### Preparing for Compiler Development on OS X # Requirements - OS X Yosemite (10.10.5) - Homebrew - Xcode # Set up Homebrew ``` brew update brew install boost --c++11 # this takes a while brew install cmake qt5 cryptopp miniupnpc leveldb gmp libmicrohttpd libjson-rpc-cpp brew install llvm --HEAD --with-clang #only required if you plan on using DEVMJIT ``` # Clone source repo and run this script ``` git clone --recursive https://github.com/ethereum/webthree-umbrella.git webthree-helpers/scripts/ethupdate.sh --no-push --simple-pull --project solidity #update solidity repo ./webthree-helpers/scripts/ethbuild.sh --no-git --build-type Debug --project solidity --all --cores 4 -DFATDB=0 -DEVMJIT=0 -DETHASHCL=0 #install solidity ``` # Bringing it all together clone your forked repo, then: ``` cd ~/webthree-helpers/solidity mv build ../../yourForkedRepo ``` you are now ready to develop :)