path: root/p2p/discover/database.go
diff options
authorPéter Szilágyi <peterke@gmail.com>2015-04-24 23:04:41 +0800
committerPéter Szilágyi <peterke@gmail.com>2015-04-24 23:04:41 +0800
commit8646365b42ddae30e596835b4512792ca11196a5 (patch)
tree03977b5bf677fa2a7e57953fba28c0aa21da6a88 /p2p/discover/database.go
parent6def110c37d4d43402c4b658ce6b291400f840e5 (diff)
cmd/bootnode, eth, p2p, p2p/discover: use a fancier db design
Diffstat (limited to 'p2p/discover/database.go')
1 files changed, 233 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/p2p/discover/database.go b/p2p/discover/database.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..93a2ded24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/p2p/discover/database.go
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+// Contains the node database, storing previously seen nodes and any collected
+// metadata about them for QoS purposes.
+package discover
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "encoding/binary"
+ "os"
+ "time"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/rlp"
+ "github.com/syndtr/goleveldb/leveldb"
+ "github.com/syndtr/goleveldb/leveldb/storage"
+// nodeDB stores all nodes we know about.
+type nodeDB struct {
+ lvl *leveldb.DB
+// Schema layout for the node database
+var (
+ nodeDBVersionKey = []byte("version") // Version of the database to flush if changes
+ nodeDBStartupKey = []byte("startup") // Time when the node discovery started (seed selection)
+ nodeDBItemPrefix = []byte("n:") // Identifier to prefix node entries with
+ nodeDBDiscoverRoot = ":discover"
+ nodeDBDiscoverPing = nodeDBDiscoverRoot + ":lastping"
+ nodeDBDiscoverBond = nodeDBDiscoverRoot + ":lastbond"
+// newNodeDB creates a new node database for storing and retrieving infos about
+// known peers in the network. If no path is given, an in-memory, temporary
+// database is constructed.
+func newNodeDB(path string) (*nodeDB, error) {
+ if path == "" {
+ return newMemoryNodeDB()
+ }
+ return newPersistentNodeDB(path)
+// newMemoryNodeDB creates a new in-memory node database without a persistent
+// backend.
+func newMemoryNodeDB() (*nodeDB, error) {
+ db, err := leveldb.Open(storage.NewMemStorage(), nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return &nodeDB{lvl: db}, nil
+// newPersistentNodeDB creates/opens a leveldb backed persistent node database,
+// also flushing its contents in case of a version mismatch.
+func newPersistentNodeDB(path string) (*nodeDB, error) {
+ // Try to open the cache, recovering any corruption
+ db, err := leveldb.OpenFile(path, nil)
+ if _, iscorrupted := err.(leveldb.ErrCorrupted); iscorrupted {
+ db, err = leveldb.RecoverFile(path, nil)
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ // The nodes contained in the cache correspond to a certain protocol version.
+ // Flush all nodes if the version doesn't match.
+ currentVer := make([]byte, binary.MaxVarintLen64)
+ currentVer = currentVer[:binary.PutVarint(currentVer, Version)]
+ blob, err := db.Get(nodeDBVersionKey, nil)
+ switch err {
+ case leveldb.ErrNotFound:
+ // Version not found (i.e. empty cache), insert it
+ err = db.Put(nodeDBVersionKey, currentVer, nil)
+ case nil:
+ // Version present, flush if different
+ if !bytes.Equal(blob, currentVer) {
+ db.Close()
+ if err = os.RemoveAll(path); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return newPersistentNodeDB(path)
+ }
+ }
+ // Clean up in case of an error
+ if err != nil {
+ db.Close()
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return &nodeDB{lvl: db}, nil
+// key generates the leveldb key-blob from a node id and its particular field of
+// interest.
+func (db *nodeDB) key(id NodeID, field string) []byte {
+ return append(nodeDBItemPrefix, append(id[:], field...)...)
+// splitKey tries to split a database key into a node id and a field part.
+func (db *nodeDB) splitKey(key []byte) (id NodeID, field string) {
+ // If the key is not of a node, return it plainly
+ if !bytes.HasPrefix(key, nodeDBItemPrefix) {
+ return NodeID{}, string(key)
+ }
+ // Otherwise split the id and field
+ item := key[len(nodeDBItemPrefix):]
+ copy(id[:], item[:len(id)])
+ field = string(item[len(id):])
+ return id, field
+// fetchTime retrieves a time instance (encoded as a unix timestamp) associated
+// with a particular database key.
+func (db *nodeDB) fetchTime(key []byte) time.Time {
+ blob, err := db.lvl.Get(key, nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ return time.Time{}
+ }
+ var unix int64
+ if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(blob, &unix); err != nil {
+ return time.Time{}
+ }
+ return time.Unix(unix, 0)
+// storeTime update a specific database entry to the current time instance as a
+// unix timestamp.
+func (db *nodeDB) storeTime(key []byte, instance time.Time) error {
+ blob, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(instance.Unix())
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return db.lvl.Put(key, blob, nil)
+// startup retrieves the time instance when the bootstrapping last begun. Its
+// purpose is to prevent contacting potential seed nodes multiple times in the
+// same boot cycle.
+func (db *nodeDB) startup() time.Time {
+ return db.fetchTime(nodeDBStartupKey)
+// updateStartup updates the bootstrap initiation time to the one specified.
+func (db *nodeDB) updateStartup(instance time.Time) error {
+ return db.storeTime(nodeDBStartupKey, instance)
+// node retrieves a node with a given id from the database.
+func (db *nodeDB) node(id NodeID) *Node {
+ blob, err := db.lvl.Get(db.key(id, nodeDBDiscoverRoot), nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil
+ }
+ node := new(Node)
+ if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(blob, node); err != nil {
+ return nil
+ }
+ return node
+// updateNode inserts - potentially overwriting - a node into the peer database.
+func (db *nodeDB) updateNode(node *Node) error {
+ blob, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(node)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return db.lvl.Put(db.key(node.ID, nodeDBDiscoverRoot), blob, nil)
+// lastPing retrieves the time of the last ping packet send to a remote node,
+// requesting binding.
+func (db *nodeDB) lastPing(id NodeID) time.Time {
+ return db.fetchTime(db.key(id, nodeDBDiscoverPing))
+// updateLastPing updates the last time we tried contacting a remote node.
+func (db *nodeDB) updateLastPing(id NodeID, instance time.Time) error {
+ return db.storeTime(db.key(id, nodeDBDiscoverPing), instance)
+// lastBond retrieves the time of the last successful bonding with a remote node.
+func (db *nodeDB) lastBond(id NodeID) time.Time {
+ return db.fetchTime(db.key(id, nodeDBDiscoverBond))
+// updateLastBond updates the last time we successfully bound to a remote node.
+func (db *nodeDB) updateLastBond(id NodeID, instance time.Time) error {
+ return db.storeTime(db.key(id, nodeDBDiscoverBond), instance)
+// querySeeds retrieves a batch of nodes to be used as potential seed servers
+// during bootstrapping the node into the network.
+// Ideal seeds are the most recently seen nodes (highest probability to be still
+// alive), but yet untried. However, since leveldb only supports dumb iteration
+// we will instead start pulling in potential seeds that haven't been yet pinged
+// since the start of the boot procedure.
+// If the database runs out of potential seeds, we restart the startup counter
+// and start iterating over the peers again.
+func (db *nodeDB) querySeeds(n int) []*Node {
+ startup := db.startup()
+ it := db.lvl.NewIterator(nil, nil)
+ defer it.Release()
+ nodes := make([]*Node, 0, n)
+ for len(nodes) < n && it.Next() {
+ // Iterate until a discovery node is found
+ id, field := db.splitKey(it.Key())
+ if field != nodeDBDiscoverRoot {
+ continue
+ }
+ // Retrieve the last ping time, and if older than startup, query
+ lastPing := db.lastPing(id)
+ if lastPing.Before(startup) {
+ if node := db.node(id); node != nil {
+ nodes = append(nodes, node)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Reset the startup time if no seeds were found
+ if len(nodes) == 0 {
+ db.updateStartup(time.Now())
+ }
+ return nodes
+// close flushes and closes the database files.
+func (db *nodeDB) close() {
+ db.lvl.Close()