path: root/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml')
1 files changed, 624 insertions, 182 deletions
diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
index 51f064adf..0555cd2f2 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
@@ -6,9 +6,12 @@ import QtQuick.Window 2.1;
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.1
import Ethereum 1.0
ApplicationWindow {
id: root
+ property alias miningButtonText: miningButton.text
width: 900
height: 600
minimumHeight: 300
@@ -23,10 +26,13 @@ ApplicationWindow {
shortcut: "Ctrl+o"
onTriggered: openAppDialog.open()
+ }
+ Menu {
MenuItem {
- text: "Muted"
- shortcut: "Ctrl+e"
- onTriggered: ui.muted("")
+ text: "Debugger"
+ shortcut: "Ctrl+d"
+ onTriggered: ui.startDebugger()
@@ -39,10 +45,12 @@ ApplicationWindow {
addPeerWin.visible = true
MenuItem {
- text: "Start"
- onTriggered: ui.connect()
+ text: "Show Peers"
+ shortcut: "Ctrl+e"
+ onTriggered: {
+ peerWindow.visible = true
+ }
@@ -85,7 +93,6 @@ ApplicationWindow {
//color: "#D9DDE7"
color: "#252525"
ColumnLayout {
y: 50
anchors.left: parent.left
@@ -123,7 +130,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
Image {
- source: ui.assetPath("net.png")
+ source: ui.assetPath("heart.png")
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
@@ -155,6 +162,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
TableView {
id: txTableView
anchors.fill: parent
+ TableViewColumn{ role: "inout" ; title: "" ; width: 40 }
TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Value" ; width: 100 }
TableViewColumn{ role: "address" ; title: "Address" ; width: 430 }
TableViewColumn{ role: "contract" ; title: "Contract" ; width: 100 }
@@ -169,6 +177,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
visible: false
anchors.fill: parent
color: "#00000000"
+ /*
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.rightMargin: 5
@@ -177,16 +186,14 @@ ApplicationWindow {
anchors.bottomMargin: 5
id: newTransactionTab
- var component = Qt.createComponent("newTransaction/_simple_send.qml")
- var newTransaction = component.createObject("newTransaction")
- component = Qt.createComponent("newTransaction/_new_contract.qml")
- var newContract = component.createObject("newContract")
addTab("Simple send", newTransaction)
addTab("Contracts", newContract)
+ */
+ Component.onCompleted: {
+ newContract.createObject(newTxView)
+ }
Rectangle {
@@ -199,34 +206,19 @@ ApplicationWindow {
id: blockTable
width: parent.width
anchors.top: parent.top
- anchors.bottom: logView.top
+ anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
TableViewColumn{ role: "number" ; title: "#" ; width: 100 }
TableViewColumn{ role: "hash" ; title: "Hash" ; width: 560 }
+ TableViewColumn{ role: "txAmount" ; title: "Tx amount" ; width: 100 }
model: blockModel
- /*
- onDoubleClicked: {
- popup.visible = true
- popup.block = eth.getBlock(blockModel.get(row).hash)
- popup.hashLabel.text = popup.block.hash
- }
- */
- }
- property var logModel: ListModel {
- id: logModel
+ onDoubleClicked: {
+ popup.visible = true
+ popup.setDetails(blockModel.get(row))
+ }
- TableView {
- id: logView
- width: parent.width
- height: 150
- anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
- TableViewColumn{ role: "description" ; title: "log" }
- model: logModel
- }
Rectangle {
@@ -236,23 +228,82 @@ ApplicationWindow {
color: "#00000000"
anchors.fill: parent
- Label {
- id: addressLabel
- text: "Address"
- anchors {
- margins: 5
- top: parent.top
- left: parent.left
+ Column {
+ spacing: 3
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ anchors.topMargin: 5
+ anchors.leftMargin: 5
+ Label {
+ id: addressLabel
+ text: "Address"
+ }
+ TextField {
+ text: pub.getKey().address
+ width: 500
+ }
+ Label {
+ text: "Client ID"
+ }
+ TextField {
+ text: eth.clientId()
+ onTextChanged: {
+ eth.changeClientId(text)
+ }
- TextField {
- anchors {
- margins: 5
- left: addressLabel.right
- top: parent.top
+ property var addressModel: ListModel {
+ id: addressModel
+ }
+ TableView {
+ id: addressView
+ width: parent.width - 200
+ height: 200
+ anchors.bottom: logView.top
+ TableViewColumn{ role: "name"; title: "name" }
+ TableViewColumn{ role: "address"; title: "address"; width: 300}
+ model: addressModel
+ }
+ Rectangle {
+ anchors.top: addressView.top
+ anchors.left: addressView.right
+ anchors.leftMargin: 20
+ TextField {
+ placeholderText: "Name to register"
+ id: nameToReg
+ width: 150
+ }
+ Button {
+ anchors.top: nameToReg.bottom
+ text: "Register"
+ MouseArea{
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ onClicked: {
+ eth.registerName(nameToReg.text)
+ nameToReg.text = ""
+ }
+ }
- text: pub.getKey().address
- width: 500
+ }
+ property var logModel: ListModel {
+ id: logModel
+ }
+ TableView {
+ id: logView
+ width: parent.width
+ height: 200
+ anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+ TableViewColumn{ role: "description" ; title: "log" }
+ model: logModel
@@ -285,29 +336,34 @@ ApplicationWindow {
title: "Open QML Application"
onAccepted: {
- //ui.openHtml(Qt.resolvedUrl(ui.assetPath("test.html")))
- ui.openHtml(openAppDialog.fileUrl.toString())
+ //ui.openHtml(Qt.resolvedUrl(ui.assetPath("test.html")))
+ ui.openHtml(openAppDialog.fileUrl.toString())
statusBar: StatusBar {
+ height: 30
RowLayout {
- anchors.fill: parent
+ Button {
+ id: miningButton
+ onClicked: {
+ eth.toggleMining()
+ }
+ text: "Start Mining"
+ }
Button {
property var enabled: true
- id: connectButton
+ id: debuggerWindow
onClicked: {
- if(this.enabled) {
- ui.connect(this)
- }
+ ui.startDebugger()
- text: "Connect"
+ text: "Debugger"
Button {
id: importAppButton
- anchors.left: connectButton.right
+ anchors.left: debuggerWindow.right
anchors.leftMargin: 5
onClicked: openAppDialog.open()
text: "Import App"
@@ -318,20 +374,26 @@ ApplicationWindow {
anchors.leftMargin: 5
id: walletValueLabel
+ }
- Label {
- anchors.right: peerImage.left
- anchors.rightMargin: 5
- id: peerLabel
- font.pixelSize: 8
- text: "0 / 0"
- }
- Image {
- id: peerImage
- anchors.right: parent.right
- width: 10; height: 10
- source: ui.assetPath("network.png")
+ Label {
+ y: 7
+ anchors.right: peerImage.left
+ anchors.rightMargin: 5
+ id: peerLabel
+ font.pixelSize: 8
+ text: "0 / 0"
+ }
+ Image {
+ y: 7
+ id: peerImage
+ anchors.right: parent.right
+ width: 10; height: 10
+ MouseArea {
+ onDoubleClicked: peerWindow.visible = true
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ source: ui.assetPath("network.png")
@@ -339,10 +401,134 @@ ApplicationWindow {
id: popup
visible: false
property var block
- Label {
- id: hashLabel
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ width: root.width
+ height: 300
+ Component{
+ id: blockDetailsDelegate
+ Rectangle {
+ color: "#252525"
+ width: popup.width
+ height: 150
+ Column {
+ anchors.leftMargin: 10
+ anchors.topMargin: 5
+ anchors.top: parent.top
+ anchors.left: parent.left
+ Text { text: '<h3>Block details</h3>'; color: "#F2F2F2"}
+ Text { text: '<b>Block number:</b> ' + number; color: "#F2F2F2"}
+ Text { text: '<b>Hash:</b> ' + hash; color: "#F2F2F2"}
+ Text { text: '<b>Coinbase:</b> ' + coinbase; color: "#F2F2F2"}
+ Text { text: '<b>Block found at:</b> ' + prettyTime; color: "#F2F2F2"}
+ Text { text: '<b>Gas used:</b> ' + gasUsed + " / " + gasLimit; color: "#F2F2F2"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ListView {
+ model: singleBlock
+ delegate: blockDetailsDelegate
+ anchors.top: parent.top
+ height: 100
+ anchors.leftMargin: 20
+ id: listViewThing
+ Layout.maximumHeight: 40
+ }
+ TableView {
+ id: txView
+ anchors.top: listViewThing.bottom
+ anchors.topMargin: 50
+ width: parent.width
+ TableViewColumn{width: 90; role: "value" ; title: "Value" }
+ TableViewColumn{width: 200; role: "hash" ; title: "Hash" }
+ TableViewColumn{width: 200; role: "sender" ; title: "Sender" }
+ TableViewColumn{width: 200;role: "address" ; title: "Receiver" }
+ TableViewColumn{width: 60; role: "gas" ; title: "Gas" }
+ TableViewColumn{width: 60; role: "gasPrice" ; title: "Gas Price" }
+ TableViewColumn{width: 60; role: "isContract" ; title: "Contract" }
+ model: transactionModel
+ onClicked: {
+ var tx = transactionModel.get(row)
+ if(tx.data) {
+ popup.showContractData(tx)
+ }else{
+ popup.height = 440
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function showContractData(tx) {
+ txDetailsDebugButton.tx = tx
+ if(tx.createsContract) {
+ contractData.text = tx.data
+ contractLabel.text = "<h4> Transaction created contract " + tx.address + "</h4>"
+ }else{
+ contractLabel.text = "<h4> Transaction ran contract " + tx.address + "</h4>"
+ contractData.text = tx.rawData
+ }
+ popup.height = 540
+ }
+ Rectangle {
+ id: txDetails
+ width: popup.width
+ height: 300
+ anchors.left: listViewThing.left
+ anchors.top: txView.bottom
+ Label {
+ text: "<h4>Contract data</h4>"
+ anchors.top: parent.top
+ anchors.left: parent.left
+ id: contractLabel
+ anchors.leftMargin: 10
+ }
+ Button {
+ property var tx
+ id: txDetailsDebugButton
+ anchors.right: parent.right
+ anchors.rightMargin: 10
+ anchors.top: parent.top
+ anchors.topMargin: 10
+ text: "Debug contract"
+ onClicked: {
+ if(tx.createsContract){
+ ui.startDbWithCode(tx.rawData)
+ }else {
+ ui.startDbWithContractAndData(tx.address, tx.rawData)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TextArea {
+ id: contractData
+ text: "Contract"
+ anchors.top: contractLabel.bottom
+ anchors.left: parent.left
+ anchors.bottom: popup.bottom
+ wrapMode: Text.Wrap
+ width: parent.width - 30
+ height: 80
+ anchors.leftMargin: 10
+ }
+ }
+ property var transactionModel: ListModel {
+ id: transactionModel
+ }
+ property var singleBlock: ListModel {
+ id: singleBlock
+ }
+ function setDetails(block){
+ singleBlock.set(0,block)
+ popup.height = 300
+ transactionModel.clear()
+ if(block.txs != undefined){
+ for(var i = 0; i < block.txs.count; ++i) {
+ transactionModel.insert(0, block.txs.get(i))
+ }
+ if(block.txs.get(0).data){
+ popup.showContractData(block.txs.get(0))
+ }
+ }
+ txView.forceActiveFocus()
@@ -404,115 +590,19 @@ ApplicationWindow {
anchors.left: aboutIcon.right
anchors.leftMargin: 10
font.pointSize: 12
- text: "<h2>Ethereal</h2><br><h3>Development</h3>Jeffrey Wilcke<br>Maran Hidskes<br><h3>Binary Distribution</h3>Jarrad Hope<br>"
- }
- }
- Window {
- id: debugWindow
- visible: false
- title: "Debugger"
- minimumWidth: 600
- minimumHeight: 600
- width: 800
- height: 600
- Item {
- id: keyHandler
- focus: true
- Keys.onPressed: {
- if (event.key == Qt.Key_Space) {
- ui.next()
- }
- }
+ text: "<h2>Ethereal</h2><br><h3>Development</h3>Jeffrey Wilcke<br>Maran Hidskes<br>"
- SplitView {
- anchors.fill: parent
- property var asmModel: ListModel {
- id: asmModel
- }
- TableView {
- id: asmTableView
- width: 200
- TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "" ; width: 100 }
- model: asmModel
- }
- Rectangle {
- anchors.left: asmTableView.right
- anchors.right: parent.right
- SplitView {
- orientation: Qt.Vertical
- anchors.fill: parent
- TableView {
- property var memModel: ListModel {
- id: memModel
- }
- height: parent.height/2
- width: parent.width
- TableViewColumn{ id:mnumColmn ; role: "num" ; title: "#" ; width: 50}
- TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Memory" ; width: 750}
- model: memModel
- }
- SplitView {
- orientation: Qt.Horizontal
- TableView {
- property var debuggerLog: ListModel {
- id: debuggerLog
- }
- TableViewColumn{ role: "value"; title: "Debug messages" }
- model: debuggerLog
- }
- TableView {
- property var stackModel: ListModel {
- id: stackModel
- }
- height: parent.height/2
- width: parent.width
- TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Stack" ; width: parent.width }
- model: stackModel
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function setAsm(asm) {
- asmModel.append({asm: asm})
- function setInstruction(num) {
- asmTableView.selection.clear()
- asmTableView.selection.select(num-1)
- }
- function clearAsm() {
- asmModel.clear()
- }
- function setMem(mem) {
- memModel.append({num: mem.num, value: mem.value})
- }
- function clearMem(){
- memModel.clear()
- }
- function setStack(stack) {
- stackModel.append({value: stack})
- }
function addDebugMessage(message){
- console.log("WOOP:")
debuggerLog.append({value: message})
- function clearStack() {
- stackModel.clear()
+ function addAddress(address) {
+ addressModel.append({name: address.name, address: address.address})
+ }
+ function clearAddress() {
+ addressModel.clear()
function loadPlugin(name) {
@@ -524,27 +614,379 @@ ApplicationWindow {
walletValueLabel.text = value
- function addTx(tx) {
+ function addTx(tx, inout) {
var isContract
if (tx.contract == true){
isContract = "Yes"
isContract = "No"
- txModel.insert(0, {hash: tx.hash, address: tx.address, value: tx.value, contract: isContract})
+ var address;
+ if(inout == "recv") {
+ address = tx.sender;
+ } else {
+ address = tx.address;
+ }
+ txModel.insert(0, {inout: inout, hash: tx.hash, address: address, value: tx.value, contract: isContract})
- function addBlock(block) {
- blockModel.insert(0, {number: block.number, hash: block.hash})
+ function addBlock(block, initial) {
+ var txs = JSON.parse(block.transactions);
+ var amount = 0
+ if(initial == undefined){
+ initial = false
+ }
+ if(txs != null){
+ amount = txs.length
+ }
+ if(initial){
+ blockModel.append({number: block.number, gasLimit: block.gasLimit, gasUsed: block.gasUsed, coinbase: block.coinbase, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
+ }else{
+ blockModel.insert(0, {number: block.number, gasLimit: block.gasLimit, gasUsed: block.gasUsed, coinbase: block.coinbase, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
+ }
function addLog(str) {
if(str.len != 0) {
- logModel.append({description: str})
+ logModel.insert(0, {description: str})
function setPeers(text) {
peerLabel.text = text
+ function addPeer(peer) {
+ // We could just append the whole peer object but it cries if you try to alter them
+ peerModel.append({ip: peer.ip, port: peer.port, lastResponse:timeAgo(peer.lastSend), latency: peer.latency, version: peer.version})
+ }
+ function resetPeers(){
+ peerModel.clear()
+ }
+ function timeAgo(unixTs){
+ var lapsed = (Date.now() - new Date(unixTs*1000)) / 1000
+ return (lapsed + " seconds ago")
+ }
+ function convertToPretty(unixTs){
+ var a = new Date(unixTs*1000);
+ var months = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'];
+ var year = a.getFullYear();
+ var month = months[a.getMonth()];
+ var date = a.getDate();
+ var hour = a.getHours();
+ var min = a.getMinutes();
+ var sec = a.getSeconds();
+ var time = date+' '+month+' '+year+' '+hour+':'+min+':'+sec ;
+ return time;
+ }
+ // ******************************************
+ // Windows
+ // ******************************************
+ Window {
+ id: peerWindow
+ height: 200
+ width: 700
+ Rectangle {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ property var peerModel: ListModel {
+ id: peerModel
+ }
+ TableView {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ id: peerTable
+ model: peerModel
+ TableViewColumn{width: 100; role: "ip" ; title: "IP" }
+ TableViewColumn{width: 60; role: "port" ; title: "Port" }
+ TableViewColumn{width: 140; role: "lastResponse"; title: "Last event" }
+ TableViewColumn{width: 100; role: "latency"; title: "Latency" }
+ TableViewColumn{width: 260; role: "version" ; title: "Version" }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // *******************************************
+ // Components
+ // *******************************************
+ // New Contract component
+ Component {
+ id: newContract
+ Column {
+ id: mainContractColumn
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ function contractFormReady(){
+ if(codeView.text.length > 0 && txValue.text.length > 0 && txGas.text.length > 0 && txGasPrice.length > 0) {
+ txButton.state = "READY"
+ }else{
+ txButton.state = "NOTREADY"
+ }
+ }
+ states: [
+ State{
+ name: "ERROR"
+ PropertyChanges { target: txResult; visible:true}
+ PropertyChanges { target: codeView; visible:true}
+ },
+ State {
+ name: "DONE"
+ PropertyChanges { target: txValue; visible:false}
+ PropertyChanges { target: txGas; visible:false}
+ PropertyChanges { target: txGasPrice; visible:false}
+ PropertyChanges { target: codeView; visible:false}
+ PropertyChanges { target: txButton; visible:false}
+ PropertyChanges { target: txDataLabel; visible:false}
+ PropertyChanges { target: atLabel; visible:false}
+ PropertyChanges { target: txFuelRecipient; visible:false}
+ PropertyChanges { target: txResult; visible:true}
+ PropertyChanges { target: txOutput; visible:true}
+ PropertyChanges { target: newTxButton; visible:true}
+ },
+ State {
+ name: "SETUP"
+ PropertyChanges { target: txValue; visible:true; text: ""}
+ PropertyChanges { target: txGas; visible:true; text: ""}
+ PropertyChanges { target: txGasPrice; visible:true; text: ""}
+ PropertyChanges { target: codeView; visible:true; text: ""}
+ PropertyChanges { target: txButton; visible:true}
+ PropertyChanges { target: txDataLabel; visible:true}
+ PropertyChanges { target: txResult; visible:false}
+ PropertyChanges { target: txOutput; visible:false}
+ PropertyChanges { target: newTxButton; visible:false}
+ }
+ ]
+ width: 400
+ spacing: 5
+ anchors.left: parent.left
+ anchors.top: parent.top
+ anchors.leftMargin: 5
+ anchors.topMargin: 5
+ TextField {
+ id: txFuelRecipient
+ placeholderText: "Address / Name or empty for contract"
+ //validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[a-f0-9]{40}/ }
+ width: 400
+ }
+ TextField {
+ id: txValue
+ width: 222
+ placeholderText: "Amount"
+ validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
+ onTextChanged: {
+ contractFormReady()
+ }
+ }
+ RowLayout {
+ TextField {
+ id: txGas
+ width: 50
+ validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
+ placeholderText: "Gas"
+ text: "500"
+ /*
+ onTextChanged: {
+ contractFormReady()
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ Label {
+ id: atLabel
+ text: "@"
+ }
+ TextField {
+ id: txGasPrice
+ width: 200
+ placeholderText: "Gas price"
+ text: "1000000"
+ validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
+ /*
+ onTextChanged: {
+ contractFormReady()
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ Label {
+ id: txDataLabel
+ text: "Data"
+ }
+ TextArea {
+ id: codeView
+ height: 300
+ anchors.topMargin: 5
+ width: 400
+ onTextChanged: {
+ contractFormReady()
+ }
+ }
+ Button {
+ id: txButton
+ /* enabled: false */
+ states: [
+ State {
+ name: "READY"
+ PropertyChanges { target: txButton; /*enabled: true*/}
+ },
+ State {
+ name: "NOTREADY"
+ PropertyChanges { target: txButton; /*enabled:false*/}
+ }
+ ]
+ text: "Send"
+ onClicked: {
+ //this.enabled = false
+ var res = eth.create(txFuelRecipient.text, txValue.text, txGas.text, txGasPrice.text, codeView.text)
+ if(res[1]) {
+ txResult.text = "Your contract <b>could not</b> be send over the network:\n<b>"
+ txResult.text += res[1].error()
+ txResult.text += "</b>"
+ mainContractColumn.state = "ERROR"
+ } else {
+ txResult.text = "Your transaction has been submitted:\n"
+ txOutput.text = res[0].address
+ mainContractColumn.state = "DONE"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Text {
+ id: txResult
+ visible: false
+ }
+ TextField {
+ id: txOutput
+ visible: false
+ width: 530
+ }
+ Button {
+ id: newTxButton
+ visible: false
+ text: "Create a new transaction"
+ onClicked: {
+ this.visible = false
+ txResult.text = ""
+ txOutput.text = ""
+ mainContractColumn.state = "SETUP"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // New Transaction component
+ Component {
+ id: newTransaction
+ Column {
+ id: simpleSendColumn
+ states: [
+ State{
+ name: "ERROR"
+ },
+ State {
+ name: "DONE"
+ PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleValue; visible:false}
+ PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleRecipient; visible:false}
+ PropertyChanges { target:newSimpleTxButton; visible:false}
+ PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleResult; visible:true}
+ PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleOutput; visible:true}
+ PropertyChanges { target:newSimpleTxButton; visible:true}
+ },
+ State {
+ name: "SETUP"
+ PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleValue; visible:true; text: ""}
+ PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleRecipient; visible:true; text: ""}
+ PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleButton; visible:true}
+ PropertyChanges { target:newSimpleTxButton; visible:false}
+ }
+ ]
+ spacing: 5
+ anchors.leftMargin: 5
+ anchors.topMargin: 5
+ anchors.top: parent.top
+ anchors.left: parent.left
+ function checkFormState(){
+ if(txSimpleRecipient.text.length == 40 && txSimpleValue.text.length > 0) {
+ txSimpleButton.state = "READY"
+ }else{
+ txSimpleButton.state = "NOTREADY"
+ }
+ }
+ TextField {
+ id: txSimpleRecipient
+ placeholderText: "Recipient address"
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ //validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[a-f0-9]{40}/ }
+ width: 530
+ onTextChanged: { checkFormState() }
+ }
+ TextField {
+ id: txSimpleValue
+ width: 200
+ placeholderText: "Amount"
+ anchors.rightMargin: 5
+ validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
+ onTextChanged: { checkFormState() }
+ }
+ Button {
+ id: txSimpleButton
+ /*enabled: false*/
+ states: [
+ State {
+ name: "READY"
+ PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleButton; /*enabled: true*/}
+ },
+ State {
+ name: "NOTREADY"
+ PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleButton; /*enabled: false*/}
+ }
+ ]
+ text: "Send"
+ onClicked: {
+ //this.enabled = false
+ var res = eth.transact(txSimpleRecipient.text, txSimpleValue.text, "500", "1000000", "")
+ if(res[1]) {
+ txSimpleResult.text = "There has been an error broadcasting your transaction:" + res[1].error()
+ } else {
+ txSimpleResult.text = "Your transaction has been broadcasted over the network.\nYour transaction id is:"
+ txSimpleOutput.text = res[0].hash
+ this.visible = false
+ simpleSendColumn.state = "DONE"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Text {
+ id: txSimpleResult
+ visible: false
+ }
+ TextField {
+ id: txSimpleOutput
+ visible: false
+ width: 530
+ }
+ Button {
+ id: newSimpleTxButton
+ visible: false
+ text: "Create an other transaction"
+ onClicked: {
+ this.visible = false
+ simpleSendColumn.state = "SETUP"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }