/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace dev; using namespace dev::solidity; bool SyntaxChecker::checkSyntax(ASTNode const& _astRoot) { _astRoot.accept(*this); return Error::containsOnlyWarnings(m_errorReporter.errors()); } bool SyntaxChecker::visit(SourceUnit const&) { m_versionPragmaFound = false; return true; } void SyntaxChecker::endVisit(SourceUnit const& _sourceUnit) { if (!m_versionPragmaFound) { string errorString("Source file does not specify required compiler version!"); SemVerVersion recommendedVersion{string(VersionString)}; if (!recommendedVersion.isPrerelease()) errorString += "Consider adding \"pragma solidity ^" + to_string(recommendedVersion.major()) + string(".") + to_string(recommendedVersion.minor()) + string(".") + to_string(recommendedVersion.patch()); string(";\""); m_errorReporter.warning(_sourceUnit.location(), errorString); } } bool SyntaxChecker::visit(PragmaDirective const& _pragma) { solAssert(!_pragma.tokens().empty(), ""); solAssert(_pragma.tokens().size() == _pragma.literals().size(), ""); if (_pragma.tokens()[0] != Token::Identifier || _pragma.literals()[0] != "solidity") m_errorReporter.syntaxError(_pragma.location(), "Unknown pragma \"" + _pragma.literals()[0] + "\""); else { vector tokens(_pragma.tokens().begin() + 1, _pragma.tokens().end()); vector literals(_pragma.literals().begin() + 1, _pragma.literals().end()); SemVerMatchExpressionParser parser(tokens, literals); auto matchExpression = parser.parse(); SemVerVersion currentVersion{string(VersionString)}; if (!matchExpression.matches(currentVersion)) m_errorReporter.syntaxError( _pragma.location(), "Source file requires different compiler version (current compiler is " + string(VersionString) + " - note that nightly builds are considered to be " "strictly less than the released version" ); m_versionPragmaFound = true; } return true; } bool SyntaxChecker::visit(ModifierDefinition const&) { m_placeholderFound = false; return true; } void SyntaxChecker::endVisit(ModifierDefinition const& _modifier) { if (!m_placeholderFound) m_errorReporter.syntaxError(_modifier.body().location(), "Modifier body does not contain '_'."); m_placeholderFound = false; } bool SyntaxChecker::visit(WhileStatement const&) { m_inLoopDepth++; return true; } void SyntaxChecker::endVisit(WhileStatement const& ) { m_inLoopDepth--; } bool SyntaxChecker::visit(ForStatement const&) { m_inLoopDepth++; return true; } void SyntaxChecker::endVisit(ForStatement const&) { m_inLoopDepth--; } bool SyntaxChecker::visit(Continue const& _continueStatement) { if (m_inLoopDepth <= 0) // we're not in a for/while loop, report syntax error m_errorReporter.syntaxError(_continueStatement.location(), "\"continue\" has to be in a \"for\" or \"while\" loop."); return true; } bool SyntaxChecker::visit(Break const& _breakStatement) { if (m_inLoopDepth <= 0) // we're not in a for/while loop, report syntax error m_errorReporter.syntaxError(_breakStatement.location(), "\"break\" has to be in a \"for\" or \"while\" loop."); return true; } bool SyntaxChecker::visit(Throw const& _throwStatement) { m_errorReporter.warning( _throwStatement.location(), "\"throw\" is deprecated in favour of \"revert()\", \"require()\" and \"assert()\"." ); return true; } bool SyntaxChecker::visit(UnaryOperation const& _operation) { if (_operation.getOperator() == Token::Add) m_errorReporter.warning(_operation.location(), "Use of unary + is deprecated."); return true; } bool SyntaxChecker::visit(PlaceholderStatement const&) { m_placeholderFound = true; return true; } bool SyntaxChecker::visit(FunctionTypeName const& _node) { for (auto const& decl: _node.parameterTypeList()->parameters()) if (!decl->name().empty()) m_errorReporter.warning(decl->location(), "Naming function type parameters is deprecated."); for (auto const& decl: _node.returnParameterTypeList()->parameters()) if (!decl->name().empty()) m_errorReporter.warning(decl->location(), "Naming function type return parameters is deprecated."); return true; }