# New ports collection makefile for: KDE PIM # Date created: 2 March 2001 # Whom: Dmitry Sivachenko # # $FreeBSD$ # PORTNAME= kdepim PORTVERSION= ${KDE_VERSION} PORTREVISION= 1 CATEGORIES= deskutils mail news kde MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_KDE} MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= stable/${PORTVERSION}/src DIST_SUBDIR= KDE MAINTAINER= kde@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Personal Information Management tools for KDE CONFLICTS= kdenetwork-3.1.* USE_KDELIBS_VER=3 PREFIX= ${KDE_PREFIX} USE_BZIP2= yes USE_BISON= yes GNU_CONFIGURE= yes USE_GMAKE= yes USE_REINPLACE= yes INSTALLS_SHLIB= yes LDCONFIG_DIRS+= %%PREFIX%%/lib %%PREFIX%%/lib/kde3 DO_NOT_COMPILE+=kpilot OPTIONS= KPILOT "Build KPilot, hotsync software for KDE" off \ GNOKII "KAdressbook import/export for Nokia phones" off .include "${.CURDIR}/../../x11/kde3/Makefile.kde" .include .if exists(${LOCALBASE}/bin/gnokii) . if !defined(WITH_GNOKII) GNOKII_OVERRIDE=yes WITH_GNOKII= yes . endif .endif .if defined(WITH_GNOKII) LIB_DEPENDS+= gnokii:${PORTSDIR}/comms/gnokii .endif # defined ($(WITH_GNOKII)) .if defined(WITH_KPILOT) RUN_DEPENDS+= kpilot:${PORTSDIR}/palm/kpilot .endif .if defined(DO_NOT_COMPILE) CONFIGURE_ENV+=DO_NOT_COMPILE="${DO_NOT_COMPILE}" .endif # defined(DO_NOT_COMPILE) pre-everything:: .if defined(GNOKII_OVERRIDE) @${ECHO_MSG} @${ECHO_MSG} "**********************************************************" @${ECHO_MSG} "* gnokii is installed and support has been enabled *" @${ECHO_MSG} "* automatically (no additional files will be installed). *" @${ECHO_MSG} "**********************************************************" @${ECHO_MSG} .endif pre-configure: ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|-ldl||' ${WRKSRC}/configure ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|-lgnokii|-lgnokii -liconv -lintl|' ${WRKSRC}/configure ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e '/^SUBDIRS/s/kpilot//g' ${WRKSRC}/doc/Makefile.in .include