===> CONFIGURATION NOTE: Configuration of the bruteblock is done via configuration files located at %%PREFIX%%/etc/bruteblock/ To run the script, append following lines to /etc/syslog.conf: !* auth.info;authpriv.info |exec %%PREFIX%%/sbin/bruteblock -f %%PREFIX%%/etc/bruteblock/ssh.conf and restart syslogd. Also you should add ipfw2 table and the corresponding deny rule. For example, # ipfw add deny ip from table(1) to any Next, you'll want to setup periodical cleanup of ipfw2 table. Add following lines to /etc/rc.conf: bruteblockd_enable="YES" bruteblockd_table="1" bruteblockd_flags="-s 5" and start bruteblockd: %%PREFIX%%/etc/rc.d/bruteblockd.sh start See bruteblock(8) for more details. > cgit logo index : freebsd-ports
FreeBSD Ports (https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd-ports)
path: root/x11/libdmx
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