::estimateMax(AssemblyItem const& _item)
+ GasConsumption gas;
+ switch (_item.type())
+ {
+ case Push:
+ case PushTag:
+ case PushData:
+ case PushString:
+ case PushSub:
+ case PushSubSize:
+ case PushProgramSize:
+ case PushLibraryAddress:
+ gas = runGas(Instruction::PUSH1);
+ break;
+ case Tag:
+ gas = runGas(Instruction::JUMPDEST);
+ break;
+ case Operation:
+ {
+ ExpressionClasses& classes = m_state->expressionClasses();
+ gas = runGas(_item.instruction());
+ switch (_item.instruction())
+ {
+ case Instruction::SSTORE:
+ {
+ ExpressionClasses::Id slot = m_state->relativeStackElement(0);
+ ExpressionClasses::Id value = m_state->relativeStackElement(-1);
+ if (classes.knownZero(value) || (
+ m_state->storageContent().count(slot) &&
+ classes.knownNonZero(m_state->storageContent().at(slot))
+ ))
+ gas += m_schedule.sstoreResetGas; //@todo take refunds into account
+ else
+ gas += m_schedule.sstoreSetGas;
+ break;
+ }
+ case Instruction::SLOAD:
+ gas += m_schedule.sloadGas;
+ break;
+ case Instruction::RETURN:
+ gas += memoryGas(0, -1);
+ break;
+ case Instruction::MLOAD:
+ case Instruction::MSTORE:
+ gas += memoryGas(classes.find(eth::Instruction::ADD, {
+ m_state->relativeStackElement(0),
+ classes.find(AssemblyItem(32))
+ }));
+ break;
+ case Instruction::MSTORE8:
+ gas += memoryGas(classes.find(eth::Instruction::ADD, {
+ m_state->relativeStackElement(0),
+ classes.find(AssemblyItem(1))
+ }));
+ break;
+ case Instruction::SHA3:
+ gas = m_schedule.sha3Gas;
+ gas += wordGas(m_schedule.sha3WordGas, m_state->relativeStackElement(-1));
+ gas += memoryGas(0, -1);
+ break;
+ case Instruction::CALLDATACOPY:
+ case Instruction::CODECOPY:
+ gas += memoryGas(0, -2);
+ gas += wordGas(m_schedule.copyGas, m_state->relativeStackElement(-2));
+ break;
+ case Instruction::EXTCODECOPY:
+ gas += memoryGas(-1, -3);
+ gas += wordGas(m_schedule.copyGas, m_state->relativeStackElement(-3));
+ break;
+ case Instruction::LOG0:
+ case Instruction::LOG1:
+ case Instruction::LOG2:
+ case Instruction::LOG3:
+ case Instruction::LOG4:
+ {
+ unsigned n = unsigned(_item.instruction()) - unsigned(Instruction::LOG0);
+ gas = m_schedule.logGas + m_schedule.logTopicGas * n;
+ gas += memoryGas(0, -1);
+ if (u256 const* value = classes.knownConstant(m_state->relativeStackElement(-1)))
+ gas += m_schedule.logDataGas * (*value);
+ else
+ gas = GasConsumption::infinite();
+ break;
+ }
+ case Instruction::CALL:
+ case Instruction::CALLCODE:
+ case Instruction::DELEGATECALL:
+ {
+ gas = m_schedule.callGas;
+ if (u256 const* value = classes.knownConstant(m_state->relativeStackElement(0)))
+ gas += (*value);
+ else
+ gas = GasConsumption::infinite();
+ if (_item.instruction() == Instruction::CALL)
+ gas += m_schedule.callNewAccountGas; // We very rarely know whether the address exists.
+ int valueSize = _item.instruction() == Instruction::DELEGATECALL ? 0 : 1;
+ if (!classes.knownZero(m_state->relativeStackElement(-1 - valueSize)))
+ gas += m_schedule.callValueTransferGas;
+ gas += memoryGas(-2 - valueSize, -3 - valueSize);
+ gas += memoryGas(-4 - valueSize, -5 - valueSize);
+ break;
+ }
+ case Instruction::CREATE:
+ gas = m_schedule.createGas;
+ gas += memoryGas(-1, -2);
+ break;
+ case Instruction::EXP:
+ gas = m_schedule.expGas;
+ if (u256 const* value = classes.knownConstant(m_state->relativeStackElement(-1)))
+ gas += m_schedule.expByteGas * (32 - (h256(*value).firstBitSet() / 8));
+ else
+ gas += m_schedule.expByteGas * 32;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ gas = GasConsumption::infinite();
+ break;
+ }
+ m_state->feedItem(_item);
+ return gas;
+GasMeter::GasConsumption GasMeter::wordGas(u256 const& _multiplier, ExpressionClasses::Id _position)
+ u256 const* value = m_state->expressionClasses().knownConstant(_position);
+ if (!value)
+ return GasConsumption::infinite();
+ return GasConsumption(_multiplier * ((*value + 31) / 32));
+GasMeter::GasConsumption GasMeter::memoryGas(ExpressionClasses::Id _position)
+ u256 const* value = m_state->expressionClasses().knownConstant(_position);
+ if (!value)
+ return GasConsumption::infinite();
+ if (*value < m_largestMemoryAccess)
+ return GasConsumption(u256(0));
+ u256 previous = m_largestMemoryAccess;
+ m_largestMemoryAccess = *value;
+ auto memGas = [=](u256 const& pos) -> u256
+ {
+ u256 size = (pos + 31) / 32;
+ return m_schedule.memoryGas * size + size * size / m_schedule.quadCoeffDiv;
+ };
+ return memGas(*value) - memGas(previous);
+GasMeter::GasConsumption GasMeter::memoryGas(int _stackPosOffset, int _stackPosSize)
+ ExpressionClasses& classes = m_state->expressionClasses();
+ if (classes.knownZero(m_state->relativeStackElement(_stackPosSize)))
+ return GasConsumption(0);
+ else
+ return memoryGas(classes.find(eth::Instruction::ADD, {
+ m_state->relativeStackElement(_stackPosOffset),
+ m_state->relativeStackElement(_stackPosSize)
+ }));
+u256 GasMeter::runGas(Instruction _instruction, EVMSchedule const& _es)
+ if (_instruction == Instruction::JUMPDEST)
+ return 1;
+ int tier = instructionInfo(_instruction).gasPriceTier;
+ assertThrow(tier != InvalidTier, OptimizerException, "Invalid gas tier.");
+ return _es.tierStepGas[tier];
diff --git a/libevmasm/GasMeter.h b/libevmasm/GasMeter.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b11a63a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libevmasm/GasMeter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
+ cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+/** @file GasMeter.cpp
+ * @author Christian <c@ethdev.com>
+ * @date 2015
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <ostream>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <libevmasm/ExpressionClasses.h>
+#include <libevmasm/AssemblyItem.h>
+#include <libethcore/ChainOperationParams.h>
+namespace dev
+namespace eth
+class KnownState;
+// TODO: FIXME: HOMESTEAD: XXX: @chfast populate m_schedule from an ExtVMFace instance via ExtVMFace::evmSchedule.
+ * Class that helps computing the maximum gas consumption for instructions.
+ * Has to be initialized with a certain known state that will be automatically updated for
+ * each call to estimateMax. These calls have to supply strictly subsequent AssemblyItems.
+ * A new gas meter has to be constructed (with a new state) for control flow changes.
+ */
+class GasMeter
+ struct GasConsumption
+ {
+ GasConsumption(u256 _value = 0, bool _infinite = false): value(_value), isInfinite(_infinite) {}
+ static GasConsumption infinite() { return GasConsumption(0, true); }
+ GasConsumption& operator+=(GasConsumption const& _other);
+ bool operator<(GasConsumption const& _other) const { return this->tuple() < _other.tuple(); }
+ std::tuple<bool const&, u256 const&> tuple() const { return std::tie(isInfinite, value); }
+ u256 value;
+ bool isInfinite;
+ };
+ /// Constructs a new gas meter given the current state.
+ explicit GasMeter(std::shared_ptr<KnownState> const& _state, u256 const& _largestMemoryAccess = 0):
+ m_state(_state), m_largestMemoryAccess(_largestMemoryAccess) {}
+ /// @returns an upper bound on the gas consumed by the given instruction and updates
+ /// the state.
+ GasConsumption estimateMax(AssemblyItem const& _item);
+ u256 const& largestMemoryAccess() const { return m_largestMemoryAccess; }
+ u256 runGas(Instruction _instruction) const { return runGas(_instruction, m_schedule); }
+ static u256 runGas(Instruction _instruction, EVMSchedule const& _es);
+ /// @returns _multiplier * (_value + 31) / 32, if _value is a known constant and infinite otherwise.
+ GasConsumption wordGas(u256 const& _multiplier, ExpressionClasses::Id _value);
+ /// @returns the gas needed to access the given memory position.
+ /// @todo this assumes that memory was never accessed before and thus over-estimates gas usage.
+ GasConsumption memoryGas(ExpressionClasses::Id _position);
+ /// @returns the memory gas for accessing the memory at a specific offset for a number of bytes
+ /// given as values on the stack at the given relative positions.
+ GasConsumption memoryGas(int _stackPosOffset, int _stackPosSize);
+ std::shared_ptr<KnownState> m_state;
+ /// Largest point where memory was accessed since the creation of this object.
+ u256 m_largestMemoryAccess;
+ EVMSchedule m_schedule;
+inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& _str, GasMeter::GasConsumption const& _consumption)
+ if (_consumption.isInfinite)
+ return _str << "[???]";
+ else
+ return _str << std::dec << _consumption.value;
diff --git a/libevmasm/KnownState.cpp b/libevmasm/KnownState.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd269ff4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libevmasm/KnownState.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+ This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
+ cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * @file KnownState.cpp
+ * @author Christian <c@ethdev.com>
+ * @date 2015
+ * Contains knowledge about the state of the virtual machine at a specific instruction.
+ */
+#include "KnownState.h"
+#include <functional>
+#include <libdevcore/SHA3.h>
+#include <libevmasm/AssemblyItem.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace dev;
+using namespace dev::eth;
+ostream& KnownState::stream(ostream& _out) const
+ auto streamExpressionClass = [this](ostream& _out, Id _id)
+ {
+ auto const& expr = m_expressionClasses->representative(_id);
+ _out << " " << dec << _id << ": ";
+ if (!expr.item)
+ _out << " no item";
+ else if (expr.item->type() == UndefinedItem)
+ _out << " unknown " << int(expr.item->data());
+ else
+ _out << *expr.item;
+ if (expr.sequenceNumber)
+ _out << "@" << dec << expr.sequenceNumber;
+ _out << "(";
+ for (Id arg: expr.arguments)
+ _out << dec << arg << ",";
+ _out << ")" << endl;
+ };
+ _out << "=== State ===" << endl;
+ _out << "Stack height: " << dec << m_stackHeight << endl;
+ _out << "Equivalence classes: " << endl;
+ for (Id eqClass = 0; eqClass < m_expressionClasses->size(); ++eqClass)
+ streamExpressionClass(_out, eqClass);
+ _out << "Stack: " << endl;
+ for (auto const& it: m_stackElements)
+ {
+ _out << " " << dec << it.first << ": ";
+ streamExpressionClass(_out, it.second);
+ }
+ _out << "Storage: " << endl;
+ for (auto const& it: m_storageContent)
+ {
+ _out << " ";
+ streamExpressionClass(_out, it.first);
+ _out << ": ";
+ streamExpressionClass(_out, it.second);
+ }
+ _out << "Memory: " << endl;
+ for (auto const& it: m_memoryContent)
+ {
+ _out << " ";
+ streamExpressionClass(_out, it.first);
+ _out << ": ";
+ streamExpressionClass(_out, it.second);
+ }
+ return _out;
+KnownState::StoreOperation KnownState::feedItem(AssemblyItem const& _item, bool _copyItem)
+ StoreOperation op;
+ if (_item.type() == Tag)
+ {
+ // can be ignored
+ }
+ else if (_item.type() != Operation)
+ {
+ assertThrow(_item.deposit() == 1, InvalidDeposit, "");
+ if (_item.pushedValue())
+ // only available after assembly stage, should not be used for optimisation
+ setStackElement(++m_stackHeight, m_expressionClasses->find(*_item.pushedValue()));
+ else
+ setStackElement(++m_stackHeight, m_expressionClasses->find(_item, {}, _copyItem));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Instruction instruction = _item.instruction();
+ InstructionInfo info = instructionInfo(instruction);
+ if (SemanticInformation::isDupInstruction(_item))
+ setStackElement(
+ m_stackHeight + 1,
+ stackElement(
+ m_stackHeight - int(instruction) + int(Instruction::DUP1),
+ _item.location()
+ )
+ );
+ else if (SemanticInformation::isSwapInstruction(_item))
+ swapStackElements(
+ m_stackHeight,
+ m_stackHeight - 1 - int(instruction) + int(Instruction::SWAP1),
+ _item.location()
+ );
+ else if (instruction != Instruction::POP)
+ {
+ vector<Id> arguments(info.args);
+ for (int i = 0; i < info.args; ++i)
+ arguments[i] = stackElement(m_stackHeight - i, _item.location());
+ if (_item.instruction() == Instruction::SSTORE)
+ op = storeInStorage(arguments[0], arguments[1], _item.location());
+ else if (_item.instruction() == Instruction::SLOAD)
+ setStackElement(
+ m_stackHeight + _item.deposit(),
+ loadFromStorage(arguments[0], _item.location())
+ );
+ else if (_item.instruction() == Instruction::MSTORE)
+ op = storeInMemory(arguments[0], arguments[1], _item.location());
+ else if (_item.instruction() == Instruction::MLOAD)
+ setStackElement(
+ m_stackHeight + _item.deposit(),
+ loadFromMemory(arguments[0], _item.location())
+ );
+ else if (_item.instruction() == Instruction::SHA3)
+ setStackElement(
+ m_stackHeight + _item.deposit(),
+ applySha3(arguments.at(0), arguments.at(1), _item.location())
+ );
+ else
+ {
+ bool invMem = SemanticInformation::invalidatesMemory(_item.instruction());
+ bool invStor = SemanticInformation::invalidatesStorage(_item.instruction());
+ // We could be a bit more fine-grained here (CALL only invalidates part of
+ // memory, etc), but we do not for now.
+ if (invMem)
+ resetMemory();
+ if (invStor)
+ resetStorage();
+ if (invMem || invStor)
+ m_sequenceNumber += 2; // Increment by two because it can read and write
+ assertThrow(info.ret <= 1, InvalidDeposit, "");
+ if (info.ret == 1)
+ setStackElement(
+ m_stackHeight + _item.deposit(),
+ m_expressionClasses->find(_item, arguments, _copyItem)
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ m_stackElements.erase(
+ m_stackElements.upper_bound(m_stackHeight + _item.deposit()),
+ m_stackElements.end()
+ );
+ m_stackHeight += _item.deposit();
+ }
+ return op;
+/// Helper function for KnownState::reduceToCommonKnowledge, removes everything from
+/// _this which is not in or not equal to the value in _other.
+template <class _Mapping> void intersect(_Mapping& _this, _Mapping const& _other)
+ for (auto it = _this.begin(); it != _this.end();)
+ if (_other.count(it->first) && _other.at(it->first) == it->second)
+ ++it;
+ else
+ it = _this.erase(it);
+void KnownState::reduceToCommonKnowledge(KnownState const& _other, bool _combineSequenceNumbers)
+ int stackDiff = m_stackHeight - _other.m_stackHeight;
+ for (auto it = m_stackElements.begin(); it != m_stackElements.end();)
+ if (_other.m_stackElements.count(it->first - stackDiff))
+ {
+ Id other = _other.m_stackElements.at(it->first - stackDiff);
+ if (it->second == other)
+ ++it;
+ else
+ {
+ set<u256> theseTags = tagsInExpression(it->second);
+ set<u256> otherTags = tagsInExpression(other);
+ if (!theseTags.empty() && !otherTags.empty())
+ {
+ theseTags.insert(otherTags.begin(), otherTags.end());
+ it->second = tagUnion(theseTags);
+ ++it;
+ }
+ else
+ it = m_stackElements.erase(it);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ it = m_stackElements.erase(it);
+ // Use the smaller stack height. Essential to terminate in case of loops.
+ if (m_stackHeight > _other.m_stackHeight)
+ {
+ map<int, Id> shiftedStack;
+ for (auto const& stackElement: m_stackElements)
+ shiftedStack[stackElement.first - stackDiff] = stackElement.second;
+ m_stackElements = move(shiftedStack);
+ m_stackHeight = _other.m_stackHeight;
+ }
+ intersect(m_storageContent, _other.m_storageContent);
+ intersect(m_memoryContent, _other.m_memoryContent);
+ if (_combineSequenceNumbers)
+ m_sequenceNumber = max(m_sequenceNumber, _other.m_sequenceNumber);
+bool KnownState::operator==(KnownState const& _other) const
+ if (m_storageContent != _other.m_storageContent || m_memoryContent != _other.m_memoryContent)
+ return false;
+ int stackDiff = m_stackHeight - _other.m_stackHeight;
+ auto thisIt = m_stackElements.cbegin();
+ auto otherIt = _other.m_stackElements.cbegin();
+ for (; thisIt != m_stackElements.cend() && otherIt != _other.m_stackElements.cend(); ++thisIt, ++otherIt)
+ if (thisIt->first - stackDiff != otherIt->first || thisIt->second != otherIt->second)
+ return false;
+ return (thisIt == m_stackElements.cend() && otherIt == _other.m_stackElements.cend());
+ExpressionClasses::Id KnownState::stackElement(int _stackHeight, SourceLocation const& _location)
+ if (m_stackElements.count(_stackHeight))
+ return m_stackElements.at(_stackHeight);
+ // Stack element not found (not assigned yet), create new unknown equivalence class.
+ return m_stackElements[_stackHeight] =
+ m_expressionClasses->find(AssemblyItem(UndefinedItem, _stackHeight, _location));
+KnownState::Id KnownState::relativeStackElement(int _stackOffset, SourceLocation const& _location)
+ return stackElement(m_stackHeight + _stackOffset, _location);
+void KnownState::clearTagUnions()
+ for (auto it = m_stackElements.begin(); it != m_stackElements.end();)
+ if (m_tagUnions.left.count(it->second))
+ it = m_stackElements.erase(it);
+ else
+ ++it;
+void KnownState::setStackElement(int _stackHeight, Id _class)
+ m_stackElements[_stackHeight] = _class;
+void KnownState::swapStackElements(
+ int _stackHeightA,
+ int _stackHeightB,
+ SourceLocation const& _location
+ assertThrow(_stackHeightA != _stackHeightB, OptimizerException, "Swap on same stack elements.");
+ // ensure they are created
+ stackElement(_stackHeightA, _location);
+ stackElement(_stackHeightB, _location);
+ swap(m_stackElements[_stackHeightA], m_stackElements[_stackHeightB]);
+KnownState::StoreOperation KnownState::storeInStorage(
+ Id _slot,
+ Id _value,
+ SourceLocation const& _location)
+ if (m_storageContent.count(_slot) && m_storageContent[_slot] == _value)
+ // do not execute the storage if we know that the value is already there
+ return StoreOperation();
+ m_sequenceNumber++;
+ decltype(m_storageContent) storageContents;
+ // Copy over all values (i.e. retain knowledge about them) where we know that this store
+ // operation will not destroy the knowledge. Specifically, we copy storage locations we know
+ // are different from _slot or locations where we know that the stored value is equal to _value.
+ for (auto const& storageItem: m_storageContent)
+ if (m_expressionClasses->knownToBeDifferent(storageItem.first, _slot) || storageItem.second == _value)
+ storageContents.insert(storageItem);
+ m_storageContent = move(storageContents);
+ AssemblyItem item(Instruction::SSTORE, _location);
+ Id id = m_expressionClasses->find(item, {_slot, _value}, true, m_sequenceNumber);
+ StoreOperation operation(StoreOperation::Storage, _slot, m_sequenceNumber, id);
+ m_storageContent[_slot] = _value;
+ // increment a second time so that we get unique sequence numbers for writes
+ m_sequenceNumber++;
+ return operation;
+ExpressionClasses::Id KnownState::loadFromStorage(Id _slot, SourceLocation const& _location)
+ if (m_storageContent.count(_slot))
+ return m_storageContent.at(_slot);
+ AssemblyItem item(Instruction::SLOAD, _location);
+ return m_storageContent[_slot] = m_expressionClasses->find(item, {_slot}, true, m_sequenceNumber);
+KnownState::StoreOperation KnownState::storeInMemory(Id _slot, Id _value, SourceLocation const& _location)
+ if (m_memoryContent.count(_slot) && m_memoryContent[_slot] == _value)
+ // do not execute the store if we know that the value is already there
+ return StoreOperation();
+ m_sequenceNumber++;
+ decltype(m_memoryContent) memoryContents;
+ // copy over values at points where we know that they are different from _slot by at least 32
+ for (auto const& memoryItem: m_memoryContent)
+ if (m_expressionClasses->knownToBeDifferentBy32(memoryItem.first, _slot))
+ memoryContents.insert(memoryItem);
+ m_memoryContent = move(memoryContents);
+ AssemblyItem item(Instruction::MSTORE, _location);
+ Id id = m_expressionClasses->find(item, {_slot, _value}, true, m_sequenceNumber);
+ StoreOperation operation(StoreOperation(StoreOperation::Memory, _slot, m_sequenceNumber, id));
+ m_memoryContent[_slot] = _value;
+ // increment a second time so that we get unique sequence numbers for writes
+ m_sequenceNumber++;
+ return operation;
+ExpressionClasses::Id KnownState::loadFromMemory(Id _slot, SourceLocation const& _location)
+ if (m_memoryContent.count(_slot))
+ return m_memoryContent.at(_slot);
+ AssemblyItem item(Instruction::MLOAD, _location);
+ return m_memoryContent[_slot] = m_expressionClasses->find(item, {_slot}, true, m_sequenceNumber);
+KnownState::Id KnownState::applySha3(
+ Id _start,
+ Id _length,
+ SourceLocation const& _location
+ AssemblyItem sha3Item(Instruction::SHA3, _location);
+ // Special logic if length is a short constant, otherwise we cannot tell.
+ u256 const* l = m_expressionClasses->knownConstant(_length);
+ // unknown or too large length
+ if (!l || *l > 128)
+ return m_expressionClasses->find(sha3Item, {_start, _length}, true, m_sequenceNumber);
+ vector<Id> arguments;
+ for (u256 i = 0; i < *l; i += 32)
+ {
+ Id slot = m_expressionClasses->find(
+ AssemblyItem(Instruction::ADD, _location),
+ {_start, m_expressionClasses->find(i)}
+ );
+ arguments.push_back(loadFromMemory(slot, _location));
+ }
+ if (m_knownSha3Hashes.count(arguments))
+ return m_knownSha3Hashes.at(arguments);
+ Id v;
+ // If all arguments are known constants, compute the sha3 here
+ if (all_of(arguments.begin(), arguments.end(), [this](Id _a) { return !!m_expressionClasses->knownConstant(_a); }))
+ {
+ bytes data;
+ for (Id a: arguments)
+ data += toBigEndian(*m_expressionClasses->knownConstant(a));
+ data.resize(size_t(*l));
+ v = m_expressionClasses->find(AssemblyItem(u256(sha3(data)), _location));
+ }
+ else
+ v = m_expressionClasses->find(sha3Item, {_start, _length}, true, m_sequenceNumber);
+ return m_knownSha3Hashes[arguments] = v;
+set<u256> KnownState::tagsInExpression(KnownState::Id _expressionId)
+ if (m_tagUnions.left.count(_expressionId))
+ return m_tagUnions.left.at(_expressionId);
+ // Might be a tag, then return the set of itself.
+ ExpressionClasses::Expression expr = m_expressionClasses->representative(_expressionId);
+ if (expr.item && expr.item->type() == PushTag)
+ return set<u256>({expr.item->data()});
+ else
+ return set<u256>();
+KnownState::Id KnownState::tagUnion(set<u256> _tags)
+ if (m_tagUnions.right.count(_tags))
+ return m_tagUnions.right.at(_tags);
+ else
+ {
+ Id id = m_expressionClasses->newClass(SourceLocation());
+ m_tagUnions.right.insert(make_pair(_tags, id));
+ return id;
+ }
diff --git a/libevmasm/KnownState.h b/libevmasm/KnownState.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c1c602dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libevmasm/KnownState.h
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+ This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
+ cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * @file KnownState.h
+ * @author Christian <c@ethdev.com>
+ * @date 2015
+ * Contains knowledge about the state of the virtual machine at a specific instruction.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <memory>
+#include <ostream>
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma GCC diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wredeclared-class-member"
+#include <boost/bimap.hpp>
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
+#include <libdevcore/CommonIO.h>
+#include <libdevcore/Exceptions.h>
+#include <libevmasm/ExpressionClasses.h>
+#include <libevmasm/SemanticInformation.h>
+namespace dev
+namespace eth
+class AssemblyItem;
+using AssemblyItems = std::vector<AssemblyItem>;
+ * Class to infer and store knowledge about the state of the virtual machine at a specific
+ * instruction.
+ *
+ * The general workings are that for each assembly item that is fed, an equivalence class is
+ * derived from the operation and the equivalence class of its arguments. DUPi, SWAPi and some
+ * arithmetic instructions are used to infer equivalences while these classes are determined.
+ */
+class KnownState
+ using Id = ExpressionClasses::Id;
+ struct StoreOperation
+ {
+ enum Target { Invalid, Memory, Storage };
+ StoreOperation(): target(Invalid), sequenceNumber(-1) {}
+ StoreOperation(
+ Target _target,
+ Id _slot,
+ unsigned _sequenceNumber,
+ Id _expression
+ ): target(_target), slot(_slot), sequenceNumber(_sequenceNumber), expression(_expression) {}
+ bool isValid() const { return target != Invalid; }
+ Target target;
+ Id slot;
+ unsigned sequenceNumber;
+ Id expression;
+ };
+ explicit KnownState(
+ std::shared_ptr<ExpressionClasses> _expressionClasses = std::make_shared<ExpressionClasses>()
+ ): m_expressionClasses(_expressionClasses)
+ {
+ }
+ /// Streams debugging information to @a _out.
+ std::ostream& stream(std::ostream& _out) const;
+ /// Feeds the item into the system for analysis.
+ /// @returns a possible store operation
+ StoreOperation feedItem(AssemblyItem const& _item, bool _copyItem = false);
+ /// Resets any knowledge about storage.
+ void resetStorage() { m_storageContent.clear(); }
+ /// Resets any knowledge about storage.
+ void resetMemory() { m_memoryContent.clear(); }
+ /// Resets any knowledge about the current stack.
+ void resetStack() { m_stackElements.clear(); m_stackHeight = 0; }
+ /// Resets any knowledge.
+ void reset() { resetStorage(); resetMemory(); resetStack(); }
+ unsigned sequenceNumber() const { return m_sequenceNumber; }
+ /// Replaces the state by the intersection with _other, i.e. only equal knowledge is retained.
+ /// If the stack heighht is different, the smaller one is used and the stack is compared
+ /// relatively.
+ /// @param _combineSequenceNumbers if true, sets the sequence number to the maximum of both
+ void reduceToCommonKnowledge(KnownState const& _other, bool _combineSequenceNumbers);
+ /// @returns a shared pointer to a copy of this state.
+ std::shared_ptr<KnownState> copy() const { return std::make_shared<KnownState>(*this); }
+ /// @returns true if the knowledge about the state of both objects is (known to be) equal.
+ bool operator==(KnownState const& _other) const;
+ /// Retrieves the current equivalence class fo the given stack element (or generates a new
+ /// one if it does not exist yet).
+ Id stackElement(int _stackHeight, SourceLocation const& _location);
+ /// @returns the stackElement relative to the current stack height.
+ Id relativeStackElement(int _stackOffset, SourceLocation const& _location = SourceLocation());
+ /// @returns its set of tags if the given expression class is a known tag union; returns a set
+ /// containing the tag if it is a PushTag expression and the empty set otherwise.
+ std::set<u256> tagsInExpression(Id _expressionId);
+ /// During analysis, different tags on the stack are partially treated as the same class.
+ /// This removes such classes not to confuse later analyzers.
+ void clearTagUnions();
+ int stackHeight() const { return m_stackHeight; }
+ std::map<int, Id> const& stackElements() const { return m_stackElements; }
+ ExpressionClasses& expressionClasses() const { return *m_expressionClasses; }
+ std::map<Id, Id> const& storageContent() const { return m_storageContent; }
+ /// Assigns a new equivalence class to the next sequence number of the given stack element.
+ void setStackElement(int _stackHeight, Id _class);
+ /// Swaps the given stack elements in their next sequence number.
+ void swapStackElements(int _stackHeightA, int _stackHeightB, SourceLocation const& _location);
+ /// Increments the sequence number, deletes all storage information that might be overwritten
+ /// and stores the new value at the given slot.
+ /// @returns the store operation, which might be invalid if storage was not modified
+ StoreOperation storeInStorage(Id _slot, Id _value, SourceLocation const& _location);
+ /// Retrieves the current value at the given slot in storage or creates a new special sload class.
+ Id loadFromStorage(Id _slot, SourceLocation const& _location);
+ /// Increments the sequence number, deletes all memory information that might be overwritten
+ /// and stores the new value at the given slot.
+ /// @returns the store operation, which might be invalid if memory was not modified
+ StoreOperation storeInMemory(Id _slot, Id _value, SourceLocation const& _location);
+ /// Retrieves the current value at the given slot in memory or creates a new special mload class.
+ Id loadFromMemory(Id _slot, SourceLocation const& _location);
+ /// Finds or creates a new expression that applies the sha3 hash function to the contents in memory.
+ Id applySha3(Id _start, Id _length, SourceLocation const& _location);
+ /// @returns a new or already used Id representing the given set of tags.
+ Id tagUnion(std::set<u256> _tags);
+ /// Current stack height, can be negative.
+ int m_stackHeight = 0;
+ /// Current stack layout, mapping stack height -> equivalence class
+ std::map<int, Id> m_stackElements;
+ /// Current sequence number, this is incremented with each modification to storage or memory.
+ unsigned m_sequenceNumber = 1;
+ /// Knowledge about storage content.
+ std::map<Id, Id> m_storageContent;
+ /// Knowledge about memory content. Keys are memory addresses, note that the values overlap
+ /// and are not contained here if they are not completely known.
+ std::map<Id, Id> m_memoryContent;
+ /// Keeps record of all sha3 hashes that are computed.
+ std::map<std::vector<Id>, Id> m_knownSha3Hashes;
+ /// Structure containing the classes of equivalent expressions.
+ std::shared_ptr<ExpressionClasses> m_expressionClasses;
+ /// Container for unions of tags stored on the stack.
+ boost::bimap<Id, std::set<u256>> m_tagUnions;
diff --git a/libevmasm/LinkerObject.cpp b/libevmasm/LinkerObject.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ceb864a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libevmasm/LinkerObject.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
+ cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+/** @file LinkerObject.cpp
+ * @author Christian R <c@ethdev.com>
+ * @date 2015
+ */
+#include <libevmasm/LinkerObject.h>
+#include <libdevcore/CommonData.h>
+using namespace dev;
+using namespace dev::eth;
+using namespace std;
+void LinkerObject::append(LinkerObject const& _other)
+ for (auto const& ref: _other.linkReferences)
+ linkReferences[ref.first + bytecode.size()] = ref.second;
+ bytecode += _other.bytecode;
+void LinkerObject::link(map<string, h160> const& _libraryAddresses)
+ std::map<size_t, std::string> remainingRefs;
+ for (auto const& linkRef: linkReferences)
+ {
+ auto it = _libraryAddresses.find(linkRef.second);
+ if (it == _libraryAddresses.end())
+ remainingRefs.insert(linkRef);
+ else
+ it->second.ref().copyTo(ref(bytecode).cropped(linkRef.first, 20));
+ }
+ linkReferences.swap(remainingRefs);
+string LinkerObject::toHex() const
+ string hex = dev::toHex(bytecode);
+ for (auto const& ref: linkReferences)
+ {
+ size_t pos = ref.first * 2;
+ string const& name = ref.second;
+ hex[pos] = hex[pos + 1] = hex[pos + 38] = hex[pos + 39] = '_';
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < 36; ++i)
+ hex[pos + 2 + i] = i < name.size() ? name[i] : '_';
+ }
+ return hex;
diff --git a/libevmasm/LinkerObject.h b/libevmasm/LinkerObject.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..83d2bd7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libevmasm/LinkerObject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
+ cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+/** @file Assembly.h
+ * @author Gav Wood <i@gavwood.com>
+ * @date 2014
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <libdevcore/Common.h>
+#include <libdevcore/FixedHash.h>
+namespace dev
+namespace eth
+ * Binary object that potentially still needs to be linked (i.e. addresses of other contracts
+ * need to be filled in).
+ */
+struct LinkerObject
+ bytes bytecode;
+ /// Map from offsets in bytecode to library identifiers. The addresses starting at those offsets
+ /// need to be replaced by the actual addresses by the linker.
+ std::map<size_t, std::string> linkReferences;
+ /// Appends the bytecode of @a _other and incorporates its link references.
+ void append(LinkerObject const& _other);
+ /// Links the given libraries by replacing their uses in the code and removes them from the references.
+ void link(std::map<std::string, h160> const& _libraryAddresses);
+ /// @returns a hex representation of the bytecode of the given object, replacing unlinked
+ /// addresses by placeholders.
+ std::string toHex() const;
diff --git a/libevmasm/PathGasMeter.cpp b/libevmasm/PathGasMeter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f7314f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libevmasm/PathGasMeter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+ This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
+ cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+/** @file PathGasMeter.cpp
+ * @author Christian <c@ethdev.com>
+ * @date 2015
+ */
+#include "PathGasMeter.h"
+#include <libevmasm/KnownState.h>
+#include <libevmasm/SemanticInformation.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace dev;
+using namespace dev::eth;
+PathGasMeter::PathGasMeter(AssemblyItems const& _items):
+ m_items(_items)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_items.size(); ++i)
+ if (m_items[i].type() == Tag)
+ m_tagPositions[m_items[i].data()] = i;
+GasMeter::GasConsumption PathGasMeter::estimateMax(
+ size_t _startIndex,
+ shared_ptr<KnownState> const& _state
+ auto path = unique_ptr<GasPath>(new GasPath());
+ path->index = _startIndex;
+ path->state = _state->copy();
+ m_queue.push_back(move(path));
+ GasMeter::GasConsumption gas;
+ while (!m_queue.empty() && !gas.isInfinite)
+ gas = max(gas, handleQueueItem());
+ return gas;
+GasMeter::GasConsumption PathGasMeter::handleQueueItem()
+ assertThrow(!m_queue.empty(), OptimizerException, "");
+ unique_ptr<GasPath> path = move(m_queue.back());
+ m_queue.pop_back();
+ shared_ptr<KnownState> state = path->state;
+ GasMeter meter(state, path->largestMemoryAccess);
+ ExpressionClasses& classes = state->expressionClasses();
+ GasMeter::GasConsumption gas = path->gas;
+ size_t index = path->index;
+ if (index >= m_items.size() || (index > 0 && m_items.at(index).type() != Tag))
+ // Invalid jump usually provokes an out-of-gas exception, but we want to give an upper
+ // bound on the gas that is needed without changing the behaviour, so it is fine to
+ // return the current gas value.
+ return gas;
+ set<u256> jumpTags;
+ for (; index < m_items.size() && !gas.isInfinite; ++index)
+ {
+ bool branchStops = false;
+ jumpTags.clear();
+ AssemblyItem const& item = m_items.at(index);
+ if (item.type() == Tag || item == AssemblyItem(eth::Instruction::JUMPDEST))
+ {
+ // Do not allow any backwards jump. This is quite restrictive but should work for
+ // the simplest things.
+ if (path->visitedJumpdests.count(index))
+ return GasMeter::GasConsumption::infinite();
+ path->visitedJumpdests.insert(index);
+ }
+ else if (item == AssemblyItem(eth::Instruction::JUMP))
+ {
+ branchStops = true;
+ jumpTags = state->tagsInExpression(state->relativeStackElement(0));
+ if (jumpTags.empty()) // unknown jump destination
+ return GasMeter::GasConsumption::infinite();
+ }
+ else if (item == AssemblyItem(eth::Instruction::JUMPI))
+ {
+ ExpressionClasses::Id condition = state->relativeStackElement(-1);
+ if (classes.knownNonZero(condition) || !classes.knownZero(condition))
+ {
+ jumpTags = state->tagsInExpression(state->relativeStackElement(0));
+ if (jumpTags.empty()) // unknown jump destination
+ return GasMeter::GasConsumption::infinite();
+ }
+ branchStops = classes.knownNonZero(condition);
+ }
+ else if (SemanticInformation::altersControlFlow(item))
+ branchStops = true;
+ gas += meter.estimateMax(item);
+ for (u256 const& tag: jumpTags)
+ {
+ auto newPath = unique_ptr<GasPath>(new GasPath());
+ newPath->index = m_items.size();
+ if (m_tagPositions.count(tag))
+ newPath->index = m_tagPositions.at(tag);
+ newPath->gas = gas;
+ newPath->largestMemoryAccess = meter.largestMemoryAccess();
+ newPath->state = state->copy();
+ newPath->visitedJumpdests = path->visitedJumpdests;
+ m_queue.push_back(move(newPath));
+ }
+ if (branchStops)
+ break;
+ }
+ return gas;
diff --git a/libevmasm/PathGasMeter.h b/libevmasm/PathGasMeter.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ada460a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libevmasm/PathGasMeter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
+ cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+/** @file PathGasMeter.cpp
+ * @author Christian <c@ethdev.com>
+ * @date 2015
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <set>
+#include <vector>
+#include <memory>
+#include <libevmasm/GasMeter.h>
+namespace dev
+namespace eth
+class KnownState;
+struct GasPath
+ size_t index = 0;
+ std::shared_ptr<KnownState> state;
+ u256 largestMemoryAccess;
+ GasMeter::GasConsumption gas;
+ std::set<size_t> visitedJumpdests;
+ * Computes an upper bound on the gas usage of a computation starting at a certain position in
+ * a list of AssemblyItems in a given state until the computation stops.
+ * Can be used to estimate the gas usage of functions on any given input.
+ */
+class PathGasMeter
+ PathGasMeter(AssemblyItems const& _items);
+ GasMeter::GasConsumption estimateMax(size_t _startIndex, std::shared_ptr<KnownState> const& _state);
+ GasMeter::GasConsumption handleQueueItem();
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<GasPath>> m_queue;
+ std::map<u256, size_t> m_tagPositions;
+ AssemblyItems const& m_items;
diff --git a/libevmasm/SemanticInformation.cpp b/libevmasm/SemanticInformation.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ea579b83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libevmasm/SemanticInformation.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+ This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
+ cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * @file SemanticInformation.cpp
+ * @author Christian <c@ethdev.com>
+ * @date 2015
+ * Helper to provide semantic information about assembly items.
+ */
+#include <libevmasm/SemanticInformation.h>
+#include <libevmasm/AssemblyItem.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace dev;
+using namespace dev::eth;
+bool SemanticInformation::breaksCSEAnalysisBlock(AssemblyItem const& _item)
+ switch (_item.type())
+ {
+ default:
+ case UndefinedItem:
+ case Tag:
+ return true;
+ case Push:
+ case PushString:
+ case PushTag:
+ case PushSub:
+ case PushSubSize:
+ case PushProgramSize:
+ case PushData:
+ case PushLibraryAddress:
+ return false;
+ case Operation:
+ {
+ if (isSwapInstruction(_item) || isDupInstruction(_item))
+ return false;
+ if (_item.instruction() == Instruction::GAS || _item.instruction() == Instruction::PC)
+ return true; // GAS and PC assume a specific order of opcodes
+ if (_item.instruction() == Instruction::MSIZE)
+ return true; // msize is modified already by memory access, avoid that for now
+ InstructionInfo info = instructionInfo(_item.instruction());
+ if (_item.instruction() == Instruction::SSTORE)
+ return false;
+ if (_item.instruction() == Instruction::MSTORE)
+ return false;
+ //@todo: We do not handle the following memory instructions for now:
+ // calldatacopy, codecopy, extcodecopy, mstore8,
+ // msize (note that msize also depends on memory read access)
+ // the second requirement will be lifted once it is implemented
+ return info.sideEffects || info.args > 2;
+ }
+ }
+bool SemanticInformation::isCommutativeOperation(AssemblyItem const& _item)
+ if (_item.type() != Operation)
+ return false;
+ switch (_item.instruction())
+ {
+ case Instruction::ADD:
+ case Instruction::MUL:
+ case Instruction::EQ:
+ case Instruction::AND:
+ case Instruction::OR:
+ case Instruction::XOR:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+bool SemanticInformation::isDupInstruction(AssemblyItem const& _item)
+ if (_item.type() != Operation)
+ return false;
+ return Instruction::DUP1 <= _item.instruction() && _item.instruction() <= Instruction::DUP16;
+bool SemanticInformation::isSwapInstruction(AssemblyItem const& _item)
+ if (_item.type() != Operation)
+ return false;
+ return Instruction::SWAP1 <= _item.instruction() && _item.instruction() <= Instruction::SWAP16;
+bool SemanticInformation::isJumpInstruction(AssemblyItem const& _item)
+ return _item == AssemblyItem(Instruction::JUMP) || _item == AssemblyItem(Instruction::JUMPI);
+bool SemanticInformation::altersControlFlow(AssemblyItem const& _item)
+ if (_item.type() != Operation)
+ return false;
+ switch (_item.instruction())
+ {
+ // note that CALL, CALLCODE and CREATE do not really alter the control flow, because we
+ // continue on the next instruction
+ case Instruction::JUMP:
+ case Instruction::JUMPI:
+ case Instruction::RETURN:
+ case Instruction::SUICIDE:
+ case Instruction::STOP:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+bool SemanticInformation::isDeterministic(AssemblyItem const& _item)
+ if (_item.type() != Operation)
+ return true;
+ switch (_item.instruction())
+ {
+ case Instruction::CALL:
+ case Instruction::CALLCODE:
+ case Instruction::DELEGATECALL:
+ case Instruction::CREATE:
+ case Instruction::GAS:
+ case Instruction::PC:
+ case Instruction::MSIZE: // depends on previous writes and reads, not only on content
+ case Instruction::BALANCE: // depends on previous calls
+ case Instruction::EXTCODESIZE:
+ return false;
+ default:
+ return true;
+ }
+bool SemanticInformation::invalidatesMemory(Instruction _instruction)
+ switch (_instruction)
+ {
+ case Instruction::CALLDATACOPY:
+ case Instruction::CODECOPY:
+ case Instruction::EXTCODECOPY:
+ case Instruction::MSTORE:
+ case Instruction::MSTORE8:
+ case Instruction::CALL:
+ case Instruction::CALLCODE:
+ case Instruction::DELEGATECALL:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+bool SemanticInformation::invalidatesStorage(Instruction _instruction)
+ switch (_instruction)
+ {
+ case Instruction::CALL:
+ case Instruction::CALLCODE:
+ case Instruction::DELEGATECALL:
+ case Instruction::CREATE:
+ case Instruction::SSTORE:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
diff --git a/libevmasm/SemanticInformation.h b/libevmasm/SemanticInformation.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..094f4591
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libevmasm/SemanticInformation.h
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
+ cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * @file SemanticInformation.h
+ * @author Christian <c@ethdev.com>
+ * @date 2015
+ * Helper to provide semantic information about assembly items.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <libevmcore/Instruction.h>
+namespace dev
+namespace eth
+class AssemblyItem;
+ * Helper functions to provide context-independent information about assembly items.
+ */
+struct SemanticInformation
+ /// @returns true if the given items starts a new block for common subexpression analysis.
+ static bool breaksCSEAnalysisBlock(AssemblyItem const& _item);
+ /// @returns true if the item is a two-argument operation whose value does not depend on the
+ /// order of its arguments.
+ static bool isCommutativeOperation(AssemblyItem const& _item);
+ static bool isDupInstruction(AssemblyItem const& _item);
+ static bool isSwapInstruction(AssemblyItem const& _item);
+ static bool isJumpInstruction(AssemblyItem const& _item);
+ static bool altersControlFlow(AssemblyItem const& _item);
+ /// @returns false if the value put on the stack by _item depends on anything else than
+ /// the information in the current block header, memory, storage or stack.
+ static bool isDeterministic(AssemblyItem const& _item);
+ /// @returns true if the given instruction modifies memory.
+ static bool invalidatesMemory(Instruction _instruction);
+ /// @returns true if the given instruction modifies storage (even indirectly).
+ static bool invalidatesStorage(Instruction _instruction);
diff --git a/libevmasm/SourceLocation.h b/libevmasm/SourceLocation.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8b57b60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libevmasm/SourceLocation.h
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
+ cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * @author Lefteris Karapetsas <lefteris@ethdev.com>
+ * @date 2015
+ * Represents a location in a source file
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <tuple>
+namespace dev
+ * Representation of an interval of source positions.
+ * The interval includes start and excludes end.
+ */
+struct SourceLocation
+ SourceLocation(int _start, int _end, std::shared_ptr<std::string const> _sourceName):
+ start(_start), end(_end), sourceName(_sourceName) { }
+ SourceLocation(): start(-1), end(-1) { }
+ SourceLocation(SourceLocation const& _other):
+ start(_other.start),
+ end(_other.end),
+ sourceName(_other.sourceName)
+ {}
+ SourceLocation& operator=(SourceLocation const& _other)
+ {
+ if (&_other == this)
+ return *this;
+ start = _other.start;
+ end = _other.end;
+ sourceName = _other.sourceName;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ bool operator==(SourceLocation const& _other) const { return start == _other.start && end == _other.end;}
+ bool operator!=(SourceLocation const& _other) const { return !operator==(_other); }
+ inline bool operator<(SourceLocation const& _other) const;
+ inline bool contains(SourceLocation const& _other) const;
+ inline bool intersects(SourceLocation const& _other) const;
+ bool isEmpty() const { return start == -1 && end == -1; }
+ int start;
+ int end;
+ std::shared_ptr<std::string const> sourceName;
+/// Stream output for Location (used e.g. in boost exceptions).
+inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& _out, SourceLocation const& _location)
+ if (_location.isEmpty())
+ return _out << "NO_LOCATION_SPECIFIED";
+ return _out << *_location.sourceName << "[" << _location.start << "," << _location.end << ")";
+bool SourceLocation::operator<(SourceLocation const& _other) const
+ if (!sourceName || !_other.sourceName)
+ return int(!!sourceName) < int(!!_other.sourceName);
+ return make_tuple(*sourceName, start, end) < make_tuple(*_other.sourceName, _other.start, _other.end);
+bool SourceLocation::contains(SourceLocation const& _other) const
+ if (isEmpty() || _other.isEmpty() || !sourceName || !_other.sourceName || *sourceName != *_other.sourceName)
+ return false;
+ return start <= _other.start && _other.end <= end;
+bool SourceLocation::intersects(SourceLocation const& _other) const
+ if (isEmpty() || _other.isEmpty() || !sourceName || !_other.sourceName || *sourceName != *_other.sourceName)
+ return false;
+ return _other.start < end && start < _other.end;
diff --git a/libevmasm/Version.cpp b/libevmasm/Version.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..16b510b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libevmasm/Version.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
+ cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * @author Christian <c@ethdev.com>
+ * @date 2015
+ * Versioning.
+ */
+#include <libevmasm/Version.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <ethereum/BuildInfo.h>
+#include <libdevcore/Common.h>
+using namespace dev;
+using namespace std;
+char const* dev::eth::VersionNumberLibEvmAsm = ETH_PROJECT_VERSION;
+extern string const dev::eth::VersionStringLibEvmAsm =
+ string(dev::eth::VersionNumberLibEvmAsm) +
+ "-" +
+ string(DEV_QUOTED(ETH_COMMIT_HASH)).substr(0, 8) +
+ (ETH_CLEAN_REPO ? "" : "*") +
diff --git a/libevmasm/Version.h b/libevmasm/Version.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8cba6e83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libevmasm/Version.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
+ cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * @author Christian <c@ethdev.com>
+ * @date 2015
+ * Versioning.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <string>
+namespace dev
+namespace eth
+extern char const* VersionNumberLibEvmAsm;
+extern std::string const VersionStringLibEvmAsm;