path: root/test/libsolidity/SolidityParser.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/libsolidity/SolidityParser.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 642 deletions
diff --git a/test/libsolidity/SolidityParser.cpp b/test/libsolidity/SolidityParser.cpp
index e80b3394..0797b53b 100644
--- a/test/libsolidity/SolidityParser.cpp
+++ b/test/libsolidity/SolidityParser.cpp
@@ -112,52 +112,6 @@ while(0)
- char const* text = R"(
- contract test {
- function() returns (uint a, uint b,) {}
- }
- )";
- CHECK_PARSE_ERROR(text, "Unexpected trailing comma in parameter list.");
- char const* text = R"(
- contract test {
- modifier modTest(uint a, uint b,) { _; }
- function(uint a) {}
- }
- )";
- CHECK_PARSE_ERROR(text, "Unexpected trailing comma in parameter list.");
- char const* text = R"(
- contract test {
- event Test(uint a, uint b,);
- function(uint a) {}
- }
- )";
- CHECK_PARSE_ERROR(text, "Unexpected trailing comma in parameter list.");
- char const* text = R"(
- contract test {
- function fun(uint a) returns(uint r) { return a; }
- function fun(uint a) returns(uint r) { return a; }
- }
- )";
- // with support of overloaded functions, during parsing,
- // we can't determine whether they match exactly, however
- // it will throw DeclarationError in following stage.
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
char const* text = R"(
@@ -334,57 +288,6 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(natspec_docstring_after_signature)
"Shouldn't get natspec docstring for this function");
- char const* text = R"(
- contract test {
- uint256 stateVar;
- struct MyStructName {
- address addr;
- uint256 count;
- }
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract test {
- mapping(address => bytes32) names;
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract test {
- struct test_struct {
- address addr;
- uint256 count;
- mapping(bytes32 => test_struct) self_reference;
- }
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract test {
- struct test_struct {
- address addr;
- mapping (uint64 => mapping (bytes32 => uint)) complex_mapping;
- }
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
char const* text = R"(
@@ -440,112 +343,6 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(complex_expression)
- char const* text = R"(
- contract test {
- function fun(uint256 a) {
- uint256 x = 3 ** a;
- }
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract test {
- function fun(uint256 a) {
- while (true) { uint256 x = 1; break; continue; } x = 9;
- }
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract test {
- function fun(uint256 a) {
- for (uint256 i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- uint256 x = i; break; continue;
- }
- }
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract test {
- function fun(uint256 a) {
- uint256 i =0;
- for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- uint256 x = i; break; continue;
- }
- }
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract test {
- function fun(uint256 a) {
- uint256 i =0;
- for (;;) {
- uint256 x = i; break; continue;
- }
- }
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract test {
- function fun(uint256 a) {
- uint256 i = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
- continue;
- }
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract test {
- function fun(uint256 a) {
- if (a >= 8) { return 2; } else { var b = 7; }
- }
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract test {
- function fun(uint256 a) returns (address b) {
- if (a < 0) b = 0x67; else if (a == 0) b = 0x12; else b = 0x78;
- }
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
char const* text = R"(
@@ -673,108 +470,6 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(contract_multiple_inheritance_with_arguments)
- char const* text = R"(
- contract c {
- function fun() returns (uint r) {
- var _ = 8;
- return _ + 1;
- }
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract c {
- modifier mod { if (msg.sender == 0) _; }
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract c {
- modifier mod(address a) { if (msg.sender == a) _; }
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract c {
- modifier mod1(uint a) { if (msg.sender == a) _; }
- modifier mod2 { if (msg.sender == 2) _; }
- function f() mod1(7) mod2 { }
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract c {
- function() { }
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract c {
- event e();
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract c {
- event e(uint a, bytes32 s);
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract c {
- event e(uint a, bytes32 indexed s, bool indexed b);
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract c {
- uint private a;
- uint internal b;
- uint public c;
- uint d;
- function f() {}
- function f_priv() private {}
- function f_public() public {}
- function f_internal() internal {}
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
char const* text = R"(
@@ -791,108 +486,6 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(multiple_visibility_specifiers)
CHECK_PARSE_ERROR(text, "Visibility already specified as \"private\".");
- char const* text = R"(
- contract c {
- function c ()
- {
- a = 1 wei;
- b = 2 szabo;
- c = 3 finney;
- b = 4 ether;
- }
- uint256 a;
- uint256 b;
- uint256 c;
- uint256 d;
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract c {
- function c ()
- {
- a = 1 wei * 100 wei + 7 szabo - 3;
- }
- uint256 a;
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract c {
- enum validEnum { Value1, Value2, Value3, Value4 }
- function c ()
- {
- a = foo.Value3;
- }
- uint256 a;
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract c {
- function x() external {}
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract c {
- uint[10] a;
- uint[] a2;
- struct x { uint[2**20] b; y[0] c; }
- struct y { uint d; mapping(uint=>x)[] e; }
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract c {
- event e(uint[10] a, bytes7[8] indexed b, c[3] x);
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract c {
- function f() { c[10] a = 7; uint8[10 * 2] x; }
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract c {
- mapping(uint => mapping(uint => int8)[8][][9])[] x;
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
auto keywords = {
@@ -923,39 +516,6 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(keyword_is_reserved)
- char const* text = R"(
- contract Foo {
- function f(uint[] storage constant x, uint[] memory y) { }
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract Foo {
- function f() {
- uint[] storage x;
- uint[] memory y;
- }
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- library Lib {
- function f() { }
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
char const* text = R"(
@@ -1000,97 +560,6 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(complex_import)
- // "from" is not a keyword although it is used as a keyword in import directives.
- char const* text = R"(
- contract from {
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract c {
- uint[] a;
- function f() returns (uint, uint) {
- a = [1,2,3];
- return (a[3], [2,3,4][0]);
- }
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract A {
- function f() {
- uint x = true ? 1 : 0;
- uint y = false ? 0 : 1;
- }
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract A {
- function f() {
- uint x = 3 > 0 ? 3 : 0;
- uint y = (3 > 0) ? 3 : 0;
- }
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract A {
- function f() {
- uint x = 3;
- uint y = 1;
- uint z = (x > y) ? x : y;
- uint w = x > y ? x : y;
- }
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract A {
- function f() {
- uint x = 3 < 0 ? 2 > 1 ? 2 : 1 : 7 > 2 ? 7 : 6;
- }
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract A {
- function f() {
- uint y = 1;
- uint x = 3 < 0 ? x = 3 : 6;
- true ? x = 3 : 4;
- }
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
string text("contract C { bytes");
@@ -1127,117 +596,6 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(recursion_depth4)
CHECK_PARSE_ERROR(text, "Maximum recursion depth reached during parsing");
- char const* text = R"(
- contract A {
- fixed40x40 storeMe;
- function f(ufixed x, fixed32x32 y) {
- ufixed8x8 a;
- fixed b;
- }
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract A {
- fixed40x40 pi = 3.14;
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract test {
- function f(uint x, uint y) returns (uint a) {}
- function g() {
- function (uint, uint) internal returns (uint) f1 = f;
- }
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract test {
- function (uint, uint) internal returns (uint) f1;
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract test {
- function f(uint x, uint y) returns (uint a) {}
- function (uint, uint) internal returns (uint) f1 = f;
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract test {
- struct S {
- function (uint x, uint y) internal returns (uint a) f;
- function (uint, uint) external returns (uint) g;
- uint d;
- }
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract test {
- function f(function(uint) external returns (uint) g) internal returns (uint a) {
- return g(1);
- }
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract test {
- function f() {
- function() returns(function() returns(function() returns(function() returns(uint)))) x;
- uint y;
- y = x()()()();
- }
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));
- char const* text = R"(
- contract test {
- mapping (address => function() internal returns (uint)) a;
- mapping (address => function() external) b;
- mapping (address => function() external[]) c;
- function() external[] d;
- }
- )";
- BOOST_CHECK(successParse(text));