/* This file is part of cpp-ethereum. cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see . */ /** * @author Christian * @date 2014 * Unit tests for the solidity expression compiler. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace dev { namespace solidity { namespace test { namespace { /// Helper class that extracts the first expression in an AST. class FirstExpressionExtractor: private ASTVisitor { public: FirstExpressionExtractor(ASTNode& _node): m_expression(nullptr) { _node.accept(*this); } Expression* getExpression() const { return m_expression; } private: virtual bool visit(Expression& _expression) override { return checkExpression(_expression); } virtual bool visit(Assignment& _expression) override { return checkExpression(_expression); } virtual bool visit(UnaryOperation& _expression) override { return checkExpression(_expression); } virtual bool visit(BinaryOperation& _expression) override { return checkExpression(_expression); } virtual bool visit(FunctionCall& _expression) override { return checkExpression(_expression); } virtual bool visit(MemberAccess& _expression) override { return checkExpression(_expression); } virtual bool visit(IndexAccess& _expression) override { return checkExpression(_expression); } virtual bool visit(PrimaryExpression& _expression) override { return checkExpression(_expression); } virtual bool visit(Identifier& _expression) override { return checkExpression(_expression); } virtual bool visit(ElementaryTypeNameExpression& _expression) override { return checkExpression(_expression); } virtual bool visit(Literal& _expression) override { return checkExpression(_expression); } bool checkExpression(Expression& _expression) { if (m_expression == nullptr) m_expression = &_expression; return false; } private: Expression* m_expression; }; Declaration const& resolveDeclaration(vector const& _namespacedName, NameAndTypeResolver const& _resolver) { Declaration const* declaration = nullptr; for (string const& namePart: _namespacedName) BOOST_REQUIRE(declaration = _resolver.resolveName(namePart, declaration)); BOOST_REQUIRE(declaration); return *declaration; } bytes compileFirstExpression(const string& _sourceCode, vector> _functions = {}, vector> _localVariables = {}) { Parser parser; ASTPointer contract; BOOST_REQUIRE_NO_THROW(contract = parser.parse(make_shared(CharStream(_sourceCode)))); NameAndTypeResolver resolver; BOOST_REQUIRE_NO_THROW(resolver.resolveNamesAndTypes(*contract)); FirstExpressionExtractor extractor(*contract); BOOST_REQUIRE(extractor.getExpression() != nullptr); CompilerContext context; for (vector const& function: _functions) context.addFunction(dynamic_cast(resolveDeclaration(function, resolver))); for (vector const& variable: _localVariables) context.addVariable(dynamic_cast(resolveDeclaration(variable, resolver))); ExpressionCompiler::compileExpression(context, *extractor.getExpression()); for (vector const& function: _functions) context << context.getFunctionEntryLabel(dynamic_cast(resolveDeclaration(function, resolver))); bytes instructions = context.getAssembledBytecode(); // debug // cout << eth::disassemble(instructions) << endl; return instructions; } } // end anonymous namespace BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE(SolidityExpressionCompiler) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(literal_true) { char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n" " function f() { var x = true; }" "}\n"; bytes code = compileFirstExpression(sourceCode); bytes expectation({byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0x1}); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS(code.begin(), code.end(), expectation.begin(), expectation.end()); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(literal_false) { char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n" " function f() { var x = false; }" "}\n"; bytes code = compileFirstExpression(sourceCode); bytes expectation({byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0x0}); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS(code.begin(), code.end(), expectation.begin(), expectation.end()); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(int_literal) { char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n" " function f() { var x = 0x12345678901234567890; }" "}\n"; bytes code = compileFirstExpression(sourceCode); bytes expectation({byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH10), 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x90, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x90}); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS(code.begin(), code.end(), expectation.begin(), expectation.end()); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(comparison) { char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n" " function f() { var x = (0x10aa < 0x11aa) != true; }" "}\n"; bytes code = compileFirstExpression(sourceCode); bytes expectation({byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0x1, byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH2), 0x11, 0xaa, byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH2), 0xff, 0xff, byte(eth::Instruction::AND), byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH2), 0x10, 0xaa, byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH2), 0xff, 0xff, byte(eth::Instruction::AND), byte(eth::Instruction::LT), byte(eth::Instruction::EQ), byte(eth::Instruction::ISZERO)}); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS(code.begin(), code.end(), expectation.begin(), expectation.end()); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(short_circuiting) { char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n" " function f() { var x = true != (4 <= 8 + 10 || 9 != 2); }" "}\n"; bytes code = compileFirstExpression(sourceCode); bytes expectation({byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0xa, byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0x8, byte(eth::Instruction::ADD), byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0xff, byte(eth::Instruction::AND), byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0x4, byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0xff, byte(eth::Instruction::AND), byte(eth::Instruction::GT), byte(eth::Instruction::ISZERO), // after this we have 10 + 8 >= 4 byte(eth::Instruction::DUP1), byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0x20, byte(eth::Instruction::JUMPI), // short-circuit if it is true byte(eth::Instruction::POP), byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0x2, byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0xff, byte(eth::Instruction::AND), byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0x9, byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0xff, byte(eth::Instruction::AND), byte(eth::Instruction::EQ), byte(eth::Instruction::ISZERO), // after this we have 2 != 9 byte(eth::Instruction::JUMPDEST), byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0x1, byte(eth::Instruction::EQ), byte(eth::Instruction::ISZERO)}); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS(code.begin(), code.end(), expectation.begin(), expectation.end()); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(arithmetics) { char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n" " function f() { var x = ((((((((9 ^ 8) & 7) | 6) - 5) + 4) % 3) / 2) * 1); }" "}\n"; bytes code = compileFirstExpression(sourceCode); bytes expectation({byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0x1, byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0x2, byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0xff, byte(eth::Instruction::AND), byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0x3, byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0xff, byte(eth::Instruction::AND), byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0x4, byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0x5, byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0x6, byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0x7, byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0x8, byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0x9, byte(eth::Instruction::XOR), byte(eth::Instruction::AND), byte(eth::Instruction::OR), byte(eth::Instruction::SUB), byte(eth::Instruction::ADD), byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0xff, byte(eth::Instruction::AND), byte(eth::Instruction::MOD), byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0xff, byte(eth::Instruction::AND), byte(eth::Instruction::DIV), byte(eth::Instruction::MUL)}); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS(code.begin(), code.end(), expectation.begin(), expectation.end()); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(unary_operators) { char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n" " function f() { var x = !(~+- 1 == 2); }" "}\n"; bytes code = compileFirstExpression(sourceCode); bytes expectation({byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0x2, byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0xff, byte(eth::Instruction::AND), byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0x1, byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0x0, byte(eth::Instruction::SUB), byte(eth::Instruction::NOT), byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0xff, byte(eth::Instruction::AND), byte(eth::Instruction::EQ), byte(eth::Instruction::ISZERO)}); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS(code.begin(), code.end(), expectation.begin(), expectation.end()); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(unary_inc_dec) { char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n" " function f(uint a) { var x = --a ^ (a-- ^ (++a ^ a++)); }" "}\n"; bytes code = compileFirstExpression(sourceCode, {}, {{"test", "f", "a"}, {"test", "f", "x"}}); // Stack: a, x bytes expectation({byte(eth::Instruction::DUP2), byte(eth::Instruction::DUP1), byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0x1, byte(eth::Instruction::ADD), // Stack here: a x a (a+1) byte(eth::Instruction::SWAP3), byte(eth::Instruction::POP), // first ++ // Stack here: (a+1) x a byte(eth::Instruction::DUP3), byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0x1, byte(eth::Instruction::ADD), // Stack here: (a+1) x a (a+2) byte(eth::Instruction::SWAP3), byte(eth::Instruction::POP), // Stack here: (a+2) x a byte(eth::Instruction::DUP3), // second ++ byte(eth::Instruction::XOR), // Stack here: (a+2) x a^(a+2) byte(eth::Instruction::DUP3), byte(eth::Instruction::DUP1), byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0x1, byte(eth::Instruction::SWAP1), byte(eth::Instruction::SUB), // Stack here: (a+2) x a^(a+2) (a+2) (a+1) byte(eth::Instruction::SWAP4), byte(eth::Instruction::POP), // first -- byte(eth::Instruction::XOR), // Stack here: (a+1) x a^(a+2)^(a+2) byte(eth::Instruction::DUP3), byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0x1, byte(eth::Instruction::SWAP1), byte(eth::Instruction::SUB), // Stack here: (a+1) x a^(a+2)^(a+2) a byte(eth::Instruction::SWAP3), byte(eth::Instruction::POP), // second ++ // Stack here: a x a^(a+2)^(a+2) byte(eth::Instruction::DUP3), // will change byte(eth::Instruction::XOR)}); // Stack here: a x a^(a+2)^(a+2)^a BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS(code.begin(), code.end(), expectation.begin(), expectation.end()); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(assignment) { char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n" " function f(uint a, uint b) { (a += b) * 2; }" "}\n"; bytes code = compileFirstExpression(sourceCode, {}, {{"test", "f", "a"}, {"test", "f", "b"}}); // Stack: a, b bytes expectation({byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0x2, byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0xff, byte(eth::Instruction::AND), byte(eth::Instruction::DUP2), byte(eth::Instruction::DUP4), byte(eth::Instruction::ADD), // Stack here: a b 2 a+b byte(eth::Instruction::SWAP3), byte(eth::Instruction::POP), byte(eth::Instruction::DUP3), // Stack here: a+b b 2 a+b byte(eth::Instruction::MUL)}); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS(code.begin(), code.end(), expectation.begin(), expectation.end()); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(function_call) { char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n" " function f(uint a, uint b) { a += g(a + 1, b) * 2; }\n" " function g(uint a, uint b) returns (uint c) {}\n" "}\n"; bytes code = compileFirstExpression(sourceCode, {{"test", "g"}}, {{"test", "f", "a"}, {"test", "f", "b"}}); // Stack: a, b bytes expectation({byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0x02, byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0xff, byte(eth::Instruction::AND), byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0x12, byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0x01, byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0xff, byte(eth::Instruction::AND), byte(eth::Instruction::DUP5), byte(eth::Instruction::ADD), // Stack here: a b 2 (a+1) byte(eth::Instruction::DUP4), byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0x19, byte(eth::Instruction::JUMP), byte(eth::Instruction::JUMPDEST), // Stack here: a b 2 g(a+1, b) byte(eth::Instruction::MUL), // Stack here: a b g(a+1, b)*2 byte(eth::Instruction::DUP3), byte(eth::Instruction::ADD), // Stack here: a b a+g(a+1, b)*2 byte(eth::Instruction::SWAP2), byte(eth::Instruction::POP), byte(eth::Instruction::DUP2), byte(eth::Instruction::JUMPDEST)}); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS(code.begin(), code.end(), expectation.begin(), expectation.end()); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(negative_literals_8bits) { // these all fit in 8 bits char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n" " function f() { int8 x = -0 + -1 + -0x01 + -127 + -128; }\n" "}\n"; bytes code = compileFirstExpression(sourceCode); bytes expectation(bytes({byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH32)}) + bytes(31, 0xff) + bytes(1, 0x80) + bytes({byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH32)}) + bytes(31, 0xff) + bytes(1, 0x81) + bytes({byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH32)}) + bytes(32, 0xff) + bytes({byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH32)}) + bytes(32, 0xff) + bytes({byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0x00, byte(eth::Instruction::ADD), byte(eth::Instruction::ADD), byte(eth::Instruction::ADD), byte(eth::Instruction::ADD)})); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS(code.begin(), code.end(), expectation.begin(), expectation.end()); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(negative_literals_16bits) { // -1 should need 8 bits, -129 should need 16 bits, how many bits are used is visible // from the SIGNEXTEND opcodes char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n" " function f() { int64 x = int64(-1 + -129); }\n" "}\n"; bytes code = compileFirstExpression(sourceCode); bytes expectation(bytes({byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH32)}) + bytes(31, 0xff) + bytes(1, 0x7f) + bytes({byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH32)}) + bytes(32, 0xff) + bytes({byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0x00, byte(eth::Instruction::SIGNEXTEND), byte(eth::Instruction::ADD), byte(eth::Instruction::PUSH1), 0x01, byte(eth::Instruction::SIGNEXTEND)})); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS(code.begin(), code.end(), expectation.begin(), expectation.end()); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END() } } } // end namespaces