path: root/test/libsolidity
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/libsolidity')
2 files changed, 403 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/libsolidity/SolidityEndToEndTest.cpp b/test/libsolidity/SolidityEndToEndTest.cpp
index 088fe4d1..8600443d 100644
--- a/test/libsolidity/SolidityEndToEndTest.cpp
+++ b/test/libsolidity/SolidityEndToEndTest.cpp
@@ -3314,6 +3314,57 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(using_enums)
BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getChoice()") == encodeArgs(2));
+ char const* sourceCode = R"(
+ contract test {
+ enum Choice { A, B, C }
+ function answer () returns (test.Choice _ret)
+ {
+ _ret = test.Choice.B;
+ }
+ }
+ )";
+ compileAndRun(sourceCode);
+ BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("answer()") == encodeArgs(1));
+ char const* sourceCode = R"(
+ contract base {
+ enum Choice { A, B, C }
+ }
+ contract test is base {
+ function answer () returns (Choice _ret)
+ {
+ _ret = Choice.B;
+ }
+ }
+ )";
+ compileAndRun(sourceCode);
+ BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("answer()") == encodeArgs(1));
+ char const* sourceCode = R"(
+ contract base {
+ enum Choice { A, B, C }
+ }
+ contract test is base {
+ function answer () returns (base.Choice _ret)
+ {
+ _ret = base.Choice.B;
+ }
+ }
+ )";
+ compileAndRun(sourceCode);
+ BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("answer()") == encodeArgs(1));
char const* sourceCode = R"(
@@ -5615,6 +5666,120 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(accessor_for_const_state_variable)
BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("ticketPrice()") == encodeArgs(u256(555)));
+ char const* text = R"(
+ contract Scope {
+ uint stateVar = 42;
+ function getStateVar() constant returns (uint stateVar) {
+ stateVar = Scope.stateVar;
+ }
+ }
+ )";
+ compileAndRun(text);
+ BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getStateVar()") == encodeArgs(u256(42)));
+ char const* sourceCode = R"(
+ contract A {
+ uint x = 1;
+ uint y = 2;
+ function a() returns (uint x) {
+ x = A.y;
+ }
+ }
+ )";
+ compileAndRun(sourceCode);
+ BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("a()") == encodeArgs(u256(2)));
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(inherited_function) {
+ char const* sourceCode = R"(
+ contract A { function f() internal returns (uint) { return 1; } }
+ contract B is A {
+ function f() internal returns (uint) { return 2; }
+ function g() returns (uint) {
+ return A.f();
+ }
+ }
+ )";
+ compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "B");
+ BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("g()") == encodeArgs(u256(1)));
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(inherited_function_from_a_library) {
+ char const* sourceCode = R"(
+ library A { function f() internal returns (uint) { return 1; } }
+ contract B {
+ function f() internal returns (uint) { return 2; }
+ function g() returns (uint) {
+ return A.f();
+ }
+ }
+ )";
+ compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "B");
+ BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("g()") == encodeArgs(u256(1)));
+ char const* sourceCode = R"(
+ contract A {
+ uint constant x = 7;
+ }
+ contract B is A {
+ function f() returns (uint) {
+ return A.x;
+ }
+ }
+ )";
+ compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "B");
+ BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(u256(7)));
+ char const* sourceCode = R"(
+ contract A {
+ uint x = 7;
+ }
+ contract B {
+ uint x = 9;
+ }
+ contract C is A, B {
+ function a() returns (uint) {
+ return A.x;
+ }
+ function b() returns (uint) {
+ return B.x;
+ }
+ function a_set(uint _x) returns (uint) {
+ A.x = _x;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ function b_set(uint _x) returns (uint) {
+ B.x = _x;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ )";
+ compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
+ BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("a()") == encodeArgs(u256(7)));
+ BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("b()") == encodeArgs(u256(9)));
+ BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("a_set(uint256)", u256(1)) == encodeArgs(u256(1)));
+ BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("b_set(uint256)", u256(3)) == encodeArgs(u256(1)));
+ BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("a()") == encodeArgs(u256(1)));
+ BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("b()") == encodeArgs(u256(3)));
char const* sourceCode = R"(
@@ -5854,6 +6019,48 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(using_library_structs)
BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(u256(7), u256(8)));
+ char const* sourceCode = R"(
+ library Arst {
+ struct Foo {
+ int Things;
+ int Stuff;
+ }
+ }
+ contract Tsra {
+ function f() returns(uint) {
+ Arst.Foo;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ )";
+ compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Tsra");
+ BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(u256(1)));
+ char const* sourceCode = R"(
+ library Arst {
+ enum Foo {
+ Things,
+ Stuff
+ }
+ }
+ contract Tsra {
+ function f() returns(uint) {
+ Arst.Foo;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ )";
+ compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Tsra");
+ BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(u256(1)));
// This test verifies that the byte array encoding that combines length and data works
@@ -7304,6 +7511,48 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(shift_negative_constant_right)
BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("a()") == encodeArgs(u256(-0x42)));
+ char const* sourceCode = R"(
+ contract C {
+ modifier m {
+ uint a = 1;
+ assembly {
+ a := 2
+ }
+ if (a != 2)
+ throw;
+ _;
+ }
+ function f() m returns (bool) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ )";
+ compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
+ BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(true));
+ char const* sourceCode = R"(
+ contract C {
+ uint16 x = 0x1234;
+ uint16 a = 0xffff;
+ uint16 b;
+ function f() returns (uint, uint, uint, uint) {
+ a++;
+ uint c = b;
+ delete b;
+ a -= 2;
+ return (x, c, b, a);
+ }
+ }
+ )";
+ compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
+ BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(u256(0x1234), u256(0), u256(0), u256(0xfffe)));
diff --git a/test/libsolidity/SolidityNameAndTypeResolution.cpp b/test/libsolidity/SolidityNameAndTypeResolution.cpp
index 83472369..640cc108 100644
--- a/test/libsolidity/SolidityNameAndTypeResolution.cpp
+++ b/test/libsolidity/SolidityNameAndTypeResolution.cpp
@@ -854,6 +854,23 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(implicit_base_to_derived_conversion)
BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError);
+ char const* text = R"(
+ contract A {
+ function b() {}
+ }
+ contract B is A {
+ function f() {
+ super.f();
+ }
+ }
+ )";
+ BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError);
char const* text = R"(
@@ -1019,6 +1036,19 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(private_state_variable)
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(function == nullptr, "Accessor function of an internal variable should not exist");
+ char const* text = R"(
+ contract Scope {
+ function getStateVar() constant returns (uint stateVar) {
+ stateVar = Scope.stateVar; // should fail.
+ }
+ }
+ )";
+ BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError);
// test for issue #1126 https://github.com/ethereum/cpp-ethereum/issues/1126
@@ -1439,6 +1469,21 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(enum_invalid_member_access)
BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::TypeError);
+ char const* text = R"(
+ contract test {
+ enum ActionChoices { GoLeft, GoRight, GoStraight, Sit }
+ function test()
+ {
+ choices = Sit;
+ }
+ ActionChoices choices;
+ }
+ )";
+ BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::DeclarationError);
char const* text = R"(
@@ -1500,6 +1545,23 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(enum_duplicate_values)
BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text) == Error::Type::DeclarationError);
+ char const* text = R"(
+ contract A {
+ enum Foo {
+ First,
+ Second
+ }
+ function a() {
+ A.Foo;
+ }
+ }
+ )";
+ BOOST_CHECK(success(text));
char const* sourceCode = R"(
@@ -2036,6 +2098,22 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(integer_boolean_operators)
BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode3) == Error::Type::TypeError);
+ char const* sourceCode1 = R"(
+ contract test { function() { uint x = 3; int y = -4; x ** y; } }
+ )";
+ BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode1) == Error::Type::TypeError);
+ char const* sourceCode2 = R"(
+ contract test { function() { uint x = 3; int y = -4; y ** x; } }
+ )";
+ BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode2) == Error::Type::TypeError);
+ char const* sourceCode3 = R"(
+ contract test { function() { int x = -3; int y = -4; x ** y; } }
+ )";
+ BOOST_CHECK(expectError(sourceCode3) == Error::Type::TypeError);
char const* sourceCode1 = R"(
@@ -4039,6 +4117,18 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(using_directive_for_missing_selftype)
BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text, false) == Error::Type::TypeError);
+ char const* text = R"(
+ contract A {
+ function a() {
+ .8E0;
+ }
+ }
+ )";
+ BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text, false) == Error::Type::TypeError);
char const* text = R"(
@@ -4107,6 +4197,70 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(inline_assembly_unbalanced_negative_stack)
BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text, true) == Error::Type::Warning);
+ char const* text = R"(
+ contract test {
+ modifier m {
+ uint a = 1;
+ assembly {
+ a := 2
+ }
+ _;
+ }
+ function f() m {
+ }
+ }
+ )";
+ BOOST_CHECK(success(text));
+ char const* text = R"(
+ contract test {
+ uint x = 1;
+ function f() {
+ assembly {
+ x := 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ )";
+ BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text, false) == Error::Type::DeclarationError);
+ char const* text = R"(
+ contract test {
+ uint x = 1;
+ modifier m {
+ assembly {
+ x := 2
+ }
+ _;
+ }
+ function f() m {
+ }
+ }
+ )";
+ BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text, false) == Error::Type::DeclarationError);
+ char const* text = R"(
+ contract C {
+ function f() {
+ // Invalid number
+ [1, 78901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789345678901234567890012345678012345678901234567];
+ }
+ }
+ )";
+ BOOST_CHECK(expectError(text, false) == Error::Type::TypeError);