# New ports collection makefile for: dosdetector # Date created: 5 June 2005 # Whom: msciciel # # $FreeBSD$ # The port will be at version 0.0 (based on dated CVS snapshots) # until the release of DosDetector 0.1 PORTNAME= dosdetector PORTVERSION= 0.0 PORTREVISION= 5 CATEGORIES= net MASTER_SITES= http://darkzone.ma.cx/resources/unix/dosdetector/ DISTNAME= ${PORTNAME}-20050711 MAINTAINER= msciciel@darkzone.ma.cx COMMENT= Detect suspicious network traffic HAS_CONFIGURE= yes USE_AUTOTOOLS= autoheader:259 PLIST_FILES= bin/dosdetector MAN1= dosdetector.1 .include