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DEXON fork of Solidity (https://github.com/dexon-foundation/dsolidity)
path: root/libsolidity/ast/Types.cpp
blob: 301687b44910e99cc4ab98918d3eb9588a3497fc (plain) (tree)





















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    This file is part of solidity.

    solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with solidity.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * @author Christian <c@ethdev.com>
 * @date 2014
 * Solidity data types

#include <libsolidity/ast/Types.h>

#include <libsolidity/ast/AST.h>

#include <libdevcore/CommonIO.h>
#include <libdevcore/CommonData.h>
#include <libdevcore/SHA3.h>
#include <libdevcore/UTF8.h>
#include <libdevcore/Algorithms.h>

#include <boost/algorithm/string/join.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/classification.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/split.hpp>
#include <boost/range/adaptor/reversed.hpp>
#include <boost/range/algorithm/copy.hpp>
#include <boost/range/adaptor/sliced.hpp>
#include <boost/range/adaptor/transformed.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>

#include <limits>

using namespace std;
using namespace dev;
using namespace dev::solidity;


unsigned int mostSignificantBit(bigint const& _number)
#if BOOST_VERSION < 105500
    solAssert(_number > 0, "");
    bigint number = _number;
    unsigned int result = 0;
    while (number != 0)
        number >>= 1;
    return --result;
    return boost::multiprecision::msb(_number);

/// Check whether (_base ** _exp) fits into 4096 bits.
bool fitsPrecisionExp(bigint const& _base, bigint const& _exp)
    if (_base == 0)
        return true;

    solAssert(_base > 0, "");

    size_t const bitsMax = 4096;

    unsigned mostSignificantBaseBit = mostSignificantBit(_base);
    if (mostSignificantBaseBit == 0) // _base == 1
        return true;
    if (mostSignificantBaseBit > bitsMax) // _base >= 2 ^ 4096
        return false;

    bigint bitsNeeded = _exp * (mostSignificantBaseBit + 1);

    return bitsNeeded <= bitsMax;

/// Checks whether _mantissa * (X ** _exp) fits into 4096 bits,
/// where X is given indirectly via _log2OfBase = log2(X).
bool fitsPrecisionBaseX(
    bigint const& _mantissa,
    double _log2OfBase,
    uint32_t _exp
    if (_mantissa == 0)
        return true;

    solAssert(_mantissa > 0, "");

    size_t const bitsMax = 4096;

    unsigned mostSignificantMantissaBit = mostSignificantBit(_mantissa);
    if (mostSignificantMantissaBit > bitsMax) // _mantissa >= 2 ^ 4096
        return false;

    bigint bitsNeeded = mostSignificantMantissaBit + bigint(floor(double(_exp) * _log2OfBase)) + 1;
    return bitsNeeded <= bitsMax;

/// Checks whether _mantissa * (10 ** _expBase10) fits into 4096 bits.
bool fitsPrecisionBase10(bigint const& _mantissa, uint32_t _expBase10)
    double const log2Of10AwayFromZero = 3.3219280948873624;
    return fitsPrecisionBaseX(_mantissa, log2Of10AwayFromZero, _expBase10);

/// Checks whether _mantissa * (2 ** _expBase10) fits into 4096 bits.
bool fitsPrecisionBase2(bigint const& _mantissa, uint32_t _expBase2)
    return fitsPrecisionBaseX(_mantissa, 1.0, _expBase2);


void StorageOffsets::computeOffsets(TypePointers const& _types)
    bigint slotOffset = 0;
    unsigned byteOffset = 0;
    map<size_t, pair<u256, unsigned>> offsets;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < _types.size(); ++i)
        TypePointer const& type = _types[i];
        if (!type->canBeStored())
        if (byteOffset + type->storageBytes() > 32)
            // would overflow, go to next slot
            byteOffset = 0;
        if (slotOffset >= bigint(1) << 256)
            BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error(Error::Type::TypeError) << errinfo_comment("Object too large for storage."));
        offsets[i] = make_pair(u256(slotOffset), byteOffset);
        solAssert(type->storageSize() >= 1, "Invalid storage size.");
        if (type->storageSize() == 1 && byteOffset + type->storageBytes() <= 32)
            byteOffset += type->storageBytes();
            slotOffset += type->storageSize();
            byteOffset = 0;
    if (byteOffset > 0)
    if (slotOffset >= bigint(1) << 256)
        BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error(Error::Type::TypeError) << errinfo_comment("Object too large for storage."));
    m_storageSize = u256(slotOffset);
    swap(m_offsets, offsets);

pair<u256, unsigned> const* StorageOffsets::offset(size_t _index) const
    if (m_offsets.count(_index))
        return &m_offsets.at(_index);
        return nullptr;

void MemberList::combine(MemberList const & _other)
    m_memberTypes += _other.m_memberTypes;

pair<u256, unsigned> const* MemberList::memberStorageOffset(string const& _name) const
    if (!m_storageOffsets)
        TypePointers memberTypes;
        for (auto const& member: m_memberTypes)
        m_storageOffsets.reset(new StorageOffsets());
    for (size_t index = 0; index < m_memberTypes.size(); ++index)
        if (m_memberTypes[index].name == _name)
            return m_storageOffsets->offset(index);
    return nullptr;

u256 const& MemberList::storageSize() const
    // trigger lazy computation
    return m_storageOffsets->storageSize();

/// Helper functions for type identifier

string parenthesizeIdentifier(string const& _internal)
    return "(" + _internal + ")";

template <class Range>
string identifierList(Range const&& _list)
    return parenthesizeIdentifier(boost::algorithm::join(_list, ","));

string richIdentifier(TypePointer const& _type)
    return _type ? _type->richIdentifier() : "";

string identifierList(vector<TypePointer> const& _list)
    return identifierList(_list | boost::adaptors::transformed(richIdentifier));

string identifierList(TypePointer const& _type)
    return parenthesizeIdentifier(richIdentifier(_type));

string identifierList(TypePointer const& _type1, TypePointer const& _type2)
    TypePointers list;
    return identifierList(list);

string parenthesizeUserIdentifier(string const& _internal)
    return parenthesizeIdentifier(_internal);


string Type::escapeIdentifier(string const& _identifier)
    string ret = _identifier;
    // FIXME: should be _$$$_
    boost::algorithm::replace_all(ret, "$", "$$$");
    boost::algorithm::replace_all(ret, ",", "_$_");
    boost::algorithm::replace_all(ret, "(", "$_");
    boost::algorithm::replace_all(ret, ")", "_$");
    return ret;

string Type::identifier() const
    string ret = escapeIdentifier(richIdentifier());
    solAssert(ret.find_first_of("0123456789") != 0, "Identifier cannot start with a number.");
        ret.find_first_not_of("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMONPQRSTUVWXYZ_$") == string::npos,
        "Identifier contains invalid characters."
    return ret;

TypePointer Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken const& _type)
        "Expected an elementary type name but got " + _type.toString()

    Token token = _type.token();
    unsigned m = _type.firstNumber();
    unsigned n = _type.secondNumber();

    switch (token)
    case Token::IntM:
        return make_shared<IntegerType>(m, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed);
    case Token::UIntM:
        return make_shared<IntegerType>(m, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned);
    case Token::BytesM:
        return make_shared<FixedBytesType>(m);
    case Token::FixedMxN:
        return make_shared<FixedPointType>(m, n, FixedPointType::Modifier::Signed);
    case Token::UFixedMxN:
        return make_shared<FixedPointType>(m, n, FixedPointType::Modifier::Unsigned);
    case Token::Int:
        return make_shared<IntegerType>(256, IntegerType::Modifier::Signed);
    case Token::UInt:
        return make_shared<IntegerType>(256, IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned);
    case Token::Fixed:
        return make_shared<FixedPointType>(128, 18, FixedPointType::Modifier::Signed);
    case Token::UFixed:
        return make_shared<FixedPointType>(128, 18, FixedPointType::Modifier::Unsigned);
    case Token::Byte:
        return make_shared<FixedBytesType>(1);
    case Token::Address:
        return make_shared<AddressType>(StateMutability::NonPayable);
    case Token::Bool:
        return make_shared<BoolType>();
    case Token::Bytes:
        return make_shared<ArrayType>(DataLocation::Storage);
    case Token::String:
        return make_shared<ArrayType>(DataLocation::Storage, true);
    //no types found
            "Unable to convert elementary typename " + _type.toString() + " to type."

TypePointer Type::fromElementaryTypeName(string const& _name)
    vector<string> nameParts;
    boost::split(nameParts, _name, boost::is_any_of(" "));
    solAssert(nameParts.size() == 1 || nameParts.size() == 2, "Cannot parse elementary type: " + _name);
    Token token;
    unsigned short firstNum, secondNum;
    tie(token, firstNum, secondNum) = TokenTraits::fromIdentifierOrKeyword(nameParts[0]);
    auto t = fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(token, firstNum, secondNum));
    if (auto* ref = dynamic_cast<ReferenceType const*>(t.get()))
        DataLocation location = DataLocation::Storage;
        if (nameParts.size() == 2)
            if (nameParts[1] == "storage")
                location = DataLocation::Storage;
            else if (nameParts[1] == "calldata")
                location = DataLocation::CallData;
            else if (nameParts[1] == "memory")
                location = DataLocation::Memory;
                solAssert(false, "Unknown data location: " + nameParts[1]);
        return ref->copyForLocation(location, true);
    else if (t->category() == Type::Category::Address)
        if (nameParts.size() == 2)
            if (nameParts[1] == "payable")
                return make_shared<AddressType>(StateMutability::Payable);
                solAssert(false, "Invalid state mutability for address type: " + nameParts[1]);
        return make_shared<AddressType>(StateMutability::NonPayable);
        solAssert(nameParts.size() == 1, "Storage location suffix only allowed for reference types");
        return t;

TypePointer Type::forLiteral(Literal const& _literal)
    switch (_literal.token())
    case Token::TrueLiteral:
    case Token::FalseLiteral:
        return make_shared<BoolType>();
    case Token::Number:
        return RationalNumberType::forLiteral(_literal);
    case Token::StringLiteral:
        return make_shared<StringLiteralType>(_literal);
        return TypePointer();

TypePointer Type::commonType(TypePointer const& _a, TypePointer const& _b)
    if (!_a || !_b)
        return TypePointer();
    else if (_a->mobileType() && _b->isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(*_a->mobileType()))
        return _a->mobileType();
    else if (_b->mobileType() && _a->isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(*_b->mobileType()))
        return _b->mobileType();
        return TypePointer();

MemberList const& Type::members(ContractDefinition const* _currentScope) const
    if (!m_members[_currentScope])
        MemberList::MemberMap members = nativeMembers(_currentScope);
        if (_currentScope)
            members += boundFunctions(*this, *_currentScope);
        m_members[_currentScope] = unique_ptr<MemberList>(new MemberList(move(members)));
    return *m_members[_currentScope];

TypePointer Type::fullEncodingType(bool _inLibraryCall, bool _encoderV2, bool _packed) const
    TypePointer encodingType = mobileType();
    if (encodingType)
        encodingType = encodingType->interfaceType(_inLibraryCall);
    if (encodingType)
        encodingType = encodingType->encodingType();
    // Structs are fine in the following circumstances:
    // - ABIv2 without packed encoding or,
    // - storage struct for a library
    if (_inLibraryCall && encodingType->dataStoredIn(DataLocation::Storage))
        return encodingType;
    TypePointer baseType = encodingType;
    while (auto const* arrayType = dynamic_cast<ArrayType const*>(baseType.get()))
        baseType = arrayType->baseType();
    if (dynamic_cast<StructType const*>(baseType.get()))
        if (!_encoderV2 || _packed)
            return TypePointer();
    return encodingType;

MemberList::MemberMap Type::boundFunctions(Type const& _type, ContractDefinition const& _scope)
    // Normalise data location of type.
    TypePointer type = ReferenceType::copyForLocationIfReference(DataLocation::Storage, _type.shared_from_this());
    set<Declaration const*> seenFunctions;
    MemberList::MemberMap members;
    for (ContractDefinition const* contract: _scope.annotation().linearizedBaseContracts)
        for (UsingForDirective const* ufd: contract->usingForDirectives())
            if (ufd->typeName() && *type != *ReferenceType::copyForLocationIfReference(
            auto const& library = dynamic_cast<ContractDefinition const&>(
            for (FunctionDefinition const* function: library.definedFunctions())
                if (!function->isVisibleAsLibraryMember() || seenFunctions.count(function))
                FunctionType funType(*function, false);
                if (auto fun = funType.asMemberFunction(true, true))
                    if (_type.isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(*fun->selfType()))
                        members.push_back(MemberList::Member(function->name(), fun, function));
    return members;

AddressType::AddressType(StateMutability _stateMutability):
    solAssert(m_stateMutability == StateMutability::Payable || m_stateMutability == StateMutability::NonPayable, "");

string AddressType::richIdentifier() const
    if (m_stateMutability == StateMutability::Payable)
        return "t_address_payable";
        return "t_address";

bool AddressType::isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _other) const
    if (_other.category() != category())
        return false;
    AddressType const& other = dynamic_cast<AddressType const&>(_other);

    return other.m_stateMutability <= m_stateMutability;

bool AddressType::isExplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
    if (auto const* contractType = dynamic_cast<ContractType const*>(&_convertTo))
        return (m_stateMutability >= StateMutability::Payable) || !contractType->isPayable();
    return isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(_convertTo) ||
           _convertTo.category() == Category::Integer ||
           (_convertTo.category() == Category::FixedBytes && 160 == dynamic_cast<FixedBytesType const&>(_convertTo).numBytes() * 8);

string AddressType::toString(bool) const
    if (m_stateMutability == StateMutability::Payable)
        return "address payable";
        return "address";

string AddressType::canonicalName() const
    return "address";

u256 AddressType::literalValue(Literal const* _literal) const
    solAssert(_literal, "");
    solAssert(_literal->value().substr(0, 2) == "0x", "");
    return u256(_literal->valueWithoutUnderscores());

TypePointer AddressType::unaryOperatorResult(Token _operator) const
    return _operator == Token::Delete ? make_shared<TupleType>() : TypePointer();

TypePointer AddressType::binaryOperatorResult(Token _operator, TypePointer const& _other) const
    // Addresses can only be compared.
    if (!TokenTraits::isCompareOp(_operator))
        return TypePointer();

    return Type::commonType(shared_from_this(), _other);

bool AddressType::operator==(Type const& _other) const
    if (_other.category() != category())
        return false;
    AddressType const& other = dynamic_cast<AddressType const&>(_other);
    return other.m_stateMutability == m_stateMutability;

MemberList::MemberMap AddressType::nativeMembers(ContractDefinition const*) const
    MemberList::MemberMap members = {
        {"balance", make_shared<IntegerType>(256)},
        {"call", make_shared<FunctionType>(strings{"bytes memory"}, strings{"bool", "bytes memory"}, FunctionType::Kind::BareCall, false, StateMutability::Payable)},
        {"callcode", make_shared<FunctionType>(strings{"bytes memory"}, strings{"bool", "bytes memory"}, FunctionType::Kind::BareCallCode, false, StateMutability::Payable)},
        {"delegatecall", make_shared<FunctionType>(strings{"bytes memory"}, strings{"bool", "bytes memory"}, FunctionType::Kind::BareDelegateCall, false)},
        {"staticcall", make_shared<FunctionType>(strings{"bytes memory"}, strings{"bool", "bytes memory"}, FunctionType::Kind::BareStaticCall, false, StateMutability::View)}
    if (m_stateMutability == StateMutability::Payable)
        members.emplace_back(MemberList::Member{"send", make_shared<FunctionType>(strings{"uint"}, strings{"bool"}, FunctionType::Kind::Send)});
        members.emplace_back(MemberList::Member{"transfer", make_shared<FunctionType>(strings{"uint"}, strings(), FunctionType::Kind::Transfer)});
    return members;


bool isValidShiftAndAmountType(Token _operator, Type const& _shiftAmountType)
    // Disable >>> here.
    if (_operator == Token::SHR)
        return false;
    else if (IntegerType const* otherInt = dynamic_cast<decltype(otherInt)>(&_shiftAmountType))
        return true;
    else if (RationalNumberType const* otherRat = dynamic_cast<decltype(otherRat)>(&_shiftAmountType))
        return !otherRat->isFractional() && otherRat->integerType() && !otherRat->integerType()->isSigned();
        return false;


IntegerType::IntegerType(unsigned _bits, IntegerType::Modifier _modifier):
    m_bits(_bits), m_modifier(_modifier)
        m_bits > 0 && m_bits <= 256 && m_bits % 8 == 0,
        "Invalid bit number for integer type: " + dev::toString(m_bits)

string IntegerType::richIdentifier() const
    return "t_" + string(isSigned() ? "" : "u") + "int" + to_string(numBits());

bool IntegerType::isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
    if (_convertTo.category() == category())
        IntegerType const& convertTo = dynamic_cast<IntegerType const&>(_convertTo);
        if (convertTo.m_bits < m_bits)
            return false;
        else if (isSigned())
            return convertTo.isSigned();
            return !convertTo.isSigned() || convertTo.m_bits > m_bits;
    else if (_convertTo.category() == Category::FixedPoint)
        FixedPointType const& convertTo = dynamic_cast<FixedPointType const&>(_convertTo);
        return maxValue() <= convertTo.maxIntegerValue() && minValue() >= convertTo.minIntegerValue();
        return false;

bool IntegerType::isExplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
    return _convertTo.category() == category() ||
        _convertTo.category() == Category::Address ||
        _convertTo.category() == Category::Contract ||
        _convertTo.category() == Category::Enum ||
        (_convertTo.category() == Category::FixedBytes && numBits() == dynamic_cast<FixedBytesType const&>(_convertTo).numBytes() * 8) ||
        _convertTo.category() == Category::FixedPoint;

TypePointer IntegerType::unaryOperatorResult(Token _operator) const
    // "delete" is ok for all integer types
    if (_operator == Token::Delete)
        return make_shared<TupleType>();
    // we allow +, -, ++ and --
    else if (_operator == Token::Add || _operator == Token::Sub ||
            _operator == Token::Inc || _operator == Token::Dec ||
            _operator == Token::BitNot)
        return shared_from_this();
        return TypePointer();

bool IntegerType::operator==(Type const& _other) const
    if (_other.category() != category())
        return false;
    IntegerType const& other = dynamic_cast<IntegerType const&>(_other);
    return other.m_bits == m_bits && other.m_modifier == m_modifier;

string IntegerType::toString(bool) const
    string prefix = isSigned() ? "int" : "uint";
    return prefix + dev::toString(m_bits);

bigint IntegerType::minValue() const
    if (isSigned())
        return -(bigint(1) << (m_bits - 1));
        return bigint(0);

bigint IntegerType::maxValue() const
    if (isSigned())
        return (bigint(1) << (m_bits - 1)) - 1;
        return (bigint(1) << m_bits) - 1;

TypePointer IntegerType::binaryOperatorResult(Token _operator, TypePointer const& _other) const
    if (
        _other->category() != Category::RationalNumber &&
        _other->category() != Category::FixedPoint &&
        _other->category() != category()
        return TypePointer();
    if (TokenTraits::isShiftOp(_operator))
        // Shifts are not symmetric with respect to the type
        if (isValidShiftAndAmountType(_operator, *_other))
            return shared_from_this();
            return TypePointer();

    auto commonType = Type::commonType(shared_from_this(), _other); //might be an integer or fixed point
    if (!commonType)
        return TypePointer();

    // All integer types can be compared
    if (TokenTraits::isCompareOp(_operator))
        return commonType;
    if (TokenTraits::isBooleanOp(_operator))
        return TypePointer();
    if (auto intType = dynamic_pointer_cast<IntegerType const>(commonType))
        // Signed EXP is not allowed
        if (Token::Exp == _operator && intType->isSigned())
            return TypePointer();
    else if (auto fixType = dynamic_pointer_cast<FixedPointType const>(commonType))
        if (Token::Exp == _operator)
            return TypePointer();
    return commonType;

FixedPointType::FixedPointType(unsigned _totalBits, unsigned _fractionalDigits, FixedPointType::Modifier _modifier):
    m_totalBits(_totalBits), m_fractionalDigits(_fractionalDigits), m_modifier(_modifier)
        8 <= m_totalBits && m_totalBits <= 256 && m_totalBits % 8 == 0 && m_fractionalDigits <= 80,
        "Invalid bit number(s) for fixed type: " +
        dev::toString(_totalBits) + "x" + dev::toString(_fractionalDigits)

string FixedPointType::richIdentifier() const
    return "t_" + string(isSigned() ? "" : "u") + "fixed" + to_string(m_totalBits) + "x" + to_string(m_fractionalDigits);

bool FixedPointType::isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
    if (_convertTo.category() == category())
        FixedPointType const& convertTo = dynamic_cast<FixedPointType const&>(_convertTo);
        if (convertTo.numBits() < m_totalBits || convertTo.fractionalDigits() < m_fractionalDigits)
            return false;
            return convertTo.maxIntegerValue() >= maxIntegerValue() && convertTo.minIntegerValue() <= minIntegerValue();
    return false;

bool FixedPointType::isExplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
    return _convertTo.category() == category() || _convertTo.category() == Category::Integer;

TypePointer FixedPointType::unaryOperatorResult(Token _operator) const
    case Token::Delete:
        // "delete" is ok for all fixed types
        return make_shared<TupleType>();
    case Token::Add:
    case Token::Sub:
    case Token::Inc:
    case Token::Dec:
        // for fixed, we allow +, -, ++ and --
        return shared_from_this();
        return TypePointer();

bool FixedPointType::operator==(Type const& _other) const
    if (_other.category() != category())
        return false;
    FixedPointType const& other = dynamic_cast<FixedPointType const&>(_other);
    return other.m_totalBits == m_totalBits && other.m_fractionalDigits == m_fractionalDigits && other.m_modifier == m_modifier;

string FixedPointType::toString(bool) const
    string prefix = isSigned() ? "fixed" : "ufixed";
    return prefix + dev::toString(m_totalBits) + "x" + dev::toString(m_fractionalDigits);

bigint FixedPointType::maxIntegerValue() const
    bigint maxValue = (bigint(1) << (m_totalBits - (isSigned() ? 1 : 0))) - 1;
    return maxValue / boost::multiprecision::pow(bigint(10), m_fractionalDigits);

bigint FixedPointType::minIntegerValue() const
    if (isSigned())
        bigint minValue = -(bigint(1) << (m_totalBits - (isSigned() ? 1 : 0)));
        return minValue / boost::multiprecision::pow(bigint(10), m_fractionalDigits);
        return bigint(0);

TypePointer FixedPointType::binaryOperatorResult(Token _operator, TypePointer const& _other) const
    auto commonType = Type::commonType(shared_from_this(), _other);

    if (!commonType)
        return TypePointer();

    // All fixed types can be compared
    if (TokenTraits::isCompareOp(_operator))
        return commonType;
    if (TokenTraits::isBitOp(_operator) || TokenTraits::isBooleanOp(_operator) || _operator == Token::Exp)
        return TypePointer();
    return commonType;

std::shared_ptr<IntegerType> FixedPointType::asIntegerType() const
    return make_shared<IntegerType>(numBits(), isSigned() ? IntegerType::Modifier::Signed : IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned);

tuple<bool, rational> RationalNumberType::parseRational(string const& _value)
    rational value;
        auto radixPoint = find(_value.begin(), _value.end(), '.');

        if (radixPoint != _value.end())
            if (
                !all_of(radixPoint + 1, _value.end(), ::isdigit) ||
                !all_of(_value.begin(), radixPoint, ::isdigit)
                return make_tuple(false, rational(0));

            // Only decimal notation allowed here, leading zeros would switch to octal.
            auto fractionalBegin = find_if_not(
                radixPoint + 1,
                [](char const& a) { return a == '0'; }

            rational numerator;
            rational denominator(1);

            denominator = bigint(string(fractionalBegin, _value.end()));
            denominator /= boost::multiprecision::pow(
                distance(radixPoint + 1, _value.end())
            numerator = bigint(string(_value.begin(), radixPoint));
            value = numerator + denominator;
            value = bigint(_value);
        return make_tuple(true, value);
    catch (...)
        return make_tuple(false, rational(0));

TypePointer RationalNumberType::forLiteral(Literal const& _literal)
    solAssert(_literal.token() == Token::Number, "");
    tuple<bool, rational> validLiteral = isValidLiteral(_literal);
    if (get<0>(validLiteral))
        TypePointer compatibleBytesType;
        if (_literal.isHexNumber())
            size_t const digitCount = _literal.valueWithoutUnderscores().length() - 2;
            if (digitCount % 2 == 0 && (digitCount / 2) <= 32)
                compatibleBytesType = make_shared<FixedBytesType>(digitCount / 2);

        return make_shared<RationalNumberType>(get<1>(validLiteral), compatibleBytesType);
    return TypePointer();

tuple<bool, rational> RationalNumberType::isValidLiteral(Literal const& _literal)
    rational value;
        ASTString valueString = _literal.valueWithoutUnderscores();

        auto expPoint = find(valueString.begin(), valueString.end(), 'e');
        if (expPoint == valueString.end())
            expPoint = find(valueString.begin(), valueString.end(), 'E');

        if (boost::starts_with(valueString, "0x"))
            // process as hex
            value = bigint(valueString);
        else if (expPoint != valueString.end())
            // Parse mantissa and exponent. Checks numeric limit.
            tuple<bool, rational> mantissa = parseRational(string(valueString.begin(), expPoint));

            if (!get<0>(mantissa))
                return make_tuple(false, rational(0));
            value = get<1>(mantissa);

            // 0E... is always zero.
            if (value == 0)
                return make_tuple(true, rational(0));

            bigint exp = bigint(string(expPoint + 1, valueString.end()));

            if (exp > numeric_limits<int32_t>::max() || exp < numeric_limits<int32_t>::min())
                return make_tuple(false, rational(0));

            uint32_t expAbs = bigint(abs(exp)).convert_to<uint32_t>();

            if (exp < 0)
                if (!fitsPrecisionBase10(abs(value.denominator()), expAbs))
                    return make_tuple(false, rational(0));
                value /= boost::multiprecision::pow(
            else if (exp > 0)
                if (!fitsPrecisionBase10(abs(value.numerator()), expAbs))
                    return make_tuple(false, rational(0));
                value *= boost::multiprecision::pow(
            // parse as rational number
            tuple<bool, rational> tmp = parseRational(valueString);
            if (!get<0>(tmp))
                return tmp;
            value = get<1>(tmp);
    catch (...)
        return make_tuple(false, rational(0));
    switch (_literal.subDenomination())
        case Literal::SubDenomination::None:
        case Literal::SubDenomination::Wei:
        case Literal::SubDenomination::Second:
        case Literal::SubDenomination::Szabo:
            value *= bigint("1000000000000");
        case Literal::SubDenomination::Finney:
            value *= bigint("1000000000000000");
        case Literal::SubDenomination::Ether:
            value *= bigint("1000000000000000000");
        case Literal::SubDenomination::Minute:
            value *= bigint("60");
        case Literal::SubDenomination::Hour:
            value *= bigint("3600");
        case Literal::SubDenomination::Day:
            value *= bigint("86400");
        case Literal::SubDenomination::Week:
            value *= bigint("604800");
        case Literal::SubDenomination::Year:
            value *= bigint("31536000");

    return make_tuple(true, value);

bool RationalNumberType::isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
    switch (_convertTo.category())
    case Category::Integer:
        if (isFractional())
            return false;
        IntegerType const& targetType = dynamic_cast<IntegerType const&>(_convertTo);
        if (m_value == rational(0))
            return true;
        unsigned forSignBit = (targetType.isSigned() ? 1 : 0);
        if (m_value > rational(0))
            if (m_value.numerator() <= (u256(-1) >> (256 - targetType.numBits() + forSignBit)))
                return true;
            return false;
        if (targetType.isSigned())
            if (-m_value.numerator() <= (u256(1) << (targetType.numBits() - forSignBit)))
                return true;
        return false;
    case Category::FixedPoint:
        if (auto fixed = fixedPointType())
            return fixed->isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(_convertTo);
        return false;
    case Category::FixedBytes:
        return (m_value == rational(0)) || (m_compatibleBytesType && *m_compatibleBytesType == _convertTo);
        return false;

bool RationalNumberType::isExplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
    if (isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(_convertTo))
        return true;
    else if (_convertTo.category() != Category::FixedBytes)
        TypePointer mobType = mobileType();
        return (mobType && mobType->isExplicitlyConvertibleTo(_convertTo));
        return false;

TypePointer RationalNumberType::unaryOperatorResult(Token _operator) const
    rational value;
    switch (_operator)
    case Token::BitNot:
        if (isFractional())
            return TypePointer();
        value = ~m_value.numerator();
    case Token::Add:
        value = +(m_value);
    case Token::Sub:
        value = -(m_value);
    case Token::After:
        return shared_from_this();
        return TypePointer();
    return make_shared<RationalNumberType>(value);

TypePointer RationalNumberType::binaryOperatorResult(Token _operator, TypePointer const& _other) const
    if (_other->category() == Category::Integer || _other->category() == Category::FixedPoint)
        auto commonType = Type::commonType(shared_from_this(), _other);
        if (!commonType)
            return TypePointer();
        return commonType->binaryOperatorResult(_operator, _other);
    else if (_other->category() != category())
        return TypePointer();

    RationalNumberType const& other = dynamic_cast<RationalNumberType const&>(*_other);
    if (TokenTraits::isCompareOp(_operator))
        // Since we do not have a "BoolConstantType", we have to do the actual comparison
        // at runtime and convert to mobile typse first. Such a comparison is not a very common
        // use-case and will be optimized away.
        TypePointer thisMobile = mobileType();
        TypePointer otherMobile = other.mobileType();
        if (!thisMobile || !otherMobile)
            return TypePointer();
        return thisMobile->binaryOperatorResult(_operator, otherMobile);
        rational value;
        bool fractional = isFractional() || other.isFractional();
        switch (_operator)
        //bit operations will only be enabled for integers and fixed types that resemble integers
        case Token::BitOr:
            if (fractional)
                return TypePointer();
            value = m_value.numerator() | other.m_value.numerator();
        case Token::BitXor:
            if (fractional)
                return TypePointer();
            value = m_value.numerator() ^ other.m_value.numerator();
        case Token::BitAnd:
            if (fractional)
                return TypePointer();
            value = m_value.numerator() & other.m_value.numerator();
        case Token::Add:
            value = m_value + other.m_value;
        case Token::Sub:
            value = m_value - other.m_value;
        case Token::Mul:
            value = m_value * other.m_value;
        case Token::Div:
            if (other.m_value == rational(0))
                return TypePointer();
                value = m_value / other.m_value;
        case Token::Mod:
            if (other.m_value == rational(0))
                return TypePointer();
            else if (fractional)
                rational tempValue = m_value / other.m_value;
                value = m_value - (tempValue.numerator() / tempValue.denominator()) * other.m_value;
                value = m_value.numerator() % other.m_value.numerator();
        case Token::Exp:
            if (other.isFractional())
                return TypePointer();
            solAssert(other.m_value.denominator() == 1, "");
            bigint const& exp = other.m_value.numerator();

            // x ** 0 = 1
            // for 0, 1 and -1 the size of the exponent doesn't have to be restricted
            if (exp == 0)
                value = 1;
            else if (m_value.numerator() == 0 || m_value == 1)
                value = m_value;
            else if (m_value == -1)
                bigint isOdd = abs(exp) & bigint(1);
                value = 1 - 2 * isOdd.convert_to<int>();
                if (abs(exp) > numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max())
                    return TypePointer(); // This will need too much memory to represent.

                uint32_t absExp = bigint(abs(exp)).convert_to<uint32_t>();

                // Limit size to 4096 bits
                if (!fitsPrecisionExp(abs(m_value.numerator()), absExp) || !fitsPrecisionExp(abs(m_value.denominator()), absExp))
                    return TypePointer();

                static auto const optimizedPow = [](bigint const& _base, uint32_t _exponent) -> bigint {
                    if (_base == 1)
                        return 1;
                    else if (_base == -1)
                        return 1 - 2 * int(_exponent & 1);
                        return boost::multiprecision::pow(_base, _exponent);

                bigint numerator = optimizedPow(m_value.numerator(), absExp);
                bigint denominator = optimizedPow(m_value.denominator(), absExp);

                if (exp >= 0)
                    value = rational(numerator, denominator);
                    // invert
                    value = rational(denominator, numerator);
        case Token::SHL:
            if (fractional)
                return TypePointer();
            else if (other.m_value < 0)
                return TypePointer();
            else if (other.m_value > numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max())
                return TypePointer();
            if (m_value.numerator() == 0)
                value = 0;
                uint32_t exponent = other.m_value.numerator().convert_to<uint32_t>();
                if (!fitsPrecisionBase2(abs(m_value.numerator()), exponent))
                    return TypePointer();
                value = m_value.numerator() * boost::multiprecision::pow(bigint(2), exponent);
        // NOTE: we're using >> (SAR) to denote right shifting. The type of the LValue
        //       determines the resulting type and the type of shift (SAR or SHR).
        case Token::SAR:
            if (fractional)
                return TypePointer();
            else if (other.m_value < 0)
                return TypePointer();
            else if (other.m_value > numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max())
                return TypePointer();
            if (m_value.numerator() == 0)
                value = 0;
                uint32_t exponent = other.m_value.numerator().convert_to<uint32_t>();
                if (exponent > mostSignificantBit(boost::multiprecision::abs(m_value.numerator())))
                    value = m_value.numerator() < 0 ? -1 : 0;
                    if (m_value.numerator() < 0)
                        // Add 1 to the negative value before dividing to get a result that is strictly too large,
                        // then subtract 1 afterwards to round towards negative infinity.
                        // This is the same algorithm as used in ExpressionCompiler::appendShiftOperatorCode(...).
                        // To see this note that for negative x, xor(x,all_ones) = (-x-1) and
                        // therefore xor(div(xor(x,all_ones), exp(2, shift_amount)), all_ones) is
                        // -(-x - 1) / 2^shift_amount - 1, which is the same as
                        // (x + 1) / 2^shift_amount - 1.
                        value = rational((m_value.numerator() + 1) / boost::multiprecision::pow(bigint(2), exponent) - bigint(1), 1);
                        value = rational(m_value.numerator() / boost::multiprecision::pow(bigint(2), exponent), 1);
            return TypePointer();

        // verify that numerator and denominator fit into 4096 bit after every operation
        if (value.numerator() != 0 && max(mostSignificantBit(abs(value.numerator())), mostSignificantBit(abs(value.denominator()))) > 4096)
            return TypePointer();

        return make_shared<RationalNumberType>(value);

string RationalNumberType::richIdentifier() const
    // rational seemingly will put the sign always on the numerator,
    // but let just make it deterministic here.
    bigint numerator = abs(m_value.numerator());
    bigint denominator = abs(m_value.denominator());
    if (m_value < 0)
        return "t_rational_minus_" + numerator.str() + "_by_" + denominator.str();
        return "t_rational_" + numerator.str() + "_by_" + denominator.str();

bool RationalNumberType::operator==(Type const& _other) const
    if (_other.category() != category())
        return false;
    RationalNumberType const& other = dynamic_cast<RationalNumberType const&>(_other);
    return m_value == other.m_value;

string RationalNumberType::bigintToReadableString(dev::bigint const& _num)
    string str = _num.str();
    if (str.size() > 32)
        int omitted = str.size() - 8;
        str = str.substr(0, 4) + "...(" + to_string(omitted) + " digits omitted)..." + str.substr(str.size() - 4, 4);
    return str;

string RationalNumberType::toString(bool) const
    if (!isFractional())
        return "int_const " + bigintToReadableString(m_value.numerator());

    string numerator = bigintToReadableString(m_value.numerator());
    string denominator = bigintToReadableString(m_value.denominator());
    return "rational_const " + numerator + " / " + denominator;

u256 RationalNumberType::literalValue(Literal const*) const
    // We ignore the literal and hope that the type was correctly determined to represent
    // its value.

    u256 value;
    bigint shiftedValue;

    if (!isFractional())
        shiftedValue = m_value.numerator();
        auto fixed = fixedPointType();
        solAssert(fixed, "Rational number cannot be represented as fixed point type.");
        int fractionalDigits = fixed->fractionalDigits();
        shiftedValue = m_value.numerator() * boost::multiprecision::pow(bigint(10), fractionalDigits) / m_value.denominator();

    // we ignore the literal and hope that the type was correctly determined
    solAssert(shiftedValue <= u256(-1), "Number constant too large.");
    solAssert(shiftedValue >= -(bigint(1) << 255), "Number constant too small.");

    if (m_value >= rational(0))
        value = u256(shiftedValue);
        value = s2u(s256(shiftedValue));
    return value;

TypePointer RationalNumberType::mobileType() const
    if (!isFractional())
        return integerType();
        return fixedPointType();

shared_ptr<IntegerType const> RationalNumberType::integerType() const
    solAssert(!isFractional(), "integerType() called for fractional number.");
    bigint value = m_value.numerator();
    bool negative = (value < 0);
    if (negative) // convert to positive number of same bit requirements
        value = ((0 - value) - 1) << 1;
    if (value > u256(-1))
        return shared_ptr<IntegerType const>();
        return make_shared<IntegerType>(
            max(bytesRequired(value), 1u) * 8,
            negative ? IntegerType::Modifier::Signed : IntegerType::Modifier::Unsigned

shared_ptr<FixedPointType const> RationalNumberType::fixedPointType() const
    bool negative = (m_value < 0);
    unsigned fractionalDigits = 0;
    rational value = abs(m_value); // We care about the sign later.
    rational maxValue = negative ?
        rational(bigint(1) << 255, 1):
        rational((bigint(1) << 256) - 1, 1);

    while (value * 10 <= maxValue && value.denominator() != 1 && fractionalDigits < 80)
        value *= 10;

    if (value > maxValue)
        return shared_ptr<FixedPointType const>();
    // This means we round towards zero for positive and negative values.
    bigint v = value.numerator() / value.denominator();

    if (negative && v != 0)
        // modify value to satisfy bit requirements for negative numbers:
        // add one bit for sign and decrement because negative numbers can be larger
        v = (v - 1) << 1;

    if (v > u256(-1))
        return shared_ptr<FixedPointType const>();

    unsigned totalBits = max(bytesRequired(v), 1u) * 8;
    solAssert(totalBits <= 256, "");

    return make_shared<FixedPointType>(
        totalBits, fractionalDigits,
        negative ? FixedPointType::Modifier::Signed : FixedPointType::Modifier::Unsigned

StringLiteralType::StringLiteralType(Literal const& _literal):

bool StringLiteralType::isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
    if (auto fixedBytes = dynamic_cast<FixedBytesType const*>(&_convertTo))
        return size_t(fixedBytes->numBytes()) >= m_value.size();
    else if (auto arrayType = dynamic_cast<ArrayType const*>(&_convertTo))
            arrayType->isByteArray() &&
            !(arrayType->dataStoredIn(DataLocation::Storage) && arrayType->isPointer()) &&
            !(arrayType->isString() && !isValidUTF8());
        return false;

string StringLiteralType::richIdentifier() const
    // Since we have to return a valid identifier and the string itself may contain
    // anything, we hash it.
    return "t_stringliteral_" + toHex(keccak256(m_value).asBytes());

bool StringLiteralType::operator==(const Type& _other) const
    if (_other.category() != category())
        return false;
    return m_value == dynamic_cast<StringLiteralType const&>(_other).m_value;

std::string StringLiteralType::toString(bool) const
    size_t invalidSequence;

    if (!dev::validateUTF8(m_value, invalidSequence))
        return "literal_string (contains invalid UTF-8 sequence at position " + dev::toString(invalidSequence) + ")";

    return "literal_string \"" + m_value + "\"";

TypePointer StringLiteralType::mobileType() const
    return make_shared<ArrayType>(DataLocation::Memory, true);

bool StringLiteralType::isValidUTF8() const
    return dev::validateUTF8(m_value);

FixedBytesType::FixedBytesType(unsigned _bytes): m_bytes(_bytes)
        m_bytes > 0 && m_bytes <= 32,
        "Invalid byte number for fixed bytes type: " + dev::toString(m_bytes)

bool FixedBytesType::isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
    if (_convertTo.category() != category())
        return false;
    FixedBytesType const& convertTo = dynamic_cast<FixedBytesType const&>(_convertTo);
    return convertTo.m_bytes >= m_bytes;

bool FixedBytesType::isExplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
    return (_convertTo.category() == Category::Integer && numBytes() * 8 == dynamic_cast<IntegerType const&>(_convertTo).numBits()) ||
        (_convertTo.category() == Category::Address && numBytes() == 20) ||
        _convertTo.category() == Category::FixedPoint ||
        _convertTo.category() == category();

TypePointer FixedBytesType::unaryOperatorResult(Token _operator) const
    // "delete" and "~" is okay for FixedBytesType
    if (_operator == Token::Delete)
        return make_shared<TupleType>();
    else if (_operator == Token::BitNot)
        return shared_from_this();

    return TypePointer();

TypePointer FixedBytesType::binaryOperatorResult(Token _operator, TypePointer const& _other) const
    if (TokenTraits::isShiftOp(_operator))
        if (isValidShiftAndAmountType(_operator, *_other))
            return shared_from_this();
            return TypePointer();

    auto commonType = dynamic_pointer_cast<FixedBytesType const>(Type::commonType(shared_from_this(), _other));
    if (!commonType)
        return TypePointer();

    // FixedBytes can be compared and have bitwise operators applied to them
    if (TokenTraits::isCompareOp(_operator) || TokenTraits::isBitOp(_operator))
        return commonType;

    return TypePointer();

MemberList::MemberMap FixedBytesType::nativeMembers(const ContractDefinition*) const
    return MemberList::MemberMap{MemberList::Member{"length", make_shared<IntegerType>(8)}};

string FixedBytesType::richIdentifier() const
    return "t_bytes" + to_string(m_bytes);

bool FixedBytesType::operator==(Type const& _other) const
    if (_other.category() != category())
        return false;
    FixedBytesType const& other = dynamic_cast<FixedBytesType const&>(_other);
    return other.m_bytes == m_bytes;

u256 BoolType::literalValue(Literal const* _literal) const
    solAssert(_literal, "");
    if (_literal->token() == Token::TrueLiteral)
        return u256(1);
    else if (_literal->token() == Token::FalseLiteral)
        return u256(0);
        solAssert(false, "Bool type constructed from non-boolean literal.");

TypePointer BoolType::unaryOperatorResult(Token _operator) const
    if (_operator == Token::Delete)
        return make_shared<TupleType>();
    return (_operator == Token::Not) ? shared_from_this() : TypePointer();

TypePointer BoolType::binaryOperatorResult(Token _operator, TypePointer const& _other) const
    if (category() != _other->category())
        return TypePointer();
    if (_operator == Token::Equal || _operator == Token::NotEqual || _operator == Token::And || _operator == Token::Or)
        return _other;
        return TypePointer();

bool ContractType::isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
    if (*this == _convertTo)
        return true;
    if (_convertTo.category() == Category::Contract)
        auto const& bases = contractDefinition().annotation().linearizedBaseContracts;
        if (m_super && bases.size() <= 1)
            return false;
        return find(
            m_super ? ++bases.begin() : bases.begin(), bases.end(),
            &dynamic_cast<ContractType const&>(_convertTo).contractDefinition()
        ) != bases.end();
    return false;

bool ContractType::isExplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
    if (auto const* addressType = dynamic_cast<AddressType const*>(&_convertTo))
        return isPayable() || (addressType->stateMutability() < StateMutability::Payable);
    return isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(_convertTo);

bool ContractType::isPayable() const
    auto fallbackFunction = m_contract.fallbackFunction();
    return fallbackFunction && fallbackFunction->isPayable();

TypePointer ContractType::unaryOperatorResult(Token _operator) const
    if (isSuper())
        return TypePointer{};
    return _operator == Token::Delete ? make_shared<TupleType>() : TypePointer();

TypePointer ReferenceType::unaryOperatorResult(Token _operator) const
    if (_operator != Token::Delete)
        return TypePointer();
    // delete can be used on everything except calldata references or storage pointers
    // (storage references are ok)
    switch (location())
    case DataLocation::CallData:
        return TypePointer();
    case DataLocation::Memory:
        return make_shared<TupleType>();
    case DataLocation::Storage:
        return m_isPointer ? TypePointer() : make_shared<TupleType>();
    return TypePointer();

TypePointer ReferenceType::copyForLocationIfReference(DataLocation _location, TypePointer const& _type)
    if (auto type = dynamic_cast<ReferenceType const*>(_type.get()))
        return type->copyForLocation(_location, false);
    return _type;

TypePointer ReferenceType::copyForLocationIfReference(TypePointer const& _type) const
    return copyForLocationIfReference(m_location, _type);

string ReferenceType::stringForReferencePart() const
    switch (m_location)
    case DataLocation::Storage:
        return string("storage ") + (m_isPointer ? "pointer" : "ref");
    case DataLocation::CallData:
        return "calldata";
    case DataLocation::Memory:
        return "memory";
    solAssert(false, "");
    return "";

string ReferenceType::identifierLocationSuffix() const
    string id;
    switch (location())
    case DataLocation::Storage:
        id += "_storage";
    case DataLocation::Memory:
        id += "_memory";
    case DataLocation::CallData:
        id += "_calldata";
    if (isPointer())
        id += "_ptr";
    return id;

bool ArrayType::isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(const Type& _convertTo) const
    if (_convertTo.category() != category())
        return false;
    auto& convertTo = dynamic_cast<ArrayType const&>(_convertTo);
    if (convertTo.isByteArray() != isByteArray() || convertTo.isString() != isString())
        return false;
    // memory/calldata to storage can be converted, but only to a direct storage reference
    if (convertTo.location() == DataLocation::Storage && location() != DataLocation::Storage && convertTo.isPointer())
        return false;
    if (convertTo.location() == DataLocation::CallData && location() != convertTo.location())
        return false;
    if (convertTo.location() == DataLocation::Storage && !convertTo.isPointer())
        // Less restrictive conversion, since we need to copy anyway.
        if (!baseType()->isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(*convertTo.baseType()))
            return false;
        if (convertTo.isDynamicallySized())
            return true;
        return !isDynamicallySized() && convertTo.length() >= length();
        // Conversion to storage pointer or to memory, we de not copy element-for-element here, so
        // require that the base type is the same, not only convertible.
        // This disallows assignment of nested dynamic arrays from storage to memory for now.
        if (
            *copyForLocationIfReference(location(), baseType()) !=
            *copyForLocationIfReference(location(), convertTo.baseType())
            return false;
        if (isDynamicallySized() != convertTo.isDynamicallySized())
            return false;
        // We also require that the size is the same.
        if (!isDynamicallySized() && length() != convertTo.length())
            return false;
        return true;

bool ArrayType::isExplicitlyConvertibleTo(const Type& _convertTo) const
    if (isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(_convertTo))
        return true;
    // allow conversion bytes <-> string
    if (_convertTo.category() != category())
        return false;
    auto& convertTo = dynamic_cast<ArrayType const&>(_convertTo);
    if (convertTo.location() != location())
        return false;
    if (!isByteArray() || !convertTo.isByteArray())
        return false;
    return true;

string ArrayType::richIdentifier() const
    string id;
    if (isString())
        id = "t_string";
    else if (isByteArray())
        id = "t_bytes";
        id = "t_array";
        id += identifierList(baseType());
        if (isDynamicallySized())
            id += "dyn";
            id += length().str();
    id += identifierLocationSuffix();

    return id;

bool ArrayType::operator==(Type const& _other) const
    if (_other.category() != category())
        return false;
    ArrayType const& other = dynamic_cast<ArrayType const&>(_other);
    if (
        !ReferenceType::operator==(other) ||
        other.isByteArray() != isByteArray() ||
        other.isString() != isString() ||
        other.isDynamicallySized() != isDynamicallySized()
        return false;
    if (*other.baseType() != *baseType())
        return false;
    return isDynamicallySized() || length() == other.length();

bool ArrayType::validForCalldata() const
    return unlimitedCalldataEncodedSize(true) <= numeric_limits<unsigned>::max();

bigint ArrayType::unlimitedCalldataEncodedSize(bool _padded) const
    if (isDynamicallySized())
        return 32;
    bigint size = bigint(length()) * (isByteArray() ? 1 : baseType()->calldataEncodedSize(_padded));
    size = ((size + 31) / 32) * 32;
    return size;

unsigned ArrayType::calldataEncodedSize(bool _padded) const
    bigint size = unlimitedCalldataEncodedSize(_padded);
    solAssert(size <= numeric_limits<unsigned>::max(), "Array size does not fit unsigned.");
    return unsigned(size);

bool ArrayType::isDynamicallyEncoded() const
    return isDynamicallySized() || baseType()->isDynamicallyEncoded();

u256 ArrayType::storageSize() const
    if (isDynamicallySized())
        return 1;

    bigint size;
    unsigned baseBytes = baseType()->storageBytes();
    if (baseBytes == 0)
        size = 1;
    else if (baseBytes < 32)
        unsigned itemsPerSlot = 32 / baseBytes;
        size = (bigint(length()) + (itemsPerSlot - 1)) / itemsPerSlot;
        size = bigint(length()) * baseType()->storageSize();
    if (size >= bigint(1) << 256)
        BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(Error(Error::Type::TypeError) << errinfo_comment("Array too large for storage."));
    return max<u256>(1, u256(size));

unsigned ArrayType::sizeOnStack() const
    if (m_location == DataLocation::CallData)
        // offset [length] (stack top)
        return 1 + (isDynamicallySized() ? 1 : 0);
        // storage slot or memory offset
        // byte offset inside storage value is omitted
        return 1;

string ArrayType::toString(bool _short) const
    string ret;
    if (isString())
        ret = "string";
    else if (isByteArray())
        ret = "bytes";
        ret = baseType()->toString(_short) + "[";
        if (!isDynamicallySized())
            ret += length().str();
        ret += "]";
    if (!_short)
        ret += " " + stringForReferencePart();
    return ret;

string ArrayType::canonicalName() const
    string ret;
    if (isString())
        ret = "string";
    else if (isByteArray())
        ret = "bytes";
        ret = baseType()->canonicalName() + "[";
        if (!isDynamicallySized())
            ret += length().str();
        ret += "]";
    return ret;

string ArrayType::signatureInExternalFunction(bool _structsByName) const
    if (isByteArray())
        return canonicalName();
        solAssert(baseType(), "");
            baseType()->signatureInExternalFunction(_structsByName) +
            "[" +
            (isDynamicallySized() ? "" : length().str()) +

MemberList::MemberMap ArrayType::nativeMembers(ContractDefinition const*) const
    MemberList::MemberMap members;
    if (!isString())
        members.push_back({"length", make_shared<IntegerType>(256)});
        if (isDynamicallySized() && location() == DataLocation::Storage)
            members.push_back({"push", make_shared<FunctionType>(
                isByteArray() ? FunctionType::Kind::ByteArrayPush : FunctionType::Kind::ArrayPush
            members.push_back({"pop", make_shared<FunctionType>(
    return members;

TypePointer ArrayType::encodingType() const
    if (location() == DataLocation::Storage)
        return make_shared<IntegerType>(256);
        return this->copyForLocation(DataLocation::Memory, true);

TypePointer ArrayType::decodingType() const
    if (location() == DataLocation::Storage)
        return make_shared<IntegerType>(256);
        return shared_from_this();

TypePointer ArrayType::interfaceType(bool _inLibrary) const
    // Note: This has to fulfill canBeUsedExternally(_inLibrary) ==  !!interfaceType(_inLibrary)
    if (_inLibrary && location() == DataLocation::Storage)
        return shared_from_this();

    if (m_arrayKind != ArrayKind::Ordinary)
        return this->copyForLocation(DataLocation::Memory, true);
    TypePointer baseExt = m_baseType->interfaceType(_inLibrary);
    if (!baseExt)
        return TypePointer();

    if (isDynamicallySized())
        return make_shared<ArrayType>(DataLocation::Memory, baseExt);
        return make_shared<ArrayType>(DataLocation::Memory, baseExt, m_length);

bool ArrayType::canBeUsedExternally(bool _inLibrary) const
    // Note: This has to fulfill canBeUsedExternally(_inLibrary) ==  !!interfaceType(_inLibrary)
    if (_inLibrary && location() == DataLocation::Storage)
        return true;
    else if (m_arrayKind != ArrayKind::Ordinary)
        return true;
    else if (!m_baseType->canBeUsedExternally(_inLibrary))
        return false;
        return true;

u256 ArrayType::memorySize() const
    solAssert(!isDynamicallySized(), "");
    solAssert(m_location == DataLocation::Memory, "");
    bigint size = bigint(m_length) * m_baseType->memoryHeadSize();
    solAssert(size <= numeric_limits<unsigned>::max(), "Array size does not fit u256.");
    return u256(size);

TypePointer ArrayType::copyForLocation(DataLocation _location, bool _isPointer) const
    auto copy = make_shared<ArrayType>(_location);
    copy->m_isPointer = _isPointer;
    copy->m_arrayKind = m_arrayKind;
    copy->m_baseType = copy->copyForLocationIfReference(m_baseType);
    copy->m_hasDynamicLength = m_hasDynamicLength;
    copy->m_length = m_length;
    return copy;

string ContractType::richIdentifier() const
    return (m_super ? "t_super" : "t_contract") + parenthesizeUserIdentifier(m_contract.name()) + to_string(m_contract.id());

bool ContractType::operator==(Type const& _other) const
    if (_other.category() != category())
        return false;
    ContractType const& other = dynamic_cast<ContractType const&>(_other);
    return other.m_contract == m_contract && other.m_super == m_super;

string ContractType::toString(bool) const
        string(m_contract.isLibrary() ? "library " : "contract ") +
        string(m_super ? "super " : "") +

string ContractType::canonicalName() const
    return m_contract.annotation().canonicalName;

MemberList::MemberMap ContractType::nativeMembers(ContractDefinition const* _contract) const
    MemberList::MemberMap members;
    solAssert(_contract, "");
    if (m_super)
        // add the most derived of all functions which are visible in derived contracts
        auto bases = m_contract.annotation().linearizedBaseContracts;
        solAssert(bases.size() >= 1, "linearizedBaseContracts should at least contain the most derived contract.");
        // `sliced(1, ...)` ignores the most derived contract, which should not be searchable from `super`.
        for (ContractDefinition const* base: bases | boost::adaptors::sliced(1, bases.size()))
            for (FunctionDefinition const* function: base->definedFunctions())
                if (!function->isVisibleInDerivedContracts())
                auto functionType = make_shared<FunctionType>(*function, true);
                bool functionWithEqualArgumentsFound = false;
                for (auto const& member: members)
                    if (member.name != function->name())
                    auto memberType = dynamic_cast<FunctionType const*>(member.type.get());
                    solAssert(!!memberType, "Override changes type.");
                    if (!memberType->hasEqualParameterTypes(*functionType))
                    functionWithEqualArgumentsFound = true;
                if (!functionWithEqualArgumentsFound)
    else if (!m_contract.isLibrary())
        for (auto const& it: m_contract.interfaceFunctions())
    return members;

shared_ptr<FunctionType const> const& ContractType::newExpressionType() const
    if (!m_constructorType)
        m_constructorType = FunctionType::newExpressionType(m_contract);
    return m_constructorType;

vector<tuple<VariableDeclaration const*, u256, unsigned>> ContractType::stateVariables() const
    vector<VariableDeclaration const*> variables;
    for (ContractDefinition const* contract: boost::adaptors::reverse(m_contract.annotation().linearizedBaseContracts))
        for (VariableDeclaration const* variable: contract->stateVariables())
            if (!variable->isConstant())
    TypePointers types;
    for (auto variable: variables)
    StorageOffsets offsets;

    vector<tuple<VariableDeclaration const*, u256, unsigned>> variablesAndOffsets;
    for (size_t index = 0; index < variables.size(); ++index)
        if (auto const* offset = offsets.offset(index))
            variablesAndOffsets.push_back(make_tuple(variables[index], offset->first, offset->second));
    return variablesAndOffsets;

bool StructType::isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(const Type& _convertTo) const
    if (_convertTo.category() != category())
        return false;
    auto& convertTo = dynamic_cast<StructType const&>(_convertTo);
    // memory/calldata to storage can be converted, but only to a direct storage reference
    if (convertTo.location() == DataLocation::Storage && location() != DataLocation::Storage && convertTo.isPointer())
        return false;
    if (convertTo.location() == DataLocation::CallData && location() != convertTo.location())
        return false;
    return this->m_struct == convertTo.m_struct;

string StructType::richIdentifier() const
    return "t_struct" + parenthesizeUserIdentifier(m_struct.name()) + to_string(m_struct.id()) + identifierLocationSuffix();

bool StructType::operator==(Type const& _other) const
    if (_other.category() != category())
        return false;
    StructType const& other = dynamic_cast<StructType const&>(_other);
    return ReferenceType::operator==(other) && other.m_struct == m_struct;

unsigned StructType::calldataEncodedSize(bool _padded) const
    unsigned size = 0;
    for (auto const& member: members(nullptr))
        if (!member.type->canLiveOutsideStorage())
            return 0;
            unsigned memberSize = member.type->calldataEncodedSize(_padded);
            if (memberSize == 0)
                return 0;
            size += memberSize;
    return size;

bool StructType::isDynamicallyEncoded() const
    solAssert(!recursive(), "");
    for (auto t: memoryMemberTypes())
        solAssert(t, "Parameter should have external type.");
        t = t->interfaceType(false);
        if (t->isDynamicallyEncoded())
            return true;
    return false;

u256 StructType::memorySize() const
    u256 size;
    for (auto const& t: memoryMemberTypes())
        size += t->memoryHeadSize();
    return size;

u256 StructType::storageSize() const
    return max<u256>(1, members(nullptr).storageSize());

string StructType::toString(bool _short) const
    string ret = "struct " + m_struct.annotation().canonicalName;
    if (!_short)
        ret += " " + stringForReferencePart();
    return ret;

MemberList::MemberMap StructType::nativeMembers(ContractDefinition const*) const
    MemberList::MemberMap members;
    for (ASTPointer<VariableDeclaration> const& variable: m_struct.members())
        TypePointer type = variable->annotation().type;
        solAssert(type, "");
        // Skip all mapping members if we are not in storage.
        if (location() != DataLocation::Storage && !type->canLiveOutsideStorage())
    return members;

TypePointer StructType::interfaceType(bool _inLibrary) const
    if (!canBeUsedExternally(_inLibrary))
        return TypePointer();

    // Has to fulfill canBeUsedExternally(_inLibrary) == !!interfaceType(_inLibrary)
    if (_inLibrary && location() == DataLocation::Storage)
        return shared_from_this();
        return copyForLocation(DataLocation::Memory, true);

bool StructType::canBeUsedExternally(bool _inLibrary) const
    if (_inLibrary && location() == DataLocation::Storage)
        return true;
    else if (recursive())
        return false;
        // Check that all members have interface types.
        // We pass "false" to canBeUsedExternally (_inLibrary), because this struct will be
        // passed by value and thus the encoding does not differ, but it will disallow
        // mappings.
        for (auto const& var: m_struct.members())
            solAssert(var->annotation().type, "");
            if (!var->annotation().type->canBeUsedExternally(false))
                return false;
    return true;

TypePointer StructType::copyForLocation(DataLocation _location, bool _isPointer) const
    auto copy = make_shared<StructType>(m_struct, _location);
    copy->m_isPointer = _isPointer;
    return copy;

string StructType::signatureInExternalFunction(bool _structsByName) const
    if (_structsByName)
        return canonicalName();
        TypePointers memberTypes = memoryMemberTypes();
        auto memberTypeStrings = memberTypes | boost::adaptors::transformed([&](TypePointer _t) -> string
            solAssert(_t, "Parameter should have external type.");
            auto t = _t->interfaceType(_structsByName);
            solAssert(t, "");
            return t->signatureInExternalFunction(_structsByName);
        return "(" + boost::algorithm::join(memberTypeStrings, ",") + ")";

string StructType::canonicalName() const
    return m_struct.annotation().canonicalName;

FunctionTypePointer StructType::constructorType() const
    TypePointers paramTypes;
    strings paramNames;
    for (auto const& member: members(nullptr))
        if (!member.type->canLiveOutsideStorage())
        paramTypes.push_back(copyForLocationIfReference(DataLocation::Memory, member.type));
    return make_shared<FunctionType>(
        TypePointers{copyForLocation(DataLocation::Memory, false)},

pair<u256, unsigned> const& StructType::storageOffsetsOfMember(string const& _name) const
    auto const* offsets = members(nullptr).memberStorageOffset(_name);
    solAssert(offsets, "Storage offset of non-existing member requested.");
    return *offsets;

u256 StructType::memoryOffsetOfMember(string const& _name) const
    u256 offset;
    for (auto const& member: members(nullptr))
        if (member.name == _name)
            return offset;
            offset += member.type->memoryHeadSize();
    solAssert(false, "Member not found in struct.");
    return 0;

TypePointers StructType::memoryMemberTypes() const
    TypePointers types;
    for (ASTPointer<VariableDeclaration> const& variable: m_struct.members())
        if (variable->annotation().type->canLiveOutsideStorage())
    return types;

set<string> StructType::membersMissingInMemory() const
    set<string> missing;
    for (ASTPointer<VariableDeclaration> const& variable: m_struct.members())
        if (!variable->annotation().type->canLiveOutsideStorage())
    return missing;

bool StructType::recursive() const
    if (!m_recursive.is_initialized())
        auto visitor = [&](StructDefinition const& _struct, CycleDetector<StructDefinition>& _cycleDetector, size_t /*_depth*/)
            for (ASTPointer<VariableDeclaration> const& variable: _struct.members())
                Type const* memberType = variable->annotation().type.get();
                while (dynamic_cast<ArrayType const*>(memberType))
                    memberType = dynamic_cast<ArrayType const*>(memberType)->baseType().get();