/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace dev; using namespace dev::solidity; using namespace dev::solidity::smt; SMTLib2Interface::SMTLib2Interface(ReadCallback::Callback const& _queryCallback): m_queryCallback(_queryCallback) { reset(); } void SMTLib2Interface::reset() { m_accumulatedOutput.clear(); m_accumulatedOutput.emplace_back(); write("(set-option :produce-models true)"); write("(set-logic QF_UFLIA)"); } void SMTLib2Interface::push() { m_accumulatedOutput.emplace_back(); } void SMTLib2Interface::pop() { solAssert(!m_accumulatedOutput.empty(), ""); m_accumulatedOutput.pop_back(); } Expression SMTLib2Interface::newFunction(string _name, Sort _domain, Sort _codomain) { solAssert(!m_variables.count(_name), ""); m_variables[_name] = SMTVariableType::Function; write( "(declare-fun |" + _name + "| (" + (_domain == Sort::Int ? "Int" : "Bool") + ") " + (_codomain == Sort::Int ? "Int" : "Bool") + ")" ); return SolverInterface::newFunction(move(_name), _domain, _codomain); } Expression SMTLib2Interface::newInteger(string _name) { solAssert(!m_variables.count(_name), ""); m_variables[_name] = SMTVariableType::Integer; write("(declare-const |" + _name + "| Int)"); return SolverInterface::newInteger(move(_name)); } Expression SMTLib2Interface::newBool(string _name) { solAssert(!m_variables.count(_name), ""); m_variables[_name] = SMTVariableType::Bool; write("(declare-const |" + _name + "| Bool)"); return SolverInterface::newBool(std::move(_name)); } void SMTLib2Interface::addAssertion(Expression const& _expr) { write("(assert " + toSExpr(_expr) + ")"); } pair> SMTLib2Interface::check(vector const& _expressionsToEvaluate) { string response = querySolver( boost::algorithm::join(m_accumulatedOutput, "\n") + checkSatAndGetValuesCommand(_expressionsToEvaluate) ); CheckResult result; // TODO proper parsing if (boost::starts_with(response, "sat\n")) result = CheckResult::SATISFIABLE; else if (boost::starts_with(response, "unsat\n")) result = CheckResult::UNSATISFIABLE; else if (boost::starts_with(response, "unknown\n")) result = CheckResult::UNKNOWN; else result = CheckResult::ERROR; vector values; if (result != CheckResult::UNSATISFIABLE && result != CheckResult::ERROR) values = parseValues(find(response.cbegin(), response.cend(), '\n'), response.cend()); return make_pair(result, values); } string SMTLib2Interface::toSExpr(Expression const& _expr) { if (_expr.arguments.empty()) return _expr.name; std::string sexpr = "(" + _expr.name; for (auto const& arg: _expr.arguments) sexpr += " " + toSExpr(arg); sexpr += ")"; return sexpr; } void SMTLib2Interface::write(string _data) { solAssert(!m_accumulatedOutput.empty(), ""); m_accumulatedOutput.back() += move(_data) + "\n"; } string SMTLib2Interface::checkSatAndGetValuesCommand(vector const& _expressionsToEvaluate) { string command; if (_expressionsToEvaluate.empty()) command = "(check-sat)\n"; else { // TODO make sure these are unique for (size_t i = 0; i < _expressionsToEvaluate.size(); i++) { auto const& e = _expressionsToEvaluate.at(i); solAssert(m_variables.count(e.name), ""); solAssert(m_variables[e.name] == SMTVariableType::Integer, ""); command += "(declare-const |EVALEXPR_" + to_string(i) + "| Int)\n"; command += "(assert (= |EVALEXPR_" + to_string(i) + "| " + toSExpr(e) + "))\n"; } command += "(check-sat)\n"; command += "(get-value ("; for (size_t i = 0; i < _expressionsToEvaluate.size(); i++) command += "|EVALEXPR_" + to_string(i) + "| "; command += "))\n"; } return command; } vector SMTLib2Interface::parseValues(string::const_iterator _start, string::const_iterator _end) { vector values; while (_start < _end) { auto valStart = find(_start, _end, ' '); if (valStart < _end) ++valStart; auto valEnd = find(valStart, _end, ')'); values.emplace_back(valStart, valEnd); _start = find(valEnd, _end, '('); } return values; } string SMTLib2Interface::querySolver(string const& _input) { if (!m_queryCallback) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(SolverError() << errinfo_comment("No SMT solver available.")); ReadCallback::Result queryResult = m_queryCallback(_input); if (!queryResult.success) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(SolverError() << errinfo_comment(queryResult.responseOrErrorMessage)); return queryResult.responseOrErrorMessage; }