//requires installed node v6 //requires ETHEREUM_TEST_PATH env variable set (for full path to the ipc sockets) //requires ethereum eth path var async = require("./modules/async"); var utils = require('./modules/utils.js'); var testutils = require('./modules/testutils.js'); var ethconsole = require('./modules/ethconsole.js'); var ethpath = '/home/wins/Ethereum/cpp-ethereum/build/eth/eth'; var testdir = process.env.ETHEREUM_TEST_PATH + "/RPCTests/dynamic"; var dynamic = {}; function cb(){} function main() { testutils.readTestsInFolder("./scripts/tests"); async.series([ function(cb) { utils.setDebug(false); ethconsole.startNode(ethpath, testdir + "/ethnode1", testdir + "/genesis.json", 30305, cb); }, function(cb) { prepareDynamicVars(cb); }, function(cb) { ethconsole.stopNode(testdir + "/ethnode1", cb); }, function(cb) { ethconsole.startNode(ethpath, testdir + "/ethnode1", testdir + "/genesis.json", 30305, cb); dynamic["node1_port"] = "30305"; }, function(cb) { ethconsole.startNode(ethpath, testdir + "/ethnode2", testdir + "/genesis.json", 30306, cb); dynamic["node2_port"] = "30306"; }, function(cb) { runAllTests(cb); }, function(cb) { ethconsole.stopNode(testdir + "/ethnode1", cb); ethconsole.stopNode(testdir + "/ethnode2", cb); } ], function() { utils.rmdir(testdir); } ) }//main function prepareDynamicVars(finished) { async.series([ function(cb) { ethconsole.runScriptOnNode(testdir + "/ethnode1", "./scripts/testNewAccount.js", {}, cb); }, function(cb) { dynamic["account"] = ethconsole.getLastResponse(); utils.mkdir(testdir); testutils.generateCustomGenesis(testdir + '/genesis.json', "./scripts/genesis.json", dynamic["account"], cb); }, function(cb) { ethconsole.runScriptOnNode(testdir + "/ethnode1", "./scripts/getNodeInfo.js", {}, cb); }, function(cb) { dynamic["node1_ID"] = ethconsole.getLastResponse().id; cb(); } ], function() { finished(); }) } function runAllTests(finished) { var currentTest = -1; var updateDynamic = function(){}; function nextTest() { currentTest++; if (currentTest == testutils.getTestCount()) finished(); else { var testObject = testutils.getTestNumber(currentTest); var nodepath; if (testObject.node == '01') nodepath = testdir + "/ethnode1"; if (testObject.node == '02') nodepath = testdir + "/ethnode2"; ethconsole.runScriptOnNode(nodepath, testObject.file, dynamic, updateDynamic); } } updateDynamic = function updateDynamic() { async.series([ function(cb) { ethconsole.runScriptOnNode(testdir + "/ethnode1", "./scripts/getLastBlock.js", {}, cb); }, function(cb) { dynamic["node1_lastblock"] = ethconsole.getLastResponse(); cb(); }, function(cb) { ethconsole.runScriptOnNode(testdir + "/ethnode2", "./scripts/getLastBlock.js", {}, cb); }, function(cb) { dynamic["node2_lastblock"] = ethconsole.getLastResponse(); cb(); } ], function() { nextTest(); }); } nextTest(); } main();