/* This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see . */ /** * Optimiser component that undoes what the ExpressionSplitter did, i.e. * it more or less inlines variable declarations. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace dev; using namespace dev::yul; using namespace dev::solidity; void ExpressionJoiner::operator()(FunctionalInstruction& _instruction) { handleArguments(_instruction.arguments); } void ExpressionJoiner::operator()(FunctionCall& _funCall) { handleArguments(_funCall.arguments); } void ExpressionJoiner::operator()(If& _if) { visit(*_if.condition); (*this)(_if.body); } void ExpressionJoiner::operator()(Switch& _switch) { visit(*_switch.expression); for (auto& _case: _switch.cases) // Do not visit the case expression, nothing to join there. (*this)(_case.body); } void ExpressionJoiner::operator()(Block& _block) { resetLatestStatementPointer(); for (size_t i = 0; i < _block.statements.size(); ++i) { visit(_block.statements[i]); m_currentBlock = &_block; m_latestStatementInBlock = i; } removeEmptyBlocks(_block); resetLatestStatementPointer(); } void ExpressionJoiner::visit(Expression& _e) { if (_e.type() == typeid(Identifier)) { Identifier const& identifier = boost::get(_e); if (isLatestStatementVarDeclOf(identifier) && m_references[identifier.name] == 1) { VariableDeclaration& varDecl = boost::get(*latestStatement()); assertThrow(varDecl.variables.size() == 1, OptimizerException, ""); assertThrow(varDecl.value, OptimizerException, ""); _e = std::move(*varDecl.value); // Delete the variable declaration (also get the moved-from structure back into a sane state) *latestStatement() = Block(); decrementLatestStatementPointer(); } } else ASTModifier::visit(_e); } void ExpressionJoiner::run(Block& _ast) { ExpressionJoiner{_ast}(_ast); } ExpressionJoiner::ExpressionJoiner(Block& _ast) { ReferencesCounter counter; counter(_ast); m_references = counter.references(); } void ExpressionJoiner::handleArguments(vector& _arguments) { // We have to fill from left to right, but we can only // fill if everything to the right is just an identifier // or a literal. // Also we only descend into function calls if everything // on the right is an identifier or literal. size_t i = _arguments.size(); for (Expression const& arg: _arguments | boost::adaptors::reversed) { --i; if (arg.type() != typeid(Identifier) && arg.type() != typeid(Literal)) break; } // i points to the last element that is neither an identifier nor a literal, // or to the first element if all of them are identifiers or literals. for (; i < _arguments.size(); ++i) visit(_arguments.at(i)); } void ExpressionJoiner::decrementLatestStatementPointer() { if (!m_currentBlock) return; if (m_latestStatementInBlock > 0) --m_latestStatementInBlock; else resetLatestStatementPointer(); } void ExpressionJoiner::resetLatestStatementPointer() { m_currentBlock = nullptr; m_latestStatementInBlock = size_t(-1); } Statement* ExpressionJoiner::latestStatement() { if (!m_currentBlock) return nullptr; else return &m_currentBlock->statements.at(m_latestStatementInBlock); } bool ExpressionJoiner::isLatestStatementVarDeclOf(Identifier const& _identifier) { Statement const* statement = latestStatement(); if (!statement || statement->type() != typeid(VariableDeclaration)) return false; VariableDeclaration const& varDecl = boost::get(*statement); if (varDecl.variables.size() != 1 || !varDecl.value) return false; return varDecl.variables.at(0).name == _identifier.name; }